[21:49] <mrbaggins> there is a town to the north west...
[21:49] <mrbaggins> you can see it from the improvements
[21:49] <mrbaggins> prolly new and weakly defended
[21:49] <J_Bytheway> How big does a city need to be to expand radius the first time?
[21:50] <Miggio> 7
[21:50] <mapfi> John, yep, seeing that too now
[21:50] <Tamerlin> 7
[21:50] <CoT> it would be very usefull to take them out - how many units will we have to leave in Innsbruck to keep it happy?
[21:50] <mrbaggins> although now they've been attacked, they'll concentrate more on defence
[21:50] <J_Bytheway> So those farms are not from Innsbruck...
[21:50] <mrbaggins> 4, CoT
[21:50] <mrbaggins> no.. John... those farms are another town
[21:50] <Locutus> yeah, by the border outline you can indeed see that there's another city there. I say attack it ASAP!
[21:51] <J_Bytheway> With what troops?
[21:51] <mapfi> yes, that must be another one - we are at end of turn 59, any moves or proposals?
[21:51] <mrbaggins> we have what in Innsbruck?
[21:51] <mrbaggins> the 6?
[21:51] <mrbaggins> or build more?
[21:51] <J_Bytheway> plus a hoplite
[21:51] <mapfi> 4 hoplites, 3 archers, building an archer
[21:51] <mrbaggins> i'd say take 2 hops 1 archer
[21:52] <CoT> damn not enough....cant we change empire settings to ofset unhappyness for the nexxt few turns?
[21:52] <mrbaggins> switch archer to hop
[21:52] <Locutus> I'd say rush-buy the archer (cost: 602) and take the original 6
[21:52] <Tamerlin> Yes
[21:52] <mrbaggins> can't Locutus... we still have conquest unhappiness... no?
[21:53] <mrbaggins> and the town is at least 3 moves...
[21:53] <CoT> max food?
[21:53] <Tamerlin> We must act quickly we will not have many easy pray
[21:53] <J_Bytheway> A couple of turns of rioting are probably OK...
[21:53] <Locutus> so? the city rebels for a few turns. we'll survive...
[21:53] <CoT> not if we loose the city to barbs etc
[21:53] <mrbaggins> i'd say take 2hop/1archer... is my vote
[21:53] <mapfi> why not wait 1 turn, because the archer is finished in 2
[21:53] <mrbaggins> go for hop rather than archer
[21:53] <Locutus> happiness has to fall below 65 for barbs to come into play, I doubt that will happen with 2 defenders...
[21:54] <mapfi> no way - hop + archer is way more powerful then hop+hop
[21:54] <mrbaggins> yes.. mapfi... 2 attackers, 1 ranged...
[21:54] <Locutus> we should leave at most 3 units behind IMHO (more doesn't help towards happiness anyway, if I'm not mistaken)
[21:54] <mrbaggins> in case they have 2 defenders
[21:54] <Miggio> use 2 hop and 2 archer for the sure thing and the rest can stay in the city
[21:54] <Tamerlin> I agree, 2H and 1A
[21:54] <mrbaggins> Locutus... we get up to 4 martial law... as far as I recall
[21:55] <Locutus> attack with 2H 2A at least
[21:55] <mapfi> yep - it's 4
[21:55] <mapfi> 2nd Loc there
[21:55] <J_Bytheway> Yes, 2H+2A at least
[21:55] <Locutus> hmmm. okay, but we still need all the units we can get in case the city is better defended this time, so we still need at least 4 units
[21:55] <mrbaggins> thats fine... but bring back as many as quick as possible
[21:55] <Tamerlin> With what units will you attack?
[21:56] <mapfi> so, do we move units out of Innsbruck already or do we wait another turn? I say wait, rushbuying the archer is too expensive
[21:56] <mrbaggins> i'd say stay safe and keep 4 at Innsbruck... risk it with 3
[21:56] <Tamerlin> If there is no ennemy unit in range we can wait and leave 2H and 1A
[21:56] <mrbaggins> ture
[21:56] <mrbaggins> true
[21:57] <mrbaggins> but I don't want to risk a size 5
[21:57] <mrbaggins> or that looks like a 5 in the screenie

[21:57] <Tamerlin> We have a bonus in defence
[21:57] <Miggio> i dont think the city is at risk
[21:57] <CoT> only if its small size 2/3
[21:57] <Locutus> if we rush-buy the settler or wait a turn, we'll have 1W 1H 2A in the city
[21:57] <Locutus> (if we attack with 2H 2A)
[21:57] <mapfi> it is size 5
[21:58] <Tamerlin> Isn't it short?
[21:58] <mrbaggins> ok...
[21:58] <mapfi> short what?
[21:58] <Tamerlin> Attacking with only 4 units..
[21:58] <CoT> u callin me short

[21:58] <mrbaggins> 4 is fine
[21:58] <Locutus> yes it is. I'd prefer 6...
[21:58] <Tamerlin> I would not dare...

