Well, I may be able to answer why people don't get the Hive's Perimeter Defenses.
It may well have something to dow iht the fact that the Hive minions are the only ones with enough mental problems to willingly live in cramped underground bunkers with no chance of ever seeing the sky and such. Perhaps anyone else who moves in simply... doesn't move into the bunkers.
After all. Would those of you NOT obsessed with our dear mad social mechanic really WANT to live in a dank, horribly rank, cramped, tiny excuse for a set of "living quarters"? That's not to say everyone else's living spacee is incredibly spacious, but JEEZ, people. You've gotta have SOME standards...
Unless you're a nerve-stapled drone who's been in the Power Punishment Sphere a few too many times, no?
Noctre, Dak'Tar, the master of the endless shadow that envelops you... That is what they call me. Fear, little mortals, and feed me, for you, my little ones... are mine.