February 2, 2003, 07:21
Local Time: 12:34
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Botanic Garden, Rio
Posts: 5,124
Orders for next Turchat (starting 1360 ad), Monday, Feb 3, 23:00 GMT---> POSTPONED
This is the orders thread. Please, only post replies if you are a member of the government, RA, an executive adviser or a deputy.
The chat is postponed.
New date & time: Thursday 23:00 GMT, Feb 6 (the poll about Persia will be closed already).
Prez Aro
SMC Meshelic
DM joncnunn
FAM Shuber
Classical Apolyton: roadcage
Upper Apolyton: Kloreep
Old France: dejon
Old Germany: Spiffor
Old Persia: Aidun
Uber Isle: Panzer32
Executive advisors:
Legal Advisor: adaMada
Science Advisor: ManicStarseed
Last edited by Aro; February 4, 2003 at 12:46.
February 2, 2003, 07:42
Local Time: 12:34
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: Botanic Garden, Rio
Posts: 5,124
The starting save:
February 2, 2003, 12:31
Local Time: 09:34
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Minneapolis Kansas
Posts: 712
Classical Apolyton City Planning
Basis 1360 save
Opening statement:
There are numerous serious tile overlaps in this region. Termina, Apolyton, Tassagrad resolved within this order set. Additional change between Macross City(cross region), Rheims, Opiadom, and Timeline identified with directional notation included but not resolved within these orders (because it isn't necessary till some hospitals appear). As proposed, Macross City and Timeline gain tiles, Rheims looses tiles and Opiadom is more or less even. Also identified and recommended cross region swap between Port Rouge and Jerusalem. Net effect is +5 shields in Jerusalem and -1 shield in Port Rouge all pre multiplier. All cities are stuck at 12 pop so there is no growth. Several hospitals appear within the turnchat horizon and worker reception festivities are planned.
Turn Summary:
Turn 0 (1360)
execute tile swaps and queue changes per city details
1st Uber Ferry Galleon arrives Apoolyton with 1 move left. Upgrade to Transport
Tween 0/1
Termina completes Harbor
Apolyton completes Police Station
Tassagrad completes Courthouse
Banana HQ completes Police Station
Gotham completes Courthouse
Timeline completes Wallstreet
Turn 1 (1365)
Load 1st Uber Ferry per SMC direction and send to Uber soonest.
2nd Uber Ferry Galleon Arrives Apolyton with 1 move left. Upgrade to Transport and await SMC direction.
Tween 1/2
Chartres completes Hospital
Turn 2 (1370)
Chartres receives 3 workers WF->1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,19,20
Tween 2/3
Gotham completes Infantry
Turn 3 (1375)
Tween 3/4
Chartres completes Harbor
Timeline completes Hospital
Turn 4 (1380)
Timeline receives 5 workers WF->all tiles
Chartres receives 3 workers WF->1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,19,20
Tween 4/5
Gotham completes Infantry
turn 5 (1385)
Tassagrad receives 4 workers WF->all tiles
Tween 5/6
Tassagrad completes Hospital
City Detail:
Port Rouge - Serious tile overlap issues with Jerusalem and to a lesser extent Chartres. Consider tile swap across regions giving Port Rouge 5 to Jerusalem which allows Jerusalem to develop another 4 shield mountain tile. If accepted, wf becomes 1,2,4,6,7,8,9,10,14,18,19,20. Either with or without swap, Port Rouge remains 10 turns from factory which is beyond the turnchat horizon.
Termina - As found 28 shields to harbor producing 26 net. (very bad) Change WF to 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,13,19,20 producing 30 shields completing harbor in 1 turn. Next up in queue is Hospital in 6. All others outside the chat horizon. Serious tile overlap issues with Apoly and Tassagrad. One of these cities needs to permanently shed shields. I know I will get flamed for this, but the logical candidate for shield loss is Apolyton.
