Does playing in the "Future Era" ignore difficulty levels??
I play in the Future Era almost all the time now because that's the way I like playing. It might not be scientific, but it's pure military in nature. There's no tech race or anything, which is how I like it.
The difficulty levels are still the same. Deity allows extra AI units just like a traditional game. They still outexpand and outbuild the player. It still takes diplomacy to avoid World Wars and Nuclear Wars. Yes the ancient Era UUs are not as dominant, but from what I've seen on the replay screen, the ancient era UU civs still get GAs. You still have to micromanage cities and citizen happiness. It still takes skill to complete and win a Future Era Deity game. All the resources are right there available, you just have to hook them up. You still have to fight "phony wars" against other civs to get resources you lack. It's just as hard as traditional Deity..just no tech race.
I love playing like this, and I'm happy playing like this. But some people(I won't name names) think by me playing this way is stupid and backwards and I'm not learning game techniques. But with all the things I've mentioned above, it seems that I still am. Your thoughts?