Honourable President HTower-
As the cityplanner for the mighty Apolytonian democracy, I recommend the following be build in our prosperous cities.
Citizens are encourage to exhort, expose and exhume said report.
Capitol- Build offshore platform followed by superhighways.
Seville- Freight cycle.
St.Praski- Evil elvis should work sea, switch worker from
plains to sea. Switch from colosseum to offshore platform. Next up colosseum, followed by cruiser.
(City does not go into disorder with active cruiser.)
Cordoba- Build destroyer, followed by colosseum/courthouse. Next up is whatever the Ministry of war recommends. Switch worker to grassland shield from sea square.
Valencia- Freight cycle
Salamanca- Build Factory, followed by caravan
Barcelona- Build freight. Next up is offshore platform.
Shady trees- Freight cycle.
Saragossa- Build Aqueduct then freight
Cadiz- Build Sewer System followed by colosseum
Whereitsattown- Keep those cloth vans coming!
Granada- Continue building aqueduct, followed by harbour.
Malaga - Continue building aqueduct, followed by marketplace.
Pamplona - Caravan cycle
Vigo- Rush Aqueduct (16gold) Start work on offshore platform
Avila- Switch avila from colosseum to offshore platform. Next up naval unit or colosseum.
Leon- Change worker from forest to mined hill. Switch from bank to offshore platform. Next up is freight
Freeport- Switch worker from sea to grassland. Continue building marketplace.
Obladi- Continue building harbour.
Amazon Island- Build Library followed by harbour.
Whale Island - Harbour, followed by Library.
Panama Canal - Aqueduct or diplomat
Darkness's Fort - Continue building marketplace
Naples- Switch from forest to peat square. Change from spy to Calvary or per military order.
Issus- Build Alpine Troop
Cavebear City- Marketplace, followed by library
Cremona- Temple, followed by library
Hydeyville- Library followed by harbour
Capua- Switch worker from forest to plains, Next up is marketplace, followed by library.
Kazan- Place evil elvis on plains, no disorder, build
Quinsay- Place elvis on plains, build temple
Kerman- Build rifleman
Turin- Continue building riflemen.
Rabbiton- Continue building marketplace