Apolyton - Galleon arriving this turn. Upgrade to transport. Load per SMC direction and send to Uber soonest. Making Police Station this turn. Another Galleon arriving in 1365, upgrade to transport. Hold 2nd transport here pending SMC direction. Next in queue is Hospital at 7 turns as found. Consider long term shedding tile 19 to Termina and tile 9 to Tassagrad. There is no way to have 3 good shield cities here. One must become a trade city. Apolyton is the best choice. If both swaps are made Apolyton still makes the PS this turn but the Hospital stretches out to 8. If accepted, the WF becomes 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,13,15,16.
Tassagrad - Making Courthouse this turn with or without the Apolyton swap. Hospital is next in queue at 4 turns with or without the Apolyton Swap. Recommend committing Apolyton to the swap but utilising another coast tile at Tassagrad for an extra trade. If accepted the WF becomes 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,15,16,18,20 A Cav currently follows hospital but will be deleted per SMC preferences. This city is good candidate for 5 turn Battleship or 3 turn Colosseum with decision to be made in 1385. Tassagrad becomes receptor for workers in 1385 which is right at the turnchat horizon.
Banana HQ - Making Police Station this turn Next is Hospital in 6 which is beyond the turnchat horizon. WF ok More tile overlap issues but no real way out.
Opiadom - Factory in 8 which is beyond turnchat horizon. WF ok More tile overlap. Consider shedding towards Timeline and accepting from Rheims.
Gotham - Current queue is Hospital. However due to overlap there are ZERO available tiles beyond 12 to work. Hence no WF changes are possible. Hospital costs more maintenance than a single tax collector can make. The Hospital will be changed to Courthouse in 1 turn followed by Infantry in 2 turns. Note, current and ultimate pop 100% happy w/o colosseum so there are no more useful builds here. Note current shields is 46 net which is almost perfect for 90 shield Infantry in 2 turns. Once Infantry drops from the queue (far future) consider 80 shield fighter. Wealth is the only practical alternative.
Chartres - Making Hospital in 2, then Harbor in 2 then University in 4. Receptor for 3 workers (1 grass,2 coast) in 1370 then 3 more (all coast) in 1380. no WF changes
Rheims - Making Factory in 8 which is beyond the turnchat horizon. WF ok for now but consider shedding towards Macross City and Opiadom.
Timeline - Making Wallstreet in 1, then Hospital in 3. Becomes worker receptor in 1380. Add Battlefield Medicine to queue in 7 turns (after pop addback 9 before addback). Serious overlap with Opiadom. Consider Accepting from Opiadom.
Respectfully submitted
Ssgt roadcage (retired)
I used to be a builder. That was before I played Civ III
Last edited by roadcage; February 2, 2003 at 15:06.
February 2, 2003, 17:22
Local Time: 10:34
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: The DoD
Posts: 8,619
Upper Apolyton
Upper Apolyton
Turn 0 - 1360
Loveshack: Change queue to Courthouse(1)-University-Bank
Gaia: Change queue to Hospital(2)-Colosseum-University-Bank
Geofront: Change queue to Factory(2)-Hospital-Colosseum-University-Bank-Police Station
Ubergorsk: Change queue to Hospital(3)-Colosseum-Bank-Infantry
Oak Ridge: Change queue to Factory(7)-University-Bank-Police Station
Seeberg: Change queue to Hospital(3)-University-Bank-Infantry
New York: Change queue to University(5)-Colosseum-Bank-Police Station-Infantry
Del Monte: Change queue to Hospital(4)-University-Colosseum-Infantry
Chiquita: Change queue to Factory(10)-University-Colosseum-Infantry-Bank-Infantry
Napoleton: Change queue to Factory(6)-Hospital-Police Station-Colosseum-University-Bank. WF to 1-2-4-5-7-8-9-11-12-13-17-20 (move worker on 3 to 1).
Turn 1 - 1365
Gaia: Pop growth. Let the comp assign the worker; it doesn't really matter, as Hospital completes next turn.
