February 6, 2003, 14:01
Local Time: 17:50
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: De Hel van Enschede
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Diplomacy Log
Diplomacy Log
In this thread I, as Minister of Diplomacy, Trade and Science, will keep track of all diplomatic events in the game. For readability, I split the thread in three parts: a proposal log with all sent/received diplomatic proposals (which should be pretty much self-explanatory), a log of all noteworthy events from a diplomatic standpoint and an overview of the diplomatic situation at the end of each turn chat.
In the end-of-chat reports, the listing is the same as the Diplomacy Manager (F7) in CtP2, while the table is a summary of the Intelligence screen(s): it displays regard/strengh (both on a scale from 1 to 5, 5 being the highest)) that every civ has towards every other civs (proposals are not listed as that is too complicated to display properly; if needed important proposals will be listed in the Event log). To see what the German regard (and relative strength) towards other civs is, look at the 'Germany' row (horizontal). To see how other civs view the Germans, look at the 'Germany' column (vertical).
Proposal Log
Turn Year From/To Civ Tone Our Offer Our Request Respons Threat Response
(Their Request) (Their Offer)
11 3780 BC To Austria Meek Withdraw - Accept - -
12 3760 BC To Austria Meek Map Map Reject None -
13 3740 BC To Austria Meek 100 Gold - Accept - -
14 3720 BC To Austria Meek Map Map Reject War Reject
14 3720 BC To Austria Meek Map Map Accept - -
14 3720 BC To Austria Meek - Withdraw Accept - -
29 3420 BC From Germany Friend Withdraw - Accept - -
30 3400 BC To Germany Meek Map Map Reject War Reject
38 3240 BC To Germany Meek Map Map Reject None -
45 3100 BC To Germany Meek 100 Gold - Accept - -
46 3080 BC To Germany Meek Map Map Accept - -
46 3080 BC To Germany Meek Peace Treaty - Reject War Reject
47 3060 BC To Thailand Meek Map Map Reject War Accept
47 3040 BC To Thailand Meek Withdraw Withdraw Accept - -
47 3040 BC To Thailand Meek Peace Treaty - Reject - Accept
48 3040 BC To Germany Meek Peace Treaty - Accept - -
48 3040 BC To Germany Meek Withdraw Withdraw Accept - -
55 2900 BC To Austria Meek Map Map Reject - Reject
57 2860 BC To Austria Angry Map Map Reject Innsbru Reject
61 2720 BC To Scotland Meek Map Map Reject War Reject |
Event Log
Turn(s) Year(s) Event
Term 1 (Immortal Wombat is Minister)
10-11 3800-3780 BC Warrior spent 2 turns in Austrian territory
11 3780 BC First contact with the Maria Theresa of Austria (Populist Zealot)
14 3720 BC Warrior spent 1 turn in Austrian territory
Term 2 (Locutus is Minister)
18 3640 BC Austrian attitude became more peaceful
26-32 3480-3360 BC Warrior spent 6 turns in German territory
29 3420 BC First contact with Otto Von Bismarck of Germany (Evil Genius)
37-38 3260-3240 BC Warrior spent 2 turns in German territory
47 3060 BC First contact with Rama V of Thailand (Shrewd Internationa Trader)
56 2880 BC Crossed Austrian border, Austria declared war (no message received)
57 2860 BC Took Innsbruck (H Town), killing 1 Archer
60 2800 BC Crossed Austrian border
61 2780 BC Took Pressburg (undefended)
61 2780 BC First contact with Robert Bruce of Scotland (Populist Zealot) |
Last edited by Locutus; February 11, 2003 at 19:04.
February 6, 2003, 14:02
Local Time: 17:50
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: De Hel van Enschede
Posts: 11,702
End-of-Chat Reports
Chat 1: Turn 11, 3780 BC
Austria Dislike Vigilant Strong - (Unknown)
From\To | Lem Aus
Lemur | --- 2/1
Austria | 2/4 ---
Chat 2: Turn 14, 3720 BC
Austria Respect Vigilant Strong Mutual No-Tresspass (Our diplomacy is favourable)
From\To | Lem Aus
Lemur | --- 2/1
Austria | 3/4 ---
Chat 3: Turn 19, 3620 BC
Austria Respect Vigilant Strong Mutual No-Tresspass (Our diplomacy is favourable)
From\To | Lem Aus
Lemur | --- 2/1
Austria | 3/4 ---
Chat 4: Turn 29, 4320 BC
Austria Dislike Vigilant Strong Mutual No-Tresspass (We occupy land on their continent)
Germany Dislike Vigilant Strong - (Our diplomacy has irked them)
From\To | Lem Aus Ger Tha
Lemur | --- 2/1 2/1 ?/?
Austria | 2/4 --- ?/? ?/?
Germany | 2/4 ?/? --- ?/?
Thailand | ?/? ?/? 2/4 ---
Chat 5: Turn 48, 3040 BC
Austria Dislike Vigilant Strong Mutual No-Tresspass (We occupy land on their continent)
Germany Respect Vigilant Strong Lemurian No-Tresspass (Our diplomacy is favourable)
Thailand Respect Vigilant Strong Peace, Mutual No-Tresspass (Our diplomacy is favourable)
From\To | Lem Aus Ger Tha Sco
Lemur | --- 2/1 2/1 4/1 ?/?
