Chat Report
[23:19] <Pedrunn> GAME LAUNCHED
[23:19] <Zephyr> yup
[23:19] <J_Bytheway> I'm launched too for screenshot purposes
[23:19] <Zephyr> I can't copy-and paste the entire thing in mIRC, its really bad
[23:19] <Turambar> me too. i'll try and play along
[23:20] <Zephyr> probably cos I'm uising an old version
[23:20] <mrbaggins> its ok.. i have a log
[23:20] <The-Gingerbread-Man> I have a log too.
[23:20] <Pedrunn> Great J
[23:20] <Turambar> everyone up for making a stack and killing that barb then?
[23:21] <The-Gingerbread-Man>

[23:21] * maq has joined #lemuria
[23:21] <The-Gingerbread-Man> Lets get at least 15 turns in eh?
[23:21] <mrbaggins> regroup the stack to the south, yes
[23:21] <Turambar> hey maq
[23:21] <maq> hey
[23:21] <J_Bytheway> We were planning to lure the barb into the city, but killing it will be just as good.
[23:21] <Pedrunn> IW, do you accept being the Minister of Diplomacy?
[23:21] <mrbaggins> hi maq
[23:22] <maq> hello hello
[23:22] <mrbaggins> it depends on whether the barb follows BoB
[23:22] <The-Gingerbread-Man> Howdy Maq
[23:22] <mrbaggins> if he doesn't... its moot
[23:22] <maq> howdeee
[23:23] <J_Bytheway> This is a good turnout - but it'll be better if Loc arrives...
[23:23] <Turambar> yeah, and Wiss Ass...
[23:24] <Turambar> to know what to build....
[23:24] <mrbaggins> whats the Con say, if the delegate isn't here?
[23:24] <Tamerlin> Hi maq
[23:24] <maq> hey
[23:25] <Turambar> well Loc did leave orders.....
[23:25] <Pedrunn> I play the whole of the delegate
[23:25] <Tamerlin> Is someone in charge of the Screenshots?
[23:25] <J_Bytheway> We can't proceed with no orders
[23:25] <The-Gingerbread-Man> CoT was here... but he left
[23:25] <Pedrunn> if all are missing but i rather choose someone to do so
[23:25] * mrbaggins nods
[23:25] <maq> its against to con to choose a delegate for him, but i agree
[23:26] <mrbaggins> yeah... we need to move ahead...
[23:26] <Turambar> i think ped should just do it....
[23:26] <Tamerlin> Checking the Constitution...
[23:26] <J_Bytheway> Wise ass did appoint IW as a delegate
[23:26] <Turambar> ah
[23:26] <maq> np then
[23:27] <J_Bytheway> We're still short a minister of Diplomacy, but Loc's orders were pretty thorough...
[23:27] <Pedrunn> Immortal Wombat, are you here!
[23:27] * Zephyr has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by ImmortalWombat)))
[23:27] <Turambar> pedrunn should just do Locutus job as there are orders left
[23:27] * mrbaggins nods
[23:27] * Zephyr has joined #Lemuria
[23:27] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Zephyr
[23:27] * Nimrod has joined #lemuria
[23:28] <Nimrod> what up
[23:28] <Turambar> hey
[23:28] <Zephyr> sky
[23:28] <Tamerlin> Hi Nimrod
[23:28] <mrbaggins> haven't gotten underway, quite yet
[23:28] <mrbaggins> still bickering... as per usual

[23:28] <The-Gingerbread-Man> Nimrod!
[23:28] <Pedrunn> IW, Are you MoDA delegate???
[23:29] <Zephyr> I thought so
[23:29] <J_Bytheway> Wise Ass asked you in the delegates thread
[23:29] <J_Bytheway>
[23:29] <Tamerlin> Article 2 I d states "In case of missing orders for a whole turn from a minister and all his delegates the president may not play on."