Turn 2 - 1370
Gaia: Hospital completed. Please integrate 5 slaves to bring pop to 17; WF to all tiles except 18, 19, and 20
Oak Ridge: Pop growth. WF to 1-2-3-4-5-8-10-11-14-16-17-19
Turn 3 - 1375
Seeberg: Hospital completes. Please integrate 6 workers to bring city to pop 18; WF to all tiles except 13 and 18
Chiquita: WF to 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-10-11-13-14 (move 12 worker to 8). This will open up a tile for Del Monte, and Chiquita won't starve.
Turn 4 - 1380
Del Monte: Hospital completes. Please integrate 6 workers to bring pop to 18; WF to all tiles except 2 and 9
Turn 5 - 1385
No orders.
Total Workers requested integrated over next 5 turns: 17
PW Requests
In 1375, change tiles SW and SW-SW of Seeberg to Irrigation. This is necessary to keep the city from starving post-Hospital.
Change tile SW of Oak Ridge to a Mine.
Some Notes on Cities
Hospitals: I have prioritzed Hospitals right after Factories in most cities; however, I do not plan on building Hospitals in Loveshack, Oak Ridge, New York, Chiquita, or San Cortes. These cities have too much overlap with other cities, (or, in San Cortes, too little food) and would only be able to work a few additional tiles - or, in some cases, no new tiles at all.
Military units: I have mostly dumped Military units out of the build queue, though Infantry do come back in at the end or near the end of immediate infrastructure builds in most cities. Loveshack should be able to build naval units in under 10 turns; I will wait on adding naval units to its build queue till next chat, when Meshelic and joncnunn have hopefully worked out a goal for numbers of various naval units.
Last edited by Kloreep; February 3, 2003 at 17:00.
February 2, 2003, 18:39
Local Time: 17:34
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: jihadding against Danish Feta
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Orders for Old Germany
Worker Integration requests
Please integrate 4 American workers in Heidelburg
Once at least 4 tiles are irrigated near Bremen, Please integrate 1 American and 3 German workers in Bremen
(Help : 2 German workers are mining at Berlin #10
1 German is idling at Berlin #9,
1 American is idling at Berlin #11
1 American can be found at SE-SE-SE of Napoleton
1 American is idling at E-SE-SE of eo Leipzig
1 American is idling at N-N of New York
1 American is idling at Howitzerville #2)
Worker Requests
Berlin #9 : Irrigate
Berlin #20 : Irrigate
Hannover #13 : Irrigate
E-Town #1 : Road, Mine, Railroad
E-Town #3 : Irrigate
E-Town #5 : Irrigate
E-Town #7 : Road, Mine, Railroad
E-Town #8 : Road, Mine, Railroad
E-Town #10 : Road, Mine, Railroad
Neo Leipzig
Neo Leipzig #12 : Irrigate
Neo Leipzig #18 : Mine
Heidelberg #11 : Road, Mine, Railroad
Heidelberg #15 : Road, Irrigate, Railroad
Bremen #1 : Clear Forest, Road, Irrigation, Railroad
Bremen #3 : Road, Railroad, Mine
Bremen #4 : Railroad
Bremen #5 : Railroad
Bremen #6 : Irrigation
Bremen #8 : Clear Forest, Irrigation
Bremen #11 : Road, Irrigation, Railroad
Bremen #12 : Road, Mine, Railroad
Bremen #13 : Road, Mine, Railroad
Bremen #14 : Road, Mine, Railroad
Bremen #15 : Irrigation
Bremen #16 : Irrigation
Bremen #18 : Road, Mine, Railroad
Bremen #19 : Clear Forest, Road, Irrigation, Railroad
Nuremberg #1 : Irrigation, Railroad
Nuremberg #7 : Road, Mine, Railroad
Nuremberg #8 : Road, Mine, Railroad
