January 26, 2003, 19:25
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Your Prognosis for January 2005
Who has the best Crystal Ball?
It is obvious the next two years will bring a lot of violence and insecurity.
So my question is: Try to describe the world in January 2005!
Will Bush still be President? Which party will dominate the US Congress and the Senate by then? What about the Supreme Court? Will abortion still be legal?
How about foreign relations, Cuba and Mexico, illegal immigrants? Civil rights, affirmative action, segregation?
Will crime and corruption decrease? Another Columbine?
Another Enron debacle? Healthcare for the elderly? More tax cuts? Deficit spending?
What about the economy?
Predict the Dow Jones, the Nikkei and the FTSE in London! What about the exchange rates of the US dollar, the Euro and the British pound? Will there still be a British pound? Will the German economy recover?
What about the Japanese economy, what about China?
Predict the world's leading economies!
Will protectionism return or will free trade triumph?
Will Blair and Labour still rule in Britain? Who will be King/Queen of Great Britain? More royalty, or the guillotine?
What about Chirac, Schröder and Berlusconi? What about Putin?
Will Russia abolish democracy completely?
What about the EU? Will Poland, Hungary etc. truly be members of the EU? What consequences will this have? What about Turkey?
How many wars will we have? Will Saddam still be alive, and binLaden? What about India and Pakistan, Kashmir, Chechnya, North Korea and its nuclear weapons, China and Taiwan? What will happen in Afghanistan, and Iraq?
Will Israel still exist, what about Sharon and Arafat?
Will terrorism increase or subside? Will the 'Axis of Evil' still exist? Will the Muslim world revolt?
What about Indonesia and Megawati? Democracy in Iran, in Saudi Arabia?
How many countries will the US army occupy? And will China occupy Tibet?
Will Latin America recover or is the crisis in Argentina and Venezuela just the beginning? What about the price of oil and gold? Will civil war break out anywhere?
Will we have more floods like in Dresden, will sea levels rise? What about the environment? Will Kyoto have any impact? How many Pacific islands will disappear in the waves? More sunken oil tankers?
What about the Hague tribunal? Will the US learn to live with it? Will the UN still exist, what about Khofi Annan? What about NATO?
What about Africa? More wars, more hunger, more poverty? Or will fortune smile on Africa and AIDS be beaten?
What about the world's religions? Democracy, dictatorships, communism, fundamentalism?
This is your chance to show us your political, economic, social and military expertise!
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January 26, 2003, 19:31
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Holland will rule the world.
January 26, 2003, 19:37
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Yahoo! Maryjane fields all over the globe!
I will never understand why some people on Apolyton find you so clever. You're predictable, mundane, and a google-whore and the most observant of us all know this. Your battles of "wits" rely on obscurity and whenever you fail to find something sufficiently obscure, like this, you just act like a 5 year old. Congratulations, molly.
Asher on molly bloom
January 26, 2003, 19:54
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Vladimir Putin launches nukes at Europe, with the former Eastern Bloc now forced into a new "Soviet" Union. China joins Russia in alliance, swallows up the Middle East and Japan. Russia takes care of radioactive Europe, and moves into America, with Chinese troops(probably from Nicaragua, where this all will be staged.) Russia nukes New York and swallows California via an amphibious assault. America falls quickly. A New Fascist World Order will bring in the new Dark Ages for man.
January 26, 2003, 20:15
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MOO3 will be released. MOO4, however, will already be 6 months overdo.
January 26, 2003, 20:51
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Originally posted by Propaganda
Vladimir Putin launches nukes at Europe, with the former Eastern Bloc now forced into a new "Soviet" Union. China joins Russia in alliance, swallows up the Middle East and Japan. Russia takes care of radioactive Europe, and moves into America, with Chinese troops(probably from Nicaragua, where this all will be staged.) Russia nukes New York and swallows California via an amphibious assault. America falls quickly. A New Fascist World Order will bring in the new Dark Ages for man.
Comrade, stop reading those paranoid links.
January 26, 2003, 20:56
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2005?? I'm not even sure if I'll remember to put the trash out tomorrow morning.
