Originally posted by Tassadar5000
Why does that option now 2 to 1?! The UK isn't independant....
Yes we are. We may be following America's lead at the moment, but that is because Blair happens to like American policy on Iraq, not because he is being forced to. We are still independant, we still decide what we wish to do, we still have control over British affaires. We are following American policy, not become part of America. If we decided that we didn't want war, would we bebecoming part of France? Indeed, Blair is not quite as in sinc with Bush as people seem to suggest. Blair has stated that he does not wish war without UN backing, although he does not completely rule it out. That is as close to much or Europe's position that they won't support war with UN backing, as it is to the US position that they want war, and they want to remove Saddam. The UK is independant, we just happen (or rather, our leaders happen) to agree with other countries on some issues. We still have an NHS, decent welfare, and a relatively large tax. I don't see that much in common with the USA actually. I more see us as halfway between the USA and Europe on most issues, which is about as independant as we can be at the moment.
Anyways... rant over