February 7, 2003, 10:24
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Originally posted by Kirov
OK, if you won't mind, I have some proposals for New Tassagrad:
Of course I don't mind, you're NT's major for heaven's sake
- resign from building Sea crawler. Once crop failure ends, base will be no longer in need of nuts, and trawling is too hasty at this stage. This base requires improvements for herself at the moment, let her produce for the whole faction after she finishes improving 'herself'.
You have a point. Very well, trawlers and military units removed from queue.
- start building res Hospital and rushbuild it in case of drone rot. It will be beneficial for the base and the whole faction at the same time.
RH is already next in the queue. Drone riots won't be a problem under FM though, with 4-5 talents and no drones. It's more likely that we'll see a Golden Age in New Tassagrad in a turn or two
- add Hab Complex to queue. Only after crop failure, surplus of nuts will be large and fast growth is expected.
It's after the RH
- either build new former or get the only former this base have back. There is much to improve within base radius.
I have some formers swinging up past NT to do some work. Will consider assigning a former there on a more permanent basis. Pretty much it's just the rocky river square and those two uncultivated rainy squares... the sea squares are another matter, but that's why we're two turns away from that sea former
- disband scout patrol stationing in the band. It only eats support and there is already a trance garrison there.
Hmm, I'll take a look at the save when I get back to my home computer.
- consider building some SP there. For the glory of New Tassagrad!
Was already considering the XD... the Xenoempathy Dome is now in the queue after the HC
In summary, the old queue:
New Tassagrad
Current Project: Fusion Sea Formers
Queue (changed):
Research Hospital
(miltary unit, choice is up to DPO, DEI and whoever else)
Hab Complex
Fusion Lab
Trawler (sea crawler)
(military unit, choice as above)
And the new queue:
New Tassagrad
Current Project: Fusion Sea Formers
Queue (changed):
Research Hospital
Hab Complex
Xenoempathy Dome
Fusion Lab
Energy Bank
February 7, 2003, 12:37
Local Time: 17:28
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Originally posted by Cedayon
Of course I don't mind, you're NT's major for heaven's sake
Well, I don't exactly know what my majorship means. Anyway, you're the gov'nor.
And the new queue:
New Tassagrad
Current Project: Fusion Sea Formers
Queue (changed):
Research Hospital
Hab Complex
Xenoempathy Dome
Fusion Lab
Energy Bank
You got my point clearly. I'm happy to know that under FM social interactions will be proceeding smoothly - it gives a credit to FM. I know that's rather impossible to build XD, but I would be proud to invent, let's say, Longevity Vaccine.
One more thing - I see little sense in making long queues, esp when they are so often changed. I suggest just leaving empty spaces after SP. I would fancy a Hybrid Forest after that.
Oh, and thanks for the terraforming plans for NT. That's exactly what I wanted.
Man I love power. Maybe will run for Commissioner next term.
February 7, 2003, 12:51
Local Time: 10:28
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Originally posted by Kirov
Well, I don't exactly know what my majorship means. Anyway, you're the gov'nor.
Nothing officially, iirc, but it means your opinion is welcomed on any of this stuff, particularly the stuff referring to NT.
You got my point clearly. I'm happy to know that under FM social interactions will be proceeding smoothly - it gives a credit to FM.
It's the 20% Psych, rather than the FM, but FM generates enough wealth that 20% Pysch has that effect and there's still enough left to exceed the other economy choices in energy and labs generation.
I know that's rather impossible to build XD, but I would be proud to invent, let's say, Longevity Vaccine.
Oh, the XD is possible, and it will be done... should be close to finished by the end of this term, possibly done if I can coax some rushing cash out of TKG
One more thing - I see little sense in making long queues, esp when they are so often changed. I suggest just leaving empty spaces after SP. I would fancy a Hybrid Forest after that.
I make long queues just in case things finish really fast somehow, to show what direction I'm going in long-term, and to have something for others to build off of if some unforseeable catastrophe prevents me from posting new orders for later.
Oh, and thanks for the terraforming plans for NT. That's exactly what I wanted.
I was going to have a group swing by to mine that rocky square, then make for Aurora to do some stuff there... I could split off one to farm those two rainy squares, but I'm not sure that'll really be necessary with the tree farm and the sea squares. 16's the max pop with the HC (18 if we get the AV), so massive amounts of food aren't really necessary for now.
Man I love power. Maybe will run for Commissioner next term.
 I think GT's doing an excellent job already, though I'm not sure if he can run for the March term.
February 7, 2003, 20:40
Local Time: 02:28
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I think GT's doing an excellent job already, though I'm not sure if he can run for the March term.
I can (and will) run for the March term, but then I'll have to fijnd soemthing else to do. Maybe just stick to being a Governor for a term, or go back to Peacekeeping Operations (hopefully I'll actually do something then rather than just sit around).
February 10, 2003, 23:11
Local Time: 10:28
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(edited out orders, since the turnchat has passed and it's a mighty big post... orders can still be found in the '49 orders thread, though)
Last edited by Cedayon; February 16, 2003 at 13:06.