[23:29] <Pedrunn> Who wants to be Locutus delegate (minister of Diplomacy)?
[23:30] <mrbaggins> ok
[23:30] <Turambar> well there are no missing orders
[23:30] <mrbaggins> actually, thats true
[23:30] <Tamerlin>

[23:31] <mrbaggins> we only need to have a proxy in case of special situations
[23:31] <Turambar> you should just do it Ped...
[23:31] <mrbaggins> like when they ask US stuff
[23:31] * Zephyr is now known as ImmortalWombat
[23:31] <Tamerlin> I am looking at the threads as Locutus has published a list of delegates somewhere... thanks IW
[23:31] <J_Bytheway> Loc's only delegate was mapfi
[23:32] <Tamerlin> Ok

[23:32] <J_Bytheway> Only Pedrunn had a plethora of delegates.
[23:32] <ImmortalWombat> and there are orders missing
[23:32] <Turambar> are there?
[23:32] <mrbaggins>
[23:32] * CoT has joined #lemuria
[23:32] <mrbaggins> ok..
[23:32] <Tamerlin> Hi CoT
[23:32] <Turambar> hi
[23:32] <mrbaggins> hi CoT
[23:33] <ImmortalWombat>
[23:33] <J_Bytheway> I think Loc's orders in the turn chat thread are good enough.
[23:33] * mrbaggins nods
[23:33] <Turambar> same here
[23:33] <mrbaggins> i concur
[23:33] * ImmortalWombat scrolls down
[23:33] <ImmortalWombat> aha...
[23:33] <CoT> Hello!
[23:33] <Pedrunn> Tamerlin, do you accept bein the Ministe of Diplomacy for this chat?
[23:33] <ImmortalWombat> hi cot
[23:34] <Tamerlin> If someone relay the orders of Locutus, yes...
[23:34] <J_Bytheway> Hi CoT
[23:34] <CoT> thank IW for the info - i was a lost newbie
[23:34] <Pedrunn> The Game Chat shall begin!
[23:34] <CoT> So when we going to attack

[23:34] <ImmortalWombat> no probs
[23:35] <mrbaggins> excellent
[23:35] <Pedrunn> TUR: Where to move the units?
[23:35] <Tamerlin> I have followed the threads so I think I will not make too many mistakes...
[23:35] <mrbaggins> regroup them to the south
[23:35] <mrbaggins> and make an army
[23:36] <Turambar> ORDERS: Archer E-NE, Dave W. Group them
[23:36] <mrbaggins> (on the river)
[23:36] <Nimrod> what happened to Bob?
[23:36] <mrbaggins> he's to the north... by a Barb as of now
[23:36] <Turambar> he's next to the barb
[23:37] <J_Bytheway> Presumably Bob south?
[23:37] <Turambar> i think South will be best for him
[23:37] <Turambar> ORDERS: Bob South
[23:37] <mrbaggins> dave west
[23:37] <mrbaggins> ?
[23:38] <Turambar> to meet the archer
[23:38] <mrbaggins> and make them an army... yeah?
[23:38] <Turambar> yep
[23:38] <Pedrunn> Are the orders off mrbaggins
[23:38] <Pedrunn> ??
[23:38] <CoT> I think we need to be careful with the units move - that barb is close and a veteren and there is the german guy too i think
[23:38] <J_Bytheway> Anything else this turn?
[23:38] <Pedrunn> i meant 'ok'
[23:39] <Pedrunn> Moving units!
[23:39] <J_Bytheway> With luck, veteran means damaged.
[23:39] <Turambar> hope so
[23:39] <Turambar> any proposals to send?
[23:39] <J_Bytheway> The only other unit we know of is the Thai hoplite
[23:40] <CoT> oh ok it is Thai then not german
[23:40] <J_Bytheway> Which might annoy us with ZOCs
[23:40] <Turambar> science!
[23:40] <Turambar> don't we have to change what we are researching?
[23:40] <J_Bytheway> Yes we do!
[23:40] <Turambar> to writing..
[23:40] <Pedrunn> to what?
[23:40] * mrbaggins nods
[23:40] <Tamerlin> The poll is in favour of writing though I would prefer Slavery.
[23:40] <J_Bytheway> Loc said writing
[23:40] <Turambar> Loc's orders are writing.
[23:41] <mrbaggins> I haven't voted... but i'll go with writing..
[23:41] <Tamerlin> ORDER: writing
[23:41] <Pedrunn> Reasearch changed to Writting!
[23:41] <Pedrunn> k!
[23:41] <Pedrunn> end turn?
[23:41] <Tamerlin> Shouldn't we give a map to the Germans and then ask for a peace treaty?
[23:41] <CoT> might be good idiea
[23:42] <Turambar> loc said just peace treaty i believe....
[23:42] <Tamerlin> I am not in favour of giving money... but I doubt they will accpet without a gift.
[23:42] <Tamerlin> accept...
[23:42] <Pedrunn> so any order to diplomacy?
[23:43] <Tamerlin> Locutus spoke about threatening, can we try first without a threat?
[23:43] <mrbaggins> yes... you always do
[23:43] * The-Gingerbread-Man has quit IRC (Quit: )
[23:43] <J_Bytheway> We can't try first with a threat
[23:43] <mrbaggins> threats always follow a non-acceptance
[23:43] <mrbaggins> if you choose to threaten
[23:44] <Tamerlin> ORDER: ask for a peace treaty without any threat.
[23:44] <Tamerlin> If you agree
[23:44] <mrbaggins> i think no tresspass...
[23:44] <Tamerlin> Locutus also spoke about a non tresspass treaty...
[23:45] <mrbaggins> i think go for the no tresspass first
[23:45] <Turambar> he said peace first
[23:45] <Pedrunn> We need to decide what to send soon!!!
[23:45] <mrbaggins> did he?
[23:45] <J_Bytheway> Do we offer seperately, or in exchange?
[23:45] <Turambar> "peace and non trespass"
[23:45] * Locutus has joined #lemuria
[23:45] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Locutus
[23:45] * Now talking in #lemuria
[23:45] * Topic is 'CtP2 Democracy Game'
[23:45] * Set by Locutus on Mon Feb 03 01:12:25
[23:45] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Locutus
[23:45] <Turambar> implies peace first....
[23:45] <Turambar> he's here!
[23:45] <Nimrod> ask him
[23:45] <Turambar> lol
[23:45] <Tamerlin> Hi Locutus
[23:45] <Locutus> sorry, stupid time zone differences

