[23:24] <Turambar> should we head for the thai? it's in german lands...
[23:24] <Pedrunn> No!
[23:24] <Locutus> where did it just move?
[23:24] <Zaphod> don't cross the border
[23:24] <mapfi> thai moved out of sight
[23:25] <J_Bytheway> We're already in German lands
[23:25] <Turambar> we're already in german lands...
[23:25] <mapfi> orders?
[23:25] <Zaphod> ok, cross the border asap
[23:25] <Zaphod> sorry
[23:25] <Locutus> hmmm... let's not give the germans a casus belli, they rarely refuse one

[23:25] <Turambar> ORDERS: Dave SW, Bob S
[23:25] <mapfi> doing so
[23:26] <J_Bytheway> Thai went south too
[23:26] <mapfi> yep
[23:26] <J_Bytheway> we see them again
[23:26] <mapfi> end turn?
[23:26] <Wise> yeah
[23:26] <Turambar> yeah
[23:26] <mapfi> END TURN 39
[23:26] <Locutus> yeah, and once again, keep an eye on the thai...
[23:26] <J_Bytheway> Thai vanished again
[23:27] <mapfi> barb veteran warrior east of dave!!!!!!!!
[23:27] <Zaphod> maybe dave should change its course to intercept them?
[23:27] <Locutus> hmmm...
[23:27] <mapfi> no -west, sorry
[23:27] <Locutus> how far away is bob?
[23:27] <Turambar> ORDERS: bob SE, Dave SW
[23:27] <mapfi> so he can go and intercept
[23:27] <Locutus> from dave, that is...
[23:27] <Zaphod> well, forget what i said, no need for another fight with the barbs
[23:27] <J_Bytheway> No barbs in my game
[23:27] <Turambar> bob's closer....
[23:28] <Pedrunn> Lets join Dave and Bob togther!!!!
[23:28] <Locutus> why not? a veteran barb is a damaged barb...
[23:28] <Locutus> (usually)
[23:28] <mapfi> if dave goes sw he is open to an attack by that warrior!
[23:29] <Locutus> what terrain type is the warrior on and what terrain would dave be?
[23:29] <Turambar> sorry missed your comment
[23:29] <J_Bytheway> East is forest
[23:29] <mapfi> it's west - sorry, both plains
[23:29] <J_Bytheway> SW is out of range of east...
[23:29] <Zaphod> ok, you mean the barb is west of dave?
[23:29] <J_Bytheway> It's in German lands, then
[23:29] <mapfi> yep
[23:30] <mapfi> john - i'll post the savegame after this turn again
[23:30] <Zaphod> then don't disturb its way to düsseldorf
[23:30] <Pedrunn> SCREEN!
[23:30] <Turambar> send dave south then?
[23:30] <mapfi> i'd say dave east for intercepting the thai
[23:31] <mapfi> we need contact
[23:31] <Zaphod> (y) mapfi
[23:31] <J_Bytheway> Bob can catch the Thai, I bet
[23:31] <Turambar> bob can do that
[23:31] <J_Bytheway> Dave S, IMO
[23:31] <Locutus> agree
[23:31] <Zaphod> bob is always one field behind
[23:31] <Locutus> and bob to the thai
[23:31] <Turambar> ORDERS: Dave S
[23:31] <mapfi> so it's bob se and dave s
[23:31] <Turambar> yep
[23:31] <mapfi> doing so
[23:31] * Pedrunn has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[23:32] <mapfi> end turn?
[23:32] <J_Bytheway> Thai are se-se of Bob now
[23:32] <Zaphod> on the kartoffel?
[23:32] <Turambar> yep
[23:32] <mapfi> END TURN 40
[23:33] <Wise> yep
[23:33] <Zaphod> hunting some rösti *g*
[23:33] <mapfi> thai vanished,barb went south, so it's still east of dave
[23:33] <mapfi> posting savegame for john - discuss orders
[23:33] <Turambar> screenshot?
[23:34] <Turambar> keep bob going se?
[23:34] <Locutus> anyone watching BBC1 right now? there making fun of the Dutch

[23:35] <Wise> lol
[23:35] * ImmortalWombat has joined #Lemuria
[23:35] * ImmortalWombat has left #Lemuria
[23:35] * Zephyr has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by ImmortalWombat)))
[23:35] <Zaphod> nope, but listening to the song of the tragic death of hank, a worker in the harbour of rotterdam
[23:35] <mapfi> savegame posted
[23:35] * Zephyr has joined #Lemuria
[23:35] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Zephyr
[23:36] <mapfi> orders for bob and dave?
[23:36] <Locutus> who?

