[01:00] (GT^Commish) Ok.
[01:00] (Maniac^gov) Vote?
[01:00] (herc2) sit
[01:00] (GT^Commish) 1 = sit, 2 = run, 3 = abstain
[01:00] * Maniac^gov 2
[01:00] (herc2) 1
[01:00] (GT^Commish) 3
[01:00] (Maniac^gov) Pst, Evfreak
[01:00] (Maniac^gov) You can solve a major problem for us
[01:01] * Maniac^gov slaps The-Evangelion-Freak around a bit with a large trout
[01:01] * GT^Commish slaps The-Evangelion-Freak around a bit with a large trout
[01:01] (The-Evangelion-Freak) Huh?
[01:01] (The-Evangelion-Freak) I was writing a PM, what is it
[01:02] (GT^Commish) Should our transport stay wher eit is, or run?
[01:02] (Maniac^gov) We need your help in deciding what to do with a transport
[01:02] (GT^Commish) There's an IoD next to it, but ti has Trance.
[01:02] (The-Evangelion-Freak) what's inside the transport?
[01:02] (Maniac^gov) a probe team
[01:02] (GT^Commish) Nothing.
[01:02] (Maniac^gov) oh
[01:02] (The-Evangelion-Freak) Eh?
[01:02] (Maniac^gov) even better :)
[01:02] (GT^Commish) It was o it's way to pick the probe team up.
[01:03] * The-Evangelion-Freak flips a coin *
[01:03] (The-Evangelion-Freak) 2
[01:03] (Maniac^gov) :)
[01:03] (GT^Commish) Running.
[01:04] (GT^Commish) I think the Believers at Valley of the Faithful are going to be in for a rude shock very soon.
[01:04] (GT^Commish) That IoD that came out fo the pod is heading straight for them.
[01:05] (The-Evangelion-Freak) :dance:
[01:05] (GT^Commish) We really seem to have a habit of unleashing Planet on them, don't we?
[01:05] (The-Evangelion-Freak) :evil:
[01:06] (GT^Commish) We once got an ioD to sink their invasion force.
[01:06] (The-Evangelion-Freak) Whee. That must have showed them.
[01:06] (GT^Commish) Ok, about that northern scout foil: should it come home, or stick around to pop a couple more pods?
[01:07] (herc2) So where are year and disposition
[01:07] (GT^Commish) It's 2244.
[01:08] (Maniac^gov) It's your base that gets the drones: I'd say you decide GT.
[01:08] (GT^Commish) I think we shoudl stick aorund for now.
[01:09] (GT^Commish) It's not as if the Drones are being very disruptive, and the pods might contain useful stuff.
[01:09] (GT^Commish) 2244 complete.
[01:09] (GT^Commish) Mindworms land near DEM.
[01:10] (Maniac^gov) Btw, just wondering, is a former planting a forest east of Concordia?
[01:10] (GT^Commish) Dunno, I'll check.
[01:10] * Method has joined #smacdg
[01:10] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Method
[01:10] (GT^Commish) We discovered
Advanced Ecological Engineering
[01:10] (GT^Commish) :dance:
[01:10] (Maniac^gov) I have ben asking for it for two weeks, so I want to be sure this time. ;-)
[01:10] (The-Evangelion-Freak) :dance:
[01:10] (Method) :relativelydance:
[01:11] (GT^Commish) Ok, next tech time, and OOS isn't on the list :(
[01:11] (Method) plan econ
[01:11] (GT^Commish) * OS
[01:11] (GT^Commish) Yep, that's there.
[01:11] (Method) :dance,iguess:
[01:12] (GT^Commish) Looks like that IoD shook things up at VoF, at elast.
[01:12] (GT^Commish) Their garrison has taken 80% damage.
[01:12] (The-Evangelion-Freak) :Party:
[01:12] (Method) vally of faithful?
[01:12] (Method) *the
[01:12] (GT^Commish) Yes.
