* GT^Commish has joined #smacdg
(The-Evangelion-Freak) Afternoon (?)
(GT^Commish) morning.
(Cedayon) Greetings, GT

(Mania^gov) hi
(GT^Commish) Well, this is unusual.
(Mania^gov) Yeah I know :-)
* Cedayon is now known as Cedayon^gov
(Cedayon^gov) So we're going to be 2 Secret Projects stronger in 2 turns?

(GT^Commish) Cedayon: Was there any change in your orders from the ones you poste
din the Akiria thread to the ones in orders thread?
(GT^Commish) And, yes.
(GT^Commish) We will be.
(Cedayon^gov) I added the "General Orders" thing, and a note about the rushes
(Cedayon^gov) But no change to build orders, former orders, crawler orders, or
worker orders
(GT^Commish) Okay, good.
(Mania^gov) Oh yes, are my DEI orders ok? I haven't been paying attention to the
DEI's actions the last month(s), so I don't know at all if they're consistent
with the previous plans.
(Mania^gov) Which I couldn't find btw as Drogue didn't seem to have posted orders
for the previous chat either. :-(
(GT^Commish) i'm just examining them (while eating breakfastat the same time).
(Mania^gov) I'm eating an icecream.

(Cedayon^gov) Drogue appears to be absent, I was in PMs with him (and was
expecting a set of prelim orders from him to work off of), but I haven't heard
from him since just after the elections closed
(Mania^gov) Last online:
(Mania^gov) 15:27 31-01-2003
(Mania^gov) Drogue...
(Cedayon^gov) About 30-31 hours ago?
* AdamTG02 is now known as AdamTG02^DSci
(Mania^gov) looks like it. It's 22.52 at my place.
* GT^Commish is now known as GT^AFK
(GT^AFK) toilet.
(Cedayon^gov) 17.02 on my (fast) clock
(Mania^gov) Where do you live?
(Cedayon^gov) Georgia, US
(Mania^gov) Ah I see.

(Mania^gov) Me in snowy Belgium.
(Cedayon^gov) yea, I'm one of those ignorant Americans you hear all about

(Mania^gov) lol
(Cedayon^gov) I've never been to Belgium, but I have been in France and Germany
(Mania^gov) Ah the big neighbours.
(Mania^gov) We are the humble country between the big chauvinists. :-D
(Cedayon^gov) You consider France "big"?

* GT^AFK is now known as GT^Commish
(Mania^gov) Well um...

(Cedayon^gov) Anyone here planning to record the chat?
(GT^Commish) Who was here first?
(Cedayon^gov) Me
(GT^Commish) If all else fails, I can do it, I'm the only one that has to be ehre
the whole time.
(Cedayon^gov) I just got IRC today though, so I don't know off hand to record
(Mania^gov) I'm also logging ATM, but I probably won't stay the entire time.
(Cedayon^gov) I'll be here the whole time barring a crash
(GT^Commish) Cedayon: You see the little icon next to file, in the top left hand
(GT^Commish) Go down to 'buffer', and clikc 'save as'.
(Cedayon^gov) hmm, there's disconnect, options, tools.... *looking*
(Cedayon^gov) found it
(GT^Commish) It'll save the file as a .log file, you need to open it with notepad.
(Cedayon^gov) saved in the logs dir... and I just save when we're done here?
(Cedayon^gov) I have .log's bound to textpad, but yea
(Cedayon^gov) or not, wrong computer

(Mania^gov) 2200 GMT!
(Cedayon^gov) yea, the log file's there and looks as expected. No time stamps
(GT^Commish) Maniac: I just printed the roders, so let's go.
(GT^Commish) * orders

(GT^Commish) btw - DBTS apparently intends to breeed our first mindworms at Deeus
Ex Machina.
(GT^Commish) * Deus
(Cedayon^gov) an interesting decision, but I guess they can be useful
(Mania^gov) And then to think he voted for Free Market...

