January 13, 2001, 15:05
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Congratulations Vel! I knew the day would come when you would finally get some money for your trouble. I think it's safe to say you deserve every penny.
January 13, 2001, 15:19
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Congrats Vel! I definitely look forward to the new improved guide!
I had spent a few hours reformatting your previous guide (i.e. applied quick styles to the text and heads—I can't help myself, I'm a designer) and its now getting a bit dog-eared. I look forward to having a printed and bound version!!
January 13, 2001, 15:37
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Wow, congrats
I really hope it's not the last guide. Maybe leave some possibility of another cyber improvement a few months down the line in case you suddenly think of something? Congrats again, sorry no suggestions, I'm stumped
January 13, 2001, 15:49
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YESSS!!! Great news!
Way to go Vel!
January 13, 2001, 17:15
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Bravo, Vel!
Could you maybe add some more notes about basic unit types, and meke the combat section more extencive?
January 13, 2001, 23:18
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The hell with the guide the best news of all is your success. Published author on two counts!!! My heart-felt congratulations my friend. All good things come to those who wait and persevere!!!
January 13, 2001, 23:53
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Not wanting to be picky, but....... when will the French and German versions be out, and is this, like, a remake or a patch, and.....
Oh, it's not Firaxis, it's Vel
Congratulations, brother, and like others have said, it's about time you saw some recompense for your efforts and imagination.
January 14, 2001, 00:32
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January 14, 2001, 01:29
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Final Version of SMAX Guide in the works....
I croaked, came back, and then vanished before I had the chance to do the final editing on the guide, and since my return, I've been thinking a lot about the game, soooo.....there will be one final update to the guide which will incorporate all the sugesstions and edits from the version 3 feedback, plus all the stuff that's occurred to me since then. Additionally, rather than making the "Black Ops" idea I mentioned long ago into a separate project, I'll just roll it into the final version of the guide.
I've also been talking to a publisher, and have arranged to get this, the final version of the guide published both electronically, and in real, tangible, hold-in-your-hands book format.
I've got MS Word open on my machine as I type this post, and am editing, changing, re-arranging, and adding new material all this weekend to get the framework in place, so if anybody here has some ideas or "wish list" items you'd like to see in the final version, post here and let me know!
(who is giddy almost beyond words that after three years of trying, the title of "Published Author" will soon be in my grasp!)
PS: In addition to getting the final version of the guide published, my first fiction novel, "Guardians" will also be out soon! Whooo-Hoooo!
-V. http://clik.to/renaissance
[This message has been edited by Velociryx (edited January 13, 2001).]
January 14, 2001, 01:53
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For all of us: YES!! ::arm pumping up and down::
For Vel: Congrats!
January 14, 2001, 01:56
Local Time: 05:03
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 Thanks a million guys....and I can promise all sorts of new and unusual things in the works for the "pretty much final" smax guide (SMACed made a good point about leaving the door at least partway open ::grin:: )
Anyway, I'll be burning the proverbial midnight oil getting everything ready to go....no firm timetable yet on when it'll be out and ready, but as I know dates, I'll definately keep everybody informed!
Oh, and in case you're curious as to what the fiction novel is about, here are some blurbs I've written up to go in various places on the website, book jacket, back cover, etc. and so forth....
Stephen Kane - Guardian Project: Online
All vital systems functioning within norm-op parameters
*Non-vital subsystem general failure - cause unknown*
Ward: Miranda Hoffman - Protect. Defend.
Target: Does not match any database entry. Analysis incomplete.
Hypothesis: Non-terrestrial life form - Categorize as extremely dangerous.
Risk Factors include no less than three undefined threat potentials from unknown life form.
Risk Analysis:
To Ward: Lethal - Probability of survival, Low
To Guardian Unit: Lethal - Probability of survival, Low
Risk to Guardian Unit acceptable. Mission green for best chance of survival of Ward. Initiate.
**End SysCheck**
Miranda Hoffman's ordinary life is shattered with the brutal murder of her
husband. Now the killer is coming for her. It. And whatever it is, it's no
ordinary killer. It is ancient. Tireless. Relentless. It can see through her eyes.
Feed on her fears. It seems unstoppable, and it wants her.
Her best hope for survival rests on the sturdy shoulders of Stephen Kane, a
protector unlike any other. But even his unique abilities may not be enough
to defeat a creature as old as history.
Their struggle will carry them from the sleepy heart of South Carolina to the
trackless Louisiana Bayous, and will test them and their limits as nothing
ever has before.
The Hunger: Alive for countless centuries. Relentless and insatiable. It has never tasted defeat.
Stephen Kane: Advanced prototype, genetically and cybernetically enhanced Human. Guardian Project. A man whose unyielding mission is to protect and defend.
Murder and obsession set these two figures on an inevitable collision course with only one possible outcome.
One must die.
[This message has been edited by Velociryx (edited January 14, 2001).]
January 14, 2001, 02:07
Local Time: 05:03
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Posts: 84
"Stephan Kane"?
Lol.... vaguely familiar-sounding name there.
January 14, 2001, 08:29
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Go, Vel! Congrats  !
Shame I probably won't be able to buy the hardcopy (damn the shipping fees). That way I would have no excuse to reading the whole of it  (that "independent style" reason I wrote to you about has become a null matter, since no real unification of style occured in the SMAC community, as I have feared).
And congrats on publishing the novel as well  !
He, who comprehends the past, shall conquer the present and rule the future.
January 14, 2001, 10:03
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Can't wait to see it. Was there anything about custom units in the guide? I like to see what will work and what won't. For the right price.
