January 29, 2003, 07:48
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Favorite movie quotes
I was talking about this with some of my friends, and we all agreed that this was the best quote ever, from Good Will Hunting.
Say I'm working at N.S.A. Somebody puts a code on my desk, something nobody else can break. So I take a shot at it & maybe I break it. And I'm real happy w/myself, 'cause I did my job well. But maybe that code was the location of some rebel army in North Africa or the Middle East. Once they have that location, they bomb the village where the rebels were hiding & 1500 people I never met, never had no problem w/get killed. Now the politicians are sayin', 'Send in the Marines to secure the area' 'cause they don't give a ****. It won't be their kid over there, gettin' shot. Just like it wasn't them when their number got called, 'cause they were pullin' a tour in the National Guard. It'll be some guy from Southie takin' shrapnel in the ass. He comes back to find that the plant he used to work at got exported to the country he just got back from. And the guy who put the shrapnel in his ass got his old job, 'cause he'll work for 15 cents a day & no bathroom breaks. Meanwhile my buddy from Southie realizes the only reason he was over there was so we could install a govt. that would sell us oil at a good price. And of course the oil companies used the little skirmish over there to scare up domestic oil prices. A cute little anchillary benefit for them but it ain't helping my buddy at 2.50 a gallon. They're takin' their sweet time bringin' the oil back, of course, maybe they even took the liberty of hiring an alcoholic skipper who likes to drink martinis & ****in' play slalom w/the icebergs, & it ain't too long 'til he hits one, spills the oil & kills all the sea life in the North Atlantic. So my buddy's out of work, he can't affort to drive, so he's got to walk to the job interviews, which sucks 'cause the shrapnel in his ass is givin' him chronic hemorrhoids. And meanwhile he's starvin' 'cause every time he tries to get a bite to eat the only blue plate special they're servin' is North Atlantic scrod w/Quaker State. So what'd I think? I'm holdin' out for somethin' better. I figure, **** it. While I'm at it, why not just shoot my buddy, take his job & give it to his sworn enemy, hike up gas prices, bomb a village, club a baby seal, hit the hash pipe & join the National Guard? I could be elected president.
Feel free to share your own favorites
<Kassiopeia> you don't keep the virgins in your lair at a sodomising distance from your beasts or male prisoners. If you devirginised them yourself, though, that's another story. If they devirginised each other, then, I hope you had that webcam running.
Play Bumps! No, wait, play Slings!
January 29, 2003, 07:57
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From A few good men. I always liked this one.
"You don't want the truth. Because deep down, in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that wall. You need me there.
We use words like honor, code, loyalty...we use these words as the backbone to a life spent defending something. You use 'em as a punchline.
I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom I provide, then questions the manner in which I provide it. I'd prefer you just said thank you and went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon and stand a post. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you're entitled to."
January 29, 2003, 09:22
Local Time: 17:20
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I love the scene in "monthy python and the holy grail" where the peasant asks the king why he should be king... the exact words eludes me however and I can't find a movie quote on the net right now, (probably to lazy  )
The true way of sword fencing is the craft of defeating the enemy in a fight, and nothing other than this.
-Miyamoto Shinmen Musashi
January 29, 2003, 09:47
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Does Barry Manelow know that you raid his wardrobe?
Do you like Apples?
Well I got her number.
How do you like dem apples??
The one you posted is good too, Lemmy
"Chegitz, still angry about the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?
You provide no source. You PROVIDE NOTHING! And yet you want to destroy capitalism.. you criminal..." - Fez
"I was hoping for a Communist utopia that would last forever." - Imran Siddiqui
January 29, 2003, 09:50
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Originally posted by Usually Insane
I love the scene in "monthy python and the holy grail" where the peasant asks the king why he should be king... the exact words eludes me however and I can't find a movie quote on the net right now, (probably to lazy )
I particularly like:
"Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony."
"Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
"I trust Stuie and all involved." - SlowwHand
"Stuie is right...." - Guynemer
January 29, 2003, 10:32
Local Time: 08:20
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"I've got it! Moriarty's real name is Arty Morty!" - Without A Clue
Tutto nel mondo č burla
January 29, 2003, 10:53
Local Time: 10:20
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"You can't fight in here, this is a War Room!"
"Colonel, that Coca-Cola machine. I want you to shoot the lock off it. There may be some change in there.
That's private property.
Colonel! Can you possibly imagine what is going to happen to you, your frame, outlook, way of life, and everything, when they learn that you have obstructed a telephone call to the President of the United States? Can you imagine?! Shoot it off! Shoot! With a gun! That's what the bullets are for, you twit!!