[21:58] <mrbaggins> its a risk
[21:59] <mrbaggins> but its a worthwhile risk
[21:59] <CoT> LOL
[21:59] <Tamerlin> If we lose it would be the last one...

[21:59] <mrbaggins> nawww...
[21:59] <mapfi> OK, to sum it up - either rush buy or wait - as Presidents delegate I'm against rushbuying, so it's waiting then, end turn?
[21:59] <mrbaggins> we can still hold
[21:59] <CoT> where is this new city in ref to Innsbruck and Granz?
[21:59] <mrbaggins> north west
[22:00] <mrbaggins> above the southern farm at the north of the screenie
[22:00] <Locutus> nw-nw-n
[22:00] <Locutus> of innsbruck
[22:00] <Miggio> just move the 2h and 2a towards the enemy stack,
[22:00] <CoT> will we overextend our defensive capability by taking this city ie is it easy to send defenders too like innsbruck(river)?
[22:00] <Miggio> that way our city is not at risk
[22:01] <mrbaggins> we can take it and leave it lightly defended
[22:01] <mrbaggins> Innsbruck is our main priority... to me
[22:01] <mrbaggins> but its worth the risk getting the extra city
[22:01] <CoT> Yes its close this may be too far away?
[22:01] <CoT> still extra city is good
[22:02] <Locutus> 3 tiles from innsbruck - doable
[22:02] * mrbaggins nods
[22:02] <mrbaggins> we can always get the units back ASAP
[22:02] <CoT> well thats close so good
[22:02] <mrbaggins> after (i have confidence) we are victorious
[22:02] <Tamerlin> If we take it to leave it undefended I don't see the point...
[22:02] <mrbaggins> leave a couple there
[22:03] <mrbaggins> what terrain is to the north of it... that is in the fog?
[22:03] <mapfi> so no moves anymore this turn - or we could just send one warrior on the river to see some more tiles?
[22:03] <Locutus> most likely we'll be able to buy 1 unit quickly and rush-buy a second, so we could move 3 of the original 4 units back almost immediately (if they survive)
[22:03] * Miggio has quit IRC (Quit: )
[22:03] <mrbaggins> if we move we have to move on it now... we can't delay
[22:03] <Tamerlin> I agree
[22:03] <mrbaggins> it lets them garrison it...
[22:04] <Tamerlin> Sending the warrior is a good idea...
[22:04] <mrbaggins> and makes it an unviable target
[22:04] <mrbaggins> we need to move the 2/2 stack now...
[22:04] <mrbaggins> if thats what we want to do...
[22:04] <Tamerlin>

[22:04] <J_Bytheway> I say wait a turn for the archer
[22:04] <mapfi> no i mean just send the warrior one tile out and move it back into the city
[22:04] <mrbaggins> what terrain is to the north
[22:05] <mapfi> and then end the turn
[22:05] <mrbaggins> i can't see in the screenie
[22:05] <mrbaggins> the archer is intended for what?
[22:05] <J_Bytheway> I agree with mapfi
[22:05] <mrbaggins> to defend the city... right?
[22:05] <J_Bytheway> ARcher for defending Innsbruck
[22:05] <mrbaggins> right...
[22:05] <CoT> it probably wasn't expecting our attack so at the momment its cities will be lightly defended(ihope) so going now if we want to is the best way -move the 2/2 army towards this new target i say?
[22:05] <mrbaggins> so what difference will delaying mean?
[22:05] <mapfi> well, let's get moving - Loc it's your call what to do now
[22:06] <Locutus> sending the warrior nw and back is a good idea
[22:06] <mrbaggins> we have the units to do the attack...
[22:06] <Tamerlin> Reinforcements MrBaggins!
[22:06] <mapfi> sending the one warrior nw then
[22:06] <Locutus> no wiat
[22:06] <Tamerlin> Yes
[22:06] <CoT> chess?
[22:06] <Tamerlin> What fro?

