A meeting with my Cabinet (Note I am going by the Alias Dracul):
[13:11] Dracul777> Leader of the New World Order.
[13:11] The-Evangelion-Freak>

[13:11] Tuome> Oh. I knew that.
[13:12] Tuome> No, I didn't.
[13:12] The-Evangelion-Freak> of course you didn't
[13:12] Tuome> In fact, I still don't get it.
[13:12] The-Evangelion-Freak> it's not like the NWO leader goes around telling people he is the NWO leader... wait
[13:12] Tuome> Link?
[13:12] Dracul777> I'm not the stupid Wrestling organization!!!
[13:12] Rasbelin> Hi EvC!
[13:12] Dracul777> Hello
[13:12] Tuome> öh
[13:12] Tuome> I _still_ don't get it
[13:13] Tuome>
[13:13] Dracul777> My military forces rival that of the United States... one day they will interfere with my plans and will see this.....
[13:13] DBTS> what will they see? dots?
[13:13] Dracul777> Hey I'm on google.
[13:14] Tuome> I _still_ don't get it.
[13:14] DBTS> who isnt on google?
[13:14] Tuome> I'm not
[13:14] DBTS>

....no? do you sport?
[13:14] The-Evangelion-Freak> I am, but on, like, the 20th page, if you search my real name
[13:15] DBTS> I am on the first page of my real name.....methinks...dont remember
[13:15] Dracul777> So who wishes to pay me tribute?
[13:15] The-Evangelion-Freak> What's the going rate?
[13:15] DBTS> I have bunnies
[13:15] Dracul777> Your lives liberty and soul......
[13:15] DBTS> yep i am on the first page of my name in google
[13:15] DBTS> is a bunny ok?
[13:15] The-Evangelion-Freak> I can't give you my soul, I'd turn into a puddle of primordial soup if I did that
[13:15] *** Signoff: Tuome (Quit: Goddamnit.)
[13:16] Rasbelin> What brings you here, EvC?
[13:16] The-Evangelion-Freak> MarkG
[13:16] Rasbelin> Markos?
[13:16] Rasbelin> Aha.
[13:16] Dracul777> I thought Mark was here....
[13:16] Dracul777> I never get around to emailing him........
[13:17] DBTS> abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.......yes I am bored
[13:17] Dracul777> So have you'll heard the news I'm new diplomatic leader of North Korea!!!
[13:17] DBTS> ?
[13:18] Dracul777> Yes I will strike fear into the hearts of the infidel, while somehow maintaining my citizenship.....
[13:18] The-Evangelion-Freak> Ah, so that's what all that "Wel'll strike first" stuff was about
[13:18] The-Evangelion-Freak> *We'll
[13:18] Dracul777> Foolish Bush thinks he can go invade countries at will.....
[13:18] The-Evangelion-Freak> Hear hear
[13:19] Dracul777> Well now he has to deal with me.....
[13:19] The-Evangelion-Freak> And the world is safe again

[13:19] Dracul777> the president will be recieving a letter to sign for his resignation on his desk very soon.....
[13:19] The-Evangelion-Freak> Well, until you rule the US that is
[13:20] Dracul777> While I'm at it... I'm going to annex Texas just to spite him.......
[13:20] The-Evangelion-Freak> Then again, I'm sure you'll make a better leader then George W.
[13:20] The-Evangelion-Freak>

[13:21] Dracul777> The world is ripe for Technocracy.....
[13:22] The-Evangelion-Freak> So how will your plans continue when you have control of the USA?
[13:22] The-Evangelion-Freak> Or is that classified information
[13:23] Patriqvium> Technocracy sounds cool. Can we then have all those fancy gadgets they used in Neuromancer?
[13:23] Dracul777> Yeah but of course... all at no expense......
[13:24] The-Evangelion-Freak> Cool
[13:24] Dracul777> I'm going to make Bush the court Jester.....
[13:24] The-Evangelion-Freak>

[13:25] Rasbelin>

[13:25] ColdWizard> will there be cool gadgets that make learning finnish easy?
[13:25] Dracul777> He'll have to wear that funny little hat too......
[13:26] The-Evangelion-Freak> CW: Hope not. Finnish should be strictly a private language of a selected intellectual elite
[13:26] *** settler2 (~settler2@settler.apolyton.net) has joined channel #apolyton
[13:26] *** Signoff: settler2 (Quit: settler2)
[13:26] Dracul777> As first act of the Korean Government I hereby abolish the treaty of Paris and now make the US nonexistent and property of the Crown........
[13:26] Dracul777> of England.
[13:27] ColdWizard> but then i can't insu...err converse with y'all in your native language

[13:27] The-Evangelion-Freak> exactly
[13:27] ColdWizard>

[13:27] The-Evangelion-Freak>

[13:28] Dracul777> I hereby tax Cofee.......
[13:28] Dracul777> (I'll get more money then ever from doing that) heh heh heh
[13:28] The-Evangelion-Freak> That's gonna raise a ruckus... luckily I don't drink coffee

[13:29] Dracul777> It will be unconstitutional to not drink cofee.... because then you cannot be taxed.........
[13:29] The-Evangelion-Freak> I.... see....

[13:30] Dracul777> I appoint Clinton as dictator of America.......
[13:30] Dracul777> both North and South.......
[13:31] The-Evangelion-Freak>

[13:32] Dracul777> would you rather I appoint Sadam?! I can do that you know..... you do not want to get on my bad side.......
[13:33] Dracul777> Actually Saddam will be the new Governor of Texas.......
[13:33] The-Evangelion-Freak> Clinton sounds fine, sounds fine
[13:34] Patriqvium> Couldn't you just resurrect Otto von Bismarck? His name sounds a lot cooler than those of present dictators, and someone bent on Iron and Blood can't possibly be a bad choice.
[13:34] Dracul777> I'll do a step better... I shall resurrect Vlad Tepes!!!
[13:34] Dracul777> Dracula
[13:35] Patriqvium> Hmm... being nicknames "the Impaler" sounds even better. I think I agree.
[13:35] The-Evangelion-Freak> Vlad the Impaler
[13:35] The-Evangelion-Freak> Bah, nevermind
[13:35] * ColdWizard pokes Lemmy
[13:37] Dracul777> I replace the Chief Justice Ashcroft with Ozzy Osbourne.........
[13:38] Dracul777> Can you not see my New World Order is coming together quite well as we speak!!......
[13:39] Dracul777> Now off to business... good day gentlemen.