(Cedayon^gov) I think he said it was to annoy the CCCP
(GT^Commish) Maybe he just wants to build something in his region first.
(Cedayon^gov) Then again, a warmonger doesn't need much of an excuse to build
military units

(GT^Commish) Anyway, Maniac: Did you want me to replace the second SC in the
Concordia queue?
(AdamTG02^DSci) Mind Worm are always state of the art, and presumably we wouldn't
attack Yang with the weapons we have prototyped.
(GT^Commish) What?
(GT^Commish) IIRC, in SMAC, they're pretty much useless against Fusion and up.
(Mania^gov) Yep. So finish the current one, then another one, and then a military
(GT^Commish) Okay, thanks.
(GT^Commish) That's what I assumed, just had to make sure.
(AdamTG02^DSci) Are they? I never had trouble, considering that they ignore the
armor of the defender.
(GT^Commish) And the units you asked for will have to wait until we develop Fusion.
(AdamTG02^DSci) But you may be right... I haven't played too many conquest games,
since I tend to be Builder.
(GT^Commish) Adam: It's because of hit points difference. Even if they do ignore
armous, they can't take them off fast enough.
(Cedayon^gov) I thought mind worms did more damage to compensate for the extra HP
you get at higher reactors?
(Cedayon^gov) or was that in SMACX?
(GT^Commish) I know, but I didn't think that wa simplemente duntil SMAX.
(Mania^gov) indeed. But I presume it will be researched (or at least it would've
been under FM - don't know about planned)
(Cedayon^gov) ahh, so once we get fusion units out there we have little to fear
from the worms?
(GT^Commish) Depend son when it was put in. I'm not sure.
(GT^Commish) But, hopefully, yes.
(Mania^gov) It was already implemented in a plain smac patch I believe
(GT^Commish) Well, I guess we'll find out when a Fusion unit first attacks a
(GT^Commish) Cedayon: Did you want me to switch the CC in Aurora to a TF, or just
the queue?
(Cedayon^gov) just the queue
(Cedayon^gov) no changes to current projects
(Cedayon^gov) although I did want rushes on all the current projects, as it's
pretty cheap
(GT^Commish) Were there any rush requests TKG didn't grant?
(Mania^gov) don't think so
(Cedayon^gov) Considering our income and stockpile, it'd take a LOT of rushing to
pose a problem
(GT^Commish) Okay, we have a problem with UNRC.
(Cedayon^gov) what kind of problem?
(AdamTG02^DSci) What's up?
(GT^Commish) Due to the fact that it's supporting 2 units (after the mindworm
attack a while ago) it produces NO MINERALS.
(Cedayon^gov) hmm, and no amount of worker juggling will solve that?
(GT^Commish) Nope.
(Mania^gov) It's located very bad
* Lemmy has joined #smacdg
(Cedayon^gov) a crawler could be sent over, rehomed, and set on minerals
(GT^Commish) The only squares that will produce enough nutrients to keep them
alive don't produce minerals.
* Lemmy is now known as Lemmy||Cit|Convict|Evil
(Mania^gov) Hi Lemmy. Will you try to corrupt us with your evilness?
* Lemmy||Cit|Convict|Evil is now known as Lemmy||Ctz|Convict|Evil

* Lemmy||Ctz|Convict|Evil is now known as Lemmy||Ctz|Ex-Con|Evil
(GT^Commish) Cedayon: That might be an idea. Do we ahve a spare crawler?
(Cedayon^gov) Dunno, lemme check
* Mania^gov thinks we'll probably have to give that base to the UoP anyway.
* herc2 has joined #smacdg
(GT^Commish) btw, Zanarkand Gate has finished with it's famine.
(herc2) Big crowd tonight , hello everybody
(Cedayon^gov) the nearest one in the '35 save is at 25,101, east of Mysidia
(GT^Commish) hi herc.
(Cedayon^gov) Hey Herc