January 26, 2003, 21:08
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My Crystal Ball:
The economy continues to falter as Bush's aprovall rating drops to 40% and is replaced by Senator Kerry, becomming the first northern president since FDR, I think. (Nixon was a southerner wasn't he?)
The Democrats retake both houses of Congress. The green party gets thier first house member. (Probably from Oregon or Minnesota.)
The embargo against Cuba will be lifted.
Roe Vs. Wade will not be overturned.
Taxes will increase to pay for the Republican caused debt.
Castro will die and be repaced by a more moderate socialist.
Saddam is payed off to live in exile in Pakistan.
The kurds will start a full scale revolt against Turkey.
Saudi Arabia will become an islamic republic.
Turkey is expelled from NATO for atrocites against the Kurds.
The Kurds will earn their independence.
In Iran, The Shah shall return.
In Afganistan, the warlords are finally subdued and the economic recovery will begin.
Cyprus will unite and join the EU.
Most of the E. European countries will join the EU.
The UK will (FINALY) adopt the Euro
Queen Lizzie dies, Prince Charles becomes Charles III or IV (can't remember which.  )
International pressure forces Russia to grant Chechnya independence.
Oil will become more expensive as The new anti-American Saudi Arabia puts tarrifs on oil shipped to US and UK.
China is the same, except for a booming space program.
NASA gets a make-over.
First human truely cloned, but born with some minor birth defects. PKU, cleft lip & palate, etc)
Dow and NASDAQ same as now. Argentina recovers as the world bank gets a mouthful of anger from the UN.
Free trade will triumph, and NAFTA dies as the UN figures out it is all about helping the rich, and pressures the US to disband it.
The UN votes to remove the veto power of the permanent Security Council members.
Nothing to see here, move along: http://selzlab.blogspot.com
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January 26, 2003, 21:12
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I'll finally be done with school.
I'll be an uncle. Or perhaps an aunt.
Whatshisname will be president.
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January 26, 2003, 21:15
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Originally posted by Odin
(Nixon was a southerner wasn't he?)
Well, uh, southern California.
January 26, 2003, 21:26
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Re: Your Prognosis for January 2005
Lyndon LaRouche will be President, and will address the nation from the Oval Office on the subject of "The Sexual Impotence of Kim Jong Il."
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January 26, 2003, 21:29
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We'll still be in deep you-know-what.
January 26, 2003, 21:30
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Well, that's been a given since the dawn of civilization.
"For just twenty cents a day, we'll moisten your dreams with man urine." -Space Ghost
January 26, 2003, 21:35
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Originally posted by Odin
becomming the first northern president since FDR, I think. (Nixon was a southerner wasn't he?)
What about Kennedy? (Maybe Bush Sr. and Ford, too?)
January 26, 2003, 21:36
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Reagan was based out of Illinois, wasn't he?
"For just twenty cents a day, we'll moisten your dreams with man urine." -Space Ghost
January 26, 2003, 21:39
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Originally posted by loinburger
Reagan was based out of Illinois, wasn't he?
He was born in Illinois. He was based in California.
January 26, 2003, 21:41
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Hmm, now that I think about it, what about Eisenhower?
Edit - never mind, he wasn't.
January 26, 2003, 22:36
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Back to the topic:
Originally posted by Odin
(...)The UN votes to remove the veto power of the permanent Security Council members.
No, I disagree, the UN says "bye-bye" to the US for nukeing Iraq to dead, and the US is replace by Canada and Fuji (because they both been in almost ALL Peacekeeping missions,)are Permanent Security Council members.
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January 27, 2003, 14:46
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'Duke Nukem Forever' will still be "a work in progress"
Speaking of Erith:
"It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith
January 27, 2003, 16:10
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No new 1000+ dead terrorist attacks. The main attacks will occur in developing world tourist destinations.
The US will go into Iraq, kicks ass, and leaves an unstable puppet government in it's place. By 2005 it's found fresh meat in the form of Sudan, Libya or even Iran.
The world economy will continue to decay. Protectionism will start returning.
Forget GM foods, by this time it'll be GM humans that are the main controversy, possibly down to some eugenicist cult.