[01:12] (The-Evangelion-Freak) yes :)
[01:12] (Method) oh :dance,inthatcase:
[01:13] (GT^Commish) AMniac: No, ther eis no former building a forest east of Concordia.
[01:13] (GT^Commish) * Maniac
[01:13] (Maniac^gov) yep
[01:14] (Maniac^gov) Oh, could you please then let one fo the former building a borehole stop with their task and build a forest there.
[01:14] (GT^Commish) Well, the boreohle is done, so I'll move one of the formers that was working on it over.
[01:14] (Maniac^gov) ok thanks
[01:15] (Method) :relief: raising land doesn't seem to destroy boreholes
[01:15] (Maniac^gov) Have you switched one of the concordian specialists to that borehole, and does that generate eco-damage?
[01:15] (Method) i feared for the bh's near my park
[01:15] * NuclearisWinterius has joined #smacdg
[01:15] * NuclearisWinterius has left #smacdg
[01:15] (GT^Commish) TKG: Coudl I upgrade the NA Missile Tactical to have Fusion?
[01:16] * herc2 has quit IRC (Quit: )
[01:19] (Maniac^gov) Then there were four. :-(
[01:19] * GT^Commish slaps The-Evangelion-Freak around a bit with a large trout
[01:19] * GT^Commish slaps Method around a bit with a large trout
[01:20] (Maniac^gov) Or two? :scared:
[01:20] (The-Evangelion-Freak) oi
[01:20] (The-Evangelion-Freak) I'm 'ere
[01:20] (GT^Commish) Sorry, hitt he wrong target :cute:
[01:20] (Method) gt: yes
[01:20] (The-Evangelion-Freak) Just taking a screenshot and making a new avatar
[01:21] (GT^Commish) TKG: thanks.
[01:21] (Maniac^gov) :-(
[01:21] (Method) how much?
[01:21] (GT^Commish) 40 ECs.
[01:21] (Method) ok.
[01:26] (GT^Commish) Just poped a materials pod that finished the DEM Tree Farm for us :Party:
[01:26] (GT^Commish) * popped
[01:28] (GT^Commish) New base built E of Metropolis, what should be buit first?
[01:28] (GT^Commish) * built
[01:28] (Method) :dance:
[01:28] (Method) we need TF's
[01:28] (Method) how long till planet econ?
[01:28] (Method) gt: formers
[01:28] (GT^Commish) 5 years.
[01:28] (Method) :(
[01:29] (Method) and formers after that too
[01:29] (GT^Commish) ?
[01:29] (Maniac^gov) formers
[01:29] (Method) new base:
[01:29] (Method) formers
[01:29] (GT^Commish) Two formers in a row, you mean?
[01:29] (Method) formser
[01:29] (Method) tanks
[01:29] (Method) or commons, whichever is necessary
[01:29] (Method) is it called capricorn?
[01:30] (GT^Commish) Yes.
[01:30] (GT^Commish) Ok, next to a pod up norh (near VotF). Pop?
[01:31] (Maniac^gov) standard procedure: only when full movement left
[01:31] (Maniac^gov) otherwise just explore a bit around it
[01:31] (GT^Commish) We have full movement.
[01:32] (GT^Commish) :rolleyes:
[01:32] (GT^Commish) Another IoD.
[01:32] (GT^Commish) Those VotF-ers are really having a bad day.
[01:32] (Maniac^gov) :)
[01:32] (GT^Commish) 2245 complete.
[01:33] (GT^Commish) :eek:
[01:33] (Maniac^gov) my my
[01:33] * Maniac^gov sets mode: +o The-Evangelion-Freak
[01:33] * Maniac^gov sets mode: -o The-Evangelion-Freak
[01:33] (GT^Commish) A Hive Missile Foil just appeared and sank our probe foil :mad:
[01:33] (GT^Commish) :angry:
[01:33] (Maniac^gov) oh boy. Is that the first real attack btw?
[01:33] (GT^Commish) On anything of ours? Yes.
[01:34] (Maniac^gov) This means WAR!!! :rant: :rant: ;)
[01:35] (GT^Commish) TeDo borehole complete.
