January 7, 2000, 14:34
Local Time: 00:06
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Oct 1999
Location: of Chiron
Posts: 806
Official SMACX v2 bug list. READ ONLY PLEASE!
This is the official list of bugs, not yet fixed in SMACX v2 patch.
Please, do not post to this list directly!!!
If you have a bug still not listed, then post it in the other thread, named SMACX bug reporting thread.
Many thanks to Aredhran and Bblue for helping to complete the records!
Now, the only missing/incomplete fields are the Status and save files. So those, who submitted bugs and have save files demonstrating it, please verify them with the v2 patch from www.firaxis.com and if it still occurs, then email the save to zsolt@simbiosys.ca with the corresponding BugID and a short description what to look for in the file (e.g. if the bug is related to a particular base, then indicate the faction and name of the base, if it is a unit, then give the location coordinates of the unit on the map). If the bug has been fixed by the v2 patch, then please notify me in email or on the bug report thread.
Thank you very much!
The possible Status values and their meaning:
Pending - default, not yet assigned
OneTime - happened only once, no save or confirmation available
Confirmed - no save available, but several players have seen and confirmed it
Demonstrated - save file(s) is(are) given to demonstrate the bug
Fixed - the bug no longer occurs with patch v2
Combat (including capture problems)
Movement (land, sea, air)
UI (preferences, menus, right-click etc)
MultiPlayer (IP, PBEM specific)
Scenario Editor
AI (Artificial Intelligence - computer opponent algorithm)
Unit design (Design Workshop, custom unit problems etc.)
Faction Editor
Rules (game rule not applied correctly),
Sound (audio errors),
Copyright Protection (cd required for SAMCX)
Crash (game crashes)
Base (administration of facilities, specialists, psych etc in a base)
Special Projects
1 - crash, freeze
2 - major problem, spoils game (e.g. probe bug in PBEM)
3 - important ability/feature unusable/incorrect in certain circumstances
4 - minor, cosmetic problems or bugs with known workaround
5 - enhancement requests (minor ones listed only!)
For easy and fast reference, here is the list of BugIDs with submitter:
Meaning of special leading signs:
- This is no longer a bug, has been fixed by patch v2
+ This is not bug, but a minor enhancement request
#0001, Air_Drop, Aredhran
#0002, Marine_Detahcment, DaveVegas
#0003, Free_Ability_Fungisidal_Tanks, Bblue
#0004, Unit_Change, BustaMike
#0005, Alien_Friends, BustaMike
#0006, Unit_Location_Knowledge, BustaMike
#0007, Battle_Odds, khearn
#0008, Disappearing_Units, Civ-wrecked
- #0009, Artillery_Damage, Civ-wrecked
#0010, Power_Surge, BustaMike
#0011, Infinite_Jet_Fuel, Tau Ceti
#0012, MP_Probe_City, BustaMike
#0013, Tech_Trade_Crash, Tau Ceti
#0014, Ship_Duel_Altitude, Tau Ceti
#0015, MP_Unit_Transfer, BustaMike
+ #0016, Tech_Gift_Choices, BustaMike
#0017, Hunter_Seeker_Movie, Helium Pond
#0018, Plural_Faction_Anouncement, Helium Pond
#0019, Punishment_Sphere_Psych, Helium Pond
#0020, Spore_Launcher_Cross_Fire, R A Spottiswood
#0021, Reputation, AoA
+ #0022, AI_Defender_Retool, NukedOut
#0023, Progenitor_Talk, Hvordan
#0024, Custom_Size_Hang, ProvostB
#0025, Air_Defense_Crash, Frisch
#0026, Multiple_Vendetta, R A Spottiswood
#0027, Research_Limits, Dreifels
#0028, Invincible_Base, swisscheese4
- #0029, Instant_Demon_Boil, Urban Ranger
#0030, Urgent_Message, R A Spottiswood
- #0031, Hasty_Spore_Launcher, R A Spottiswood
#0032, Sea_Lurker_Fungus, R A Spottiswood
#0033, Preference_Sliders, Oleg Leschov
#0034, Edge_Scroll, Oleg Leschov
#0035, Terrain_Survey, Oleg Leschov