[23:46] <J_Bytheway> We need a proposal for Germany
[23:46] <Turambar> still on turn one....
[23:46] <J_Bytheway> Or not...
[23:46] * mrbaggins chuckles...
[23:46] <mrbaggins> just the man we need
[23:46] <Locutus> what happened on the diplo area so far?
[23:46] <mrbaggins> we need diplomacy for this turn (first turn)
[23:46] <J_Bytheway> Nothing
[23:46] <Tamerlin> We are waiting for your orders Locutus
[23:47] <Turambar> we've moved the units. Dave and the archer have grouped west of Dave old position
[23:47] <mrbaggins> we were figuring out what you would have wanted

[23:47] <Locutus> doh! so I'm almost an hour late and didn't miss a thing?

[23:47] <J_Bytheway> We changed the science
[23:47] <Turambar> Bob went south
[23:47] <J_Bytheway> to writing
[23:47] <Turambar> we argued about the CON a bit

[23:47] <J_Bytheway> Dave and archer grouped.
[23:47] <Locutus> very well, I thought to offer the Germans a peace treaty. can everyone agree with that?
[23:47] <Pedrunn> we were deciding what to send to the germans but tamerlin got a bit confused on what to do
[23:47] <ImmortalWombat> I have to go
[23:47] <Turambar> yep
[23:48] <ImmortalWombat> so there isn't a MoDA
[23:48] <mrbaggins> isn't the non-tresspass more important?
[23:48] <J_Bytheway> IW: Tell us what to build next in Pedrunn
[23:48] <mrbaggins> will they live up to it, do you think?
[23:48] <J_Bytheway> before you go...
[23:48] <Pedrunn> mrbaggins do you accept being the MoDA?
[23:48] <ImmortalWombat> er... what are the options?
[23:48] -> *chanserv* topic #lemuria CtP2 Democracy Game --- Turn chat NOW!!!
[23:48] * changes topic to 'CtP2 Democracy Game --- Turn chat NOW!!!'
[23:48] <mrbaggins> cos i'd prefer they don't invade our space with settlers
[23:48] <mrbaggins> Yes, Pedrunn
[23:48] <mrbaggins> I accept
[23:48] <Turambar> Hoplite....
[23:48] <Turambar> Archer...
[23:48] <Pedrunn>

[23:48] <Turambar> that's it

[23:49] <Pedrunn> LOC: Are you going to send any proposal?
[23:49] <ImmortalWombat> surely "settler" is an option also?