South America will continue to crumble, with large numbers of immigrants heading to the EU. They're welcomed , unlike Africans and Asians who find it much more difficult to get in.
Japan will continue to rot.
Israel is poised to choose between some serious ethnic cleansing or accepting that they can't win against Palestinian birth rates.
China's space program will still be 'in development'.
Blair will become a pariah amongst his own party and the people, but will still hold onto power. Scotland's parliment will be filled with Trotskyites and Greens.
Africa will still be in dire straits, but Libya and South Africa will lead efforts to form a new African federation. With protectionism swinging into gear it's a bad time to be a farmer in Africa, but a good time to build up a manufacturing base.
Nothing serious will happen between India and Pakistan except the standard sabre-rattling. A 'hotline' will be installed for the two sides to communicate.
Nintendo will announce that it's getting out of hardware. Look out for Mario Underpants on PS3 and Z-box soon!
As well as Africa and South America, the ASEAN bloc will try it's luck as well with an EU type arrangement.
China will get significantly more powerful. The assimilation of Taiwan by peaceful means is scarcely in doubt by now. India may also pull the same trick with Sri Lanka.
Deflation will become much more common worldwide, leading to unconventional economic solutions, printing money, or relaxing forgery protections.
January 28, 2003, 00:22
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Middle East still totalitarian. New democratically-elected Iraqi and Irani leaders pledge anti-American campaign funded by Saudi money.
Japan still in economic stagnation as US dumps dollars in Japan economy.
Dow Jones hits 5,000 barrier again.
Tampa Bay "3Peats" superbowl!
Canadian snow fails to melt for 2nd summer in a row; tropical real estate market doubles.
Civ2 Demo Game #1 City-Planner, President, Historian
Civ2 Demo Game #2 Minister of War,President, Minister of Trade, Vice President, City-Planner
Civ2 Demo Game #3 President, Minister of War, President
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January 28, 2003, 00:24
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Originally posted by Datajack Franit
Yahoo! Maryjane fields all over the globe!
 I want to live in that world!
March 22, 2003, 20:24
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Re: Your Prognosis for January 2005
It's a pity that only a few -and not anyone of the pro-war's- dared to make predictions.
Here are some by me:
In January 2005
to all people with some basic intelligence it will be clear that this attack on Iraq was a disaster.
Yes, Saddam was overthrown, though it will be uncertain whether he is dead or alive. In Iraq will be raging a civil war between Shiites, Sunnites and Kurds. Many Kurds were massacred by the Turks and have fled to Iran.
Turkey and Iran will have substantial influence in some areas by supporting local warlords.
Officially Iraq will have a democratic government (which is a puppet regime controlled by the US) but it will control only the capital Baghdad, Basra and most of the oilfields. US occupation forces are frequently the target of terroristic attacks.
In Jordan the king has been killed and an islamist (with connections with Saudi Arabia) regime will have taken power, though it is very unstable due to massive migration of expelled Palestinians from the West Bank, which will by then be annexed by Israel.
Sharon will still rule. Arafat will be dead.
In 2004 the Bush administration will have invaded Syria and toppled the regime. They have occupied the country, though they do not control the mountainous areas.
Because of this 'highly' succesful attack -another pre-emptive strike- Bush will be reelected though the Democrats will have regained control of Congress. He will have another vice-president because Cheney will be involved in several lawsuits, all about corruption and fraud.
Most western economies -and the American too- will be in serious trouble, an even worse condition than they are now. Both Europe and the US will pursue a more protectionistic policy, though they will still pay lip service to free trade. A real trade war will rage on!
The dollar will have lost 30% of its current value and even Bush was forced to reverse some of his tax cuts. The American debt will have reached an all-time record.
Bush will be fairly unpopular but the Democrats will not be able to produce a more appealing candidate. And Bush has subdued Iraq and Syria, so he has saved the nation.
Iran and Japan will have nuclear weapons, but who cares?
North Korea will be more dangerous than ever, but the Bush administration has decided to let China solve this problem. US-Chinese relations will be quite cordial.
Several terrorist attacks comparable to the Bali atrocity -in India, Britain and Turkey among others- will have occurred but people will have grown used to it.
