Show that for any positive integer k, there exists a finite R(k), where
R(k): P -> P
R(k) = minimum n, such that any graph on n vertices has either a k-clique or a k-independent set.
The notation is bugging me : does R(k) map "P" to "P" (the set of all people, presumably) or N (the set of natural numbers) to N? Also, it's slightly irritating when you mention groups when you mean sets (taking algebra right now, so I'm sensitive around the word group).
Anyways, an inductive proof would work best.
The base case is trivial.
As for the inductive step, assume that you can find a set of people (in P?), S, such that all members of a k-sized subset of S, K, are mutually friends or strangers. We have to prove that we can find a set of people, S', such that all members of a k+1-sized subset of S', K', are mutually friends or strangers.
Now, let's construct S'. First add all elements in S to S'. We know that K in S' are either mutually friends or strangers. Suppose that they are mutually friends. Then we need another element in S such that he is friends with everyone in K. If we have such an element in S already, then we add it to K to form K
1', and we are done with the construction. Suppose that they are mutually strangers. Then if there is another element in S that's mutually strangers with all elements in K
1', then we're done.
But suppose that we don't have such an element in S already. Then we can add 2n + 1 sets of n (size of S) more people in P to S'. In each of these sets, there is group of k elements that are either mutually friends or strangers due to the inductive hypothesis. Since we have 2n + 2 sets of mutual friends or strangers, n + 1 of these are sets, K
1', K
2',... K
n + 1', of either mutual friends or they sets of mutual strangers.
Let's suppose that these are sets of mutual friends. Then if any of the people in K
n+1', x
n+1, are mutual friends with everyone in K
n', then the union of {x
n+1} with K
j' is a set of k+1 elements of mutual friends, thus the set is constructed and we are done. Suppose not, then for all x
n+1 in K
n+1', x
n+1 is not friends with some element in K
n', x
n. We can apply the same idea with K
n-1'. If some element in K
n-1', x
n-1 is mutual friends with all elements in K
n' or x
n-1 is mutual friends with all elements in K
n+1', we're done. If not, for all x
n in K
n', x
n is not friends with some element in K
n - 1', x
n - 1; specifically it isn't friends with the aforementioned x
n. Furthermore, it's not mutual friends with x
n+1 for the same reasons. The same idea can continue to K
1'. If a mutual friends hasn't been found by then, we have found a series of n+1 elements that are mutual strangers, {x
1, x
2,..., x
n+1}. Thus we are done as we have found an obviously finite set at most a size of n*(2n + 2).
If the sets are mutual strangers, we can apply similar logic, and construct the S'.