January 31, 2003, 15:00
Local Time: 09:28
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Cahokia, Illinois
Posts: 4
Diplomacy and Negotiations
There many new things I would like to see.
In some games I grow in military strength and never have the need for mutual protection pacts. Many times that just drags me into unwanted wars.
I also always take the side of the little guy in wars and try to do what ever I can to help them in their wars so they can survive sometimes having to go as far declaring war on their foe retaking cities and restoring their country. If they are my neighbor I get right of passage and build them roads, mines, etc. to help or even surround their city to protect them.
I would like to be able to build-with permission of course-a military base in an allies territory. That way I can have a large force half way around the world without having to have cities their. If the base was land locked=airbase/ if the base was coastal=air/naval.
Units would receive the healing benefits of a city and be upgradable from the base.
Also right of passage should include airspace. Airspace should be negotiated when having to fly through a neutral country to bomb your enemy. Granting land or air right of passage would effect relations with the neutral country and your enemy. So the usual extra tech, resources, $$, would have to convince the neutral on which way to go. I would also like to see counter negotiations. I should be able to negotiate terms for lifting an embargo made against me or someone else it should not be an automatic number of turns.
I would also like more features for the United Nations.
I would like more diplomatic negotiations enabling me to bring multiple sides together in a peace treaty. As I mentioned above I do not like seeing countries wiped out. Civs should be able to come back if any of their citizens are still alive. If they are wiped out and I take one of their old cities I should have the option to offer them independence raising my stature among the other civs, keeping them would cause problems for X amount of turns or something.
The top 5 scoring players could be the members who have veto power in resolutions. There would be 4 other open seats where all nations would have to vote for someone other than themselves and no abstain option and no majority needed. Ties settled by run offs elections. These nine would make the security council.
Countries could then be forced to disarm or at least no longer build certain units. They would have to allow a UN unit inspector to be placed on that resource barring access to it. They would have to move into that square thus expelling the inspectors. And causing a UN meeting where resolutions, embargos, or military force would have to be voted on by the security council. A veto by one of the 5 would kill any resolution or nations could choose to appease the offending nation, pressure it diplomatically or militarily. The UN vote would just be for UN purposes of course. Any nation would reserve the right to act unilatterily or lead a coalition of the willing.
A war such as this should require that the nation is brought into compliance, regime change, UN inspector on uranium tiles, and grant of independence.
I would also like to see the selling of arms in the game. Any non human units should be able to be sold or offered to anyone. If I have modern armor and I see a nation being over run I should be able to offer them military assistance. Armor, planes, ships, artillery, missiles. I'd also like to see a new Bio chemical missile where it would cause yellow pollution thus killing citizens if it is not cleaned soon. Again having the UN act on what to do. Tech treaties should also be implemented where tech gains are made when anyone in the treaty advances. Alliances should include more nations. If I wanted to start a NATO type alliance, I should be able to bring in other nations maybe having the current members vote them in or something. The terrorist factor should be included in the game. The barbarians could evolve into terrorist where the huts become camps. Terrorist actions could include destroying city improvements or even an embassy in a foreign country. Relations between to countries could sour for example if an embassy were destroyed at the same time that a terrorist camp sprung up in that country. Nations could come together in an agreement to destroy camps. Nations could also support terrorism by allocating money to a "terrorist fund" EXAMPLE: destroy Roman Temple -all nations city improvements and luxury/strategic resource squares would be listed as options. when certain money is available an act is carried out-no failures. If I know of a terrorist camp, and it is not destroyed within a certain amount of turns, I could accuse that nation at the UN of supporting terrorism. Or I could destroy it myself. Or I could infiltrate the terrorists with espionage thus revealing who has allocated money. Money could then be tied to a certain act thus souring relations between the nation supporting terrorism and the victim nation. Camps will not be necessary for terrorists to exists, they will be areas where terrorists can have units so they can pillage squares, capture workers (workers turned into terrorist unit). Nations could support terrorist with artillery, gunboats would replace privateers in modern times. Nations could also give Bio chemical missiles or even nukes. Nations supporting terrorism would again suffer greatly if they are found out. I would like to see the option of "Regime change" after a war is won offer independence and install the government of my choice.
