February 19, 2001, 14:20
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Which is your fave faction ...
... in SMAC? SMAX? And why? (I know that in the dim past the same question was asked but tempus has fugit'ed and some may have changed their outlook.)
I'll start off.
I prefer University but I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because it's the first one that came up when I played SMAC for the first time. The individual speaking Zak's lines is either a native-born Russian or Russian is his 2nd language; I vote for the former and I liked that. Maybe its because I also speak Russian (t'shut t'shut) and have spent a lot of time in Russia.
An aside: It p_isses me off no end that given all the cash they got for their roles, that the principles in Hunt for Red October absolutely butchered their Russian lines. Some of the words I never heard of. It also p_isses me off that Clancy himself insists on using nechievo as an expletive - which it isn't. But I digress.
I always played CivII on Communist - not because I think it's a great government but because of the game advantages I received from it; especially after Adams Trading Post. Univ is essentially a Police State tho' I change the params as soon as I can.
I haven't played enough SMAX yet tho' the Cyborgs appeal. BTW - anyone have a decent picture of Seven of Nine? She'd make a good replacement for the Cyborg pic.
[This message has been edited by lbores (edited February 19, 2001).]
February 19, 2001, 16:55
Local Time: 02:06
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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i usually pick university or the hive(ne1 ever do hive as a builder?) because i get the free techs from it and combined with knowlege and cybernetic you just whiz through them. but try the university police state green knowlege cybernetic, combined with network backbone. +4 planet and +4 research and the living refinery adds to the +2 support from police state. the hive can be a good builder because of +1 industry, and i'm always rich somehow even with the -2 economy and all the facilities i build. the hive, police state, green, power, thought control with cloning vats and living refinery. pop boom ur bases get huge plus no negative effects from thought control or power! and with +4 support u can support up to base size for free! perfect for your after transendent thought wars! add cyborg factory and command nexus and ur units start out as veteran. when the university get pissed at you just planet bust the sh*t out of him or something. or change for knowlege and cybernetic and you can rake in the techs!
February 20, 2001, 10:43
Local Time: 05:06
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The faction I enjoy most playing is the Cult of Planet.
Not because it's the strongest (there are certainly stronger factions, strongest on transcendent level seems to be Peacekeepers, then Pirates and Drones), but the Cult is the faction that gives me most fun to play.
They work well with my prefered SE choices (demo/green/knowledge/kybernetic), and I like very much the ability to capture native lifeforms.
Another thing that I have learned is that it can be very enjoyable to play the factions You hate to play against. I had a very enjoyable game with the Data Angels, and another with the Hive. Additionally, learning how to play them also learns You a lot about how to play against them.
I would see that is definitivle worth to give every faction a try, especially those who seem opposite to Your prefered style.
February 20, 2001, 22:02
Beyond the Sword AI Programmer
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yang and morgan
My favourite is Hive, I very much play the Hive as a builder, the support and police takes care of drone control, with support left over for a very large hoarde of formers, which makes up for -2 econ by doing more advanced terraforming than standard builder factions. Once I get clean and have upgraded all garrisons and formers to clean it is very tempting to use those 4 free slots per base for top quality military units.
Yang's military units can be better than standard builders, because Yang doesn't need to bother with clean, making them either cheaper or more versatile.
My 2nd favourite is probably Morgan, which is interesting because morgan's bonus's are almost exactly opposite to Yang's, the only thing they both have in common is lots of bases being a good thing.
February 21, 2001, 04:54
Local Time: 05:06
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My favorite was those "Rise of the Proletariat" guys from the expansion pack. I remember they were maroon in color. The cities of course, not the people  . What was their name again? I think I played Democracy, Planned, Knowledge, Eudaimonaia. I just thought I would like that. I know, too deep into the game.
I had borrowed the expansion pack from a friend a while back, and then he took it back. I can't play with them anymore, because I can't seem to find Alien Crossfire in stores.
February 23, 2001, 14:19
Local Time: 01:36
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My favorites change from time to time but currently have 3 (SP only).