#0036, Zoom_to_Base, Oleg Leschov
#0037, Automatic_Unit_Design, Oleg Leschov
#0038, Abandon_Shore_Base, Oleg Leschov
#0039, Psi_Gate, Oleg Leschov
#0040, Music_Off, Oleg Leschov
+ #0041, Hurry_Foreign_Base, Oleg Leschov
+ #0042, Alpha_txt_list_sizes, Oleg Leschov
#0043, Slow_Alien_Graphics, Fugi the Great
#0044, Spore_Launcher_bonuses, Urban Ranger
#0045, Units_Bouncing_Back, Urban Ranger
#0046, Square_Sharing, zsozso
#0047, Independent_Support, zsozso
#0048, Facility_Transfer, zsozso
#0049, Reserach_Points, aceplayer
#0050, Mind_Worm_Popup, zsozso
#0051, Humanoid_Aliens, Aaron Lawrence
#0052, Pact_Units, Vi Vicdi
#0053, Boreholes, R A Spottiswood
#0054, Vendetta_Info, R A Spottiswood
#0055, Attitude_Save, R A Spottiswood
#0056, Interlude_Mixup, R A Spottiswood
#0057, Unit_List_Limit, Mouse
#0058, Reactor_Upgrade, zsozso
#0059, Copter_Landing, zsozso
#0060, Spartan_Upgrade, NoviceCEO
#0061, Antigrav, NoviceCEO
#0062, Alien_Special_Abilities, Cotroneo
#0063, Hall_of_fame, Bblue
#0064, Res_Pulse_Naming, Bblue
+ #0065, AI_ECM_AAA, Bblue
#0066, Former_Attack, SailorUranus
+ #0067, Custom_Graphics, SailorUranus
#0068, Anouncement_Graphics, Bblue
#0069, Probe_Battle_Sound, Bblue
#0070, Volcano_Terraform, Bblue
+ #0071, Pirate_Map, Lord Blackmoor
#0072, Tidal_Harness, Bblue
#0073, Merchant_Fungus, Fistandantilus
#0074, Fungus_Battle, Fistandantilus
+ #0075, Base_Facility_SE, lynchk
#0076, Sea_Perimiter, lynchk
#0077, Mind_Control, dante^
#0078, Water_Level_MP, buster
+ #0079, Interludes, lev
+ #0080, Air_Force_AI, NoviceCEO
#0081, MP_Stop_Built, gnome
#0082, Air_Bombing, hroman21
#0083, Custom_Faction_Text, Bblue
#0084, Base_Destroy, Bblue
#0085, Free_Ability, Bblue
#0086, Confirm_Odds, RetoS
#0087, Specialists, RetoS
+ #0088, CD, Rick
+ #0089, Balancing, markyj
+ #0090, Auto_Forest, markyj
+ #0091, Guard_Unit, markyj
+ #0092, Air_Patrol, markyj
#0093, Sea_Sensor, Bblue
+ #0094, Sea_Sensor_Ability, markyj
#0095, Remove_Project, markyj
#0096, Finish_Map, RetoS
#0097, Pirate_Sea_Formers, Bblue
#0098, Population_Bonus, Stormhound
#0099, ICD_crash, DarkAvenger
#0100, Obsolete_Prototyping, RedFred
#0101, Unrelated_Units, RedFred
#0102, Probe_Self_Fight, LightEning
#0103, Monolith_Terraform, Fugi the Great
#0104, HSA_AI, Fugi the Great
#0105, Mixed_Faction_Colors, Dreifels
#0106, Upgrading_Gifts, Kinjiru
#0107, High_Tech_Gifts, Kinjiru
#0108, Sex_Change, Stumbling Drunk
#0109, IP_host_corrupt, Genaciv
#0110, Loan_payment, Darkstar
#0111, Combat_Transport, Darkstar
#0112, Land_tile_usage, Darkstar
#0113, Delete_From_Queue, Ronin
#0114, PBEM_save, tfs99
#0115, Vanishing_Probe, cousLee
#0116, Accelerated_Formers, tfs99
#0117, Population_loss, jimmytrick
#0118, Scenario_flood, Darkstar
#0119, Borehole_base, Darkstar
#0120, Datalinks_Impact, Darkstar
#0121, Maritime_Control_Center, Aredhran
#0122, PBEM_Probe, jimmytrick
#0123, Bonus_Stockpile, zsozso
#0124, Empaths, gunf1ghter
#0125, Drone_crash, fuzzy
#0126, Alien_Artifact, Darkstar
+ #0127, Diplomatic_Victory, AoA
#0128, Tectonic_Payload, SoHappy
#0129, Self_Aware_Colony, Fistleaf
#0130, Friendly_Alert, gnome
#0131, Fake_Drones, zsozso
#0132, Patrolling_unit, BustaMike
#0133, Crawler_Crash, Vi Vicdi
#0134, Amphibious_Probe, Aredhran
#0135, TECHSTEAL, Bblue
#0136, Crash_after_rules_select, BustaMike
#0137, Elevation_editing, BustaMike
#0138, Brood_Pit, Fistleaf
#0139, 1x1_Island_Start, Bblue
#0140, Elevation_Change_Display, Kinjiru
#0141, Bomber_Air_Defense, Vi Vicdi
#0142, Amphibious_Helper, Vi Vicdi
#0143, Punishment_Sphere_F2_Calculation, korn469
#0144, Adaptive_Doctrine, Gnome
#0145, Pact_production, Gnome
#0146, New_Tech_Window, Gnome
+ #0147, SE_News, Gnome
+ #0148, Bunker_Terraform_Preference, Gnome