[01:35] (Maniac^gov) move worker?
[01:35] (GT^Commish) It's already there.
[01:36] (Maniac^gov) great. :b:
[01:36] (GT^Commish) Flamed the worms that landed near DEM, btw.
[01:39] (Method) splendid
[01:40] (GT^Commish) Maniac: Did you want a mine or a borehole on 16,68?
[01:40] (Maniac^gov) err. Where is that? I just exited my game.
[01:41] (GT^Commish) SWSW of TeDo.
[01:41] (Maniac^gov) on a previously fungus rocky tile higher than 1000 metres? Mine I believe.
[01:42] (GT^Commish) Yup, it fits those criteria.
[01:44] (GT^Commish) btw, I just realized soemthing - we could completely cripple the Spartans if we launched an amphibious attack on Spoarta Command.
[01:44] (GT^Commish) * Sparta
[01:45] (Maniac^gov) It wouldn't make much of a difference for their inefficiency I think.
[01:45] (GT^Commish) They'd have zero income and zero research.
[01:45] (Maniac^gov) They might even get the idea to build a new HQ in the Monsoon Jungle. Then we're worse off.
[01:45] (GT^Commish) Not that they get much anyway, but still...
[01:45] (GT^Commish) IF, that is, they choos eto build a HQ at all.
[01:46] (Maniac^gov) That's indeed a big question. :-)
[01:46] (GT^Commish) Besides, it woudl take them quite a while to do so.
[01:46] (GT^Commish) Their best base has a production of only 8.
[01:47] (Maniac^gov) We should start a Hivean campaign too with conqering the Hive.
[01:47] (Maniac^gov) Nice and close to our bases... ;)
[01:47] (GT^Commish) We shoudls tart with Labourer's Throng so we have a safe palce to disembark.
[01:47] (GT^Commish) * should start
[01:49] (Method) after we have circular quay in place
[01:49] (Method) S S of LT
[01:50] (Maniac^gov) Do we have ships en route to that location?
[01:51] (GT^Commish) What ships?
[01:51] (Method) any ships
[01:51] (Method) namely ones with colony pods on them
[01:51] (Maniac^gov) don't know. I thought Aurillion was building one cruiser, and you had a foil.
[01:51] (GT^Commish) No sea colony pods.
[01:51] (Maniac^gov) which I ordered to TBIBTU :cute:
[01:51] (GT^Commish) And Aurillion is building a crusier, but that's it.
[01:51] (Method) put one in TBIBTU
[01:52] (Method) a sea pod
[01:52] (GT^Commish) Done.
[01:53] (GT^Commish) TKG: where was that base east of TBIBTU supposed to go?
[01:55] * GT^Commish slaps Method around a bit with a large trout
[01:56] * The-Evangelion-Freak slaps Method around a bit with Yang *
[01:57] (GT^Commish) :lol:
[01:57] (The-Evangelion-Freak) Even better:
[01:57] * The-Evangelion-Freak slaps Yang around a bit with Method *
[01:57] (GT^Commish) :lol: :lol:
[01:57] (The-Evangelion-Freak) However, I think Method will do a better Director then a melee weapon
[01:58] (The-Evangelion-Freak) *than
[01:58] (The-Evangelion-Freak) I have problems with my thans and thens :/
[01:59] * GT^Commish slaps Method around a bit with a large trout
[01:59] (GT^Commish) Um, TKG, hello?
[01:59] (Maniac^gov) How can we beep him?
[02:00] (GT^Commish) Dunno.
[02:00] (Maniac^gov) Kassi?
[02:00] (The-Evangelion-Freak) ./msg Method WAKE UP!!!
[02:00] (Method) ah!
[02:00] -) *Method* WAKE UP!!!
[02:00] (Method) you beeped me
[02:00] (Method) what what?
[02:00] (The-Evangelion-Freak) heh
[02:00] (Maniac^gov) :D
[02:00] (GT^Commish) Where shoudl we build that base east of TBIBTU?