February 10, 2003, 23:12
Local Time: 10:28
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There's the orders I'm thinking of. Input is requested and welcome
February 16, 2003, 13:40
Local Time: 10:28
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Updated the first post with data from the new save... things are going well, I think, with Twin Peaks and Cyclops becoming useful bases and with NT likely to finish the Xenoempathy Dome just before the end of my term (earlier if rushed at some point).
February 17, 2003, 02:43
Local Time: 02:28
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Just a few corrections: We discovered both Centauri Empathy and Centauri Meditation some time ago, but CE is mentioned as being under development in Aurora; Espirito Del Aqua has already been built; and Drogue is no longer DEI.
February 17, 2003, 02:52
Local Time: 10:28
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People actually read that thing!? Oh, sorry, I had just copied and pasted from Drogue's post that was made rather long ago, didn't pay that level of attention when doing so  ... I just now corrected that and the other things (afaik).
February 17, 2003, 02:52
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You should probably take the XD out of the queue, and replace it with crawlers (Preferably expensive ones with Special Ability upgrades (Trance + something else) and armour). Those can be cashed in for their full value, and they'll cost less to rush. Don't forget that they can take an extra mineral or two in the meanwhile from unworked squares as well.
Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos
February 17, 2003, 02:59
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Interesting suggestion about the crawlers, and perhaps the best course of action game-wise... however I was planning on re-assigning the current crawlers (which are almost all on nuts because of the recent - but finished - crop failure) to mineral convoys... should bump NT's minerals to 27 or so... with a little help past that it'll be on par with NA, and more than capable of building the XD straight, no?
'course, I could have Aurora and Cyclops pump out a few of those nice and shiny rover supply units to help speed things up a little...
February 17, 2003, 04:01
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You'd still be better off creating crawlers and instabuilding the project than sitting on a building project. Hell, now that I think of it, you should really create the least expensive crawlers (Should be at a rate of 1/turn or so) and use credits to upgrade them. That'll cost even less.
Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos
February 17, 2003, 04:06
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IIRC, we decided at the start of the game that we weren't going to use that trick.
February 17, 2003, 05:11
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"Just because you're paranoid doesnt mean there's not someone following me..."
"I shall return and I shall be billions"
February 17, 2003, 18:53
Local Time: 10:28
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Yeah, the "make cheap crawler, upgrade to souped-up crawler, cash-in crawler" trick isn't allowed... but I've been giving more thought to the legal version of your proposal, Archaic...
And I have a plan
It calls for the construction of an extremely large Lay-Zer...
How does having the XD in '61 or '62 without rushing a single min of it sound to you guys?
edit- '60 or even '59 is possible too, but that would be pushing it
Last edited by Cedayon; February 17, 2003 at 19:03.
February 18, 2003, 00:43
Local Time: 10:28
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Well, it took a good bit of counting minerals and turns in my head, but I think I've figured out a pretty sure-fire way to get the XD completed by '62 using New Tassagrad and Aurora.
I'll work out the rest of the orders later, this is just the stuff pertaining to getting the XD.
Here's the plan, otherwise known as "Operation WholeMessOCrawlers":
Turn 1 ('56)
New Tassagrad:
-Change production from Xenoempathy Dome to Fusion Speeder Supply (accept min loss)
-Change Queue to FSS, FSS, FSS, FSS, Xenoempathy Dome
-Move the worker on the farm/solars just S of the base to the kelp farm/harness square (N NE of base)
-Change the crawler at (9,105) (W W N of base) from nutrient crawling to mineral crawling.
-Change the crawler at (12,108) (SW of base) from nutrient crawling to mineral crawling.
-Move the crawler at (11,113) (S S S W of base) to (11,111) (N from there) and crawl minerals.
-Change production from Research Hospital to Fusion Speeder Supply (accept min loss)
-Change Queue to FSS, FSS
-Please use ec's to fill in the 3 or so mins to make sure the FSS finishes in 1 turn (no need to do overrun, since Aurora will have 15 min production and thus produce an FSS in exactly 2 turns anyway).
Where to put the crawlers (always displace workers, preferably to forest, use discretion if no forest is available):
New Tassagrad:
#1: move S SE to the mine square and crawl minerals
#2: move SE and crawl minerals
#3: move NW and crawl minerals
#4: move S and crawl minerals
#5: move out (along a road) and immediately back in to be cashed in for the XD.
#1: move SW to the nut bonus square and crawl nuts
#2: move S and crawl minerals
#3: move to NT to cash in for the XD.
What to do with the 5-former group that starts S SE of New Tassagrad:
Send 1 (The Tacticus Academy Former) to the condensor square NW NW of New Tassagrad to add a soil enricher, when it's done I return it to control of the Centralis Governor.