#0149, PBEM_save_and_exit, Paul
#0150, City_Trading, Bblue
#0151, Air_Goto_Command, Misotu
+ #0152, F4_Base_Screen, Misotu
#0153, Mswheel/Terranx_crash, Misotu
#0154, Sea_Terraform, Misotu
#0155, GoTo_Xenoempathy, Misotu
#0156, Nanoreplicator_Info, Misotu
#0157, Build_Scenario, BustaMike
#0158, Single_Alien, Wombat
#0159, Out_of_Fuel_Transfer, Theben
#0160, Sea_Units_Res_Armor, Theben
#0161, PB_Flechette, Wombat
+ #0162, Improve_Finish_Map, Warpage
#0163, Spore_Rover_Multi, Lord Maxwell
#0164, SE_Browse_Income_Report, Vi Vicdi
#0165, Mass_Scrap_Shutout, Vi Vicdi
#0166, Transend_Interlude, Bblue
#0167, Naval_Probes, Bblue
#0168, Transfer_Upgrade, Theben
#0169, Free_Commlink, Bblue
#0170, F7_Screen, Bblue
#0171, Pact_Payoff, Korn469
+ #0172, Multiple_PBEM, Paul
#0173, One_Alien, BustaMike
+ #0174, Minimum_Hurry_Cost, Oleg Leschov
#0175, Marine_Control_Random_Movement, RedFred
#0176, Base_Grid, Korn469
#0177, MP_Pact_Probe, Korn469
+ #0178, MP_Base_Trade, Korn469
#0179, Pirate_Free_Ability, Patriqvium
#0180, AutoFormer_Move, overcome
#0181, Lose_population, overcome
#0182, Inactive_Former, overcome
#0183, Disembark_Inactive, overcome
#0184, Self_Eradication, Ken Coleman
#0185, Allied_Base_Transport_Loading, Bblue
#0186, Time_Warp, Bblue
#0187, Missing_Probe_Capture, BustaMike
#0188, ShareTech, overcome
#0189, Sold_Command_Nexus, Travathian
#0190, TerranX_Crash, Fistleaf
[This message has been edited by zsozso (edited February 14, 2000).]
January 7, 2000, 14:41
Local Time: 00:06
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Oct 1999
Location: of Chiron
Posts: 806
BugID: #0001, Air_Drop
Submitter: Aredhran, aredhran@swiftmove.com
Version: Alien Crossfire
Category: Movement
Status: Demonstrated
Priority: 2
Save before: http://CR190515-A.hnsn1.on.wave.home...C/ABL0001b.zip
Save after: N/A
Description: The right-click menu "airdrop here" at will bug is still present,
causing possibility to repeated air drops within the same turn, thus provided
a practically unlimited range (as long as there are bases along the way).
[This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 11, 2000).]
January 7, 2000, 14:41
Local Time: 00:06
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Oct 1999
Location: of Chiron
Posts: 806
BugID: #0002, Marine_Detahcment
Submitter: DaveVegas, daveweb@lvcm.com
Version: Alien Crossfire
Category: Combat
Status: Confirmed
Priority: 2
Save before: N/A (not available)
Save after:
Description: I will try to recreate the marine detachment bug. Where I capture a pirate ship inside his
base. However, I could not enter the base. I had to destroy my own unit before I could
capture it. It has happened 2 times.
Note by Aredhran: Fixed in SMACX patch V2 (to be confirmed)
[This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 10, 2000).]
January 7, 2000, 14:42
Local Time: 00:06
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Oct 1999
Location: of Chiron
Posts: 806
BugID: #0003, Free_Ability_Fungisidal_Tanks
Submitter: Bblue, gsshell@aol.com
Version: Both AX and AC4 (or only AX ?)
Category: Unit design
Status: Demonstrated
Priority: 4
Save before: N/A
Save after: http://CR190515-A.hnsn1.on.wave.home...C/ABL0003b.zip
Description: Giving a faction fungisidal tanks as a free ability gained upon
the prerequisite tech (custom faction) When the tech is research all units
immediately get fungisidal tanks as per bug#0085 Free_Ability, EXCEPT formers
and other base units (ie. scout patrol, crawler, probe team, colony pod,
etc.) or at least they are not listed or identified as having it. Going into
the Design Workshop, fungisidal tanks is NOT an option am I to assume they
have it but are not identified as having it?