[02:00] (Method) uhm
[02:01] (Method) i dunno
[02:01] (Method) one sec
[02:02] (Method) loading page...
[02:03] (Method) term V archives...
[02:04] (GT^Commish) btw, you know that we have twice as many votes as the rest of the Planetary Ciuncil put together?
[02:04] (GT^Commish) * Council
[02:04] (The-Evangelion-Freak) Whee
[02:04] * herc2 has joined #smacdg
[02:04] (GT^Commish) wb
[02:04] (Method)
[02:04] (Method) view that thread
[02:04] (Method) quickpoll
[02:05] (Method) between red, blue...
[02:05] (Method) yellow and black
[02:05] (herc2) sorry just back
[02:05] (The-Evangelion-Freak) Hang on... if we have 2x votes, then all the other factions together have x votes. And we'd need 3/4 * 3x votes for diplomatic victory, no?
[02:05] * Method sets mode: -o Method
[02:05] (Maniac^gov) MMI
[02:05] (GT^Commish) Kassi: We have 608 votes, tehr est put together have `200 votes (countring Morgan)
[02:06] (Method) 3/4 * 3x?
[02:06] (Maniac^gov) We need neural grafting for MMI. :cute:
[02:06] (Method) we need MMI, and maniac said
[02:06] (The-Evangelion-Freak) That means we do have the chance for a Diplomatic Victory, if we wanted it?
[02:06] (Method) ok everyone, can we have a look at that thread please?
[02:06] (GT^Commish) TKG:Well then we have a problem, because black has fungus on it, and w ehave no enabry formers.
[02:06] (The-Evangelion-Freak) I mean, 608 out of 800 is the needed 75 %
[02:06] (Method)
[02:06] (Method) ok, blue yellow or red then...
[02:07] (Method) or rather
[02:07] (Method) blue or red
[02:07] * Maniac^gov blue
[02:07] (Maniac^gov) most land
[02:07] (Method) i concur
[02:07] (herc2) blue
[02:07] * Method blue
[02:07] (Method) blue it is
[02:08] (GT^Commish) Ok.
[02:08] (GT^Commish) 2246 complete.
[02:08] (Method) now that you know how to beep me....;)
[02:08] (Maniac^gov) :D
[02:08] (The-Evangelion-Freak) :)
[02:08] (GT^Commish) It seems nothign catastorphic has happened.
[02:08] (GT^Commish) * nothing catastrophic.
[02:09] * Method is now known as Rza
[02:09] * Rza is now known as Method
[02:09] (Method) hm
[02:09] (GT^Commish) ?
[02:09] (Method) nevermind...
[02:09] (Maniac^gov) Rza the razor??
[02:09] (Method) nevermind!
[02:10] (Method) you don't need to know ;)
[02:10] (The-Evangelion-Freak) we never mind TKG ;)
[02:10] (Maniac^gov) Okay. I just wanted to check if you had to be accused of horrendously bad humour? ;)
[02:10] (Method) i don't expect anyone to understand it
[02:10] (Method) :D
[02:10] (GT^Commish) btw, Yang now has 3 missile needljets, and is building 3 more.
[02:11] (The-Evangelion-Freak) Ah, horrendously bad humour while on duty... Lemmy did community service for that offence
[02:12] (Method) beep me if i'm needed
[02:13] (herc2) I think we are still Ok
[02:13] (The-Evangelion-Freak) I'm off to bed, you know how to beep him, /msg Method Boo!
[02:13] * The-Evangelion-Freak is now known as TEF|zzz
[02:13] (Method) what...the....hell
[02:14] (TEF|zzz) what
[02:14] (GT^Commish) He was reminding us how to beep you.
[02:14] (Method) the SPARTANS just landed MIND WORMS next to morgan energy monopoly
[02:14] (GT^Commish) Oh.