Okay. I'm gonna get your money for ya. But if you don't get the President of the United States on that phone, you know what's gonna happen to you?
You're gonna have to answer to the Coca-Cola company."
"But this is absolute madness, Ambassador! Why should you *build* such a thing?
There were those of us who fought against it, but in the end we could not keep up with the expense involved in the arms race, the space race, and the peace race. At the same time our people grumbled for more nylons and washing machines. Our doomsday scheme cost us just a small fraction of what we had been spending on defense in a single year. The deciding factor was when we learned that your country was working along similar lines, and we were afraid of a doomsday gap.
This is preposterous. I've never approved of anything like that.
Our source was the New York Times."
ahhh classic classic movie
January 29, 2003, 11:19
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"There's right and there's wrong. Do the one, and you're living. Do the other, and you may be walking around, but you're dead as a beaver hat."
--John Wayne as Davy Crockett in The Alamo
January 29, 2003, 11:20
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This is my BOOOM stick!
Stop Quoting Ben
January 29, 2003, 11:26
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Ah yes, Caesar...
"But sir! He'll see the big board!"
Tutto nel mondo č burla
January 29, 2003, 11:29
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Lonesome Dove
Woodrow Call: I hate rude behavior in a man. I won't tolerate it.
Augustus McCrae: Now the only healthy way to live as I see it, is to learn to like all the little everyday things.
Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
January 29, 2003, 11:29
Local Time: 08:20
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Location: In a bamboo forest hiding from Dale.
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I know what your thinking. Did I fire six shots or seven? The real question you should be asking yourself is "Do I feel lucky?". Well, punk! Do you?
Dirty Harry is the man.
Christianity is the belief in a cosmic Jewish zombie who can give us eternal life if we symbolically eat his flesh and blood and telepathically tell him that we accept him as our lord and master so he can remove an evil force present in all humanity because a woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from an apple tree.
January 29, 2003, 12:06
Local Time: 09:20
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Caesar & Boris: you could almost quote the entire screenplay.
"I think you're some kind of deviated prevert. I think General Ripper found out about your preversion, and that you were organizing some kind of mutiny of preverts."
January 29, 2003, 12:16
Local Time: 11:20
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"If you want me to grow, Léon, it me you should be watering?"
"Youre right!"
"mono has crazy flow and can rhyme words that shouldn't, like Eminem"
Drake Tungsten
"get contacts, get a haircut, get better clothes, and lose some weight"
Albert Speer
January 29, 2003, 12:25
Local Time: 08:20
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I love these sequences from Clue:
Wadsworth: But he was your second husband. Your first husband ALSO disappeared.
Mrs. White: But that was his job. He was an illusionist.
Wadsworth: But he never reappeared!
Mrs. White: Ah! He wasn't a very good illusionist.
Mrs. White: He was deranged, he was...lunatic. He didn't actually seem to like me very much. He had threatened to kill me in public...
Ms. Scarlet: Why would he want to kill you in public?
Wadsworth: I think she meant he threatened IN PUBLIC to kill her.
Ms. Scarlet: Oh.
In the kitchen:
Mr. Green: Why would anyone want to kill the cook?
Ms. Scarlet: Dinner wasn't that bad.
Col. Mustard: How can you make jokes at a time like this?
Ms. Scarlet: It's my defense mechanism.
Col. Mustard: Some defense! If I were the killer, I'd kill you next.
Ms. Scarlet: Oh? (everyone looks at Col. M suspiciously)
Col. Mustard: Come on, I said if. IF! Hey, there is only one admitted killer here, and it is certainly not me, it is her (points at Mrs. White).
Mrs. White: I've admitted nothing.
Col. Mustard: You paid the blackmail. How many husbands have you had?
Mrs. White: Mine or other women's?
Col. Mustard: Yours.
Mrs. White: Five.
Col. Mustard: Five.
Mrs. White: Yes, just the five. Husbands should be like Kleenex - soft, strong, and disposable.
Col. Mustard: You lure men to their deaths, like a spider with flies
Mrs. White: Flies are where men are most vulnerable.
And of course:
Mrs. White: Yes, I did it. I killed Yvette. I hated her sooo much, it, it the, it, flame, flames, FLAMES on the side of my face, breathing, breathle...heaving breaths, heaving....
Tutto nel mondo č burla
January 29, 2003, 13:19
Local Time: 11:20
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From my favorite movie ever...
