The compete AI list: Domai, Aki, Dee, Morgan, Zak, Roze
Which are the builder crowd, Altough it is possible to be peacefull even with the warmongers, as long as you keep to minimal SE (Demo is usually safe). Especially avoid running Values, because they tend to annoy the AI's no end - strange thing, AI's don't mind much if you run there anti-ideo.
Anyway the SP list, I actually missed out one, the Cloudbase acadamy
First I was the tech leader in my game and had lots of cash. This was because I was using eco-damage induced worm farming (I can explain further on how to do this if you like) and this netted me about 400-1400 credits every turn, which is quite hard to spend. So I cranked labs to 100% and kept my units upgraded, bribed and bought stuff from AI's and not least purchased lots of SP's

The worm farming also drowned all the AI's taking them out of the race, there research stalled at level 7 techs and there production went to hell.
Anyway I'll justify the SP's
WP: I was inland, and got crawlers early. This allowed me to crawl condensors and get my population to 14 very quickly, 12 specialists really helps pre-restriction lifting. The 12 specialists would not have benefited from ME either.
SC: Tech
ToE: Tech
Cloudbase Acadamy: Deprivation, very hard for a landlocked faction to attack a faction with the acadamy. I didn't have to attack anyone anyway but better safe than sorry.
Nano Factory: Half upgrade cost, repair would have been usfull except I had heaps of monoliths anyway.
Network Backbone: Tech and police penalty removed, allowing me to run Demo/FM/Power/Cybernetic + Broodpit and keep some air units without drone problems.
Dream Twister: I built this as I switched to FM for second time, I was worm farming and needed to make up for the 60% reduction in planet bonus.
Univ. Translater: Tech (I actually gave away my artifacts to morgan to cash in for me, don't give to Zak, Zak wont share, you can almost always buy tech from Morgan)
Space Elevator: Econ boost. Didn't have to use it but the orb insertion can be great for landlocked OCC (consider you don't need to research the "gravitonics" tech line to trascend)
Clinical Immortality: No excuse, altough in 20 turns I probably could have ran for Gov.
Cloning Vats: Not deprivation! I wanted it for the pop-boom, the extra transcend every turn was the only thing keeping my tech at 1 per turn. I also researched the tech very late, the MMI branch to the ascent was the last I researched.
VoP: Because I got there first

Ascent to Transcendence
SP's I would have really liked to have are:
Planetary Datalinks
Xenoempathy Dome
The most important thing is to leave some probes lying around in your pact bro's territory, as soon as they research the tech for SC steal it. It's very very bad if Zak gets HSA and the SC tech first, it could be a good idea to set the others against the HSA faction. And remember, sunspots ALWAYS strike when you REALLY need to trade (in my case they struck the same turn as Morgan got applied relativity, sheesh).