When a Civ is being beaten by another there is no reason for that civ to offer up techs, gold, or anything else because there is NO way you can trust that the other civ won't just declare war on the next turn anyways! I would like Peace to be a viable option for both players.
I propse a change for the way the game is handled on the MP level at least.
I suggest that a new option be put into negotiations for a "Binding Peace" agreement. It would make it impossible for the two civs to declare war on each other or even go into the others territory for the duration of this "Binding Peace" agreement. The agreement could last for 20 turns (or maybe just 10). This would give a reason (at least a valid one) for a civ to offer techs, gold and other things for peace. It would ensure that they would have "x" numer of turns before the other civ could decalre war against them.
I wouldn't take out the option for just straight peace (non-binding) but an addition like this would really be nice and not to hard to implement I would suppose.
Another thing that I dont like is the non-ability to decalre war against a known civ; without first attacking him!
In Simultaneous play especially, I would like the ability to be able to declare war against a rival so that when I attempted to attack on of his units I wouldn't then get a pop-up asking if I was sure I wanted to make this move and that it would cause a war with that civ. Duh, I know!
I'm not saying that I don't want it asking me that question (especially if I'm not at war) but I would like the ability to openly declare war against a civ.
Also a question to the general public: Since you may or may not know, I wil have to say this first; There are no unhappiness penalties due to war in MP (at least in my observations) The question is this; How can we implement unhappiness penalties in MP?
I can understand why they were taken out. Human players are unlikely to accept a peace offering, whereas computer players routinely offer peace after a certain amount of turns, regardless of stature of their civ during the game. The AI is programmed to do this for a reason, to make the game enjoyable, otherwise the unhappiness penalties would accrue to no end. I would like to see some penalties for a continued war be assessed against a civ if they are the ones who are not accepting a peace offering. The civ that offers peace would not be penalized for war(unhappiness caused by it) but the civ that denied peace would incur the penalties (but maybe at a lessser rate than in a SP game).
Anyhow, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.