Look at the formers and military units in the save.
[This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 11, 2000).]
January 7, 2000, 14:43
Local Time: 00:06
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Oct 1999
Location: of Chiron
Posts: 806
BugID: #0004, Unit_Change
Submitter: BustaMike, wordtoyourmother@hotmail.com
Bblue, Gsshell@aol.com
Version: Both AX and AC4
Category: General
Status: Demonstrated
Priority: 3
Save before: http://CR190515-A.hnsn1.on.wave.home...C/ABL0004b.zip
Save after: http://CR190515-A.hnsn1.on.wave.home...C/ABL0004a.zip
Description: When I play multiplayer I notice that every once in a while units transform into other units.
I had a missle foil turn into a sea former in the middle of a battle. I've
also had impact batteries turn into impact foils and those foils then turn into scout rovers. I
have a saved game that this stuff happened in.
Bblue: it appears it is not just a multiplayer bug as this save is
from a single player game. About the save: 2 file a before and after; before is Viinculum transport;
after is ViinculumIIrover, but it re-occurs everytime the turn is played
In Vinculum: my trance fusion transport transforms into a Caretaker (who I am
at Vendetta with) empath missle speeder inbetween turns. By investigating
this bug further, if you disband the fusion transport, then on the next turn
a EMCTrance 3-Res Sentinal in Lucky Autum transforms into a Caretaker empath
missle speeder.
[This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 23, 2000).]
January 7, 2000, 14:43
Local Time: 00:06
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Oct 1999
Location: of Chiron
Posts: 806
BugID: #0005, Alien_Friends
Submitter: BustaMike, wordtoyourmother@hotmail.com
Darkstar, darkstar@hiwaay.net
Fistleaf chanboon@pacific.net.sg
Version: Alien Crossfire
Category: AI | Diplomacy
Status: Demonstrated
Priority: 2
Save before: N/A
Save after: http://CR190515-A.hnsn1.on.wave.home...C/ABL0005a.zip
Description: The aliens are supposed to hate each other, right? I have yet to play a game where they
actually all out fight like they should. I find myself always trying to incite one to kill the
other and it won't. The aliens do not hate each other at all.
DarkShade: The Aliens, I read in the manual, aren't even supposed to deign to
speak to those who are allied with the opposing alien faction. While I can understand the
aliens contacting other humans to turn them against their opposing aliens, in the game I
have going right now it's a bit worse then that.
The aliens formed a series of pacts with the remaining human factions and then truced
themselves. The aliens haven't been fighting anyone but the humans for the past century
of game time or so. The civil war is pretty much nonexistent.
Darkstar: I confirm Aliens factions Trucing.
When AI controls both Alien factions, they can enter into state of "Truce". This can't be
done when a Human Player is an Alien.
Save game by Fistleaf demonstrates Usurpers and Caretakers in a state of truce.
This save was made after v2 patch was applied.
[This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 13, 2000).]
January 7, 2000, 14:44
Local Time: 00:06
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Oct 1999
Location: of Chiron
Posts: 806
BugID: #0006, Unit_Location_Knowledge
Submitter: BustaMike, wordtoyourmother@hotmail.com
Version: Both AX and AC4
Category: AI
Status: Confirmed
Priority: 3
Save before: N/A (not available)
Save after:
Description: Computer boats cheat. Even if you have a ship well out of range of the sight of the computer, the
moment you are close enough so that the computer can move to attack you it will, even
though it shouldn't know you are there at all. It's basically like the AI boats have a seeing
radius of 4 to 8 squares. This isn't a huge deal and it actually kind of helps the otherwise
stupid AI, but sometimes it's kind of annoying.
The AI also knows location of units in fungus and units with
cloacking or deep pressure hull abilities.
Note by Aredhran: This does not only apply to boats, but to all units.
[This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 10, 2000).]
January 7, 2000, 14:45
Local Time: 00:06
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Oct 1999
Location: of Chiron
Posts: 806
BugID: #0007, Battle_Odds
Submitter: khearn, khearn@legato.com
BustaMike, wordtoyourmother@hotmail.com
Civ-wrecked, zozo@peopleweb.com
Jasonian, jay1256@crosswinds.net
Version: Both AX and AC4
Category: Combat
Status: Pending
Priority: 4
Save before: N/A (not available)
Save after:
Description: I play with the
option where you get told the odds before each battle. In SMAC, the odds seems pretty
accurate. I won about half os the battles where I was told the odds were even, and I could
count on winning most of the battles when the odds where mildly in my favor (4:3, or
With SMACX, the odds seem way off. I lose almost every time if the odds are even, and
when the odds are close, I still lose most of the time. I haven't kept statistics on this, and
I realise that we often remember the losses and not the wins in cases like this, but I'm
pretty sure the odds are way off now. If I see that I'm favored 32:25, it's very likely I'll still
lose now.
