February 11, 2003, 08:47
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>what if i would have be picked right after the 1000
>person? And they put a time limt on the signing up? 11 >AM PST what is that?
what are u talking about? a random draw make it so you wouldnt end up as that 1001 person who didnt make the cut. You have the whole entire weekend to sign up, and you have as much chance to win as the first guy who signed up. You also cant expect them to give that many more out, I mean it costs them money to make these cd's and sent them to a thousand people.
and dood as for contributing to the scene....Ive written about 10+ full length essays for Rise of Nations HG fansite, and posted on many forums on the game since beginning of last year, and thats just for RoN. I do it cause I enjoy gaming and contributing, not cause I necessarily think I will get something in return. If I did, I would cut a deal (like warpstorm suggested) up front, and it would be business. Cause the time Ive put into this is worth a heck of a lot more then 50 bucks.
When MS and BHG was asking the fansites how they should do this, I suggested a random draw when Obsidian from Heavens Games asked the HG crew for opinions. The idea is so that people can get a chance to win, and not get reamed cause they were responsible and werent willing to skip school for a game. and I didnt want to see another AOM situation where a bunch of sites went down cause people were hammering the sites so hard. Fansites are trying to promote gaming, and popularize a game we are enthusiatic about, not contribute to delinquency and obsessive behaviour.
Furthermore, If I had a kid who skipped school for a computer game, you can bet I'd ban his ass from gaming for a good long time.
How does scrambling and skipping school or staying up to god awful hours so you can try to beat the rush any easier for you to win. Trust me, even if you didnt have to do all that your chances arent that much better then a random draw, for every 1 person who thinks they are a die hard fan, there's a tonne of others who are also willing to sit there and bang at a site to get in past the gate. So now you can relax and sign up at your leisure knowing you can be a lucky winner and have as much of a chance to win as some **** who has nothing better to do then to sit on the comp hammering a site to be the 1st one to sign up.
Are you down with ODV?
Last edited by One_Dead_Villy; February 11, 2003 at 10:22.
February 11, 2003, 13:54
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Well said.
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February 11, 2003, 16:08
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Dude shut the **** up i do't give one **** what the hell some little internet penis thinks. Dude get a life. If i wanna ***** than i can *****. This message board isn't ****ing yours its all of ares. So before u give me **** how about you look at your life and see a ****ing prob there. You think your better running your mouth to me on message board. Go **** yourself
February 11, 2003, 17:50
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Go **** yourself
Hey you're the one here looking for sympathy, and invited people to express their opinions on the subject, not me.
Are you down with ODV?
Last edited by One_Dead_Villy; February 11, 2003 at 18:05.
February 11, 2003, 17:56
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uh-oh. Someone is about to be banned...
'Yep, I've been drinking again.'
February 11, 2003, 18:00
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Someone, from the look of things, that nobody's gonna miss.
February 11, 2003, 21:11
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Ban me go for it i don't care.........Listin to me i said yes but to sit there and just make fun of me is not doing ehat i asked. I never said anything disrepect full at you and to sit here and think your the big guy sitting here typeing and doing what you think is right. Im not going to get pushed around by some kid who has to make fun of someone online cause they prob get the crap kicked out of them all day. You know what i don't really care what anyone on a message board thinks other than ponyguy. I said what i wanted to say and if you want to sit there and take hits at me cause of the way i feel than do so but don't think for 1 min ill sit there and take your crap cause i won't. If u wanted to how u feel good im glad but don't run your mouth. You started this first by running your mouth. Tell me what made you think you had a right to tell me off. Tell me what i ever did to you. If you don't like my post than just leave and don't run your mouth about what your thinking. You don't like it its just one click on the back button and never read it again. But no you had to say something to make yourself feel better. Well look where you got us both. I never heard of you and prob would never had posted to you. This post wasn't going to be like this it was about what people think and if u had not started your war with me than i would not be sitting here right now. Who cares if i skip school? Am i major fan of this game that wants to play it really really bad? Yes. I can make my own descises about stuff like this. So i don't care what you would do about it. Just think before you type. Look what this started. I don't care what you think about me i care about what u think about Rise Of Nations.
February 11, 2003, 21:16
Apolyton CS Co-Founder
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Just think before you type.
i'd ask the same from you. your behaviour has been unacceptable. we dont need this kind of situations, please chill out....
February 11, 2003, 21:43
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Originally posted by RONS_thesimss to get pushed around by some kid who has to make fun of someone online cause they prob get the crap kicked out of them all day.
Actually, I'm probbably one of the oldest member of this forum in age anyways, although as far as getting the crap kicked out of me all day, lol well I dont know I dont work as a professional wrestler.
But you're right I shouldnt be concerned with your dissapointment having the beta contest not go the way you want, and may not get to play the beta. Its not like I have a cut of the game profits. Despite the fact that you still have as good a chance now to win. If this is this upsetting to you, then I'm sorry I hurt your feelings. That was not my intention. It was more like blame me, not MS or BHG, if indeed they listened to us who help run the fansites.
Originally posted by RONS_thesimss
You know what i don't really care what anyone on a message board thinks other than ponyguy.
Ponyguy must feel so special.
But I think I see the problem now. You seem to be taking the description of people who hammers sites hoping win contest personally. It was a GENERAL description of people who doesnt do a service to the scene not of you.
Originally posted by RONS_thesimss
Yes. I can make my own descises about stuff like this. So i don't care what you would do about it.
Well the point of me saying that was, so that you dont actually skip school for this cause, you are obviously young since you're still talking about skipping school, and if your parent found out they may have the same reaction as I would. Then you would be even sadder not being allowed to play, which I dont want to see.