[22:07] <J_Bytheway> It's called Pressburg
[22:07] <J_Bytheway> size 2
[22:07] <mrbaggins> pretty new...
[22:07] <mapfi> ok, we see Pressburg, size 2, it's nw,nw,n of Innsbruck
[22:07] <Locutus> send the 2/2 stack 1 tile nw, then see what the city looks like and decide from there
[22:07] <mrbaggins> juicy *smiles*
[22:07] <Martin_Guehmann> And don't forget the crossed sword trick
[22:08] <mrbaggins> what terrain is to the north of it?
[22:08] <mrbaggins> can we see?
[22:08] <mapfi> so you're saying, move the warrior back? and then move 2h2a nw?
[22:08] <Locutus> okay, that city looks vulnerable enough. let's take the 2/2 stack and attack now...
[22:08] <mrbaggins> agreed
[22:08] <CoT> size 2! graaab it noooow!
[22:08] * mrbaggins chuckles
[22:08] <mrbaggins> calm down CoT
[22:08] <Locutus> no, I didn't want you to move the warrrior mapfi but it's too late now

[22:08] <CoT> sorry
[22:08] <Tamerlin> Why?
[22:08] <mrbaggins> np

[22:09] <Locutus> but yes, move the warrior back and fortify it (along with the other 2 remaining troops)
[22:09] <mapfi> sorry, didn't see that anymore
[22:09] <mapfi> okay
[22:09] <mapfi> doing so, 2h+2a on the tile nw of Innsbruck, warrior, hop in Innsbruck fortified
[22:09] <CoT> the red mist just rises ya know

[22:09] <mapfi> and archer of course
[22:10] <Locutus> no need to rush-buy the archer. happiness 70 or 71 is hardly a big deal...
[22:10] <CoT> thats happy enough
[22:10] <mapfi> end turn?
[22:11] <mrbaggins> the conquest distress should decay soon... *smiles*
[22:11] <Tamerlin> Yep!
[22:11] <Locutus> yeah, end turn
[22:11] <mapfi> END TURN 59
[22:11] <J_Bytheway> brb
[22:11] <CoT> is it worth trying a proposal yet or at the gates?
[22:11] <CoT> to try to bully their maps off them?
[22:12] <mapfi> the austrian stack moves onto the forest tile east, clever AI...
[22:12] <mrbaggins> what is happening at the Pedrunnia and the 2nd city??
[22:12] <Locutus> CoT, not really, we're at war. they' don't listen while at war
[22:12] <mapfi> Pedrunnia builds archer this turn
[22:12] <mrbaggins> we need to fortify the capital... cos the Austrians will be pissed off..
[22:12] <mrbaggins> and 2nd town?
[22:12] <mapfi> building hoplite
[22:13] <mrbaggins> how many turns?
[22:13] <mapfi> in 2 turns
[22:13] <mrbaggins> rush buy cost?
[22:13] <Locutus> time to found our 3rd/4th city (depending on how you count

[22:13] <mapfi> okay, settle the settler on the north of the coal tile
[22:13] <Martin_Guehmann> Yes
[22:13] <mapfi> and fortifying the hoplite
[22:13] <Tamerlin> Yes
[22:13] <Martin_Guehmann> Yes
[22:13] <Locutus> so mapfi gets to honour of naming it after all

[22:13] <CoT> yeah production city
[22:14] <mrbaggins> whats the rushbuy cost on the hoplite in 2nd city?
[22:14] <Locutus> 322
[22:14] <mrbaggins> how much gold do we have?
[22:14] <Locutus> I'd say rush buy it and move it to pedrunnia ASAP
[22:14] <Tamerlin> Can't we wait?
[22:14] <mrbaggins> no... stack of death could be on route
[22:14] <mapfi> city founded, i put archer on the build list, 5 turns
[22:15] <mrbaggins> the AI when it gets attacked... often attacks the closest city...
[22:15] <mrbaggins> which at that point would have been the capital
[22:15] <Tamerlin> OK
[22:15] <Locutus> if a stack left graz in the turn of the attack, they will reach pedrunnia in 2 turns if I counted correctly
[22:15] <mrbaggins> i'd say rush it
[22:16] <Locutus> I'd say rush the hoplite in kartoffelpuffer...
[22:16] <mrbaggins> agreed
[22:16] <CoT> its a lot of money
[22:16] <mapfi> it's Colonia Locuta now!
[22:16] <mrbaggins> better poor than capitol-less, CoT
[22:16] <Tamerlin> Yes