Has something changed with how the odds are calculated, or with how the battles are
If need be, I can get a game to the point where I'm about to fight a battle where the odds
are in my favor and save it, then play it out 10 or 20 times to confirm it.
BustaMike: I noticed that also. If a unit is engaged in psi combat the odds are not calculated properly.
It said my green chaos rover had 4 to 1 odds to beat a demon boil. This is ridiculous and
when the actual battle ensued my rover was crushed. I think it uses attack strenght
instead of psi and moral strength like it should.
Civ-wrecked: I observed the same thing as khearn. The odds seems to be fairly accurate with planes
though but it's way off with ground troops. I probably get 50/50 chance only when the
odds says I have 3 to 2 chance of winning. I've been wondering if the transcend level has
some kind of bonuses for the AI factions which the odds does not take into account ?
Reloading and repeating the same attack doesn't seem to change the outcome in a pure
random fashion either. To experiment, I kept trying to attack the same unit with a 50/50
chance of winning and I lost over 20 times straight. The pure probability for such event to
happen is less than one in a million. Even if I had merely 25% of winning each time then
the odds of losing 20 battles straight would be around 3 in 1000.
For PSI attack, I think it is a known bug that the odds takes into account the reactor type
while the actual battle outcome does not. It would be vastly unfair for the poor worms if it
does. Before the reactors mess up the odds for PSI, it seems reasonably accurate though.
Jasonian: I've noticed something about the numbers on the "confirm odds" screen. When attacking
native life, it assumes that native life has a fission reactor, and your unit has the one it does.
So, if the morale levels are the same, and you attack with a fusing unit, you should have about
3:1 odds of victory. (3:2 Offense: Defense * 2:1 Your reactor: enemy reactor)
This is obviously not true. When calculating the odds, the game 'forgets' that all PSI combat
is based on a 10 HP scale, so all those fancy reactors don't help you. Yet, it says you have 20
HP with fusion, so the odds SHOULD be twice what they are. Somewhere, something was
left out.
[This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 11, 2000).]
January 7, 2000, 14:46
Local Time: 00:06
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Oct 1999
Location: of Chiron
Posts: 806
BugID: #0008, Disappearing_Units
Submitter: Civ-wrecked, zozo@peopleweb.com
Version: Both AX and AC4 (?)
Category: Movement
Status: Confirmed
Priority: 3
Save before: Available
Save after:
Description: I mind-controlled a bunch of impact rovers the
Hive sent my way. After I collected half a dozens of them I tried to send them back to the
Hive territory to say hello. After crossing into the Hive territory, all, except one, of them
disappeared at the end of my turn. I could repeat the bug several times with the auto1 file.
I had to save these rovers from vaporating by going back to my territory and abandoning
the attack. That really sucks since I have a bunch of rovers eating my minerals and I could
not find any use for them. Maybe I still have the save file around if Tim doesn't know
about this bug already.
[This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 11, 2000).]
January 7, 2000, 14:47
Local Time: 00:06
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Oct 1999
Location: of Chiron
Posts: 806
BugID: #0009, Artillery_Damage
Submitter: Civ-wrecked, zozo@peopleweb.com
Version: Alien Crossfire
Category: Combat
Status: Fixed
Priority: 4
Save before: N/A
Save after: N/A
Description: There seems to be a bug in artillery in SMACX in general, not just the spore
launcher. All of my artillery are absolutely inefective when trying to inflict damage on
non-artillery troops. I used to produce artillery in SMAC but don't produce them any
more in SMACX since they're useless. The AI's artillery cause the same damage to my
troops, just like in SMAC, though so it's really unfair.
Kinjiru: looks to be fixed in v2 SMAX. Don't have a save, but I could make one tonight if there is a
[This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 11, 2000).]
January 7, 2000, 14:49
Local Time: 00:06
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Oct 1999
Location: of Chiron
Posts: 806
BugID: #0010, Power_Surge
Submitter: BustaMike, wordtoyourmother@hotmail.com
Version: Alien Crossfire
Category: Special Project
Status: Pending
Save before: N/A (not available)
Save after:
Description: If you have built the Planetary Energy Grid, you get a free energy bank in every city.
BUT... if there is a power surge the energy bank won't contain it. You won't get the
energy and it'll destroy mines.
[This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 10, 2000).]