Are you down with ODV?
Last edited by One_Dead_Villy; February 11, 2003 at 22:00.
February 11, 2003, 22:35
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I think both of you are getting a little off topic. After thinking about it for a fea minutes, I have come to realize that ODV is right. I think I should just stop comlaining about what I don't get and focus more on the reason of having a beta. After all, beta testers have a big responsibility lol.
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February 12, 2003, 07:11
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Allright i been thinking about this. First of all i would like to say im sorry to the board. Where are all Rise Of Nations family here. Im sorry Mark and to the guy i been mouthing off too. Im very sorry to you for the way i acted towards you. i know you prob won't accpted it but i would like to say im sorry cause you were doing what was right. Rise Of Nation board im sorry for how dumb i acted. You guys are my Rise Of Nations family like Ponyguy and the guy i been mouthing off to that im sorry for.
February 12, 2003, 07:12
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Now lets get back to Rise Of Nations
February 12, 2003, 08:17
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 That's the spirit.
'Yep, I've been drinking again.'
February 12, 2003, 08:21
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In addition to the 1000 MS is giving away, each fansite will also have a handfull to give away in which ever way they feel like. RoN Planet http://ronp.mednickonline.com/index.php, as will RoN Heaven http://ron.heavengames.com/ will announce details for their beta contests on Friday as well. I am sure Apolyton will have something as well. There are approximately 10-15 fansites which will have something so if you dont win at one, you can keep trying. Good luck.
Are you down with ODV?
February 12, 2003, 08:35
Apolyton CS Co-Founder
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thank you for your post RONS_thesimss
February 12, 2003, 15:13
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Hey I had to do what was right...........Anyways im going to try as much as i can to get a copy of it. And if i do i promise that i won't run my mouth and make people that didn't get 1 feel bad. Who knows maybe i might share it with a few people if i win it.
February 12, 2003, 18:40
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I was thinking about these 2 things and i wanna hear what everyone has to say about this. First of all what i mean by share is i will help anybody who didn't win get there chance to play Rise Of Nations. We are all a family here so i feel its the best thing to do. Second these is what i really want you guys to think about and need your ideas and help. Has anyone every been to provinggrounds.com? well if you know what it is good if not ill explan. Its a site where clans and people go one on one to prove themselfs and try to become number one. Im a member of it. I was think what if i started a site like this? We have Clans fight to see whos number 1 and we have people fight one on one to see whos the top player on the website. And say every few months we have a big torny with players all over the world to see whos the best. if you guys have any ideas or think its good or bad or would like to do im willing to do whatever i can to make it real. If anyone wants to help me and start a team to work on it than talk to me a little more and we can start planing this.
February 12, 2003, 20:24
Apolyton CS Co-Founder
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First of all what i mean by share is i will help anybody who didn't win get there chance to play Rise Of Nations.
that's certainly NOT what bhg and ms have in mind....
February 12, 2003, 20:56
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but i dont understand why BHG and MS wants only 1000 testers
February 12, 2003, 22:12
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They have much more then 1000 testers. This is a public beta contest. They've had beta testers on it since at least the E3 show during the beginning of the year, there are also inhouse testers at BHG, PLUS zounds of inhouse testers at MS. The public beta contest is more for the benefit of the fans then for the benefit of the game.
Are you down with ODV?
February 13, 2003, 16:12
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Trust me Mark i won't be ripping off BHG. What do u guys think about my site idea?
February 13, 2003, 17:49
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you can start one but there are already many established clan and tourney sites that you can join.
Are you down with ODV?
February 13, 2003, 19:57
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Originally posted by One_Dead_Villy
They have much more then 1000 testers. This is a public beta contest. They've had beta testers on it since at least the E3 show during the beginning of the year, there are also inhouse testers at BHG, PLUS zounds of inhouse testers at MS. The public beta contest is more for the benefit of the fans then for the benefit of the game.
I agree. This is a marketing ploy, they won't get thousands of testers. They'll get thousands of players. Of the 1000, very few will test and honestly try to break RON (after all this is the point of testing, to make it break) and carefully document what went wrong and try over and over to recreate the errors to isolate them. For finding bugs, a few dozen pros will find and document more errors than this thousand will.
The main time you would actually want this many beta testers is to stress test a gaming service.
February 13, 2003, 20:11
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Exactly. As I recall, there was initially incredibly little interest in this game  . But BHG got a great response when they released the first press beta. Giving away 1000 copies of the second beta to fans who frequent the game sites and will post thereon, is bound to create even more interest. It also shows how confident they are in the quality of their product.
February 13, 2003, 22:18
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Originally posted by One_Dead_Villy
you can start one but there are already many established clan and tourney sites that you can join.
like which one?
February 14, 2003, 01:06
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Originally posted by HuangShang
like which one?
clans you mean or tourney organizations?
clans you can find any established RTS or whatever clan thats interested in RoN and join, maybe they will adopt RoN when it comes out. Of course u can alyways start one yourself. Tourney orgs...i am sure some fansites will organize some..
Are you down with ODV?
February 14, 2003, 01:08
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Originally posted by Tassadar5000
Isn't it random?
yes thats how they will get more newbies and people who never heard of or looked into RoN seriously to be interested.
Are you down with ODV?
February 14, 2003, 14:42
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U guys all signed up?
February 14, 2003, 15:19
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I signed up in the official contest, but not in Apolyton yet.
'Yep, I've been drinking again.'
February 14, 2003, 16:48
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i did here and i picked spain. I thought i knew all of them but im not too sure if i did get them.
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