Nuremberg #15 : Mine
Nuremberg #16 : Road, Mine, Railroad
Nuremberg #17 : Mine
Nuremberg #18 : Road, Mine, Railroad
Nuremberg #19 : Road, Mine, Railroad
Nurember #20 : Irrigation
City Planning
1360 AB
Heroes' Summit
Change queue to Aqueduct, Marketplace, Colosseum
WF to 1,2,7,8,9,10,16,20
Change queue to Marketplace, Courthouse, Hospital, Library, Colosseum
Neo Leipzig
WF to 5,16
If the integration of 4 workers has been approved, WF to 1,3,12,13,14
Change queue to Cathedral, Aqueduct, Marketplace
Please RUSHTemple in Nuremebrg (better be cautious with ol' Brighton nearby)
Change queue to Temple, Cathedral, Library
Change queue to Courthouse, Cathedral, Library, Marketplace
1365 AB
Neo Frankfurt
Pop grows. WF to 1,3,4,5,6,14
Neo Leipzig
Pop grows. WF to 5,15,16
Pop grows. WF to 1,5
1370 AB
Pop grows. WF to 1,2,9,12
Pop grows. WF to 1,2,7,8,9,10,16,19,20
Neo Frankfurt
Pop grows. WF to 1,3,4,5,6,14,18
Neo Leipzig
Pop grows. WF to 5,7,15,16
Pop grows. WF to 1,2,3,4,5,6,16
1375 AB
Neo Leipzig
Pop grows. WF to 4,5,7,15,16
Pop grows. WF to 1,4,5
1380 AB
Pop grows. WF to 1,2,9,12,20
Please RUSH marketplace in Berlin
Change queue to Marketplace, Courthouse, Colosseum, Police Station, Library
Pop grows. WF to 1,2,3,7,8,9,10,16,19,20
Neo Frankfurt
Pop grows. WF to 1,3,4,5,6,14,18,19
Neo Leipzig
Pop grows. WF to 4,5,7,8,15,16
1385 AB
pop grows. WF to 1,2,3,9,12,20
Pop grows. WF to 1,2,3,4,7,8,9,10,16,19,20
Pop grows. WF to 1,3,4,5,10,18,19
Pop grows. WF to 1,4,5,12
"I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
"I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
"I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis
Last edited by Spiffor; February 2, 2003 at 20:13.
February 2, 2003, 20:46
Local Time: 11:34
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Queens University, Kingston, Ontario
Posts: 3,183
Uber Isle Orders
Another Glorious City
-queue to Police-court-hospital
-queue to court-police-hospital
-WF to 1,2,3,5,7,8,10,14,15,16,17,18
Whelsh Coast
-queue to market-police-destroyer (change to battleship when discovered)
No 1365 orders
-growth: WF to 1-5,9-14
-growth: WF to 1,2,4-9,15-18
no 1375, 1380 orders
Neon Uber City
-Growth: WF to 1,2,3,5,6,8,9,10,14,15
Whelsh Coast
-Growth: work tile 1
Rush Request
Whelsh Coast Marketplace (84 gold, 4 turns) - please? Its my only request...
PW requests
Mine Boomtown tiles 4 and 6. (replace irrigation)
ps: no worker integration requests, as no cities currently have hospitals.
Proud Member of the ISDG Apolyton Team; Member #2 in the Apolyton Yact Club.
King of Trafalgar and Lord of all Isolationia in the Civ III PTW Glory of War team.
May God Bless.
Last edited by Panzer32; February 4, 2003 at 10:15.
February 3, 2003, 07:16
Local Time: 15:34
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Oxford or Northampton, England
Posts: 8,116
post deleted - friends playing about with account
For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
But he would think of something
"Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker
Last edited by Drogue; February 3, 2003 at 07:28.
February 3, 2003, 12:08
Local Time: 10:34
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Maryland Heights, MO
Posts: 6,188
Domestic Ministry
Roadcage is confirmed as Classical Apolyton RG.
Roadcage's reorganizing of WF both internal to Classical Apolyon and across Region boundaries are approved.