January 7, 2000, 14:49
Local Time: 00:06
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Oct 1999
Location: of Chiron
Posts: 806
BugID: #0011, Infinite_Jet_Fuel
Submitter: Tau Ceti, larsheg@sensewave.com
Bblue, Gsshell@aol.com
Version: Both AX and AC4
Category: Movement
Status: Demonstrated
Priority: 3
Save before: http://CR190515-A.hnsn1.on.wave.home...C/ABL0011b.zip
Save after: http://CR190515-A.hnsn1.on.wave.home...C/ABL0011a.zip
Description: AI Needlejet units do not run out of fuel. I once surrounded a stack of Spartan
needlejets with my own, expecting them to crash at the end of the turn. However, they
remained airborne and undamaged. This is not a huge problem, as they will return to base
if they can, but I still think the rules should apply.
Bblue: The before save shows Miram's plane in flight east of The Word of God, the
after shows the same planes still in flight, not crashed, the turn after this
they fly toward home
Note: What seems to trigger this is when the AI planes can't reach the
'target' they were assigned to goto; as in a base in Tau Ceti's example. In
my Saves a 'flight' of 8(?) planes attempt to attack a former, a intercepter
flys out over the the former and beats the first attacking plane, the
remainder of the 'flight' moves next to the terraformer and the newly
repositioned intercepter and stop (they can't attack the former due to thier
being an air unit on top of it) The following turn they seem to still have
full movement and fly on to attack other things (in this case my crawlers
which were well out of range of thier original base!)
Mistweave: In my first SMACXv2 game, I had a large continent to myself, and I had built a ton of conventional
missiles for defense, all placed on alert to nail any incoming transports. Early in one turn, a
pod-popping rover on a nearby island uncovered two worms, but I 'W' waited the rover 'till later.
Later in the turn, two missiles in an inland base (just barely in range of the worms) activate, swoop
over, and run into a coastal base. This ends their moves (bug #151), even though they both had
enough moves left to hit the worm.
I intended to send the two missiles home again, but forgot to do so. In the meantime, the rover kills
one of the worms, and its turn ends. In the enemy-move phase, the remaining worm eats the rover.
In my next turn, missile #1 wakes up, screams over and nails the worm. Then, missile #2 wakes up,
screams over, and has no target. Even though it has expended most of its moves (it had 5-6 out of
20), it turns around and heads back for home. At the end of the turn, it is still 10 squares from any
base, out of fuel, but doesn't crash (bug #11). Next turn, it arrives at the coastal base & stops (bug
#151 again), then returns to its original home the next turn.
[This message has been edited by zsozso (edited February 14, 2000).]
January 7, 2000, 14:50
Local Time: 00:06
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Oct 1999
Location: of Chiron
Posts: 806
BugID: #0012, MP_Probe_City
Submitter: BustaMike, wordtoyourmother@hotmail.com
Version: Alien Crossfire | Alpha Centauri v4 | Both AX and AC4
Category: MultiPlayer
Status: Pending
Priority: 3
Save before: N/A (not available)
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Description: In a multiplayer game i was pacted with another player. When i tried to move my
skimship probe team through his city it gave me the option to keep moving or do a probe
action. I chose keep moving and then it inflitrated his datalinks. It did this 3 times until i
finally had to avoid moving through his cities.
[This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 10, 2000).]
January 7, 2000, 14:51
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Location: of Chiron
Posts: 806
BugID: #0013, Tech_Trade_Crash
Submitter: Tau Ceti, larsheg@sensewave.com
Version: Both AX and AC4 (?)
Category: Diplomacy
Status: Pending
Priority: 1
Save before: N/A (not available)
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Description: When someone offers you a tech for your world map, if you select "Give me (insert
name of tech here) instead and we have a deal" the game crashes every time, saying
"This program has executed an illegal instruction and will be terminated" or something like
[This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 10, 2000).]
January 7, 2000, 14:52
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Location: of Chiron
Posts: 806
BugID: #0014, Ship_Duel_Altitude
Submitter: Tau Ceti, larsheg@sensewave.com
Version: Both AX and AC4 (?)
Category: Combat
Status: Pending
Priority: 3
Save before: N/A (not available)
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Description: When two ships engage in an artillery duel, the ship in the shallower waters gets an
altitude bonus.
[This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 10, 2000).]
January 7, 2000, 14:53
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Location: of Chiron
Posts: 806
BugID: #0015, MP_Unit_Transfer
Submitter: BustaMike, wordtoyourmother@hotmail.com
Version: Both AX and AC4
Category: MultiPlayer
Status: Pending (Confirmed for exchange of bases between human players)
Priority: 2
Save before: N/A (not available)
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Description: In multiplayer i cannot transfer control of units to other factions.
I don't think that i can give bases to others either.
[This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 10, 2000).]
