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Old January 30, 2003, 12:37   #1
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For those of you who have no idea what this is, its the 3rd of this post:
Ok, i set up the new game. I havn't started making detailed reports untill 1000ad, cuz i've had 4000years of crap. But its not hotting up big time. I did make some early notes from what an Arcolagists (spelling?) point a veiw, should they be sombody in around turn 2000ad looking back. Here it goes,


"looking back at the history books, we can see that around 300bc, there was a war here between the Natives, the British and the Persians. There will of been a massive militery build up of the chapters and the leaders will of been very happy to of gone to war, to gain the land the Persians had swelled into. At the time, only a few wisemen will of been able to write a very early and simple form of English. Simple rules, such as sentences and capital letters."

"The Militery will of had some art to it, but very little, flanking, the art of consuming the enemy may of been used, but it was all experimental, they'd not had a war yet!"
Added while posting: Cuz i didn't write much cuz i didn't know if yous were bothered!
(I cant remember the city names, so you'll understand what i'm about to say after i upload the map!)
The Persian land is in a back to front L shape, I attacked the Neck of the L first over the whole of the front, then pushed west, it took me, 4 or 5 turns to defeat them! On around the 3rd turn, my troops also began to hit 2 citys that the Persians made on the oposite side of me, they mannaged to get 2 settlers through a long time ago!

"At around the dawn of recorded history, the Persians were defeated, the British securing the whole of their island ready to try and expand imperialy!"


HMS Explorer was finaly intercepted by a Chinese Vessel, Explorer was half way around its exploration of Euroasian Contient. All of the Civs are now at war with me! This is madness, they seem to of picked as i was re arranging my militery from swordmen to Knights. So my militery is smaller than usual, but with the worlds navys consisting of Galleys, they arn't gunna be invading, cept maby Egypt and Greece, but my trusty knights are watching the coasts!

Last edited by HazieDaVampire; January 30, 2003 at 12:48.
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Old January 30, 2003, 12:58   #2
Mad Bomber
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Thanx for the Link.

Good start, but I would like to see a current map.
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* If brute force isn't working you are not using enough.
* The difference between Genius and stupidity is that Genius has a limit.
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Old January 30, 2003, 13:46   #3
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At least one map per thread page would be a great visual aid.
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Old January 31, 2003, 16:12   #4
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ok, heres the map, been pritty buisy!
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Old February 15, 2003, 16:24   #5
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Ok, i'm terribly sorry for not updating, but hardlys anythings happning. I'm getting a few peace agreements and losing some, but no invasions or anything yet, i hope to make my self and empire on over seas shores later on when i can grow my navy!

My army is beginning to out grow my treasurys pockets, so if i can complete Js Bach's Cathedral or sombody else completes it i'll change to republic, it should help i would think!

The Militery plans an invasion of Egypt, our shore is just 80miles (4squares) off theirs. Targeted Landingground is Abydos, i have no saltpeter, i did once have a deal for some but its no longer active, but i still have some musketmen!

5 Companys (10squads/units working in attack pairs) of Royal Knights have been dispatched to the port of Norwich.

With Japan peaceful with us, i'm going to try and get them to declare war. Japan has more than half of that Continent already and saltpeter of their own!

Targets in order are: Abydos then Hieraconpolis. We can push any more because the land is cut off by Japanese boarders. We'll need to get their permition to do so!


Invasion party ready, When the troops hit the shore i will get Japan to declare war, i've already checked to see if i can offord such an action.

Next turn they set sail, some just got into harbor and don't have enough mp.


Landing zone covered with enemy troops, going the more well covered landing zone just up shore. It hills, so it will provide more protection!


They've hit the landing zone, next turn we strike at the city, unless they some how get a load of threatening troops that we would be better off attacking first next to me knights!


Battle report:
1 knight was hurt (-1hp) when a swordsmen attacked from the east or north east.

4 Knight squads were injured in the assault on the city.
We take Abydos.
1 knight squad moves off in the direction of the next city and intercepts a Chariot, it wasn't harmed!
that knight and 4 others have headed off towards the next target!

I don't beleave i need any help from Japan yet.


Lost one knight to some Egyption trickery, An archer attacked forcing him to retreat, then a chariot went round the back and killed him then went back into the city, we killed everything when we attacked the city.
We got no gold for both!
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Old February 20, 2003, 17:01   #6
Datajack Franit
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More more details!
I will never understand why some people on Apolyton find you so clever. You're predictable, mundane, and a google-whore and the most observant of us all know this. Your battles of "wits" rely on obscurity and whenever you fail to find something sufficiently obscure, like this, you just act like a 5 year old. Congratulations, molly.

Asher on molly bloom
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Old February 20, 2003, 17:03   #7
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i've been giving the exact details, i've been using all of a units mps and then writting, then a new unit.

Sorry about the progress, very buisy on my end!
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Old February 21, 2003, 09:41   #8
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Interesting, Hazie. Oh, and happy birthday too!

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Old February 21, 2003, 14:22   #9
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When did i say its my birthday?
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Old February 21, 2003, 20:37   #10
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Originally posted by HazieDaVampire
When did i say its my birthday?
It was in the main forums page...
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'Yep, I've been drinking again.'
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Old February 21, 2003, 21:14   #11
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wow, cool, never spotted that before, and do you check that everyday? lol.

And that Panzerfaust/Panzershreck person was born on the same day!
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