* Lemmy||Ctz|Ex-Con|Evil sneaks up on herc from behind....."BOO!"
(GT^Commish) Ceayon: because of the roads, the one at 21,103 would actually get
there quicker.
(The-Evangelion-Freak) Lemmy,

(Lemmy||Ctz|Ex-Con|Evil) furnituuuuure!
(The-Evangelion-Freak) I thought you were the New-and-improved-furniture?
(GT^Commish) However,t eh question is, can we pull the crawler of it's current
task to generate minerals for somewhere else.
(Cedayon^gov) Are you sure? if the 25,101 one went south, wouldn't it be one
square ahead?
(Cedayon^gov) the 25,101 one is generating 2 of New Suez's 24 mineral surplus
(Cedayon^gov) it would solve NS's ED problem

(GT^Commish) Cedayon: No, it wouldn't.
(GT^Commish) About the crawler mvoing faster,t hat is/
(GT^Commish) that is.
(GT^Commish) If the 21,103 crawler went E, it would be 1 square ahead of the
25,101 one.
(Cedayon^gov) Right, I was thinking of the wrong alternative crawler
(Cedayon^gov) and it would make a turn's difference in getting to UNRC... hmm,
could one of UNRCs units be rehomed to Crystalis?
(AdamTG02^DSci) Is time really critical, though? UNRP is working on a Crawler, if
I recall the orders right. Not really something that needs to be produced as
soon as humanly possible.
(GT^Commish) Thing is, until it gets some more minerals, it's not going to produce
anything, ever.
(Cedayon^gov) stagnant growth too, yea
(Cedayon^gov) unless that former can farm one square and mine another
(GT^Commish) btw, apparently our net income just hit 120.
(AdamTG02^DSci) True. My point is not that it's not a problem but that one turn
won't mae that big of a difference.
(AdamTG02^DSci) mae -) make
(GT^Commish) Well, if it's just a toss-up, then you go for whichever one is faster.
(GT^Commish) Even if it's only one turn.
* AdamTG02^DSci shrugs.
(AdamTG02^DSci) I was thinking that the eastern one was preferable, given that
it's producing eco-damage in New Suez.
(Cedayon^gov) The crawler is probably the better long-term solution... it'll cut
Mysidia's minerals from 16 to 14, I think, but that's not so big
(GT^Commish) Okay, quickpoll - 1 = use the 21,103 crawler, 2 = use the 25,101
crawler, 3 = don't use a crawler, 4 = abstain.
(Cedayon^gov) the ED in NS can be solved by moving a worker, actually... not that
it's necessarily something that needs to be done
* GT^Commish 1
* Mania^gov 3
(Cedayon^gov) 1
(AdamTG02^DSci) 2
(herc2) 1
(GT^Commish) Okay, we use the 21,101 crawler,t hen.
(GT^Commish) 21,203, rather.
(AdamTG02^DSci) Looks like the 1s have it.

I stand outvoted.
(Cedayon^gov) tyrrany of the majority

(GT^Commish) btw, I've now finished the build queue and worker allocation orders.
(GT^Commish) moving on to crawlers & formers.
(Cedayon^gov) Great

... Cyclops actually *got* a queue this time, right?