Austria | 2/4 --- ?/? ?/? ?/?
Germany | 3/4 ?/? --- 2/4 ?/?
Thailand | 3/4 ?/? 2/1 --- ?/?
Scotland | ?/? 2/4 ?/? ?/? ---
Chat 6: Turn 56, 2880 BC
Austria Dislike Faithful Strong Mutual No-Tresspass (Our diplomacy has irked them)
Germany Respectful Vigilant Strong Peace, Mutual No-Tresspass (Our diplomacy is favourable)
Thailand Respectful Vigilant Strong Peace, Mutual No-Tresspass (Our diplomacy is favourable)
From\To | Lem Aus Ger Tha Sco Ind
Lemur | --- 2/1 4/1 4/1 ?/? ?/?
Austria | 2/4 --- ?/? ?/? ?/? ?/?
Germany | 3/4 ?/? --- 2/4 ?/? ?/?
Thailand | 3/4 ?/? 2/1 --- ?/? ?/?
Scotland | ?/? 2/4 ?/? ?/? --- ?/?
India | ?/? ?/? ?/? 2/1 ?/? ---
Chat 7: Turn 62, 2760 BC
Austria Despise Vigilant Strong WAR (Our diplomacy has irked them)
Scotland Dislike Vigilant Strong - (Our diplomacy has irked them)
Germany Respectful Vigilant Strong Peace, Mutual No-Tresspass (We occupy land on their continent)
Thailand Respectful Vigilant Strong Peace, Mutual No-Tresspass (We occupy land on their continent)
From\To | Lem Aus Ger Tha Sco Ind Isr
Lemur | --- 1/1 4/1 4/1 2/1 ?/? ?/?
Austria | 1/4 --- ?/? ?/? 2/1 ?/? ?/?
Germany | 3/4 ?/? --- 2/1 ?/? ?/? ?/?
Thailand | 3/4 ?/? 2/4 --- ?/? ?/? ?/?
Scotland | 2/4 2/4 ?/? ?/? --- ?/? ?/?
India | ?/? ?/? 2/1 2/1 ?/? --- ?/?
Israel | ?/? ?/? ?/? ?/? 2/1 ?/? --- |
Last edited by Locutus; February 12, 2003 at 12:28.
February 6, 2003, 14:04
Local Time: 17:50
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: De Hel van Enschede
Posts: 11,702
February 6, 2003, 21:04
Local Time: 17:50
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: De Hel van Enschede
Posts: 11,702
Updated (chat 6).
Note that the Austrians actuallyy have faith in us, while our armies are massing on their border  Also, the Thai made contact with the Indians.
February 11, 2003, 19:02
Local Time: 17:50
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: De Hel van Enschede
Posts: 11,702
Updated to chat 7.
Note how we made contact with the Scots and they immediately disliked us. Also, note how the strengh of Thailand/Germany went from 1/4 to 4/1...
February 12, 2003, 07:14
Local Time: 16:50
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: France
Posts: 1,986
Excellent job Locutus, would like to see the same from the others
Only one 'little' complaint:
 You think you could shrink it that it would fit on a normal 1024*768 resolution? 
Reason being I always have to scroll sideways to see the rest......
February 12, 2003, 10:30
Local Time: 17:50
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: De Hel van Enschede
Posts: 11,702
Thanks. For diplomacy past actions are very important so it seemed wise to keep track of them.
It would indeed be nice if other ministers did the same for their areas as well, that way we might actually be able to learn from any mistakes we make
As far as resolution goes, that would be very hard. Originally I had everything in 1 table but that didn't even fit on 1600x1200. I cut it in three and now it should be doable, don't know how I could cut it down even further without making it too confusing to make sense off...
I changed the order of treaties and motivation in the 3rd table, but that's about the best I can do. Aside from the motivation, everything should be visible at a glance on 1024x768, and the motivation is the least important part of the table anyway. (And if you scroll left far enough to loose the part of the post with my name and avatar and stuff, most of the motivation is readable as well.)
February 12, 2003, 11:56
Local Time: 16:50
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: France
Posts: 1,986
Hey I always want to keep you in view, you never know with those Borgs
Have you tried with minimising the size/font?
And YES, I hope/pray that the other minister's might read this thread and will do the same
March 20, 2003, 11:06
Local Time: 12:50
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: of Natal, Brazil
Posts: 2,555
This thread is probably obsolte but was the best for this theme. What to do with the Germans. After all they broke an withdraw agreement... And they are in a imnent attack. If we do start a war with them what about the Austrians. I need to know this in order to make a good strategy.
"Kill a man and you are a murder.
Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
Kill all and you are a God!"
-Jean Rostand
March 20, 2003, 14:29
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Local Time: 17:50
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Originally posted by Pedrunn
This thread is probably obsolte but was the best for this theme. What to do with the Germans. After all they broke an withdraw agreement... And they are in a imnent attack. If we do start a war with them what about the Austrians. I need to know this in order to make a good strategy.
Yeah but as far as they do not attack we have peace and I think we should wait until they attack or a second stack arrive, but we should have a second stack of 12 units outside of mapfipolis.
Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"
April 5, 2003, 09:10
Local Time: 16:50
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Posts: 1,100
just for reference, the discussion of diplomatic affairs will be continued in this thread after i took over the ministry.
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