The Chinese economy will flourish and even Japan will show signs of recovery.
The Western Allies will have left Afghanistan.
The Russians -still Putin- will have made peace for the time being with the Chechnyans by granting them autonomy.
Russia and the EU will cooperate economically to some extent.
Exit Blair after the disastrous results of the war in Iraq, many civilians dead.
In some Latin American countries a military dictatorship will be established (Argentina?).
For the time being this should do!
Jews have the Torah, Zionists have a State
March 22, 2003, 20:48
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In 2004 the Bush administration will have invaded Syria and toppled the regime. They have occupied the country, though they do not control the mountainous areas.
Do you really think so?? If they'd do that, the similarities between Hitler's expansion to Austria, Czechia and Poland, and the intention of the USA to control more countries without being stopped effectively by the rest of the world would become very striking...
No more appeasement!
Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
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March 22, 2003, 21:35
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Current world picture in JAN 05:
Russian economy will begin to improve. The military will be downsized (again) and relations with the US will continue to soar. 67 Percent of the Russian people show approval for US actions.
Chinas economy will be booming as it opens up more to the world and enacts democratic reforms. Sino-American relations will be in ruins with 4/5 of all the chinese people wanting America to collapse. It's military will begin a more effective modernization process by now and relations with Taiwan will begin to improve. China will expand its nuclear arsenal in secret.
Mongolia will still be the same, however.
North Korea will still exist with 70 percent of all government funds going ot the military. It's population will be quite small now, and the government is on the verge of collapsing. North Korean-American relations will be completly destroyed while relations with the Chinese will be bad. It's quickly losing aid.
However, it will also have the bomb.........
South Korea will be more or less the same as it is now however with anti-american sentiment on the rise.
Iraq will be a nation torn by Iran, Kurdistan, Turkey, the US backed government, and Saddams forces. It's economy will resemble that of Afghanistan, however the iraqi people will be prodominately pro-american.
More to come later.
March 22, 2003, 21:46
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Originally posted by Tassadar5000
67 Percent of the Russian people show approval for US actions.
How many % support American actions now? I've never seen anybody who would, so I would really doubt that...
March 22, 2003, 22:17
PolyCast Thread Necromancer
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Originally posted by vovansim
How many % support American actions now? I've never seen anybody who would, so I would really doubt that...
Bout 60 percent. I dont really believe it as I've never met a Russian in support, but that IS what I read......
March 22, 2003, 23:32
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just invading this thread for a moment:
Tassadar I figure you come from Russia, but you speak fluent English and everything...
anyway bring up the traumas, I'm all ears
Btw I've also been traumatized by a frightful period in my life!
The tyranny of high school (=>nun school, uniforms, nothing except learning and getting grood grades on maths etc mattered, a hellacious experience, though I've had much fun annoying the teachers and stuff by never doing assignments and learning my ass off for maths  . I was told I would never achieve anything in Life... LOL)
"An archaeologist is the best husband a women can have; the older she gets, the more interested he is in her." - Agatha Christie
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March 22, 2003, 23:46
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Re: Your Prognosis for January 2005
Originally posted by S. Kroeze
Will Bush still be President? Which party will dominate the US Congress and the Senate by then? What about the Supreme Court? Will abortion still be legal?
Bush will probably win the next election since the eternal war against the evildoers will still be going.
The Supreme Court will be top loaded with fascists as liberal judges will retire and be replaced with Scalia clones.
Abortion will still be legal in principle but various kinds of abortion will be prohibited and abortions will be much harder to get.
How about foreign relations, Cuba and Mexico, illegal immigrants? Civil rights, affirmative action, segregation?
Cuba will be under threat as part of the "Axis of Evil". AA will be gone and while people will still have their civil rights legal chicanery will mean that in practice they will be worth very little.
Will crime and corruption decrease?
No - corporate corruption will appear to decrease, but it won't really.
More tax cuts? Deficit spending?
More tax cuts would be insanity, but I imagine that Bush's aim is the typical right wing strategy of virtually bankrupting the federal government to force its downsizing.
What about the economy?