January 7, 2000, 14:54
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Location: of Chiron
Posts: 806
BugID: #0016, Tech_Gift_Choices
Submitter: BustaMike, wordtoyourmother@hotmail.com
Version: Both AX and AC4
Category: Diplomacy
Status: Confirmed
Priority: 5
Save before: N/A (not available)
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Description: Also it would be nice to be able to specifically choose what tech you want to give a
computer opponent instead of having to choose between only 2. In one game i played the
drones were being crushed by the caretakers. I wanted to help the drones by giving them
a desperately needed attack tech, but all they asked for was some useless build and i
couldn't help them.
[This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 10, 2000).]
January 7, 2000, 14:54
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Location: of Chiron
Posts: 806
BugID: #0017, Hunter_Seeker_Movie
Submitter: Helium Pond, (e-mail not available)
Version: Alien Crossfire
Category: Special Projects
Status: Confirmed
Priority: 4
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Description: The Hunter-Seeker movie doesn't mention Algorithmic Enhancement; it still says it
"renders your faction immune to probe team activity of any kind."
[This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 11, 2000).]
January 7, 2000, 14:56
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Location: of Chiron
Posts: 806
BugID: #0018, Plural_Faction_Anouncement
Submitter: Helium Pond, (e-mail not available)
Version: Both AX and AC4
Category: UI
Status: Pending
Priority: 4
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Description: The notification that faction x has lost a base to faction y always treats faction x as if it
were a singular noun. In other words, it always says "faction x *has* lost a base to faction
y". For plural factions, it should say "the Pirates *have* lost a base
[This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 10, 2000).]
January 7, 2000, 14:57
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Location: of Chiron
Posts: 806
BugID: #0019, Punishment_Sphere_Psych
Submitter: ,
Version: Both AX and AC4
Category: UI
Status: Pending
Priority: 4
Save before: N/A (not available)
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Description: When you have a punishment sphere in a base, and you look at the base's psych
readout, you see the effects of the punishment sphere on the line that reads "secret
projects". The effects of the sphere ought to appear on the line that reads "base facilities".
[This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 10, 2000).]
January 7, 2000, 14:59
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Location: of Chiron
Posts: 806
BugID: #0020, Spore_Launcher_Cross_Fire
Submitter: R A Spottiswood, raspotts@tik.com.au
Version: Alien Crossfire
Category: Combat | AI
Status: Confirmed
Priority: 4
Save before: N/A (not available)
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Description: Spore Launcher Bug: I hit a Unity pod with a scout and three spore
launchers appeared. Much to my amazement, they promptly blew away EACH OTHER.
Later, a similar thing happened: a spore launcher was shelling base improvements.
Another spore launcher, also flagged red, came along and fired on it.
Note by Aredhran: I don't think this is a bug.
[This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 11, 2000).]
January 7, 2000, 15:00
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Location: of Chiron
Posts: 806
BugID: #0021, Reputation
Submitter: AoA, akathisia@aol.com
Version: Alien Crossfire
Category: AI | Combat | Diplomacy
Status: Pending
Priority: 4
Save before: N/A (not available)
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Description: When playing as a human faction (it has happened
with the Cyborgs, Pirates and Cult) I used a ton of Nerve Gas against the Aliens. My
reputation is Wicked even though I've treated the other humans well and now they all
have vendetta on me. Is this right? Should atrocities against the Aliens count negatively
towards my reputation?
[This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 10, 2000).]
January 7, 2000, 15:01
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Location: of Chiron
Posts: 806
BugID: #0022, AI_Defender_Retool
Submitter: NukedOut, (e-mail not available)
Version: Both AX and AC4
Category: AI
Status: N/A
Priority: 5
Save before: N/A (not available)
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Description: When I see the pc
building planet busters,(having infiltrators helps) I let the pc build away and when it is
nearing completion, I attack the city with air or conv. missiles. One only has to destroy the
garrisons, and the pc will reassign all production to building a garrision. It does not matter
that there is no way I can get a ground unit to the city to capture it, the pc reassigns the
production to make a very costly garrision unit. It would be better if the pc continued to
build the planetbuster and simply redeployed other garrisions to the city.
[This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 10, 2000).]
January 7, 2000, 15:01
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Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: of Chiron
Posts: 806
BugID: #0023, Progenitor_Talk
Submitter: Hvordan, (e-mail not available)
Version: Alien Crossfire
Category: MultiPlayer
Status: Pending
Priority: 3
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Description: Hotseat bug:
If you encounter progenitor race before the advance of the required techs to allow
communication, you can still talk.
Note by Aredhran: It would be interesting to see if this problem still happens with the alpha.txt flag
that prevents humans from talking to each other in MP games without in-game contact
[This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 10, 2000).]