("The Marriage of Figaro" is playing in the background.)
RED I have no idea to this day what those two Italian ladies were singing about. Truth is, I don't want to know. Some things are best left unsaid. I'd like to think they were singing about something so beautiful, it can't be expressed in words, and makes your heart ache because of it. I tell you, those voices soared higher and farther than anybody in a gray place dares to dream. It was like some beautiful bird flapped into our drab little cage and made those walls dissolve away, and for the briefest of moments, every last man in Shawshank felt free.
(Andy and Red are placing books on the shelves in the prison library they're working to expand. They're discussing Warden Norton's money-laundering scheme.)
RED If they ever catch on, he's gonna wind up in here wearing a number himself.
ANDY C'mon, I thought you had more faith in me than that...
RED I'm know you're good, Andy, but all that paper leaves a trail. Anybody gets too curious -- FBI, IRS, whatever -- that trail's gonna lead to somebody.
ANDY Sure it will. But not to me, and certainly not to the warden.
RED All right, then, who?
ANDY Randall Stevens.
RED Who?
ANDY The silent-silent partner. He's the guilty one, Your Honor - the man with the bank accounts. That's where the filtering process starts. They trace it back, all they're gonna find is him.
RED Yeah, okay, but who the hell is he?
ANDY He's a phantom, an apparition. Second cousin to Harvey the Rabbit. I conjured him out of thin air. He doesn't exist... except on paper.
RED You can't just make a person up!
ANDY Oh, sure you can, if you know how the system works, and where the cracks are. It's amazing what you can accomplish by mail... Mr. Stevens has a birth certificate, driver's license, Social Security card... If they ever track those accounts, they'll wind up chasing a figment of my imagination.
RED Well I'll be damned... Did I say you were good? ****, you're a Rembrandt!
ANDY It's funny, though... on the outside, I was an honest man, straight as an arrow. I had to come to prison to be a crook.
(Red laughs.)
(Red is at a parole hearing.)
PAROLE OFFICER It says here that you've served forty years of a life sentence. Do you feel that you've been rehabilitated?
RED Rehabilitated? Well, now, let me see... You know, I don't have any idea what that means.
PAROLE OFFICER Well, it means that you're ready to rejoin society...
RED (interrupting him) I know what you think it means, sonny. To me, it's just a made-up word - a politician's word - so young fellas like yourself can wear a suit and tie, and have a job. What do you really want to know? "Am I sorry for what I did?"
PAROLE OFFICER Well, are you?
RED There's not a day goes by I don't feel regret. Not because I'm in here, or because you think I should. I look back on the way I was then... a young, stupid kid who committed that terrible crime. I want to talk to him. I want to try and talk some sense into him - tell him the way things are - but I can't. That kid's long gone... this old man is all that's left. I got to live with that. Rehabilitated? It's just a bullshit word. So you go on and stamp your form, sonny, and stop wasting my time, because to tell you the truth, I don't give a ****.
(The parole officer flips through some papers and approves Red's parole.)
(Red is on a bus headed for the Mexican border.)
RED I find I'm so excited I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. I imagine it's the excitement only a free man can feel - a free man at the start of a long journey, whose conclusion is uncertain. I hope I can make it across the border... I hope to see my friend and shake his hand... I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams... I *hope*...
January 29, 2003, 13:56
Local Time: 07:20
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Location: You think you're better than me? You've been handling my ass pennies!!!
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"Keep firing a$$holes!"
"Oh... your helmet is so big"
"I have been called bad before, people say I do things that are not... correct to do. I do not believe in such talk as this. I am nice man with happy feelings all of the time. For example, what do you get when you cross an owl with a bungie cord? My ass!"
"You broke a thermometer in my hand, psycho!"
"Rub it in my hair."
"I don't want FOP goddamnit! I'm a Dapper Dan man."
"Watch your language son this is a public market, you want Dapper Dan I can order it for you... be here in a couple of weeks."
"Well ain't this place just a regular geographical oddity... two weeks from everywhere!"
"Let's show this prehistoric ***** how we do things downtown!"
"I the year of the (don't remember exactly) the Traveler came in the form of a giant Slor. Many subs and zouls knew what it was like to be roasted in the belly of the Slor that day I can tell you."
"Luck's last match struck in the pouring down wind." - Chris Cornell, "Mindriot"
January 29, 2003, 15:08
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there are too many.
Many from Unforgiven. "Deserve's got nothing to do with it" before Clint blows the guy away.
from the Naked Gun. "Nice Beaver" as the chick is standing over Leslie Neilson on a ladder and pulls out a stuffed beaver.