[22:16] <Locutus> oh, I'm using an old savegame then

[22:16] <mrbaggins> there is *ALWAYS* more of that where it came from
[22:16] <mapfi> who else is for rushbuying that hoplite?
[22:17] <Tamerlin> I do
[22:17] <mrbaggins> who are you marrying, Tamerlin?? *smiles*
[22:18] <mrbaggins> I guess that picture I posted MUST have been accurate

[22:18] <Tamerlin> Bachelor I am, Bachelor I stay...

[22:18] <mapfi> okay, that means we rushbuy the hoplite and move the already existing hoplite towards pedrunnia now?
[22:18] <CoT> True Mrbaggins...true
[22:18] <Locutus> quick poll: do we rush-buy the hoplite in CL? in favour: loc, mrB, tam; against: -; abstain: -
[22:18] <mrbaggins> I agree with that mapfi
[22:18] <Tamerlin> Yes, rushbuy the H
[22:18] <Locutus> agree with mapfi too
[22:19] <mrbaggins> do you disagree with the rushbuy, CoT?
[22:19] <CoT> no
[22:19] <mrbaggins> ok... passed

[22:19] <Locutus> oh wait, since Trip is not a citizen, there are only 7 Citizens here. the vote has already passed

[22:19] <mapfi> haha
[22:19] <Trip> LoL
[22:19] <mapfi> ok doing so
[22:19] <Trip> that's not nice
[22:20] <mrbaggins> well join the game if you want to join in

[22:20] <Locutus> what mr B said

[22:20] <Trip> it would be good for another tag under my name

[22:20] <mapfi> ah wait, we got a warrior in CL, but we move that one now, don't we?
[22:20] * mrbaggins thinks for a second...
[22:20] <mrbaggins> ahh.. you know what... you better not...
[22:21] <mrbaggins> don't want the load times decreasing from the forums anymore... cos of that extra tag

[22:21] <Locutus> how many would that make then, Trip? 7?
[22:21] <Trip> 7, I think
[22:21] <mrbaggins> decreasing = increasing
[22:22] <Locutus> you'll match me

[22:22] <Trip> I'm so mean

[22:22] <mapfi> there's something else we could also do, move one archer out of Pedrunnia one tile and we see the river tile where the enemy stack could be on if it had left right when we attacked
[22:22] <mrbaggins> move in then back.. good idea
[22:22] <Tamerlin> Yes
[22:22] <mrbaggins> in, back, fortify
[22:23] <Locutus> agreed
[22:23] <mapfi> ok, i'll do that first
[22:23] <mapfi> now
[22:23] <mrbaggins> and?
[22:23] <mapfi> noone there, moving back
[22:23] <mapfi> fortified
[22:23] <mrbaggins> i still say rush the hoppie
[22:24] <mrbaggins> SOD could be coming from their capital, instead
[22:24] <Locutus> yeah, but we don't move anything until it's done.
[22:24] <mapfi> yes, but we can wait with moving the warrior and move the hop next turn
[22:24] <mapfi> ok, doing so
[22:25] <mapfi> orders for the stack in front of Pressburg?
[22:25] <mapfi> nw or n?
[22:25] <Locutus> nw
[22:25] <mrbaggins> nw
[22:25] <mapfi> ok then
[22:25] <mrbaggins> report what you see, if anything
[22:26] <mapfi> we see ruins sw,w of pressburg....
[22:26] <Locutus> a hut w-nw of stack
[22:26] <Locutus> barbs, probably...
[22:26] <mrbaggins> btw... did we get any veterans or take any casualties in the Innsbruck battle?
[22:26] <Locutus> no
[22:26] <mapfi> nothing else, end turn?
[22:27] <mrbaggins> didn't we get a hoplite in C L?
[22:27] <Locutus> yeah, end turn
[22:27] <Locutus> no, next turn, not now
[22:27] <mrbaggins> ok
[22:27] <mapfi> END TURN 60
[22:27] * Trip is now known as Trip[brb]
[22:28] <Locutus> mapfi, John, do you see that settler?
[22:28] <mapfi> ok, austrian stack is out of sight
[22:28] <mapfi> yep, scottish settler, nw,w of Pedrunnia
[22:28] <mrbaggins> Austrian? or?
[22:28] <Locutus> scottish
[22:28] <mrbaggins> kill it

[22:28] <mrbaggins> (not really)
[22:28] <mapfi> ok, hoplite in CL, move to Pedrunnia?
[22:28] * iskallin has joined #Lemuria
[22:28] <mrbaggins> yes
[22:29] <mrbaggins> hi iskallin
[22:29] <Locutus> yes
[22:29] <CoT> hi iskallin
[22:29] <Tamerlin> One war is enough MrBaggins.

