
Originally posted by lbores on 02-16-2001 01:22 PM...
Has anyone used more than 1? I have no problem with lakes - BTW.
Weeeeelll, y'all know about that game of mine, don't you?
Oh, please, then Jam would accuse me of gloating again!
OK, if you really insist...
YES, I used 9 at once!
As cbn pointed out, I could kill 10 bases thanks to a crawler in the middle of 2 of them.
It was a particular game, a team 2 vs. 2 pbem.
We had a continent each, and Fusion reactors added the 2 more range tiles which put 10 out of 13 enemy bases in reach.
I was the Hive, and the continent setting allowed me to have a huge lot of crawlers available. When I got Orbital, I cashed in the crawlers into the protptypes, and I had also Skunkworks in the HQ for an extra spare.
Jam could do nothing to stop that hard rain, the turn after he was left with 3 bases.
Besides, I didn't even lose commerce with my pacted teammate, as the launch occurred during SunSpots!
Of course, I had to face 3 years of EcoDamage swarming, lost lots of land and terraforming, but not the bases. Earned about 1k-2k ec each of those turns from pearlhunting.
A volcano erupted. IIRC ~1000m of searising over 20 years.
There I first saw monoliths at sea. And some of the craters made lakes with shores so steep, that the sides of two adjacent tiles were not in contact, letting us see a gap of black nothingness!!