Send 2 to the farm/solar square S of New Tassagrad to replace the current stuff with forest
Send 2 to the farm/solar square S SW of New Tassagrad to replace the current stuff with forest
(I have other tasks for the last 4 formers, but they are irrelevant to the plan)
Turn 6 ('61)
New Tassagrad should be building the Xenoempathy Dome now, probably with 10 mins leftover from the last crawler. (10/300)
-Cash in the two newly built FSS's (1 from NT, 1 from Aurora) (70/300)
-Cash in the FSS that's S of NT (100/300)
-Cash in the FSS that's SE of NT (130/300)
-Cash in the FSS that's NW of NT (160/300)
-Cash in the normal crawler that's SW of NT (190/300)
-Cash in the normal crawler at (11,111) (S S W of NT) (220/300)
-Cash in the FSS that's SW of Aurora (250/300)
-Cash in the FSS that's S of Aurora (280/300)
NT's mineral production should be enough to fill in the rest and finish the Dome by the next turn ('62)
Turn 7 ('62)
*ding* Project's done!
K, any questions or problems with this (ie is there anything in there I need to poll)?
GT, this will obviously require significant attention to detail on your part during the turnchat, is that ok with you?
February 18, 2003, 02:13
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I'll put it in big bold letters on the front page of my orders sheets so I don't forget.
February 27, 2003, 06:13
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Hi Gov! Just dropping by, methinks NT is pretty safe in your hands... Many thanks for that XD, you're very reliable. What reminds me: do we plan to build any boreholes in Akiria, NT specifically? I don't know what Drogue would say, but I'd like to have one...
February 27, 2003, 06:19
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I beleive one of Cedayon's campaign promises was that he would not build any boreholes in Akiria, and although he's departing for Jedinica Vrijstaat, I don't expect Herc will change this policy. I suppose you're free to agitate for boreholes as much as you like, and I wouldn't stop you.
February 27, 2003, 07:03
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Writing my previous post I wasn't aware that Herc is to take Akiria governorship...
I think that NT with its XD to-be is a great place to build a borehole or two. Herc, consider this - XD is for keeping ED at bay, right? So let's have actually something to keep at bay - NT doesn't generate any ED right now.
GT, how many fungal pops we have exactly endured? Just please don't tell me we hadn't any...
February 27, 2003, 07:05
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Two or three. There was one outside NS (that was our first), one outside TA (the most recent one), and I think one outside NA (not sure about that one).
February 27, 2003, 07:50
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So with our 19 Tree farms and 2 Hybrid Forests there are no ED in our faction, aren't there?
February 27, 2003, 09:20
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Kirov, the no-boreholes thing was a decision I made to avoid losing the election because I think Akiria should be kept clean of such things, though I'm definately a supporter of boreholes anywhere else. I polled the borehole policy, actually, but there were only 3-4 voters and it was indecisive, so I just made the decision myself.
Herc is likely to be quite a bit more adamant than I have, so you might be out of luck...
there are these plans for a stealth borehole I've been working on, though...
Oh, and yea, we're totally ED free and probably will remain so until we start building mineral increasing facilities... even then (it'll be a while, since we'll build a Gennie if and only if the firey underworld freezes over) we're likely to have an insane number of TF's, HF's, Centauri Preserves and the such.
February 27, 2003, 09:52
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Great, so once you'll change a region, be a supporter of boreholes 'everywhere else', specifically New Tassagrad, Akiria.
And I voted for you... how silly of me...
February 27, 2003, 11:27
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Originally posted by Kirov
Great, so once you'll change a region, be a supporter of boreholes 'everywhere else', specifically New Tassagrad, Akiria.
No no no, you misunderstand, my opinion of that is specific to Akiria  ... As JV governor I intend to turn the place into swiss cheese pursue aggressive terraforming and industrialization (it's already pretty far along, though)... and at that point your beloved New Tassagrad will be out of my hands and into Herc's.
And I voted for you... how silly of me...
I'm a warm body, that qualifies me for governor under the current circumstances
February 27, 2003, 11:52
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Originally posted by Cedayon
I'm a warm body, that qualifies me for governor under the current circumstances
I think that something more should be required from our authorities...
Originally posted by Pravin Lal
^Extra TALENT for every four citizens: {Attracts intellectual elite}
February 28, 2003, 21:03
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Originally posted by Kirov
I think that something more should be required from our authorities...
shhh! we'll lose our jobs!
March 1, 2003, 15:13
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Well, it's been a splendid term for me here in Akiria, and I think we're both the better for it.
As of the end of the turnchat today the Term VI government will be dissolved, and the Term VII government will be sworn in. I'd like to congratulate the new Governor, Hercules, on his succesful campaign for the office (not that there was any competition  ).
*big round of applause*
Oh, and Herc, don't mind the various menacing looking buttons I installed in the governor's desk... and if you find any documents titled something like "My evil plans as DIA", please forward them to me immediately and don't bother reading them, I'm sure you'll have more important things to do
March 2, 2003, 11:18
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Originally posted by Kirov
I don't know what Drogue would say
I think you do know what I would say
Originally posted by Cedayon
As JV governor I intend to turn the place into swiss cheese pursue aggressive terraforming and industrialization.
 .... *cough* I mean  of course
Herc: Do you have any plans re. the evil boreholes? Can we be assured another borehole-free term?
For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
But he would think of something
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March 3, 2003, 16:49
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