February 21, 2001, 23:21
Local Time: 05:06
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 21
Viewing FoPs
This is probably a stupid question, or not.
I know I can view FoPs when I'm in base control, but is there any way to view it on squares that are not under a base's control. I recently purchased SMAC and the only book I got with the game was an installation guide, which is unfortunately no help.
Thanks in advance
February 22, 2001, 01:03
Local Time: 00:06
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Columbus OH
Posts: 234
In short, No. You cannot simply view the production of a square that is not being worked.
The good news is that you can "figure out" the production for any square on your own simply by viewing the info on the square (shift right-click) ... and knowing your base facilities.
Arid land produces no nutrients.
Moist land produces 1 nutrient.
Rainy land produces 2 nutrients.
Jungles add +1 nutrient.
Specials add +2 nutrients (and lift restrictions)
Farms add +1 nutrient.
Soil enrichers add +1 nutrient.
Soil enrichers add another +1 if on a special.
Soil enrichers add another +1 in the jungle.
Condensors increase moisture and multiply nutrients by 1.5 (round down)
So a rainy/jungle/special/farm/enriched/condensed square produces 13 nutrients.
Flat land produces no minerals.
Rolling or Rocky land produces 1 mineral.
Specials add +2 minerals (and lift restrictions).
Mines add +1 mineral.
Mines add another +1 mineral on rocky terrain.
Mines add another +1 mineral with a road.
Special/Rocky/Mine/Road gets a bonus +1 for 7 total.
For some reason, mines not on specials have the outline around the mineral production (showing they're not meeting their potential, I guess) if they're not on rocky terrain or don't have a road.
Flat/Rolling/Rocky land produces 0 energy.
Rivers add +1 energy.
Specials add +2 energy (and lift restrictions)
An economy rating of 2 adds +1 energy.
Solar panels give +1 energy at 0-1000m elevation.
Solar panels give +2 energy at 1000-2000m elevation.
Solar panels give +3 energy at 2000-3000m elevation.
Solar panels give +4 energy at 3000+ meters.
Echelon mirrors are cool ... look them up in the datalinks.
Forests produce 1 nutrient regardless (before you get a Tree Farm). Forests replace any farm/condensor/enricher/mine/solar/mirror/sensor/borehole.
Base Forest = 1 nutrient 2 minerals 1 energy
Tree Farm gives +1 nutrient
Hybrid Forest gives +1 nutrient +1 energy
All special bonuses, and energy bonuses from rivers still apply to forests.
So, with a Tree Farm, Hybrid Forest, and an economy rating of 2, all forest squares produce 3 nutrients, 2 minerals, 3 energy (4 energy on river spaces which you can make yourself with "drill to aquifier").
Boreholes make 6 minerals and 6 energy. Mineral/energy bonuses also apply. They never produce nutrients, even on nutrient specials.
Boreholes and Forests replace other resource improvements (and each other), but exist fine with roads/mag tubes/sensors. You can build a farm on a borehole, but it still doesn't make nutrients.
Bases get no bonuses from the square they're built on, except for resource specials and sensors. Facilities (like recycling tanks) built in the base will add to what is displayed on the base's square.
Farms/Enrichers/Roads/Bunkers (or Airbases) can all exist together. Bunkers/Airbases cannot exist together. Mines/Solar/Condensors/Sensors/Mirrors are all mutually exclusive and will replace each other, although any one of them can exist with Farm/Enrichers/Roads (or mag tubes). Fungus and Farms replace each other, and Fungus will also remove any Soil Enricher present.
Monoliths produce 2 nutrients, 2 minerals, 2 nutrients. The Manifold Harmonics can raise monolith/fungus resources depending on your planet rating. Fungus produces no nutrients by default, but can be even better than forests given a high planet rating and the right facilities.
As far as ocean squares, most of it's pretty simple. All squares make 1 nutrient. Kelp farms give you +2 nutrients, another +1 with an Aquafarm at the base... And freshwater seas give you +1 nutrients.
[This message has been edited by Dimension (edited February 22, 2001).]
February 22, 2001, 09:06
Local Time: 01:36
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Aug 2000
Location: Newfoundland but soon to be Calgary, Canada
Posts: 960
Dimension gave a very comprehensive answer and he is correct in that it is not that hard to figure out what can be produced from a given square.
However, and maybe its a "version" difference but there is a way in Smax -- (did not test Smac and am now at work but will check when I get home). When scrolling through land squares these is a little window just left of the central display that shows powergraphs etc. This little window shows a picture of the land tile you are looking at and gives the description -- i.e. moist rolling 1234m etc. But if you click on this (don't recall if its a R click or left ) you will get a display that gives some further info-- a "resource" display. This resource display gives the # of nutrients, minerals and energy that could be produced from the square unimproved and then lists the numbers "with farm" , "with solar", "with mine". On limited use (Transcend level only), it seemed to take restrictions into account changing the numbers once restrictions were lifted.
I don't use this feature much since, like Dimension, you come to know by heart the FOPs for a given square type. But hey its handy to know its there (and again this was playing Smax-- I don't know if this is a change from Smac or not).
February 22, 2001, 16:04
Local Time: 06:06
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Vienna, Austria
Posts: 616
The feature that cbn mentions is also available in SMAC (discovered it by accident about two months ago). You have to left-click on the square info mini-window once to acces it.
LoD - Owner/Webmaster of
February 24, 2001, 04:52
Local Time: 05:06
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Posts: 328
I wonder why they didn't bother to document these little features... (Like defining and using templates for the build que, which you can actually do. Inifitely useful for the ICSers...  (And you right click the build que to do this.)
February 24, 2001, 09:51
Local Time: 06:06
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Vienna, Austria
Posts: 616
Heh, everyday you learn something everyday. I saw the template option while translating SMAC into Polish, but I thought it was disabled. Turns out that it wasn't.
Thanks for the tip LM  !
February 24, 2001, 15:10
Local Time: 05:06
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 21
What templates for the build queue? That does sound very useful. And BTW, thanks to Dimension and everybody else. I have printed out Dimension's response for the usefulness, but the feature LoD and cbn mentioned is excellent. I have found it very useful to be able to look at that screen and determine what to build where.
February 24, 2001, 20:53
Local Time: 07:06
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 1999
Posts: 1,082
Well, I remember that about two years ago, the issue of fixing the wrong FoPs listing in the Terrain Window (that's the way the game calls it) was one of the main points for one of the early SMAC patches...
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