List of Term 8's staff:
Region Name : Governor
Classical Apolyton : Roadcage
Old Persia : Aidun
Upper Apolyton : Kloreep
Old France : Dejon
Uber Island : Panzer32
Old Germany : Spiffor
Order of Senority for Turn Chats for things not covered in Domestic Minisitry orders and/or made harmful by new events:
1. Old France Regional Governor
2. Old Persia Regional Governor.
3. Classical Apolyton Regional Governor.
4. Upper Apolyton Regional Governor.
5. Uber Island Regional Governor.
6. Old Germany Regional Governor
Standing orders for term 8:
1. Follow all Regional Governor instructions except where vetoed.
2. Clean up all polution inside our cultural boundary as it appears as soon as possible.
3. Workers not specifly requested for other use by my orders or RGs can be used by SMC to support the war effort via building road /rail in friendly and neutral territory or else forming a wall of workers to prevent landings. They may also be used to improve tiles in our empire at the discretion of the highest ranking DM RG present at the chat and/or the President.
4. If we are missing a Regional Governor's orders use the orders from the previous turn chat for that region.
Direct Public Works order:
If FAM signs a RoP with Greece and declares war on Persia, send enough native workers to RR a path thru Greece to support SMC. This is before all other improvements. Otherwise ignore this paragraph.
Rush Priorities:
1. Temples
2. Catherdrials
3. Libaries in cities where some of the tiles within the CR are within the cultural influence of another civ. (Example: portions of Nuremberg CR within the culutral influence of Brighton.)
4. Market Places
5. Court Houses
6. Police Stations in cities without a Court House
7. Aquaducts
8. Hospitals
9. Harbors
10. Police Stations in cities with a Court House
Don't rush anything until there's at least 1 shield present towards the build. Also don't rush anything that will complete on it's own within 2 turns.
Worker reintegration project:
Direct order: Integrate 6 native workers into Ferropolis as soon as the Hospital is completed there.
Maintaign a 30 native Appolyon worker reserve, (24 for polution control, and 6 for when Ferropolis builds the Hospital above) but otherwise, all RGs requests for additional workers (both native and foreign) in cities with Hospitals are approved as long as each tile they would work produce at least 1 shield or else 3+ commerce, also provided that this wouldn't cause there to be a food shortage in that city.
Requests by DMs for workers to bring pop up to 6 for those cities with fresh water access are aproved as long as it can be done without the ciy needing so many entertainers that it would strave.
In the Upper Appolyon Region, downsize all worker reintergration requests from 8 Workers or Slaves to 6 Workers or Slaves. (To ensure that Upper Appolyton doesn't get too much of the pie.)This is now reflected in RG's orders.
In the Classical Appolyon Region, all worker reintegration requests for workers are converted to requests for Slaves. (For that region, first use the 3 Greek Slaves, then the 2 English slaves, followed by the 1 Roman Slave, and afterwords use the French slaves.)
Here It Is: Request for 6 Workers is converted to a request for 3 Native workers + 3 French Workers.
With the possible exception of Old Persia, these orders are Final.
1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
Templar Science Minister
AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now. :mad:
Last edited by joncnunn; February 6, 2003 at 12:48.
February 3, 2003, 13:27
Local Time: 12:34
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: Botanic Garden, Rio
Posts: 5,124
The chat is postponed. The new Date & Time depends on some discussions and decisions.
Posted in other threads:
This chat need to be postponed, no doubts about it (we have already partial plans for workers integration, but we still missing some of the RA's orders under that new situation), and we surely will have an interesting discussion about a new war. The SMC have to plan it...
The FAM Shiber is postponing his orders too. As soon the poll is posted, I'll schedule a new date and time, respecting the 72 hours limit. I'll post this announcement in the threads about the chat.
Originally posted by joncnunn
Since the proposed bill is intervening on behalf of Greece instead of the reverse; DM orders shouldn't be affected as there are plenty of troops left over for the German war to wipe out Persia before WW sets in.
But I also note that half of the RGs haven't sent orders in yet.
So, Governors... keep posting!
February 3, 2003, 14:01
Local Time: 11:34
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 2,681
Old France orders
Changes from current Q, WF are in red
Worker Integration Requests
NOTE: None of the added citizens will be specialists.