[23:36] <Turambar> are we getting a screen?
[23:36] <Zaphod> hank, the first person to die of too much hemp
[23:36] <Locutus>

[23:36] <Zaphod> got a container falling on his head
[23:36] <Zaphod> the morale of that story:
[23:37] <Locutus> you sure? hemp has been used for thousands of years...
[23:37] <mapfi> john will give you one i hope - if we move dave south again he is vulnerable to an attack by the barb because they can use the river
[23:37] <Zaphod> legalize it, so it can be transported safer
[23:37] <Turambar> can't see the river atm
[23:37] <mapfi> actually no - one more turn...
[23:37] <mapfi> sorry
[23:38] <mapfi> well, bob se again i assume?
[23:38] <J_Bytheway> Game loaded, will post screen
[23:38] <Locutus> oow, they're ridiculing our kitchen now

[23:38] <Turambar> bob se, yeah
[23:38] <mapfi> bob moved
[23:39] <mapfi> german border expands
[23:39] <Locutus> again

[23:39] <mapfi> they built a new city near the hills -it's all covered!!!!
[23:39] <mapfi> the thai are already in their borders
[23:39] <Turambar> we need a shot of it
[23:40] <mapfi> it's on - thanks john
[23:40] <J_Bytheway> The shot shows it, but not well.
[23:40] <J_Bytheway> Thai are now S-SE of Bob
[23:41] <mapfi> orders for dave?
[23:41] <J_Bytheway> Which is in German lands, now
[23:41] <Locutus> hmm, let's not get the barb too close to kartoffel...
[23:41] <Turambar> he needs to get out of germany...
[23:42] <mapfi> bob can head s-w theres a one-tile wide corridor
[23:42] <J_Bytheway> The barb is out of Germany now
[23:42] <J_Bytheway> We can attack
[23:42] <mapfi> dave shoould go se or attack - i prefer the first
[23:42] <Zaphod> me too
[23:42] <J_Bytheway> Could the Barb attack if we moved S - I thought not
[23:42] <Turambar> depends if the brab is injured
[23:42] <Zaphod> how long for the archer in kartoffel?
[23:42] <Turambar> from becoming a vet...
[23:42] <mapfi> john - no he can't yet
[23:43] <J_Bytheway> 1 turn
[23:43] <mapfi> archers in one turn in both cities
[23:43] <Locutus> if we attack the barb now we have a terrain bonus...
[23:43] <Zaphod> so we will have someone to shoot down that barb
[23:44] <Zaphod> you mean we don't have a malus
[23:44] <J_Bytheway> A malus?
[23:44] <Locutus> ???
[23:44] <Zaphod> a negative bonus
[23:44] <Locutus> ah, as opposed to bonus...
[23:44] <Locutus> cross post...
[23:44] <mapfi> yep - latin!
[23:44] <Locutus> when did we ever have a malus against him?
[23:44] <J_Bytheway> That would be a penalty
[23:45] <Locutus> indeed
[23:45] <Locutus> pig latin, you mean