(herc2) right
* Logging #smacdg to 'logs\#smacdg.GRNet.log'
(GT^Commish) It seems Yang has been suffering somewhat from attrition to his probe
(GT^Commish) He only has 1 left, compared to 3 a little while ago.
(Mania^gov) ?
(Cedayon^gov) Yes, I noticed that in the save
(Cedayon^gov) I'd say he got his money's worth, though, considering all the techs
he was (apparently) stealing from the Uni
(GT^Commish) Maniac: last I checked, he had three. Now he has one.
(GT^Commish) And he's currently 200
(Mania^gov) Thanks for the explanation. :-)
(GT^Commish) + points overdue fro Polymorphic software.
(GT^Commish) anyway, he also seems to be suffering a lot of Drone Ritos, esecially
in the occupied bases.
(Cedayon^gov) I imagine the Uni citizens see the writing on the wall, and are
acting accordingly
(GT^Commish) He's presumably relying on building Rec Commons to alleviate this.
(GT^Commish) On, and he has an income of -9.
(GT^Commish) The Uni bases are huge liabilities for him.
(GT^Commish) University Base alone takes 7 off his income.
(Cedayon^gov) Yang's not exactly Mr.Moneybags normally
(GT^Commish) Yeah, but there's not a single University base that's actually
producing any money for him.
* Lemmy||Ctz|Ex-Con|Evil is now known as Lemmy|Evil
(Cedayon^gov) hmm, an interesting predicament he's in... only 204 in the reserves
too, so it's not like he can rush all those rec commons in the drone'd bases
(GT^Commish) Quite.
(GT^Commish) Hopefully, he'll implode without us ever having to attack him at all.

(Cedayon^gov) The AI will drive him on to take those last 2 uni bases anyway,
despite the likelyhood that it'll only hurt him more
(Cedayon^gov) 'course, if those riots escalate and destroy some stuff, the energy
costs may go down... or do AI players not get hit with riot escalations?
(GT^Commish) Dunno, actually.
(GT^Commish) Be nice if the riots escalated enough for them to revolt and join the
(Mania^gov) Yang's not doing it for the money, just for mere power!

(GT^Commish) Then he would be completely f*cked.
(Mania^gov) Indeed.

(Cedayon^gov) Could our probe teams add significantly to his drone problems?
(GT^Commish) Not really.
(GT^Commish) None of the rioting bases are easily accessible to our probes.
(Cedayon^gov) thought so, just relishing the thought of giving him another kick in
(GT^Commish) We could throw a few spanners in the works if we blew up some Rec
Commons, though.

(Cedayon^gov) hehe
(Cedayon^gov) Is it likely that we could steal enough of that reserve to put him
in a real jam?
(herc2) Don't want to risk our boys just for those things
(Cedayon^gov) *nods* just wondering, it wouldn't really be a productive use of
forces anyway
(GT^Commish) Re: stealing money... the less he has, the less we get, and if it
goes low enough, we get nothing.
(Cedayon^gov) k, I thought the algorithm was like that... ah well, we can just
watch Yang implode without helping it along
(GT^Commish) Okay, governor orders done, just have to do director orders.
(Cedayon^gov) Cool

(Cedayon^gov) The Spartan's are in a bit of a jam too, with -3/turn and 102
(GT^Commish) Mind you, they put themselves in it by building eocnomically pathetic
bases, rather than conquering them.
(GT^Commish) And running Frontier/Planned can't have helped, either.
(Cedayon^gov) yea... Spartans also have difficulty with the concept of terrafoming
(Mania^gov) Any AI I'd say...
(GT^Commish) They've planted a hell of a lot of forest, but no solar colelctors.
(GT^Commish) Works quite well when they're trying to build & maintain an army, but
not good fort he economy.
(Cedayon^gov) Yang's biggest problem appears to be the hologram theatres at 3 a
piece, and the network nodes from the Uni bases that didn't cost Zakh anything
to maintain
(GT^Commish) Indeed.
(GT^Commish) University Base is burning a massive hole in his wallet.
(GT^Commish) Anyway, down to the last moves: our probe teams are about to sneak
into The Hive.
(herc2) Is there anything to stea;l now or is it sabotag
(GT^Commish) Drogue wants us to steal the world map.
(herc2) steal / sabotage
(Mania^gov) Besides that we have everything.
(GT^Commish) Yang wants to speak to us.

(Cedayon^gov) hmm, interesting
(GT^Commish) Talk, or refuse?
(Cedayon^gov) Does he call often?

(Cedayon^gov) can it hurt to talk with him?
(GT^Commish) No, but then again, this is first time we've dropped off a land unit
on his continent.
* Mania^gov refuse

(herc2) lets hear what he has to say
(The-Evangelion-Freak) indeed, it can't hurt us
(Mania^gov) Probably some money
(The-Evangelion-Freak) we can always tell him to **** off
(Cedayon^gov) yep
(GT^Commish) Now, he wants us to attack the University.
(The-Evangelion-Freak) ...

(GT^Commish) refuse, obviously.
(Cedayon^gov) what is he gonna do? Double-secret Vendetta us?
(herc2) joke
(The-Evangelion-Freak) slap him
(GT^Commish) ROFLMAO

(GT^Commish) He wants us to give his 1150 ECs for peace.
(The-Evangelion-Freak) he's desperate
(The-Evangelion-Freak) wait
(The-Evangelion-Freak) he wants US
(The-Evangelion-Freak) to give him money?!
(GT^Commish) No, he wants US to give HIM money.
(GT^Commish) yes.
(The-Evangelion-Freak) I read that as him giving us money

(Cedayon^gov) he only has 200 or so
(GT^Commish) I refused, of course.
* AdamTG02^DSci chuckles.
(The-Evangelion-Freak) :dyslexic:
(AdamTG02^DSci) He's really in trouble, if he has to resort to outrageous damands
he knows we won't grant to pay his Network Node bills.
(GT^Commish) "You are a blight upon this planet, Lal. Destroying you will be a
service to humanity."
(Cedayon^gov) ok, probe the bastard

(The-Evangelion-Freak) Heh
(The-Evangelion-Freak) He's pissed off now

(GT^Commish) Probe 1 going in.
(GT^Commish) mission accomplished.
(Cedayon^gov) the map?
(Mania^gov) Survival?
(GT^Commish) Probe team returned to Metropolis and was promoted to Veteran status.
(Cedayon^gov) woo hoo!

(GT^Commish) Cedayon: yep.
(Mania^gov) Should we let that probe team explore north??
(herc2) big round of applause for the team
(Cedayon^gov) anything good in the map?
(GT^Commish) Mainly updates on Hive terraforming.
(GT^Commish) Maniac: I'd say ni.
(GT^Commish) no.
* The-Evangelion-Freak has a Monty Python moment *
(The-Evangelion-Freak) ... Ni!
(herc2) no hide in fungus somewhere out of reach od needlejets if taht s possible
(GT^Commish) Well this is *VERY* odd.
(herc2) u know what i mean
(The-Evangelion-Freak) hmm?
(GT^Commish) We saw Yang build a needlejet some time ago, yet he now doesn't have
one, is building another one, and apparently hasn't lost the first one.
(Cedayon^gov) hmm, did we see him finish it?
(Mania^gov) production switch
(GT^Commish) Yes.
(The-Evangelion-Freak) he switched to something else then
(The-Evangelion-Freak) yeah, what they said
(GT^Commish) No, he built it.
(The-Evangelion-Freak) hmmm
(GT^Commish) Maniac: No he did finish it.
(AdamTG02^DSci) Did we see the unit itself, then?
(GT^Commish) In his datalinks, yes.
(Mania^gov) Perhaps it has been hijacked by the University resistance???
(GT^Commish) lol
(The-Evangelion-Freak) cue Twilight Zone music
(The-Evangelion-Freak) What about the Sargasso Triangle?
(Cedayon^gov) Yea, it's listed as "1 active" in the data links
(AdamTG02^DSci) Interesting. Leave it to Zakharov to think up a Probe Jet with
Air Superiority.
(The-Evangelion-Freak) Probe Jet

(Cedayon^gov) It should be in the "Socialism Tunnels" base
(Cedayon^gov) can't do probe jets... but perhaps the AI ca
(GT^Commish) It is.
(Cedayon^gov) * can
(GT^Commish) Either it's got a malfunctiooning cloaking device, or I just didn't
see it before.
(Cedayon^gov) hehe
(GT^Commish) anyway, turn complete.