The file you can set the fonts is ..\Call To Power 2\ctp2_data\english\uidata\layouts\ctp_template.ld l, but the problem isn't a type of font. Times New Roman, Arial, etc. have polish (and greek, russian, and many more) characters. But those characters need more than 256 bits (1 byte) to define. In txt file (which ctp2 uses for its texts) you can use only 1 byte characters. So, I'm looking for an option to change the type of encoding - how force ctp2 to read string like a one character (to implement over-1-byte character) or how to force ctp2 to encode txt files in iso-8859-2 or cpwindows-1250 format (these are polish format, like it in Internet works).
The any solution which i see now is to prepare new font, were polish characters are in 256 bit range - but it looks like a lot of work.