Instructions for playing on the - SH Demo Server
For background details and download instructions, please check the "
Have fun, play with us!" thread.
Basic instructions for connection to the server.
1. Launch the MoH:AA SH demo.
2. Configure your graphics settings and keys. It's essential for playing the game.
3. Go to the room labeled Multiplayer.
4. Choose Multiplayer Settings and set your name, skin choices and connection type.
5. Click Join Game and enter the IP number to directly connect. The server's IP number is
6. The game should then connect you to the server.
The server runs both of the maps included with the demo. The Malta deathmatch map and the Druckkammern tug-o-war map. All maps are played 3 rounds and one round is max 20 minutes long. Friendly fire and realism are both off, but leaning is permitted. Also notice that Virtual Ming is guarding you.
If you need help or other assistance, ask in this thread or at the #apolyton IRC channel where I idle.
The server will be running at least the next 12 hours.

The actual MoH:AA SH demo playing event will be within several weeks as the game can be played on a proper server. This server has only 8 slots because of my lousy ADSl connection, plus my ISP doesn't actually allow me to run any servers.
Keep on fragging!