Their should also be some sort of limit on governments to promote diversity. Each government has advantages in some games I've played all countries are democracies which is unrealistic.
There are a great deal of things that should be negotiated. Also when I am in a an alliance or mutual protection pact, I should see what my ally sees because of radio communications. The fog of war should not be in effect in the vision range of my allies, I should be able to bomb units and squares that they see. This could be an option in the negotiations.
Basically anything should be negotiable.
One question I have though if anyone can answer it.
How do you end treaties? I've been dragged into wars many times well after the 20 turns that mutual protection treaties last. The CPU can bring up the screen about how they would like to end the agreement. Where do I go to end the agreement?
January 31, 2003, 15:32
Local Time: 15:28
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: In a bottle of BEER!
Posts: 51
Your suggestions would go a LONG WAY to make the modern era MUCH MORE interesting....
And to answer your question, you can cancel treaties, trades, etc that are beyond their 20-turns by going into the diplo screen, and at the bottom, clicking "Active" and it will show you all that is active. ALSO you can go in the preferences screen and select "Always renegotiate deals" and you will automatically get a diplo screen when a 20-turn period is up. (highly recommended)
January 31, 2003, 16:26
Local Time: 11:28
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: Philly
Posts: 2,961
I just read the part of the MOO3 preview that covers diplomacy and the Senate ( http://apolyton.net/moo3/preview/part4_talk.php ). Civ3 could learn a lot from what they are doing.... with the UN taking the Senate functions.
"Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
"I trust Stuie and all involved." - SlowwHand
"Stuie is right...." - Guynemer
January 31, 2003, 17:21
Local Time: 11:28
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 40
The top 5 scoring players could be the members who have veto power in resolutions.
I really like this idea! It would make people like me pay attention to scoring. I was disappointed that there wasn't a UN that worked like the council in Alpha Centauri.
January 31, 2003, 18:20
Local Time: 09:28
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: May 2002
Location: of Central Texas
Posts: 561
Military Bases
Legion General,
Military Bases:
This is a concept that I use often (and with great success) in the modern era. Just get an RoP with whichever civ in which you want to station units. Then just fortify a stack of your best units on one of their Mountains (or other defensive postion.) If you really want, you can send in your Workers to road/railroad up to your 'Military Base' and then build a Fortification.
This tactic works well especially when you decide to put one of your 'Bases' (aka Stack-Of-Death, SoD) on each of your "friend's" Strategic Resources. This also ensures that if that civ is stupid enough to declare war on you, you can pilliage their road and they cannot use those resources against you.
As long as you have the RoP with that civ, you can keep your units there. They will heal and everything--obviously not like in a barracks, but they will heal.
If you want airport or barracks or harbor, wait until someone on that continent goes to war with you and send in a Settler (accompanied by your troops) to build a city. It never hurts to have a city on another continent.
"...Every Right implies a certain Responsibility; Every Opportunity, an Obligation; Every Possession, a Duty." --J.D. Rockerfeller, Jr.
Last edited by steven8r; January 31, 2003 at 18:27.
January 31, 2003, 19:18
Local Time: 09:28
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Cahokia, Illinois
Posts: 4
Military Bases
I agree you can ship units over and build forts but an airfield/naval station would allow the rebase option where you can send over many units at one time. If you have airports in all your cities of course.
January 31, 2003, 19:30
Local Time: 09:28
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: May 2002
Location: of Central Texas
Posts: 561
If you want that capability, just build/take-over a city.
The city will allow you to drop/rebase as many units per turn as you have airports AND it will bring in some additional revenue to boot.
In the later game, I rush build airports in new/new to me cities, then start rushing the 'Cultural Buildings' to keep the citezenry happy, improve my boundaries AND possibly make the AI's closer cities envious of my "So called 'Culture'."
If all the land is taken where you want your base, just wait until you are at war then send in a Settler or two to build a city where you want one. If you are not currently at war with a civ, building a city in his country will cause it. Either way, you will now have your city (AKA, Deployment Outpost) on the other contenent. It's only logical that you can expand from there.
Once you own the world's landmass, then you won't have to worry about it any more, until then, build cities wherever you think one ought to be.
"...Every Right implies a certain Responsibility; Every Opportunity, an Obligation; Every Possession, a Duty." --J.D. Rockerfeller, Jr.
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