[02:14] (TEF|zzz) oh... good night, in any case
[02:14] (Maniac^gov) see ya
[02:14] (herc2) cya
[02:14] (Method) this is the first time i've ever seen the spartans use native life
[02:14] (GT^Commish) cya
[02:17] (GT^Commish) Egregion founded.
[02:17] (Method) they're no match for my 6er-1-2*2 though :evil:
[02:17] (Method) (they did manage to destroy me chopper however. they'll pay...)
[02:17] (Method) oh, and :dance:
[02:17] (GT^Commish) And we've fianlly picked up that probe team.
[02:18] (Maniac^gov) Is Morgan EM far from us? We could always send a peacekeeping force to 'pacify' the area.
[02:18] (GT^Commish) He's talking about his own game.
[02:18] (Method) yeah, sorry
[02:18] (GT^Commish) f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck,
[02:18] (GT^Commish) f*ck.
[02:18] (Method) uh oh
[02:18] (Method) ****?
[02:19] (herc2) catching up on movements
[02:19] (GT^Commish) Morgan is only 5 turns away from building the Ascetic Virtues.
[02:19] (GT^Commish) And we're 3 from PE.
[02:19] (Method) well then
[02:19] (Maniac^gov) Oh. I thought GT had said it about the worms. :cute:
[02:19] (Method) we seem to have quite the perdicament
[02:20] (herc2) we want PE
[02:20] (Method) time to revive the idea of operation fallout, methinks ;)
[02:20] (GT^Commish) I think we should rush the Fusino LAb in NA , start on another SP, then switch to & rush the AV.
[02:20] (Method) go for it
[02:20] (Method) how much to rush?
[02:20] (herc2) yeah
[02:20] (Maniac^gov) I hope you don't want to rush almost the entire project though...
[02:20] (GT^Commish) 124.
[02:20] (Method) k
[02:20] (herc2) yeah
[02:21] (Method) us sensible rushing though...
[02:21] (Method) use
[02:21] (GT^Commish) That sis ensible rushing.
[02:21] (GT^Commish) * is
[02:21] (Method) splendid
[02:22] * NuclearisWinterius has joined #smacdg
[02:22] (GT^Commish) TKG: Can I also rush the Hab Complex in TBIBTU for 24ECs, so I can then build a crawler to hlep?
[02:22] (GT^Commish) * help
[02:23] * NuclearisWinterius has left #smacdg
[02:23] -) *Method* :D
[02:23] (herc2) can'tsee why not
[02:23] (GT^Commish) With a crawler, we'll have 180 mins left when we need to rush it, which will mean we need 720 ECs.
[02:23] (Method) ah! who beeped me
[02:23] (Method) yes yes.
[02:24] * GT^Commish is now known as GT^Commish_AFK
[02:24] (GT^Commish_AFK) Toilet.
[02:24] (Maniac^gov) If you want to rush that project, know I'll vote against it. About such an important matter a poll should be held IMO.
[02:25] (herc2) u mean the hab complex?
[02:26] (GT^Commish_AFK) We won't be at the point of rushing by the end of the chat.
[02:26] * GT^Commish_AFK is now known as GT^Commish
[02:26] (Maniac^gov) No the SP
[02:26] (GT^Commish) 2247 complete.
[02:27] (GT^Commish) That Morganite CP is still plodding northwards.
[02:27] (Maniac^gov) Let it. It's not like we have enough people wanting to be governor of new bases anyway.
[02:28] (Maniac^gov) So no more new bases to the north...
[02:28] (GT^Commish) Herc: Can I send a Missile Tactical to defend Capricorn?
[02:28] (GT^Commish) MAniac: Execpt possibly one on thr Ruins?
[02:29] (herc2) At last a call to action. yes
[02:32] (Method) do you think perhaps it's time we stopped expanding?
[02:32] (Maniac^gov) well yes. :)
[02:32] (Method) and, do you think i should call off the bases in the sea of pholus and mouth of hercules?
[02:32] (Maniac^gov) Personally: YES!!!
[02:32] (Method) i'll poll it.
[02:33] (Maniac^gov) You could organize a poll with the following choices: