Anyway, the orders (same as the ones in the Akiria thread, btw... edit- well, not anymore, as I didn't want to keep editing both when I noticed some small errors):
Preliminary Orders for Akiria, 2235-
Requests to the DIA
Rush requests as follows (you may want to be sitting down

Format of rush costs:
Cost for no carryover (Cost for 10 mineral carryover)
Requested immediately:
- Tree Farm in Aurora in 1 turn for 164ec (184ec)
- Children's Creche in Cyclops in 1 turn for 44ec (64ec)
Requested for a bit later (note that these are estimates):
In one turn (on 2243):
- Tree Farm in Twin Peaks in 1 turn for 202ec (222ec)
(note this cost goes down by 16ec each turn, more if Twin Peaks' mineral production increases)
In three turns (on 2245):
- Tree Farm in Cyclops in 1 turn for 180ec (200ec)
(note this cost goes down by 20ec each turn, more if Cyclops' mineral production increases)
If, during play, a good oppurtunity for a rush comes up, please consider doing it
note: all rush costs are the bare minimum (that I could find) that would cause completion in 1 turn (no mineral overflow to next turn), sometimes having to be combined with some of the worker switch orders found below.
General Orders for the Commssioner
1) If, for any reason, an Akirian base should begin generating any ED at all, cut mineral production until the ED goes away. Start by un-convoying mineral crawlers, then start moving/pulling workers if necessary. Please use your discretion in worker fiddling, so as to not overly damage nutrient or energy production.
If time permits, please check any Akirian base that was near the ED limit (ie over 20 mins) and may have increased production since last checked.
2) Please check, before ending each turn, whether the next turn will bring a drone riot for any Akirian base. If so, please take preventative steps. I'll understand if time constraints make this touch-and-go, but please do your best to prevent drone riots (as opposed to fixing the problem after the riot starts).
Build Queues
Current Project: Tree Farm
Queue (changed):
Network Node
Supply Crawler
Fusion Sea Former
Research Hospital
Hab Complex
Fusion Lab
New Tassagrad
Current Project: Fusion Sea Formers
Queue (changed):
Research Hospital
Hab Complex
Xenoempathy Dome
Fusion Lab
Energy Bank
Twin Peaks
Current Project: Supply Crawler, please change this to Tree Farm (no mins will be lost)
Queue (changed):
Network Node
Supply Crawler
Recreation Commons
Research Hospital
Current Project: Children's Creche
Queue (changed):
Tree Farm
Network Node
Supply Crawler
Rec. Commons
Supply Crawler
Research Hospital
Espirito del Aqua
Current Project: Police Infantry
Queue (changed):
Sea Former
Children’s Crèche
Recycling Tanks
Network Node
Recreation Commons
Aurora Crawler #4 (in Aurora), to be built
- Move to 23,107 (E, E)
- Convoy minerals
Aurora Crawler at (18,110) (S SW of base)
If the mine at 20,110 (1 square east) has been completed, move there and convoy minerals
New Tassagrad Crawler at 11,111 (S, SW, SW from NT)
- Move to 11,113 (S)
- Convoy nutrients
New Tassagrad Crawler at 13,109 (S from NT)
When NT's crop failure is over move to 11,111 (SW, SW)
- Convoy minerals
New Tassagrad Sea Trawler #1 (in NT), to be built
- Move to nearest unused FWS squre with a tidal harness
- Convoy energy
New Tassagrad Sea Trawler #2 (in NT), to be built
- Move to nearest unused FWS squre with a tidal harness
- Convoy energy
Twin Peaks Crawler #2 (in TP), to be built
- Move to 22,112 (SW)
- Convoy minerals (displace worker to an unworked forest square)
Cyclops Crawler #2 (in Cyclops), to be built
- Move to 7,119 (W, S)
- Convoy nutrients (displace worker to an unworked forest square)
Cyclops Crawler #3 (in Cyclops), to be built
- Move to 10,112 (NE, N, N)
- Convoy minerals
Espirito del Aqua Sea Trawler #1 (in EdA), to be built
- Move to nearest unused FWS squre with a tidal harness
- Convoy energy
All other Crawlers to be left unchanged.
Note: I'm assuming that any formers in Akiria are under my command and am thus giving orders for them. If any are not under my control, please ignore any of my orders for them and notify me which ones are not under my control.