Here It Is
6 Workers maximum (can actually use 7) - distribute WF to use max production tiles.
Macross City
4 Workers - will cover all accessible tiles
Public Works Requests
NOTE: These are NOT a priority, only do if there are unused workers.
#18 - Road, Rail, Mine
#1,2,4,7 - Irrigate
#8 - Mine
#9,14,15,16,17 - Road, Rail, Irrigate
#18 - Road, Rail, Mine
#7 - Irrigate
#10 - Mine
#13 - Rail, Mine
Rush Requests
Courthouse(12) - 180 Lytons (-16 per turn)
Courthouse(70) - 280 Lytons (-4 per turn)
1360 AB
Macross City
Q - Hospital(2), Colosseum, University
WF - 1,2,3,5,7,8,10,11,13,14,16,17
Here It Is
Q - Hospital(1), Colosseum, University
WF - 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,14,19,20
Q - Police Station(2), Courthouse, Hospital, Colosseam, University
WF - 1,2,3,6,7,8,10,16,17,18,19,20
Q - Factory(14), Bank, Hospital, Colosseam
WF - 1,2,4,9,16,17,18
Q - Factory(1), Hospital, Colosseum, Library
WF - 2,3,4,5,6,7,10,11,12,13,17,19
Port of Where Its At
Q - Marketplace(9), Library, Harbor
WF - 1,2,5,9,13,14,20
Los Alamos
Q - Factory(6), Harbor, Hospital, Colosseam
WF - 1,2,3,4,5,6,10,14,15,20
Q - Marketplace(4), Factory, Hospital, Colosseam
WF - 1,5,15,16,17,19,20
Q - Harbor(10), Marketplace, Factory
WF - 1,5,6,7,8,15,16
Hole In The Wall
Q - Marketplace(8), Factory, Library, Hospital, Colosseam
WF - 3,4,9,10,11,12,13
Q - Courthouse(12), Marketplace, Harbour, Cathedral
WF - 3,4,11,18
Q - Courthouse(70), Cathedral, Aqueduct
WF - 3,5,6
Q - Cathedral(80), Courthouse, Aqueduct
WF - 8
1365 AB
Los Alamos grows (size 11)
WF - 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,10,14,15,20
1370 AB
Brundisium grows (size 5)
WF - 2,3,4,11,18
1375 AB
Lhasa grows (size 8)
WF - 1,2,4,6,9,16,17,18
Dijon grows (size 8)
WF - 1,5,6,7,8,15,16,20
Hole In The Wall grows (size 8)
WF - 3,4,5,9,10,11,12,13
1380 AB
No Changes
1385 AB
Roadivostok grows (size 2)
WF - 1,8
Last edited by Hot Mustard; February 4, 2003 at 09:56.
February 3, 2003, 15:02
Local Time: 12:34
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Botanic Garden, Rio
Posts: 5,124
posted in another thread (roadcage was talking about a possible campaign against Persia):
Originally posted by roadcage
Please note that there is HUGE Corps of Engineers involvement especially in 1360. Therefore it is essential that road and rail support be done in conjunction with SMC and ordinary tile improvements be done later in the turns.
This is very important, IMHO.
Originally posted by roadcage
...This is essentially the opposite of our recent practice.
 Are you shure?
February 3, 2003, 15:26
Local Time: 10:34
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Maryland Heights, MO
Posts: 6,188
Standing orders for term 8:
2. Clean up all polution inside our cultural boundary as it appears as soon as possible.
3. Workers not specifly requested for other use by my orders or RGs can be used by SMC to support the war effort via building road /rail in friendly and neutral territory or else forming a wall of workers to prevent landings. They may also be used to improve tiles in our empire at the discretion of the highest ranking DM RG present at the chat and/or the President.
Also, the 24 native workers in reserve for polution & the 6 in reserve for Feropolis should be able to handle the road/rail network easily.
1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
Templar Science Minister
AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now. :mad:
February 3, 2003, 15:28
Local Time: 12:34
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Location: Botanic Garden, Rio
Posts: 5,124
February 3, 2003, 20:53
Local Time: 12:34
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Location: Botanic Garden, Rio
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The turnchat:
What about Thursday, 23:00 GMT? The poll will be closed already.