[23:49] <Locutus> yes, a non-tresspass should follow the peace treaty. the one should make the other easier to get

[23:49] <Tamerlin> Settler
[23:49] <Turambar> be back in a sec....
[23:49] * |3|_UE has joined #lemuria
[23:49] <J_Bytheway> Ballista towers...
[23:49] <J_Bytheway> Granary
[23:49] <J_Bytheway> Shrine
[23:49] <J_Bytheway> all sorts we don't want
[23:49] <Locutus> no objections, so...
[23:49] <J_Bytheway> And Ramayana
[23:49] <Pedrunn> Sending proposal!
[23:49] * Nimrod has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[23:49] <Locutus> ORDER: offer the Germans a peace treaty
[23:50] <Pedrunn> what about the non-trespassing?
[23:50] <Locutus> send the peace treaty first
[23:50] <mrbaggins> only after they accept the peace treaty
[23:50] <J_Bytheway> accept
[23:50] <J_Bytheway> ed
[23:50] <Locutus> goody...
[23:50] <Pedrunn> Proposal Accepted!

[23:50] <Locutus> ORDER: request the germans to withdraw, offer to withdraw
[23:50] <mrbaggins>

[23:51] <Tamerlin> Waow!
[23:51] <J_Bytheway> accepted
[23:51] <ImmortalWombat> ORDER: Pedrunn should build an archer
[23:51] <Turambar> *is back*
[23:51] <ImmortalWombat> and now I must depart. good night, fellow citizens.
[23:51] <mrbaggins> hang on...
[23:51] <J_Bytheway> good night
[23:51] <Locutus> night
[23:52] <Tamerlin> Bye IW...
[23:52] <Turambar> bye!
[23:52] <Pedrunn> sh**t!!!!
[23:52] <ImmortalWombat> ...hangs
[23:52] <Locutus> what, Ped?
[23:52] <Pedrunn> Can anyone play in my place for half hour?
[23:52] <Tamerlin>

[23:52] <Locutus> John can, I suppose...
[23:52] <Pedrunn> Loc or J?
[23:53] <Pedrunn> anyone?
[23:53] <J_Bytheway> I can
[23:53] <Turambar> I would if they won't...
[23:53] <Locutus> I'm already a minister, that would get tricky
[23:53] <J_Bytheway> if you wish
[23:53] <Pedrunn> I will be back soon

[23:53] <Turambar> best i J does it....
[23:53] <Pedrunn> I am really really sorry!
[23:53] <Locutus> k, see you soon...
[23:53] <Pedrunn>

[23:53] <Locutus> **** happens...
[23:53] <Turambar> see ya...
[23:54] <Pedrunn> seeya

[23:54] * Pedrunn has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[23:54] <mrbaggins> I strongly disagree with losing the production in Pedrunn
[23:54] <ImmortalWombat> losing it how?
[23:54] <J_Bytheway> That's an archer after the settler is done, I believe
[23:54] <mrbaggins> well... its already produced more than an archers value
[23:54] <mrbaggins> ok...
[23:55] <ImmortalWombat> yeah, afterwards
[23:55] <Turambar> do you want to be pres or shall i J?
[23:55] * |3|_UE has quit IRC (Quit: )
[23:55] * ImmortalWombat has left #Lemuria
[23:55] <J_Bytheway> Probably best if I am, you're a minister too...
[23:55] <mrbaggins> well... i'm the MoDA now

[23:55] <Turambar> yeah
[23:56] <Locutus> I think we're still supposed to offer a non-tresspassing treaty to the germans...
[23:56] <Tamerlin> Yes!
[23:56] <J_Bytheway> Does anyone object to my using the game I have, despite the fact that it's not technically what Pedrunn played?
[23:56] <Turambar> we did....
[23:56] <Turambar> i've no objestion....
[23:56] <mrbaggins> yes, offer and request, right?
[23:56] <Locutus> fine with me, J
[23:56] <Locutus> first request, then offer
[23:57] <J_Bytheway> I already exchanged withdraw treaties, they accepted
[23:57] <mrbaggins> yes, that order
[23:57] <Locutus> goody. then my work here is done for now