Cult-- I really enjoy how different they are from the other factions. I also enjoy the fact that they are considered the weakest by many players (rooting for the underdog I guess)
Drones -- Very different from the cult but probably my most favorite. Those guys are awesome. They build so fast. Run planned/wealth and watch that industry churn out or switch out to power for highr morale troops with a positive industry rating.
Miriam -- played as a builder style. Twice now playing double-blind I have been stuck alone as Miriam. Its aggravating to have your attack advantage essentially nullified but leads to a fun game when you must come from behind.
In single player I don't like to play Zak or Lal since it seems so easy to just take a tech lead and pull away. I play them when they come up but either quit without finishing or just get elected as supreme leader. Although I am thinking that I should be working on my play with them for MP.
[This message has been edited by cbn (edited February 23, 2001).]
February 24, 2001, 01:38
Local Time: 05:06
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Posts: 4
I like the Gaians best of the original factions. The Planet bonus gives you good military units early on if you are lucky enough to capture a couple mind worms(which are great because they can attack full strength with just 1/3 movement). Their efficiency bonus (+2) is awesome and allows you to build more bases and waste less energy which helps tech research. The Morale and Police penalties dont mean much to me because I'm not that militaristic (at least not until I've built up considerably or lead the game). The nutrient bonus for fungus is a decent benefit in the beginning but its big later in the game when your bases can really grow once you've developed the technologies which allow you to get more food, minerals, and energy from fungus squares too. I find the best combo with the Gaians is demo/green/knowledge/cyber or eudaimonic. Remember to use mind worms and isles of the deep - build Bio Labs and other facilities which give a lifecycle bonus and you'll do well in combat.
February 25, 2001, 23:07
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Out of the SMAC ones: Miriam, Santiago, Yang. With those three, you can fall back to a Hybrid style after your initial gains from conquest, just generally add a city or two from a neighboring faction when needed. With these 3, crawlers make the difference.
The new 7, I like the Drones best. They can crank out anything they need in a rapid hurry. They may not be the best techers, but why focus on tech to the exclusion of everything else? A balanced approach is the one that wins the game. The Drones may not be the best balanced one, but their disadvantages can be overcome easily enough.
February 26, 2001, 16:51
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I like the Cybernetic Consciousness.
Every time I get asked this I have no idea why I play them. I suppose running Knowledge and Eudaimonia gives you +6 research and I am the world's biggest tech junkie.
That's about the only reason! If I don't get the Cloning Vats I'm sunk!
February 26, 2001, 21:32
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Posts: 14
Again I am a total newb. I like the spartans. Free prototypes, strong army. I played with them killed of all my neighbors on my continent, then I started expanding, and building my infrastructure. I ran knowledge, and two other things I ended up getting high efficiency, got better industry and more research, but -2 probe, but I didn't care cause I was by myself. I love research. Then when I got the 24 laser I started going out kicking butt, the factions might have had at best the 8 weapon. Everyone was bowing down to my one or 2 units. Signed a pact with Laal, and trancended got a 96% not too shabby for my first try.
February 27, 2001, 00:24
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The Drones are probably my number one favorite. Their industry bonus is just too much to pass up. Given, their research hurts a bit during the early game, but I can usually overcome it in time. They're probably my favorite faction to play on Transcend level.
The Cult is very fun, especially to try to get a Transcendance victory on Transcend level. I've done it a few times, and it's a pain in the arse with the economy and industry negatives. I've yet to do it without using a crawler (I'll admit to using them for helping build the Ascent in the end), though I can usually win a normal Transcend game by Transcendance without using a single crawler.
Morgan is another one of my favorites. I just can't complain about the energy that rolls in every turn. Support is a pain in the ass, sure, but once clean reactors become avaliable there's no problem.
February 27, 2001, 00:36
Local Time: 05:06
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Posts: 8
I guess it depends what you mean by favourite... the "best" factions imho for transcend level are the peacekeepers, the hive and the drones (all largely for ease of drone control reasons) but they are certainly not the most fun to play with. My favourites have to be the data angels - for some reason i find playing a probe mad strategy very satisfying....
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