View Poll Results: What tech shall we research next?
Advanced Ecological Engenering
9 |
29.03% |
Applied Relativity
4 |
12.90% |
Neural Grafting
4 |
12.90% |
Organic Superlubricant
2 |
6.45% |
Planetary Economics
8 |
25.81% |
Silksteel Alloys
1 |
3.23% |
Superstring Theory
3 |
9.68% |
0 |
0% |
January 30, 2003, 02:40
Local Time: 08:22
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Official: Next Tech
Official: Next Tech
Directory of Science: Official Annual Report
Advanced Ecological Engendering (B7)- in our time on Planet many things have been learned through out constant terraforming attempts, now it is time to apply these lessons, the Super Former, a former specifically designed to alter Planet’s environment, that applies all the lessons we have learned from our terraforming experiences in order to create a faster, more efficient, and environmentally friendly former (doubles rate of terraforming);
Applied Relativity (D5)- we move closer to a complete understanding of the universe, no longer do we look to the sky and stare at the stars attempting to understand them, now we look to the infinitesimally small for the answers about existence, advanced relativity is one step closer to a quantum theory of gravity, and this a unified field theory; scientists hope to construct a Supercollider on a scale never seen before, one that will allow them to prove deeper into the world of the atom than ever before (research output doubles at base);
Neural Grafting (C4)- man and machine are becoming one as time passes, and our societies dependence of computer is growing continuously, this dependency may become even greater as scientists ponder the notion of linking the human brain directly to a machine, the potential increase in neural activity that could be educed in the human brain are limitless, sparking discussion of perhaps creating a psi defense against mind worms, the proposed Neural Amplifier would link several candidates who exhibit sings of telepathy, and through the machine their telepathic potential would be amplified considerably, enough to mount a successful defense against psi attacks (psi defense up 50%); though the technology is not without its dark side, there are fears that Bioenhancement Centers would be used to create super-soldiers that are perfectly loyal and obedient, without fear or emotion, in effect the perfect killing machine (all military units receive 2 moral upgrades, +1 lifecycle bonus);
Organic Superlubricant (C7)- aside form civilian applications in construction of this new technology, there has been rumors floating around the labs that it might be possible to construct a [i]Fusion Laser[/u] (firepower: 10) with organic superlubricant by reducing the heavy containment required for fusion to take place, this would effectively produce a weapon capable of releasing superheated plasma from a source as small as a handgun;
Planetary Economics (B7)- through a better understanding of planet we may learn how to use its resources more efficiently, or so that would be the claim by the advocates of research into Planetary Economics; engineers and scientists discussing the potential implications of a greater understanding of planetary ecology have indicated the we would be able to create Hybrid Forests taking the best of Earth plants and combining this with the great capacity for nitrogen fixation of native plants, resulting in an increased nutrient and energy production for forests, these same hybrid forest would provide our citizens with a lush reserve in which to spend their time in (psych up 50%), as well as the increased energy production combined with the capital produced from recreational use of hybrid forests would provide for an extensive economic boom (economy up 50%); furthermore researchers state that the ecological initiatives already in place thought Tree Frams would effectively counter the ecological damage caused by terraforming; though there have also been rumors that this research could be used in a social engenering project dubbed the Ascent Virtues to increase social tolerance for police use, as well as the peoples material expectations (police +1; pop. Limit of bases up by 2);
Silksteel Alloys (B6)- silksteel, so dubbed as to pay homage to the arachnids by whom this new engendering innovation was inspired by, holds great industrial potential as superstructures of grand scales could not be constructed using relatively small amounts of silksteel; one of the most practical applications of this alloy, according to experts, would be military; Silksteel Armor (strength: 4) offers our troops a distinct advantage on the battlefield as they could withstand a considerable greater amount of enemy fire, military analysts have stated that the key to winning our war against the Hive might not be in firepower, but effectively holding onto territory we capture, and defending ourselves; &
Superstring Theory (C5)- a theory which has its origins rooted in the 1980’s, an attempt to finally unify quantum mechanics with the incompatable general relativity, received little serious attention in its time, but the recent developments of better observational techniques, and the discovery of the graviton as predicted by string theory have reawakened interest in this field; scientists from around the globe hold great hope that superstring theory will one of our last steps towards a unified field theory, there has even been discussion among the scientific community about military applications for string theory, the theoretical Chaos Gun (firepower: 8), as it has been dubbed by researchers in New Aployton, could offer us a striking advantage in our conflict against the Hive.
You have 3 days.
January 30, 2003, 03:45
Local Time: 02:22
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Organic Superlube, for Fusion LAsers, or alternatively Planetary Economics (I'm assuming you meant for this to be multiple choice).
January 30, 2003, 05:37
Local Time: 15:22
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Advanced Ecological Engineergin, Planetary Economic, and Applied Relativity.
"Just because you're paranoid doesnt mean there's not someone following me..."
"I shall return and I shall be billions"
January 30, 2003, 06:55
Local Time: 15:22
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Location: Oxford or Northampton, England
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 Same as Pande. AEE, PE and AR.
For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
But he would think of something
"Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker
January 30, 2003, 11:06
Local Time: 12:22
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uhm i don't think you're supposed to vote for three.
/me shrugs
i'm voting same as tacticus. Plan Eco is a great tech.
January 30, 2003, 12:02
Local Time: 17:22
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Darn. No Advanced Military Algorithms available?  Or did we already have that? 
/me runs back to the Concordian command center to change all military plans.
Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)
January 30, 2003, 13:44
Local Time: 10:22
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I guess it's a bit late, but it'd be nice if it were noted that NG is the only un-researched prereq to the tech that gives us clean reactors... go NG!
*looks at the rest of the list* err, well, there are some pretty important ones in there...
and I'm pretty sure we have AMA already... stole it or traded for it or something
January 30, 2003, 16:37
Local Time: 15:22
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We do have AMA. Traded with Univerity IIRC.
For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
But he would think of something
"Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker
January 30, 2003, 19:41
Local Time: 16:22
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Citizens (me included) regularly ask for our defensive units to have installed more than one defensive capability, only to be reminded that we don't have NG.
How can I go back to our citizens and say, 'Sorry we lost those brave boys and girls because our administration had higher priorities'; If only they had AAA or Sam or Trance, as well as their main defensive shield. You guys, you take those letters to the parents to see what it feels like.
"Four things come not back: the spoken word, the sped arrow, the past life and the neglected opportunity."
January 31, 2003, 06:21
Local Time: 15:22
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Posts: 123
I assumed it was a multiple choice, still let me clarify mines.
I voted for Planetary Economics first. The avaibility of both Tree Farms and Hybrid Farms should be appealing to both the Free Marketers and the Green Planet supporters as it will not only drastically ehances our bases food and economy production but will do it in a eco-friendly way .... whatever our future social engineering choices could be.
I voted for Superstring as a second choice, to have access to chaos guns. Basically, as the tensions could go up with the other factions in a near future and wars can be expected, having the supremacy in weaponsmithing is, at least that's what I think, the best way to ensure that we willl be able to protect the interest of our citizens and allow them to live in peace.
Again, this should be appealing to both Free Market/Green supporter as it will allow both to protect either their profitable business or their efficient and eco friendly operations.
And by the way, though I haven't posted for a while, I am still here and still voting. It's just that I prefer taking more distances to be able to have a more clear and objective view on the situation.
Cheers to all citizens.
May you have a long, prosperous and healthy life
January 31, 2003, 06:28
Local Time: 02:22
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Re: Chaos guns... why not Fusion Lasers? They're a better weapon, and Organic Superlube will put us on the path to Advanced Spaceflight, once we acquire Orbital Spaceflight (which we have the prerequisites for, btw).
January 31, 2003, 06:42
Local Time: 15:22
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Yes, I know, organic superlubricant is already available. The reason is purely for roleplay purpose.
As far as I am concerned, the tech tree is broken in Alpha Centauri, in such ways that it is possible to acquire chaos guns before missile launchers, or fusion lasers before chaos guns.
Sure, in term of pure gameplays, it is better to aim for fusion lasers first but in term of RP, it just does make more sense for me to research Chaos gun and then have our scientists says :
" Geez these chaos are powerfull book looks ... based on this we should be able to create even more powerfull weapons, using supertring theory combined with fusion technology ..... Let's do this ! "
Just my two cents.
Which also raises a few other questions related to this :
Though game mechanics allow this, should it be considered fair to use tricks like :
Pop booming by temporarly switching to planned for a few turn and then going back to our previous Social Engineering choices ?
Is it fair to suddenly increase our psych rating just to trigger golden ages in our bases and then downgrading psych rating just to maintain them ? ( Using the fact that increase energy production through golden ages allow more psych to be produced).
Is it fair to research bigger technologies by skipping lower ones just because the tech tree allows it so ?
Just my two cents
January 31, 2003, 06:45
Local Time: 02:22
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I'd consider all of those 'tricks' perfectly acceptable, as it's not as if they can't be justified RP wise, and they all have a cost (however small) associated with them.
January 31, 2003, 06:52
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ok, that's fine with me.
In that case, that would make one less vote for superstring theory and one more for organic superlubricant.
Still, planetary economics remains my prime choice for research at the moment. Simply to good to pass.
January 31, 2003, 06:56
Local Time: 02:22
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Ooh, yes. No more worrying about boreholes, extra commerce, extra food, extra energy, Global Trade PAct, Ascetic Virtues...
* Hurriedly wipes drool off chin and hopes nobody noticed.
January 31, 2003, 10:21
Local Time: 12:22
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Originally posted by GeneralTacticus
No more worrying about boreholes
by that do you mean because the (terraforming) ED is wiped out by HFs?
January 31, 2003, 12:47
Local Time: 17:22
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We hardly have tree farms or research hospitals in our bases. Plus we have an increasing military budget. I think it's a bit early to start considering hybrid forests.
Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)
January 31, 2003, 19:34
Local Time: 02:22
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by that do you mean because the (terraforming) ED is wiped out by HFs?
We hardly have tree farms or research hospitals in our bases. Plus we have an increasing military budget. I think it's a bit early to start considering hybrid forests.
Not for Centralis it isn't.
January 31, 2003, 19:40
Local Time: 10:22
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Originally posted by GeneralTacticus Not for Centralis it isn't.
There's also the matter that we have roughly 5 years + the research time of PE (and perhaps more techs, if others beat PE) before we would have the ability to build HFs, and by then we might certainly be ready. Akiria, for instance, is going to have tree farms about as fast as I can get 'em
January 31, 2003, 20:55
Local Time: 17:22
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Originally posted by GeneralTacticus
Not for Centralis it isn't.
Ok, then I just hope you won't ask hurry money for them. The costs would be HUGE!!
Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)
January 31, 2003, 20:58
Local Time: 02:22
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: of Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 6,851
Don't worry, we have enough mineral production to cut those costs down a bit, and Fusion Labs will help provide money as well.
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