Will protectionism return or will free trade triumph?
Protectionism. The US will engage in two-faced protectionist policies.
Will Blair and Labour still rule in Britain?
Labour will, Blair's survival depends on the result of the current war. I suspect he will retire before the next election as he is beginning to be tainted with "sleaze".
Who will be King/Queen of Great Britain?
Elizabeth II - her mother passed 100.
Will Russia abolish democracy completely?
Not in principle, but in practice.
What about the EU? Will Poland, Hungary etc. truly be members of the EU? What consequences will this have? What about Turkey?
I don't know.
How many wars will we have? Will Saddam still be alive, and binLaden? What about India and Pakistan, Kashmir, Chechnya, North Korea and its nuclear weapons, China and Taiwan? What will happen in Afghanistan, and Iraq?
Saddam will be dead, but I expect increased Islamist influence in the Middle East. North Korea will be nuked up and waiting for Bush to attack it. Afghanistan will remain the anarchic hell-hole it is. Bin Laden will never be found.
Will Israel still exist, what about Sharon and Arafat?
Israel is living on borrowed time until its enemies gain nuclear weapons. At that point its current policies will no longer be viable.
Will terrorism increase or subside? Will the 'Axis of Evil' still exist? Will the Muslim world revolt?
Islamism will be in the ascendent, with perhaps another Islamic revolution in one or more of the less stable states. Terrorism will increase but I doubt there will be another 911. Look for small scale attacks on US targets overseas.
Will Latin America recover or is the crisis in Argentina and Venezuela just the beginning?
The situation in Colombia will gradually become the new Vietnam.
(all these are guesses)
Ask enough questions don't you.
Only feebs vote.
March 23, 2003, 01:04
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The world of 2005 will be very different than world we know today, and not just politically, but physically. Probably the single most important event that takes place between now and 2005 will be a shifting of the Earth's axis, which will take place later this year. This will cause a great deal of the earth to sink into the ocean, and new continents to arise. The most notable areas that sink will include the eastern and western coasts of the USA, much of Japan, much of Britain, some areas of Europe (Venice, for example). This will not necessarily be an overnight affair. The rising and sinking will take place over several months (although the actual pole-shift will, more or less, happen overnight). There will be new countries founded amongst the lands of the ancients by individuals with a fresh new message for humanity (interestingly, the poster Chegitz Guevarra will play a important role in the establishment of one of these new countries). For those curious, the pole-shift will be triggered by a comet that is nearly the size of a planet that will pass too close to the earth. We can expect this around August to October. I am a little bit iffy on the exact date, but before Halloween in any event. If you are worried, I would urge you to flee the areas I mentioned earlier, but as I said, the actual destruction will not occur overnight. So just be brave.
2005 will, in many ways ,be the watershed year for the eventual spiritual evolution of humanity, and subsequent worldwide communism that will occur in 2012-2014. Essentially, the cause of worldwide brotherhood which has been on the rise ever since the slow, but steady unification of countries to stem the tide of American aggression. While we view the current war, and the future wars which will cumulatively form the third world war(Korean War II, the general middle eastern war, the so-called "Atlantis" wars) with great apprehension, don't be afraid, because out of this suffering will come worldwide brotherhood. People will soon realize (with the help of God) that the old ways simply cannot continue, and that they will need a *truly*United Nations, not the so-called UN today which is more or less a product of the various powers whims and caprices. But a United Nations that truly removes the "us and them" mentality that has been the scourge of humanity since time immemorial. The greatest opponent of this new era will be the United States. In many ways, the United States is the last great "villain" that the world will ever face. By 2012-2014, war will be no more.
The world economy will also continue to suffer, or at least, world capitalism, the economy will seem to be improving after the Iraqi invasion, after the pole-shift however,capitalism will never again have it's present indomitable strength.
If you are wondering about terrorist events, there will not really be any on the scale of 9/11 ever again. By 2005 there will be have been numerous small-scale terrorist acts, suicide bombings and the like. The cities most targeted from here on out will be Chicago and Denver (which, interestingly, will be part of the American west coast at this time).
In the short term, August, and then October, will be the key time periods for this year.
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