"Yippie Kayay mother****er" from Die Hard  . Not sure how to spell it though.
and many more...
Focus, discipline
Barack Obama- the antichrist
January 29, 2003, 16:27
Local Time: 17:20
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"Thanks. I just had it stuffed."
Within weeks they'll be re-opening the shipyards
And notifying the next of kin
Once again...
January 29, 2003, 16:33
Local Time: 10:20
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Location: of Fear and Oil
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"I bet you're the kind of guy that would fu** a person in the ass, and not even have the god damned common courtesy to give him a reach around."
"Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way. "
January 29, 2003, 18:17
Local Time: 10:20
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"Don't you think that idea is a little half-baked?
Oh no, Dad, it's completely baked. "
"Listen to me. What happened between me and Mrs. Robinson was nothing. It didn't mean anything. We might just as well have been shaking hands.
Shaking hands? Well, that's not much saying for my wife, is it? "
"Do you find me undesirable?
Oh no, Mrs. Robinson. I think, I think you're the most attractive of all my parents' friends. I mean that. "
January 29, 2003, 19:01
Local Time: 15:20
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All right. Everybody cough up some green for the little lady.
Come on. Throw in a buck.
Uh-uh. I don't tip.
You don't tip?
No - I don't believe in it.
You don't believe in tipping?
You know what these chicks make? They make ****.
Don't give me that. She don't make enough money, she can quit.
(Mr. Blonde laughs.)
I don't even know a ****ing Jew who'd have the balls to say that. Let me just get this straight. You don't ever tip, huh?
I don't tip because society says I have to. Alright, I mean I'll tip if somebody really deserves a tip, if they really put forth the effort, I'll give 'em something extra, but I mean this tipping automatically is for the birds.
(Eddie laughs.)
I mean as far as I'm concerned they're just doing their job.
Hey, this girl was nice.
She was OK - but she wasn't anything special.
What's special, take you in the back and suck your ****?
(They laugh.)
I'd go over 12% for that.
If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.
January 29, 2003, 19:06
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"Yippie Kayay mother****er" from Die Hard . Not sure how to spell it though.
Damnation! I was gonna say this one! what are the odds?
oh well. another cool one would be the whole "you feelin lucky, punk?" scene from Dirty Harry.
And of course, the most memorable,
"Luke.... I AM your father! *clenches fist in the air*"
lots of other good ones too.
January 29, 2003, 19:16
Local Time: 15:20
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I prefer "Luke, I am your... Mother!"
Or my favourite from Thumb Wars:
"My name, is Obidoop Scoobydooby Banobi. I have the silliest name in the Galaxy"
I'll post some better quotes when I remember them
For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
But he would think of something
"Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker
January 29, 2003, 19:16
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Here's to Medeleine Kahn!
"mono has crazy flow and can rhyme words that shouldn't, like Eminem"
Drake Tungsten
"get contacts, get a haircut, get better clothes, and lose some weight"
Albert Speer
January 29, 2003, 19:17
Local Time: 16:20
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And of course, the most memorable,
"Luke.... I AM your father! *clenches fist in the air*"
I always thought "Luke, I had ya mum" would be more of a kicker.
Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
"I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis
January 29, 2003, 19:48
Local Time: 10:20
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"It's good to be the king."
"I think Bigfoot is blurry, that's the problem. It's not the photographer's fault. Bigfoot is blurry, and that's extra scary to me. There's a large out of focus monster roaming the countryside. Look out, he's fuzzy, let's get out of here."
January 29, 2003, 19:58
Local Time: 07:20
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From the horrid TV movie "V":
"its the only chance we've got"
The internet movie database www.imdb.com is a good quick source for movie quotes.
January 29, 2003, 19:58
Local Time: 10:20
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Originally posted by Oerdin
I know what your thinking. Did I fire six shots or seven? The real question you should be asking yourself is "Do I feel lucky?". Well, punk! Do you?
Dirty Harry is the man.
He may be the man, but he doesn't know how many bullets a .44 revolver holds...
"I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"
"Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
"A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)
January 29, 2003, 20:08
Local Time: 10:20
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 7,022
High School High
Principal "Who is she?"
Jon Lovitz " My B**ch...........welll, my significant other.."
"I think Bigfoot is blurry, that's the problem. It's not the photographer's fault. Bigfoot is blurry, and that's extra scary to me. There's a large out of focus monster roaming the countryside. Look out, he's fuzzy, let's get out of here."
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