February 4, 2003, 06:16
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Good vs. Evil - Global WW2 1937-45 Scenario
Ok, as all of you who clicked to visit this thread have read the subject we donīt need to explain the theme further.
1st let me answer some questions.
(1) Why again Jim Panse?
This thread will become some discussion platform where Cifer Almasy and myself will post any progress concerning the theme. I know, some (maybe most) of you will ask why Jim is doing this though heīs working on some other projects but Cifer asked me and I agreed to help him.
(2) Why 1937-45 and not 1939-45?
Well, we decided to start the game in 1937, beginning with most of our Western Historians called the "Chinese Incident" at the Marco Polo Bridge between Imperial Japanese Forces and parts of the Chinese Army. Also a longer build-up will be much more fun (i mean also diplomatic fun. imagine the "Anschluss" of Austria 1938 and the Sudeten Crisis 1938/39).
(3) Which Civs to take/leave out?
We decided to have seven moretheless playable civs and give the Neutrals to the Barbarians. Playable would be: Germany, Italy (yes you read right, Italy. Explanation below) and Japan on the one side. Great Britain, France and the USA on the other side. The USSR should be some kind of alternative ideological power. (Yeah, I played a little Hearts of Iron).
(4) Why Italy?
Well, not easy to explain but for this should become some kind of different WW2 scenario we decided to do it either with Italy as we do it with France. When the scenario kicks of Europe is divided between the 3 Ideologies mentioned above. Democracy (UK, France) with the US standing aside watching, Fascism (Germany, Italy) and the USSR. What we like to include into this scenario is the fact that Italy was some kind of decisive to the German War Machinery (Albania, Greece). For mostly these reasons we decided to make this scenario with Italy instead of e.g. China though there wouldnīt be many cities in Italy (what is the most popular reason to leave it out).
Ok, first answers are here but if you have some other ones just ask. This thread should not only inform you about the progress but should also be some kind of platform where you post your comments, ideas and critics.
Attached is the Gigamap on which the scenario will be created. It still needs some adjustments.
February 4, 2003, 07:44
Local Time: 15:41
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 first post, first remark:
I dont like this map - there is more space for Europe to build citys there - i see, but the this map is not designed realistic!
I really would prefer the map pap used for 2194 Giga (if were are allowed to)
the swamp terrain is replaced in the scenario, so there is a lot of swamp in Europe - but I guess it is not hard to change that.
February 4, 2003, 08:57
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ok, letīs take this one
February 4, 2003, 10:03
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Here's that map with the swamps removed.
February 4, 2003, 10:18
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thanks a lot pap. letīs see what this map look like
February 4, 2003, 10:24
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Btw remember that it isn't pap's map, if I recall correctly he told me Mercator made it, but I could be wrong.
February 4, 2003, 10:36
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thanks! Oh i did not know who is the creator - but this is the most realsitic map, i have seen yet! (Worldmap)
I just had to change France a bit, hope I did my job right
February 4, 2003, 15:11
Local Time: 17:41
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(1) would you mind posting the map here cifer?
(2) i just want to apologise:
Here's that map with the swamps removed.
jim panse:
thanks a lot pap. letīs see what this map look like
Btw remember that it isn't pap's map, if I recall correctly he told me Mercator made it, but I could be wrong.
 sorry darius.
February 5, 2003, 07:34
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Okay, here it is! I changed France a little and placed some cities (I really used a lot of time for the cities, but perhaps it is not completely right, though... did have to move some cities a bit to the left...ok, you īll see!)
February 5, 2003, 15:55
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ok, another map. i havenīt placed anything so far but i left 2 terrain types out: swamp and glacier.
thatīs because we may use one of these two terrain types as some kind of "urban" terrain where we place the cities upon and the other as some kind of "river" terrain to impede the armyīs moves.
what about this idea?
has anyone some idea about the river terrain idea?
February 9, 2003, 10:08
Local Time: 17:41
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ok terrains we may use ....
February 9, 2003, 10:10
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the next ones ...
February 9, 2003, 10:11
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this from my upcoming "Fortress" scenario
February 9, 2003, 10:12
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the terrain nemo used in the original 2194 days of war scenario
February 9, 2003, 10:18
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some more terrains ...