Last edited by Aro; February 3, 2003 at 22:16.
February 4, 2003, 12:47
Local Time: 12:34
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Location: Botanic Garden, Rio
Posts: 5,124
We still missing the Aidun orders...
February 5, 2003, 19:41
Local Time: 09:34
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Location: Minneapolis Kansas
Posts: 712
I have RL conflicts, but my orders up, so.....
I used to be a builder. That was before I played Civ III
February 6, 2003, 12:29
Local Time: 10:34
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: Maryland Heights, MO
Posts: 6,188
Direct Orders for Old Persia 1360 Unless Aidun posts some.
Have WF emphanize production where benifital
Arbela: Hos, Bank, Col.
Join 4 Native Workers & 2 Persian Slaves when the Hospital completes.
Tarsus: Pol, Hos, Har, Uni, Bank
Join 2 Native Workers & 4 Persian Slaves after the Hospital & Harbor complete.
El Duderio: Pol, Hos, Uni, Bank, Col.
Join 4 Persian Slaves when the Hospital completes.
Bacteria: Pol, Har, Hos, Uni, Bank, Col.
Join 1 Bab & 3 Persian Slaves when the Hospital completes.
Muncie: Pol, Uni, Col .
Join 2 Babs now.
Forbidden City: Hos, CIA
Join 3 Native Appolyons and 3 Bab slaves when the Hospital completes.
Antioch: Hos, Bank, Inf
Join 2 Native Appolyons and 4 French slaves when the Hospital completes.
Ghenghistown: Uni, Bank, Col
Join 2 Native Appolyons and 4 French slaves now.
Port of Malignance: Pol, Hos, Uni, Bank, Col
Join 3 French slaves when the Hos completes.
Willsbury: Uni, Bank, Wealth (for battleship)
Rush Requests : NONE
Public Works:
If any city that completes a hospital needs shields converted into irrigation to work all tiles without starving convert in this order:
1. Plains
2. Grassland with Shield
3. Grassland with Cow
4. Other Grassland
Total Worker Requests:
13 Native Appolyon Workers
13 Persian Slaves (all of them)
11 French Slaves
6 Bab Slaves
1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
Templar Science Minister
AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now. :mad:
Last edited by joncnunn; February 6, 2003 at 18:36.
February 6, 2003, 16:07
Local Time: 10:34
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Of GOW's half of BOB
Posts: 1,847
Rl life might cause Aro to be unable to attend the chat. I will be happy to sub in for him, but will be unable to until about 4-5gmt. Just a heads up to everyone. Any other minister is welcome to host until until either me or Aro returns.
The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.
February 6, 2003, 16:25
Local Time: 10:34
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Maryland Heights, MO
Posts: 6,188
We also need a Regional Governor to execute the Pre-Chat Turn 1 DM orders.
Edit: Come to think of it, I don't see any FAM or SMC orders.
1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
Templar Science Minister
AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now. :mad:
Last edited by joncnunn; February 6, 2003 at 17:09.
February 6, 2003, 18:26
Local Time: 10:34
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Of GOW's half of BOB
Posts: 1,847
Well it now seems RL will cause me to miss tomights chat so lets reschedule it for tomorrow at around 18z. Of course if a minster wants to run the chat it is perfectly acceptable to have it today at the regular time.
The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.
February 6, 2003, 21:21
Local Time: 07:34
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: Bringer of Peace, Destroyer of Worlds
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I'm unable to run the chat today.
RL has also been conflicting with me lately, this past couple of days, so I probably won't have my orders up and running, but I will make sure that I show up at the chat, and have posted some initial basic orders. thanks
February 7, 2003, 09:22
Local Time: 12:34
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Botanic Garden, Rio
Posts: 5,124
I'll be able to run the chat tonight, 23:00 GMT. If we have all orders done (SMC and FAM), and no objections, I'll do it. If Aggie wants to run it earlier, 18:00 GMT, it's fine to me, but I can't attend it before 21:00.