[23:45] <mapfi> ...
[23:45] <Zaphod> well, if he gets a defence bonus, that come to an attack malus for us
[23:45] <Turambar> should we attack, lead him away, or lead him to Kart to be attacked there?
[23:45] <Zaphod> attack him at kartoffel, our archers need practice
[23:46] <mapfi> leading him to kart would mean move on the river slope
[23:46] <Locutus> well, he doesn't have a terrain advantage, didn't have one before AFAIK and won't have any anytime soon. same for our bonus
[23:46] <J_Bytheway> Doesn't river give +50%?
[23:46] <J_Bytheway> Or is that Civ2...
[23:47] <Locutus> no, not AFAIK
[23:47] <Zaphod> he would have one in the swamps sourround kartoffel, but who cares, if we get one warroir and 2 archers against him
[23:47] <Turambar> can he attack us if we move south?
[23:47] <Zaphod> no, rivers don't affect combat
[23:47] <Locutus> very well, lead him to our archer/warrior combo in kartoffel...
[23:47] <J_Bytheway> So, move south?
[23:47] <mapfi> can't be attacked south - not yet
[23:47] <Zaphod> no need to capture the bridge at arnheijm
[23:47] <Turambar> ORDERS: Dave South
[23:47] <mapfi> done
[23:48] <mapfi> end turn?
[23:48] <Locutus> no, he can't attack, but dave can't move south in the next turn now...
[23:48] <Zaphod> we could move the archer from pedrunn towards the battle
[23:48] <J_Bytheway> We'll have to go round the long way
[23:48] <Turambar> can we have a shot of bob after the turn ends?
[23:48] <Locutus> but the barb will catch up
[23:48] <mapfi> END TURN 41
[23:48] <J_Bytheway> Certainly
[23:48] <mapfi> barb moved south
[23:49] <mapfi> thai disappeared again
[23:49] <mapfi> two archers ready
[23:49] <Zaphod> barb moved only 1 field?
[23:49] <Locutus> dave should go s-se
[23:49] <Locutus> they want to attack dave
[23:49] <mapfi> yes - barb just moved one
[23:49] <Wise> are we foing to keep prod on archers?
[23:50] <mapfi> bob moving through the corridor sw?
[23:50] <Zaphod> how long for a new settler?
[23:50] <Locutus> how many turns 'til Bronze?
[23:50] <Wise> how much beer is left in the ceg?
[23:50] <mapfi> settler in pedrunn 16 turns
[23:50] <mapfi> bronze in 6 turns
[23:50] <Zaphod> we have dave and an extra archer to escort to go whereever he wants
[23:50] <Turambar> keep producing units
[23:50] <Locutus> build archers then. switch to hoplites after that
[23:50] <Zaphod> not much wise

[23:50] <Turambar> no settlers!
[23:51] <Turambar> archers then hoplites
[23:51] <J_Bytheway> Screen up
[23:51] <Zaphod> but i'll refill

[23:51] <mapfi> we need to settle the coal site! I think it'd be best to build a settler in pedrunn now and another archer in kart - then a joplite there
[23:51] <J_Bytheway> Or not...
[23:52] <Zaphod> (y) mapfi
[23:52] <Wise> Orders- Build archers
[23:52] <mapfi> we stand no chance with two cities
[23:52] <Locutus> not

[23:52] <Turambar> we should take advantage of our luck at getting archers so early
[23:52] <mapfi> all the others have them anyway...
[23:53] <Locutus> no settlers now. maybe after the archer-hoplite combo, maybe...
[23:53] <Turambar> i got them early in my current SAP game like this and destroyed the closest civ with one city
[23:53] <Turambar> of mine
[23:53] <mapfi> ok - orders for bob and dave?
[23:53] <Turambar> same sort of strength as aust
[23:53] <Zaphod> me, two. and then i got detroyed by that other civ on my border
[23:53] <mapfi> keeping archers in the build queue
[23:54] <Zaphod> beerkeg is full again
[23:54] <Locutus> yeah, we should attack austria ASAP
[23:54] * Zephyr is now known as Markoos
[23:54] * Markoos has left #Lemuria
[23:54] <Turambar> dave s-se everyone?
[23:54] <mapfi> 2nd that
[23:54] <Locutus> yes
[23:54] <Turambar> ORDERS: dave s-se
[23:55] <mapfi> bob along the corridor? and then end turn?
[23:55] <Turambar> i'm waiting for the shot of bob as well
[23:55] <Locutus> yup
[23:55] <J_Bytheway> Having problems with the filesize limit - sorry about that.
[23:55] <Zaphod> shoot bob!
[23:55] * Zephyr has joined #Lemuria
[23:55] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Zephyr
[23:55] <Zaphod> oops, sorry ;-)
[23:55] <Turambar> go for it mapfi
[23:55] <mapfi> ok - bob sw then
[23:56] <J_Bytheway> Screen up now - finally
[23:56] <Turambar> thanks
[23:56] <mapfi> fortifying archers - ending turn 42
[23:57] <J_Bytheway> I thought PNG compression was good enough I didn't have to worry about the filesizes...
[23:57] <mapfi> END TURN 42
[23:57] <mapfi> barb disappeared
[23:57] <mapfi> orders dor bob and dave?
[23:58] * Pedrunn has joined #Lemuria
[23:58] <J_Bytheway> My barb chased me