January 7, 2000, 15:02
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Location: of Chiron
Posts: 806
BugID: #0024, Custom_Size_Hang
Submitter: ProvostB, fino999@aol.com
Version: Alien Crossfire
Category: General
Status: Pending
Priority: 1
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Description: in the late game when smacx starts
hanging up on a 64*128 MAP in 2275! axstart starts showing: not responding.
[This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 10, 2000).]
January 7, 2000, 15:03
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Location: of Chiron
Posts: 806
BugID: #0025, Air_Defense_Crash
Submitter: Frisch, larry@npcenter.com
Ned, epheller@ix.netcom.com
Version: Alien Crossfire
Category: Combat
Status: Pending
Priority: 1
Save before: Available
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Description: I am playing first game of xfire on huge map. When my city attacked by air unit and my
unit rises to defend, the computer crashes with "Terranx page fault". If i delete the
defending air units the game will continue OK but crashed again after i rebuilt defenders. I
was most disturbed to spend 12 hrs playing a game that is now useless. (I never had
crashes on AC). Any fixes due on the Terranx crash problem?
PS I have saved game if someone wants to look at it.
Note by Aredhran: Check more details at http://apolyton.net/forums/Forum15/HTML/000108.html
Confirmed by Ned that the bug still occurs with the AX V2 patch
Note by Zsozso: This bug might be another manifestaton of BugID: #0099, ICD_crash
[This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 10, 2000).]
January 7, 2000, 15:04
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Location: of Chiron
Posts: 806
BugID: #0026, Multiple_Vendetta
Submitter: R A Spottiswood, raspotts@tik.com.au
Version: Alien Crossfire
Category: AI | Diplomacy
Status: Pending
Priority: 3
Save before: N/A (not available)
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Description: I feel kind of embarrassed mentioning such a minor bug after people talk about game
crashes, but it is a bug so I'll mention it. In two games as the Data Angels and with a
Green Economy, every time I conquer one of the Caretakers' bases, they declare
Vendetta on me, the Vendetta message being an objection to my Green economy. But
they already ARE at Vendetta with me. Also, the very first time I conquered a Caretaker
base, H'minee called me up and we arranged a Truce, but when I exited from the base
screen she declared Vendetta on me again. I also noticed that my reputation dropped to
Scrupulous, apparently because of this. I certainly had not done anything up to that point
that could reduce my reputation.
[This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 10, 2000).]
January 7, 2000, 15:05
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Location: of Chiron
Posts: 806
BugID: #0027, Research_Limits
Submitter: Dreifels, dreifels@1st-euro.net
Version: Alien Crossfire
Category: General
Status: Pending
Priority: 3
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Description: had the problem in alphax.txt that there are set at socials (research) -5 to +5 only but
Cyborgs have +6 or +7 and that doesn't count. So in fact their research isn't faster than
the research of other factions, e.g. Angels having +5
[This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 10, 2000).]
January 7, 2000, 15:06
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Location: of Chiron
Posts: 806
BugID: #0028, Invincible_Base
Submitter: swisscheese4, p9735682@qub.ac.uk
Version: Alien Crossfire
Category: Combat
Status: Pending
Priority: 3
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Description: I just bought the UK version of SMACX this week, and started a game with the Data
Angels. The caretakers started to kick butt, killing off the cyborgs pretty early. However,
ever with the best army on the planet they could not finish off the drones. At first I thought
that the drones were just pumping out defensive units like mad, but when I got a pact with
them and was able to look inside the base, it was full of caretaker troops!!! Even thought
they were still at war. Later I looked in on that one base again to see that it was full of
Pirates even thought I had all but destroyed that faction!!
To find out what was going on I turned on the scenario editor and created 10 mark III
battle ogres to capture the base only to find that every time I killed off the troops inside a
new bunch would appear!!!! Each time I destroyed a group, a new group would appear
belonging to another faction until it was my only Data Angels appearing!!! These to had to
be killed and still more troops appeared.
[This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 10, 2000).]
January 7, 2000, 15:07
Local Time: 00:06
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Location: of Chiron
Posts: 806
BugID: #0029, Instant_Demon_Boil
Submitter: Urban Ranger, decipher@hknet.com
Version: Both AX and AC4
Category: Movement
Status: Fixed
Priority: 3
Save before: N/A
Save after: N/A
Description: The instant demon boil bug. Whenever a
native lifeform unit is given a patrol route with several way points, the unit instantly
becomes a demon boil with the patrol route now pointing offscreen somewhere. This
works all the old units and at least the spore launchers.
This bug is a carryover from SMAC.
Note by Aredhran: The patrol must have the maximum number of waypoints (can't remember if it's 3 or 4)
Note by Zsozso: The bug occurs with Isle of Deep and Sea Lurker units too.
The bug has been fixed by patch v2.
[This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 11, 2000).]
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