February 9, 2003, 10:20
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i like the hills and mountain graphic from this terraincollection i mean those from jesus balsinde! (Alba de America)
February 11, 2003, 10:43
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Ok here is a first collection of terrains i would like to use in our scenario.
I got several Probs:
1. I took some graphics from FMKs Lebensraum 1939 which I was allowed to test. I asked him in a pm if I could get the license to use terraingraphics from his scenario but yet he did not answer me...
so i will just show some of them here - if I should not be allowed just call me and i will replace them! 
2. copying and pasting there are graphic faults with another couloured backround - I am sorry but i am too stupid to delete them... perhaps someone of you could...  thanks
I would like to permit polution in the scen flag and use polution to replace jungle terrain by "dirty forest"
the jungle slot could be used for a special terrain with Iron Ore and Oilfields (e.g. for norway and this russian region argh ...cant remember the name...)
February 11, 2003, 10:44
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damn ... forgot the files
edit: oh forgot: i have not totally finshed this work yet - i am still searching for a nice desert graphic (the desert oil will be replaced by a second oasis) and the second mountain ressource by a gold graphic
February 12, 2003, 13:59
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Yes I did - I used paint!
And here are really nice terrain graphics at my opinion (I am not sure about what terrain the special one should be). It also depends on if Jim agrees permit pollution in our scenario... 
About the Urban (Glacier): We dont need a special graphic - let us perhaps just use Grassland graphics as the bottom and then mix it with this nice RR in combination (took it from FMK).
February 24, 2003, 06:45
Local Time: 17:41
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Ok, the map. Itīs saved as a *.mp file for the map editor. Sorry Steffen, I havenīt got that much time to do more. I havenīt placed any cities right now, all I was able to do was to place some Urban (Glacier) terrain in Italy. We may also include Florence on 55,50 if you like.
Further discussion via ICQ please. stephan
February 24, 2003, 18:12
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No Soviets? ...
Oh, sorry about not answering you... I recall i got like 5 PMs that day, I read it, must not've answered. By all means, use what you like.
I cannot believe you all arent having the Soviet Union  Okay, you've got me listening, now tell me why it'll be better that way?
It's a wonder that you still know how to breathe.
Last edited by klesh; February 24, 2003 at 18:18.
March 5, 2003, 07:51
Local Time: 17:41
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thatīs how i imagined a wehrmacht unit in 1936/37
March 5, 2003, 08:09
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Thanks for beeing allowed to use your nice graphics!
Now tell me, why do you think, we would not have the soviets inside our WW2 scen!?
Would be kinda foolish not to have them as a civ!
our civs:
-britsih commonwealth
and No.7 SOVIET UNION!!!
Neutrals are barbs!
March 5, 2003, 12:47
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cifer, look at the infantry units. do you like īem?
March 6, 2003, 11:30
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Oh yeah - theyre looking really nice!!!
Are they all ment as pre-war unit graphics?
March 6, 2003, 14:51
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ok, only the top 4 rows count
March 6, 2003, 17:30
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Originally posted by Cifer Almasy
Thanks for beeing allowed to use your nice graphics!
Now tell me, why do you think, we would not have the soviets inside our WW2 scen!?
Originally posted by jim panse
(3) Which Civs to take/leave out?
...Playable would be: Germany, Italy (yes you read right, Italy. Explanation below) and Japan on the one side. Great Britain, France and the USA on the other side. The USSR should be some kind of alternative ideological power. (Yeah, I played a little Hearts of Iron).
Would be kinda foolish not to have them as a civ!
Thats what I was thinking.
It's a wonder that you still know how to breathe.
March 7, 2003, 05:15
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what jimmy meant is that the udssr is an alternative ideological power to fascism or democracy!
March 28, 2003, 07:23
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got a first little screenshot:
I used curts and st. leos city graphics, I hope i will get a license soon...
The brown colour fpr Barbs will be changed later - cause my corel photo paint is destroyed and I cant change it with paint!
Oh the creenshot again shows that I dont have much knowldge about graphic programs...
 f*** why by hell cant I make a normal screenshot as everyone does???
March 28, 2003, 08:14
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It has to be a gif file...  not bmp.
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