[23:58] <mapfi> haa
[23:58] <Locutus> bob sw, dave s-sw
[23:58] <Turambar> ORDERS: Bob sw
[23:58] <Pedrunn> How is Dave!?!
[23:58] <Zaphod> dave could go up the river one step to get a glimpse of the barb
[23:58] <Turambar> ORDERS: Dave s-sw
[23:58] <mapfi> dave could keep an eye on our coal site
[23:59] <mapfi> moving units
[23:59] <mapfi> pedrunn growing in 2 turns, kart in 5
[23:59] <J_Bytheway> Incidentally, the AI turns took a very long time on my PC.
[00:00] <mapfi> happiness at 76 and 74
[00:00] <mapfi> end turn?
[00:00] <Zaphod> wait
[00:00] <Turambar> yep
[00:00] <Zaphod> have you forgotten to readjust the sliders?
[00:00] <mapfi> no!
[00:00] <Zaphod> sorry, forgot we had extra units
[00:00] <Locutus> yeah, end turn
[00:01] <mapfi> END TURN 43
[00:01] * Pedrunn has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[00:01] <mapfi> we have 326 gold
[00:01] <mapfi> orders?
[00:01] * Tamerlin has joined #lemuria
[00:01] <mapfi> no movements to be seen btw
[00:01] <J_Bytheway> Barb still hot on my tail... Do you see him?
[00:01] <mapfi> nope
[00:02] <Zaphod> greetings comrade tamerlin
[00:02] <Turambar> ORDERS: Bob SW
[00:02] <Locutus> hmmm... dave to kartoffell...
[00:02] <Turambar> yeah
[00:02] <Locutus> hi, Tam, good to see you finally made it

[00:02] <Tamerlin> Hi, everybody, I have finally successed in establishing my connexion to the chat.
[00:02] <mapfi> moving bob and dave
[00:02] * Looking up Tamerlin user info...
[00:02] <J_Bytheway> Bob sees a barb catapult... But I doubt you have one
[00:02] <Tamerlin> Btw, thanks for the tips Locutus.

[00:02] <Locutus> no
[00:02] <mapfi> i don't have one! end turn?
[00:03] <Locutus> np
[00:03] <Turambar> yep
[00:03] <Zaphod> i still think we should built another settler in pedrunn
[00:03] <mapfi> END TURN 44
[00:04] <Locutus> did pedrunn grow?
[00:04] <J_Bytheway> I think another settler would be good too, but I always build too many of them...
[00:04] <J_Bytheway> Yes
[00:04] <Turambar> no settlers imo
[00:04] <Locutus> how many turns to settler and bronze now?
[00:04] <mapfi> last change to change build queu to settler otherwise its another archer next turn
[00:04] <Tamerlin> Some settlers will help us growing.
[00:04] <mapfi> settler 11 turns now, after the archer it's 13
[00:04] <Turambar> we should take Austrian cities instead....
[00:04] <J_Bytheway> Bronze in 3
[00:05] <Zaphod> we won't be able to
[00:05] <Turambar> why not?
[00:05] <mapfi> kart builds archer in 2
[00:05] <Turambar> Hoplite and Archer armies!
[00:05] <Locutus> hmmm, I'd still go for the military route...
[00:05] <Tamerlin> Peace is what we need now, let's build another settler.
[00:05] <Zaphod> we might take one, perhaps even 2 of them and then the will pummel us to death
[00:05] <mapfi> settler
[00:05] <Turambar> they won't
[00:05] <J_Bytheway> Archer next turn in Pedrunn so our last chance to change this time around
[00:06] <Locutus> lol, during the election campaing Tur and I were the peacenicks and everyone else wanted war

[00:06] <Turambar> lol
[00:06] <Tamerlin> We are now.