January 14, 2001, 14:17
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Spray's got a point, was there any custom unit section in 3.0? I just looked, didn't look like it. Is my copy just handicapped  ?
Great looking novel, Vel. Good luck!
January 14, 2001, 14:53
Local Time: 06:03
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Congratulations on getting published, Vel !
For the guide, be sure to add a section on hurry costs (feel free to e-mail me should you need information), and also on upgrade costs. Very helpful for micromanagement-addicts like me.
Also, expand on the "advanced" section of the datalinks, for things such as ecodamage, inefficiency, etc.
January 14, 2001, 17:36
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How/where will one be able to buy the hardcover version?
January 14, 2001, 21:41
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He's got a good question there. Vel?
January 15, 2001, 00:05
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Excellent question indeed! As soon as it's ready to roll off the press (I still can't quite believe I'm actually saying that...WOW), I'll have a link from my website where it can be ordered and drop-shipped out to pretty much anywhere. I'll also have the book's ISBN posted on that page, which is the number that the vast majority of bookstores use to track inventory. So, if you'd rather just head on down to your local bookstore with the ISBN, they can order it for you, have it shipped to the store, and call you when it arrives.
And, I'm duly adding material on advanced datalinks topics and custom units!

[This message has been edited by Velociryx (edited January 14, 2001).]
January 15, 2001, 00:23
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Was there a section in 3.0 that explained the scenario editor? The online documentation in AC was horrible...
[This message has been edited by SMACed (edited January 14, 2001).]
January 15, 2001, 00:36
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Hmmm....no there wasn't, but having tinkered with it to set up tests, I can tell you that the documentation and the editor itself are....of about the same quality? That sounds bad, I know, but it's true.....for example: You spend hours making the continents just how you want them, and the first time you go to change elevations...POOF....the whole world floods, wiping out everything you so painstakingly did.....
I've not played with the editor much myself, beyond designing one original map (made all my own landmarks and such....Googlie, did you get a chance to play that map, or no?) and setting up some fairly simple testing scenarios, but I'll see if I can crank out some material on the subject, or at least some things to watch out for when you're in there!
January 15, 2001, 02:36
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To answer, no, I didn't spend much time with the map.
Having spent some considerable time with the scenario and the maps for the Spartan Chronicles and the Turtledove Scenario, I have started on a scenario editor guide - it's my evenings' project for my Febraury and march palm Springs sojourn.
(And I'd love to report that I kept the splinter factions, but like you, they 'died" when I switched PCs)
January 15, 2001, 08:39
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I had a *very* annoying incident with the scenario editor, when I was creating a custom scenario (5 pod start and all that). Got the map sorted, everything was AOK - two turns in, someone popped a river pod, and the map sunk. Best advice is to use it as minimally as possible, IMO....also, noticed how when you create a blank map none of the factions get their intrinsic bonuses?
However, a scenario editor guide would be worth waiting for, and we know the guy who can do it....
January 15, 2001, 09:18
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Any chance of getting an autographed copy of the new guide Vel ?
January 15, 2001, 09:57
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's okay brother Googlie....I can get to them, it'll just take a bit of time....was thinking about re-vamping them anyway....some cool concepts, but I think now that I understand the inner working of the game better, I can prolly make 'em more balanced and entertaining to play.
And, if you're already hard at work on a scenario editor guide, then I'll leave that section out of mine....you've undoubtedly spent a LOT more time in it than I have in any case, so yours would be much more complete, and in that case, I anxiously await a peek at it!
As to the autographed copy....sure thing! Hey, if "Guardians" is made into a movie or something, I'll just take a little vacation and hand deliver you a copy!  And by the way, Red H., you're the first person to have asked that question of me....better watch that.....I could get used to this sorta thing....LOL
January 15, 2001, 10:36
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Congrats Vel!
Way to go my master! *** deep bow ***
At least the guide gets its final touch-up and gets publised too! Geat! I wish we could say the same for the game... but that's Firaxis not Vel...
Anyway I'd like to second a few comments from above (things I also would like to see):
* Hurry cost section (with special tips about secret project hurry, e.g. hurry crawlers instead and cash them in, it is cheaper, including upgrade tricks of the crawlers before cashing in)
* Custom unit design tips
* Custom faction design tips
* Map and scenario editing
I also wouldn't mind to see a section about 'single player challenges', i.e. list some cool ideas for those, who already learned to beat the artificial idiot easily: zero facility, one city challenge, their combinations, DD's player switch challenge etc.
Just my 2 electrons to the matter...
(I'll read the guide through again to see if I can come up with anything else...)
Good to see you back in action Bro! :-)
January 15, 2001, 11:08
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Brother Zso! 's been a long time indeed since I saw your name gracing the forums! Good to see YOU back in action sir!  And I quite agree....as the guide changes and matures, the ideas mentioned here so far definately have a place! My eyes are stinging a little at the moment, not to mention being bloodshot, so I think I'm gonna catch a few z's, but I can say that it's progressing well!
January 15, 2001, 12:05
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* Custom faction design tips
Ouch, the faction editor? It'll take quite some time to recover from that....
January 15, 2001, 14:21
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Geez, take a break for a little while and all sorts of people pop-up the second you turn your back...
My most heartfelt congrats Vel. Truly well deserved.
I would very much like an autographed copy myself. When the bound version is out, if I send you the money to cover purchase and shipping think you could send one my way?
As for last minute suggestions... all I can say is stop working on it. Tinker too much and the document will never make to the publisher. "Let me just add this one little section..." The guide is fantastic and every section is top-notch. None of us want to see you forced to skimp on a new section because deadlines are looming.
January 15, 2001, 21:19
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But Kin, this is his "last" guide, why not go for the gold?
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