
plans, as well as upgrading has been formulated by the brand spanking new Supreme Military Commander.
Plan A)
The feeble Celts have allowed the barbarians to overrun Cartenna. Past DG leaders have proposed milking the city for Non units.
I say, why not go for the whole hog? Let's have an expedition to bribe cartenna as is, and use the Barbarian riflemen to fortify the city.
Saragossa's production should be changed to spy.
Plan B)
The mongol defeat at Kazan was an awesome play by President ixnay, but the job is not yet done. The Mongols still control a (likely) small city on that continent which we can raze with our Calvary. It may even be affordable for bribery.
I propose sending two Calvary and a spy to this unknown city.
Plan C)
Naval upgrades. 2 more cruisers for upgrades, as well as a submarine near the Mongols to guard the sea between the two nations.
[Sigh, could a mod edit the poll for multiple options?]