I'm sorry by my RL conflicts last night.
February 7, 2003, 10:10
Local Time: 17:34
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: Haifa, Israel
Posts: 5,474
I have had my orders up since yesterday. I'll post it in the orders thread shortly before the chat begins. In the unlikely event that I forget to do so, please treat the orders in the FAM's office thread as finalized orders.
"Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
And the truth isn't what you want to see,
Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
- Phantom of the Opera
February 7, 2003, 10:12
Local Time: 10:34
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Of GOW's half of BOB
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Aro, since you can do it today it's all yours.
The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.
February 7, 2003, 10:13
Local Time: 12:34
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Botanic Garden, Rio
Posts: 5,124
Thanks, Shiber.
Edit: ...and thanks, Aggie...
February 7, 2003, 10:33
Local Time: 17:34
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Haifa, Israel
Posts: 5,474
If you need any help implementing pre-chat orders, just drop me a line.
"Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
And the truth isn't what you want to see,
Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
- Phantom of the Opera
February 7, 2003, 11:52
Local Time: 10:34
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Maryland Heights, MO
Posts: 6,188
Aro, looks like none of the RGs responded to the request yesterday evening. Sorry about that.
Some RL news: I won't be running for reelection for Term 9; I just got 2 weeks notice today from my consulting company that my client company has run out of money several months ahead of scheldue and so I'll be too busy looking for another client. Fortunity, I haven't contributed to my Roth IRA for 2003 yet which I was previously planning on doing tomorrow.
I'll send another message if I need to resign early.
1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
Templar Science Minister
AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now. :mad:
February 7, 2003, 15:47
Local Time: 12:34
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Botanic Garden, Rio
Posts: 5,124
Sorry, guys, I was sure about my free time tonight, but I was wrong. RL issues.
I can run the chat any time TOMORROW (Saturday), but not today. I'm sorry for any incovenience (unless Meshelic wants to run it tonight).
February 7, 2003, 22:26
Local Time: 12:34
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Botanic Garden, Rio
Posts: 5,124
Two possible times for a chat tomorrow (Saturday):
14:00 GMT or 15:00 GMT. I do prefer the last one. Is it ok?
If noone objects...
I have the DM and FAM orders, and I'll wait for the SMC orders (not so much to do now...  ) till 14:50. After that, I'll start the chat thread and the chat room around 14:50 GMT. I would like to see at least another member of the government tomorrow in the chat...  ... if possible.
This chat were supposed to be happened in the beggining of the week. For many reasons, we are delayed. We can try to fix this running at least one chat this week...
All DM orders, including RA orders, are posted (a very detailed work! Thank you, joncnunn and Governors).
The FAM orders are very clear. No problems are expected.  to Shiber.
We are about to make peace with Japan, and the SMC job is just about defense, now. Sorry about that, Mesh, but the bill didn't passed. No war for a looong time...  . See you there, Meshelic...
Thanks, guys.
February 8, 2003, 08:34
Local Time: 17:34
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: The Hague, the capital of the civilized world
Posts: 3,733
Sorry I didn't post any orders, I've PM-ed Jocnunn already about it. I don't know the english translation of it, but I got some serious problems with the energy providing part of my computer.
I'll post some orders ASAP.
Joncnunn, I prefer building Colosseum's first instead of Hospitals, if we want to integrate slaves we must be sure that it won't cause too much unhapiness. The unhapiness will become a big problem as we keep on fighting wars. I fear that if we integrate slaves before we have enough luxury-builings, we soon get the probem of much WW.
"Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise can not see all ends." - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring.
Term 9 and 10 Domestic Minister of the C3DG I., Term 8 Regional Governor of Old Persia in the C3DG and proud citizen of Apolyton. Royal Ambassador to Legoland in the C3 PTW DG, Foreign Affairs Minister and King of the United Kingdom in the MZO C3CDG and leader of the Monarchist Imperialist team. Moody Sir Aidun (The Impatient) of the Holy Templar Order in the C4BtSDG
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