[00:06] <Zaphod> that was the last election
[00:06] <mapfi> i only support war if we get the germans to like us and a peace treaty - give them gold?
[00:07] <Wise> Well, I am a peacefull person but they haven't been willing to work with us
[00:07] <Zaphod> so why did you change your mind locutus? how many did the warmongers pay you? :P
[00:07] <Wise> I say armies
[00:07] <Zephyr>

[00:07] <Tamerlin> Settler, now!
[00:07] <mapfi> quickvote settler?
[00:07] <Locutus> I never changed my mind but I wanted to deceive the austrians long enough to be able to strike hard
[00:07] <Zaphod> but they haven't worked against us yet
[00:07] <Turambar> archer
[00:07] <Tamerlin> Yes, a settler
[00:08] <J_Bytheway> Settler
[00:08] <Zaphod> and you really believe we have reached that point in history? i doubt that
[00:08] <Zaphod> settler
[00:08] <Locutus> hmm, 1 city in mountanous terrain has advantages... fast production == large military...
[00:08] <mapfi> i'm for settler as well
[00:08] <Turambar> Wise's decision
[00:08] <Turambar> i see your point loc...
[00:08] <Wise> orders- Settler in Pedrunn
[00:09] <mapfi> 4/1 - wise ass, tur, and IW missing
[00:09] * Zephyr is now known as setler2
[00:09] <Zaphod> yehaw!
[00:09] <mapfi> orders for bob? sw i assume?
[00:09] <J_Bytheway> Build queue changed
[00:09] <Turambar> oh well. lets do it then.
[00:09] <mapfi> orders for dave? i'd say reserve the coal spot
[00:09] <Turambar> bob SW
[00:10] * setler2 is now known as Zephyr
[00:10] <Locutus> hmmm, but we should really churn out hoplites and archers ASAP next...
[00:10] <mapfi> and we could move an archer in kart just one tile nw out of the city to look around and go back
[00:10] <Zaphod> of course we should, thats what kp will do
[00:10] <mapfi> bob moved
[00:10] * Zephyr has left #Lemuria
[00:10] <Zaphod> and if there is a small stack of them for defence, the warriors will explore the south
[00:11] <mapfi> bob sees barb warrior!
[00:11] <mapfi> it's s-se-se of düsseldorf
[00:11] <Locutus> argh... can we avoid it without crossing the german border?
[00:11] <mapfi> yes- bob can go south next turn
[00:12] <Zaphod> we could send one archer from kp to his assistence
[00:12] <Locutus>

[00:12] <Turambar> should we send dave to pedrunn to escort the settler?
[00:12] <Zaphod> and one archer from pedrunn down to kp to secure that place
[00:12] <Locutus> tur: yes
[00:12] <Zaphod> at least halfway, so its 1 turn to go for both cities
[00:12] <Zaphod> that escort can be taken care of later
[00:13] <Tamerlin> This would allow Dave to explore the remaining area.
[00:13] <mapfi> it's 11 turns till we get the settler - dave could secure the coal tile for at least 2 turns and then head back
[00:13] <mapfi> we don't want the germans to settle there
[00:13] <Zaphod> the escort can be done by the warrior from pk, who will have a hoplite guarding that town by that time
[00:13] <Turambar> yeah, as long as he can get back for the settler in time
[00:14] <mapfi> so dave, se-e back?
[00:14] <mapfi> on the river
[00:14] <Tamerlin> Sorry I must leave, I promise to be there in time next chat provided you don't choose a wednesday.

[00:14] <Zaphod> goodbye comrade
[00:14] <mapfi> bye
[00:14] <Locutus> bye
[00:14] <Turambar> see ya
[00:14] <Wise> good day

[00:15] <Zaphod> glad you appeared at the moment of decision

[00:15] <Locutus> k, go to the coal site then
[00:15] <Turambar> any objections to dave's movements?
[00:15] <Zaphod> nope
[00:15] * Tamerlin has quit IRC (Quit: )