Dues Ex Machina Former (10,112) (NE N N of Cyclops), building mine
- Finish Mine
- Move to (11,113) (SE)
- Build Condensor
- Move to (14,110) (N NE NE SE)
- Build road
- Build Mine
- Move to (18, 108) (NE NE E)
- Build farm (replacing forest)
- Build Condensor
New Apolyton Former (10,112) (NE N N of Cyclops), no orders
- Build Mine
- Move to (11,113) (SE)
- Build Condensor
- Move to (14,110) (N NE NE SE)
- Build road
- Build Mine
- Move to (18, 108) (NE NE E)
- Build farm (replacing forest)
- Build Condensor
Zanarkand Gate Former (9,118) S of Cyclops, no orders
- Remove Fungus
- Build road
- Plant Forest
- Move to 10,118 (NE into fungus)
- Build road
- Plant Forest
- Move to 7, 115 (NW NW into fungus)
- Build road
- Plant Forest
Aurora Former (7,119) SW SW of Cyclops, no orders
- Build Condensor
- Move to 6,118 (NW)
- Build road
- Build farm
- Move to 9,119 (SE, E possibly into fungus)
- Remove Fungus
- Build road
- Plant Forest
- Move to 10,118 (NE into fungus)
- Build road
- Plant Forest
- Move to 7, 115 (NW NW into fungus)
- Build road
- Plant Forest
New Tassagrad Former (7,119) SW SW of Cyclops, no orders
- Build Condensor
- Move to 6,118 (NW)
- Build road
- Build farm
- Move to 9,119 (SE, E possibly into fungus)
- Remove Fungus
- Build road
- Plant Forest
- Move to 10,118 (NE into fungus)
- Build road
- Plant Forest
- Move to 7, 115 (NW NW into fungus)
- Build road
- Plant Forest
Cyclops Former (7,119) SW SW of Cyclops, no orders
- Build Condensor
- Move to 6,118 (NW)
- Build road
- Build farm
- Move to 9,119 (SE, E possibly into fungus)
- Remove Fungus
- Build road
- Plant Forest
- Move to 10,118 (NE into fungus)
- Build road
- Plant Forest
- Move to 7, 115 (NW NW into fungus)
- Build road
- Plant Forest
Aurora Former (25,113) SE SE of Twin Peaks, building road
- Finish road
- Build Farm (to provide food for Heaven's Gate)
- Build Condensor (to provide more food)
- Move to (23,115) (NW, S)
- Build road
- Move to (22,116) (SW)
- Build road
- Build farm
- Build Condensor
Aurora Former (24,110) NE of Twin Peaks, planting forest
- Finish forest
- Move to (25,113) (S SE)
- Build Farm
- Build Condensor
- Move to (23,115) (NW, S)
- Build road
- Move to (22,116) (SW)
- Build road
- Build farm
- Build Condensor
Aurora Former (24,110) NE of Twin Peaks, planting forest
- Finish forest
- Move to (25,113) (S SE)
- Build Farm
- Build Condensor
- Move to (24,114) (SW) (note: this is diverging from the other two formers it'll be with)
- Build road
- Plant forest
- Move to (20,110) (NW NW NW)
- Build road
- Build mine
Tacticus Academy Former (22,108) N NW of Twin Peaks, no orders
- Remove Fungus
- Build road
- Plant Forest
- Move to (21,109) (SW)
- Build Condensor
- Move to (20,110) (SW)
- Build road
- Build mine
- Move to (18,108) (NW NW)
- Build Farm (replace forest)
- Build Condensor
Crystalis Former (22,108) N NW of Twin Peaks, no orders
- Remove Fungus
- Build road
- Plant Forest
- Move to (21,109) (SW)
- Build Condensor
- Move to (20,110) (SW)
- Build road
- Build mine
- Move to (18,108) (NW NW)
- Build Farm (replace forest)
- Build Condensor
New Apolyton Former (23,109) N of Twin Peaks, no orders
- Move to (24,108) (NE)
- Plant Forest
- Move to (21,109) (SW NW)
- Build Condensor
- Move to (20,110) (SW)
- Build road
- Build mine
- Move to (18,108) (NW NW)
- Build Farm (replace forest)
- Build Condensor
New Tassagrad Sea Former, when finished
- Move to (15, 105) (NE NE)
- Build Mining Platform (square for use by EdA)
- Build Kelp Farm
- Move to (17, 105) (E)
- Build Mining Platform (square for use by EdA)
- Build Kelp Farm
- Move to (19,103) (NE NE)
- Build Tidal Harness
- Move to (18,104) (SW)
- Build Tidal Harness
- Build Kelp Farm
Espirito del aqua Former, when finished
- Move to (15, 105) (S SW)
- Build Mining Platform (square for use by EdA)
- Build Kelp Farm
- Move to (17, 105) (E)
- Build Mining Platform (square for use by EdA)
- Build Kelp Farm
- Move to (19,103) (NE NE)
- Build Tidal Harness
- Move to (18,104) (SW)
- Build Tidal Harness
- Build Kelp Farm
- The two Formers to be built in Twin Peaks and the Former to be built in Cyclops
- I can't really predict how far the other formers will have gotten, so just use your discretion or ask me if I'm in the turnchat.
Aurora Empath
- Cultivate (20,106) (NE of base) unless needed to calm drones
New Tassagrad Worker (12,104) (N NW of base)
- Become Empath to trigger GA.
(Note: this, if done first, will cause a 1 point nut deficit, which wouldn't really be a problem anyway, but the crawler orders above should rebalance this to at least break even)
Cyclops Worker (10,116) (NE of base)
- Switch to farm at (7,119) (SW SW of base)
Espirito del Aqua Worker (17, 101) (NE of base)
- Switch to kelp farm at (19,103) (E SE of base)
New Workers in any of the land bases
- Cultivate a farm square if nutrients are really needed, a forest square otherwise. Feel free to use your discretion if it would help the base.
New Workers in EdA
- Keep the food coming in, and go for any mining platforms that get built. If feasible, take some off of non-mineral low energy squares to work as engineers (or empaths, if needed).