[23:57] <mrbaggins>

[23:57] <J_Bytheway> Anyhthing else this turn?
[23:57] <Locutus> not much more I can do, I think...
[23:57] <mrbaggins> not from the MoDA
[23:57] <Turambar> no
[23:57] * maq has quit IRC (Quit: ircN 7.27 + 7.0 for mIRC (2002/01/10 00.00))
[23:57] <Tamerlin> no
[23:58] <Tamerlin> Shouldn't we post a screenshot?
[23:58] <J_Bytheway> END TURN 48
[23:58] <Turambar> there's one from the last chat of the current situation....
[23:59] <J_Bytheway> Thai hoplite moved north, Barb warrior vanished
[23:59] <J_Bytheway> TUR: Unit moves?
[00:00] <mrbaggins> BoB can join his buddies
[00:00] <Turambar> dam. i keep getting SLIC errors on mine....
[00:00] <J_Bytheway> Have you set DebugSLIC=No?
[00:00] <Turambar> think so...
[00:00] <J_Bytheway> Trydoing a reloadslic
[00:01] <Turambar> i will when the errors stop ....
[00:02] <Turambar> done
[00:02] <Turambar> ORDERS: Bob N-NW
[00:02] <Turambar> not bob
[00:02] <Turambar> dave sorry
[00:03] <Turambar> ORDERS: Dave SW Group them
[00:03] <Turambar> bob even
[00:03] <mrbaggins> why don't you leave dave where it is
[00:03] <Turambar> *slaps himself*
[00:03] <mrbaggins> and move bob S S?
[00:03] <J_Bytheway> Where do you want them to be grouped?
[00:04] <Turambar> where those orders leave them
[00:04] <J_Bytheway> OK
[00:04] <CoT> there are no threatning units around anymore?
[00:04] <J_Bytheway> moved
[00:04] <J_Bytheway> Only the Thai are visible
[00:05] <CoT> thats good
[00:05] <J_Bytheway> Then again, we can't see much

[00:05] <Locutus> nice, we're being left alone...
[00:05] <J_Bytheway> Anything else?
[00:05] <Locutus> not from me
[00:05] <Turambar> where do people think the stack should go? hunting for the barb or to escort the settler(7turns)
[00:06] <Turambar> or me
[00:06] <Locutus> how large is the stack?
[00:06] <J_Bytheway> 3 units
[00:06] <Turambar> 3
[00:06] <Tamerlin> Escort the settler...
[00:06] <J_Bytheway> Bob, Dave and archer
[00:06] <J_Bytheway> OK, ending turn...
[00:06] <Locutus> whatever you do, don't go too far from our cities.
[00:07] <CoT> are we moving the units to Pedrunn city to have a go at austria after our new city is founded?
[00:07] <J_Bytheway> END TURN 49
[00:07] <Turambar> barb near pedrunn!
[00:07] <J_Bytheway> Indeed
[00:07] <J_Bytheway> Hoplite
[00:07] <Locutus> so barb hunting it is...

[00:07] <J_Bytheway> NW-NW of Pedrunn
[00:08] <Turambar> ORDERS: The stack SW
[00:09] <J_Bytheway> Endturn?
[00:09] <Locutus> yes
[00:09] <Turambar> yep
[00:09] <Tamerlin> yes
[00:09] <mrbaggins> yep
[00:10] <CoT> er ok
[00:10] <J_Bytheway> END TURN 50
[00:10] <J_Bytheway> Barb vanished
[00:10] <Turambar> yep
[00:10] <Turambar> to visit Austria hopefully
[00:10] <Locutus> bleh. go hunt for him anyway, I'd say...
[00:10] <J_Bytheway> Looks like me and Tur are on the same version of CTP this time...
[00:10] <CoT> I think we should get that coal city founded asap
[00:11] <Locutus> yes, I think the language makes all the difference...
[00:11] <Locutus> somehow...
[00:11] <Turambar> ORDERS: Stack W
[00:11] <Turambar> we should name the stack something....
[00:11] <J_Bytheway> End turn?
[00:11] <Locutus> yeah
[00:11] <Tamerlin> ok
[00:12] <J_Bytheway> How about Bave or Dob?
[00:12] <Turambar> lol
[00:12] <Tamerlin>

[00:12] <mrbaggins> name it Bob and Dave
[00:12] <J_Bytheway> END TURN 51