deity (3150 B.C.): this is all a bit slow tonight guys
From Dictator Trevriffic (3100 B.C.): Some peoples turns seem to take forever
deity (3100 B.C.):

From Madman Don Rumsfeld (2900 B.C.): afk 2 mins
deity (2250 B.C.): it froze for a minute
deity (2100 B.C.): aha!
deity (2100 B.C.): tis a horse
1650BC and 10:30pm What follows is Horse taking an hour to negotiate two borders – one with Trev and one with me. He pauses on his turn and refuses to continue the game play.
deity (1650 B.C.): horse, you want a border down there?
From Mr. Horsie (1650 B.C.): where?
deity (1650 B.C.): not there!
From Mr. Horsie (1650 B.C.): where my horse is - yes
deity (1650 B.C.): south of the river
From King Horsie (1650 B.C.): why? you've got no cities there.
deity (1650 B.C.): nor have you
deity (1650 B.C.): i claimed it first
From King Horsie (1650 B.C.): you never claimed it
deity (1650 B.C.): i saw it first then
From Dictator Trevriffic (1650 B.C.): Have a battle, see who gets the region
deity (1650 B.C.): and we need a border too trev

From King Horsie (1650 B.C.): so where do you want this border?
From Dictator Trevriffic (1650 B.C.): I need one with horse too
From King Horsie (1650 B.C.): shut up trev
deity (1650 B.C.): latitude 40
From Dictator Trevriffic (1650 B.C.): are you talking to me or horse
deity (1650 B.C.): horse
From King Horsie (1650 B.C.): okay deity I'll do 40, if you go further west than....
deity (1650 B.C.): trev at longitude 45
From King Horsie (1650 B.C.): sorry we're negotiating borders, here
deity (1650 B.C.): do it later
deity (1650 B.C.): keep the game moving
From King Horsie (1650 B.C.): no, I want to settle this, you go no farther west than 56
deity (1650 B.C.): me?
deity (1650 B.C.): lat? long?
From Madman Don Rumsfeld (aka finbar) (1650 B.C.): what's going on?
deity (1650 B.C.): come on
deity (1650 B.C.): i'm negotiating out of turn
From King Horsie (1650 B.C.): we're negotiating borders.....
deity (1650 B.C.): who's WE?
From King Horsie (1650 B.C.): I've got 2 border negotiations running here
deity (1650 B.C.): well clarify
deity (1650 B.C.): this is not normal horse
From Dictator Trevriffic (1650 B.C.): good for me, ok horse
deity (1650 B.C.): wasting time
From King Horsie (1650 B.C.): 56,40 is your border you get everything north east including the river
deity (1650 B.C.): yeah that’s fine, and you Trev?
From King Horsie (1650 B.C.): I am not wasting time, I cannot complete my turn until I know what I am doing with my horses
deity (1650 B.C.):

deity (1650 B.C.): a horse always knows about horses
deity (1650 B.C.): I said fine horse!
deity (1650 B.C.): move on
From Dictator Trevriffic (1650 B.C.): 46
deity (1650 B.C.): 46 is fine Trev
From Dictator Trevriffic (1650 B.C.): ok
deity (1650 B.C.): at least we did that out of turn

From King Horsie (1650 B.C.): deity could you stay out if this
deity (1650 B.C.): I’m talking to Trev about MY border with him you idiot
From King Horsie (1650 B.C.): I was talking to him first
From Madman Don Rumsfeld (1650 B.C.): see Trev? Told you so
deity (1650 B.C.): he just agreed with you 5 mins ago
From Madman Don Rumsfeld (1650 B.C.): this is the longest B.C. turn in the history of the game
deity (1650 B.C.): ridiculous
deity (1650 B.C.): this is not kosha horse
From Madman Don Rumsfeld (1650 B.C.): kosher
To Dictator Trevriffic, Madman Don Rumsfeld, King Horsie (1650 B.C.): exactly

From King Horsie (1650 B.C.): Trev, what do you want again? (shut the fvck up deity)
deity (1650 B.C.): I’m posting about this unfair shite
From Madman Don Rumsfeld (1650 B.C.): sh1t
deity (1650 B.C.): shite
From Dictator Trevriffic (1650 B.C.): You said lat 40 east of 56
deity (1650 B.C.): I feel a lil Scottish
From King Horsie (1650 B.C.): no that's with deity
deity (1650 B.C.): fvck
deity (1650 B.C.): this chat is classic Aussie stuff up
deity (1650 B.C.): I’m not coming to dinner unless horses finishes now!
From Dictator Trevriffic (1650 B.C.): lat 33 and north for me
deity (1650 B.C.): this is very indecisive stuff guys, the generals want war....
From Dictator Trevriffic (1650 B.C.): the second number, whatever that is
deity (1650 B.C.): it's just a game horse, play on now or we are quitting
From Dictator Trevriffic (1650 B.C.): move south so I can build there, and stay out of city range, that will do for now
From Dictator Trevriffic (1550 B.C.): top 2 cities to me
From King Horsie (1550 B.C.): clap, clap, clap
From King Horsie (1450 B.C.): sorry about the bad language deity - it was uncalled for

From Madman Don Rumsfeld (1450 B.C.): he said the poo word - even if misspelled
deity (1450 B.C.): no wuckers!
From King Horsie (1400 B.C.): and sorry about the delay guys - I couldn't move my horses till I knew what was going on
From Madman Don Rumsfeld (1350 B.C.): apologies don't become you, Horse
From King Horsie (1350 B.C.): its mainly for Trev's sake - he's new

From Madman Don Rumsfeld (1350 B.C.): don't worry, he sees through your apologies
From King Horsie (1350 B.C.): you should send in inspectors.........
From Madman Don Rumsfeld (1350 B.C.): you'd only move your bad language around in semi trailers or on rail tracks
deity (925 B.C.): you ok fin?
From Madman Don Rumsfeld (925 B.C.): I’m fine thanks
From King Horsie (925 B.C.): we're such happy little vegemites
From Madman Don Rumsfeld (925 B.C.): for breakfast lunch and tea
From Mr. Trevriffic (875 B.C.): got monarchy now
From King Horsie (800 B.C.): could you move your archer please deity
To Imperator Trevriffic, Madman Don Rumsfeld, King Horsie (775 B.C.): it's on the border horse
From King Horsie (775 B.C.): the horse is south of the border
From King Horsie (775 B.C.): now I can't move my settler
deity (775 B.C.): I plan to explore your land as you have mine
deity (775 B.C.): where's it going?
From King Horsie (775 B.C.): you withdraw your horse and I'll withdraw mine
From Madman Don Rumsfeld (775 B.C.): don't get between them, Trev
deity (775 B.C.): you've been exploring for eons, too late