[22:29] <Locutus> make first contact with it with the archer from pedrrunnia and get maps?
[22:29] <iskallin> hi everybody
[22:29] <Tamerlin> Hi Iskallin
[22:29] <Locutus> hi, isk
[22:29] <Martin_Guehmann> hi iskalin
[22:29] <iskallin> so wazz up
[22:29] <CoT> yeah lets try to be nice to scotland
[22:29] <mapfi> we leave archer and warrior in CL then, hoplite on the build queu
[22:29] <mrbaggins> we got Innsbruck

[22:29] <CoT> we have taken Innsbruck
[22:29] <iskallin> whoo did we loose anyone
[22:29] <Tamerlin> no
[22:30] <Locutus> yeah, build another hoplite there...
[22:30] <iskallin> YES!
[22:30] <mrbaggins> we are moving on Pressburg (size 2... nW)
[22:30] <CoT> and are poised to strike another city near by
[22:30] <iskallin> the war party was right
[22:30] <mapfi> make contact with archer?
[22:30] <Tamerlin> Wait
[22:30] <CoT> we will see
[22:30] <Locutus> I am in favour of it but I'd like to hear opinions...
[22:30] <mrbaggins> i agree... personally...
[22:30] <mapfi> me too
[22:30] <CoT> go meet these new people
[22:30] <Tamerlin> Contact with the archer
[22:30] <mrbaggins> i see nothing wrong with map exchange with the AI
[22:31] <Locutus> okay, move the archer to make contact
[22:31] <mrbaggins> we get to meet new and interesting people
[22:31] <mapfi> doing so
[22:31] <iskallin> have we met scotland? right
[22:31] <CoT> not yet
[22:31] <mrbaggins> so we can kill them later

[22:31] <Locutus> and propose a map exchange (meek)
[22:31] <iskallin> i support that baggins
[22:31] <Tamerlin> NO!
[22:31] <iskallin> and that locutus
[22:31] <CoT> only if they are really evil ok?
[22:31] <mapfi> same personality as the austrians
[22:32] * mrbaggins nods
[22:32] <mapfi> they don't like us, one below neutral
[22:32] <CoT> thats neutral then
[22:32] <Locutus> I noticed

[22:32] <mapfi> propose map exchange?
[22:32] <Locutus> yeah.
[22:32] <Tamerlin> Yes
[22:32] <mapfi> doing so
[22:32] <Martin_Guehmann> Yes
[22:32] <CoT> on the poergraph where are they?
[22:32] <mrbaggins> Yes
[22:32] <iskallin> yes
[22:32] <CoT> sorry powergraph
[22:32] <CoT> yep
[22:32] <Locutus> threaten or not? they already don't like us...
[22:32] <mapfi> rejected, threaten?
[22:32] <Tamerlin> Yes
[22:33] <mrbaggins> why not...
[22:33] <Martin_Guehmann> Threaten
[22:33] <iskallin> threaten i say
[22:33] <CoT> well are blood is up.......
[22:33] <mrbaggins> they can't move troops through another country easy
[22:33] <mrbaggins> right?
[22:33] <Locutus> okay, threaten
[22:33] <CoT> depends if we make big holes in it

[22:33] <mapfi> they won't accept anyway... i'll have a look.
[22:34] <mrbaggins> probably not... but is worth a try
[22:34] <mapfi> rejected again
[22:34] <mrbaggins> is ok...
[22:34] <Martin_Guehmann> try the proposal the way around then
[22:34] * Trip[brb] is now known as Trip
[22:34] <mapfi> haha
[22:34] <mrbaggins> not a primary concern
[22:34] <CoT> I think the APP will have afield day....
[22:34] <Locutus> I was afraid of that. we can try again next turn