February 10, 2003, 23:05
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Posts: 75
EQ's History of the World
OOC: I started this a long time back on civfanatics and have been continueing it whenever I feel like it. It is based on a NES that we have running on Civfanatics (RTOR NES 2) and I figure on moving it here for more comments. Enjoy!
-Intro- (The first civilzations)
The period before the first civilizations were formed is a dark age. Only by ancient artifacts can we tell what events occured before the first true nations were created. At around what we now call 4000 BCE, we now know that there were 4 civilzations that either sprung up before or during 4000 BCE. These first civilizations were the Aztecs in Central America, the Babylonians in Mesopotamia, the Egyptians along the river Nile, and the English on the isle of Britian.
For 200 years these nations mantained peace and prosperity in their spheres of influence. In c. 3800 BCE the first known wars began. One of these was a war in between the Aztecs and a conceil of South American tribes which led to the Aztec annexation of over half the land of the southern tribes. At the same time a group of people known as the Indians arose into a nation along the Indus river. This tribe and the newly formed Persians (who were formed at about the same time in between the Babylonians and Indians) went to war olver a border dispute. This war was quickly resolved in an Indian victory with the capture of the great Persian trading city of Bactra.
In 3700 BC, the Persians who had been beaten in the first war surprised the Babylonian army and came within 100 miles of Babylon itself. The 2nd Persian war also ended in defeat for the PErsians with the Indian entry into the war in 3600 BC. Persia was formally divided by the Indians and Babylonians in 3500 BC.
At the same time a revolt began in Egypt which would eventually effect all of Asia, Africa, and Europe by one day launching the greatest war ever known in the ancient age.
-Chapter 1 (Rise of the Eithiopian Empire)-
In 3632 BC, the people living in the southern part of the Egyptian Empire rose up against the Theorcratic rule of the Pharoh and declared themselves indepentant. For almost 50 years the armies of Egypt and Eithiopia prepared for battle. At the end of that time armies of thousands marched to war.
At the battles of Sumatra, Lisbik, and kumatra the Egyptian and Eithiopian armies remained at a virtual stalemate until 3543 BC. At that time the current superpower of Greece landed a massive army at Alexandria and on the Sinai pennisula entering the war on the side of Eithiopia. For many long years the armies of Egypt and Greece clashed in the northern provinces of Egypt. By 3487 BC, the Egyptian nation was devasted. Crops had been failing due to massive droughts. Most of the nation's men had been drafted into the army to fight the Greeks. With Babylon threatening to invade Sinai the Egyptians had to make peace and recognize Eithiopia as an independant nation.
From 3300 BC to 3100 BC the Eithiopian economy florished with trade going as far west as China and as far north as the Viking Empire. Eithiopia had entered a Golden Age of trade and expansion. Eithiopia began expanding into Arabia and building colonies there. In 3343 BC Eithiopia joined a alliance known as the Central Powers, which was also the world's first true alliance. All was not peaceful, however, the drums of war were beating in the Middle East and Eithiopia's peaceful way of life in peril.
-Chapter 2 (The Vikings and the northern wars)-
Around the years 3600 and 3500 BC, two new civilizations were formed in the cold tundra of northern Europe, the Russians and Vikings. The Vikings were a warlike people constantly raiding neighboring tribes and occasionally warring amound themselves. Somewhere in the area of 3500 BC the first resistence against the Vikings was found in the Germanic tribes of northern Europe.
These Germans were constantly under seige by the Vikings and quickly went to war against them in 3426 BC. The Vikings brought the growing nation of Russia into the war against Germany and launched many attacks and raids into northern Germany with Russian support. The Russians left the war in 3187 BC and began expanding eastward. The warring completely ended in 2543 BC, with a series of cease-fires and times of uneasy peace in bewteen.
A short-lived group of resistence against the Vikings was the Central Powers. This alliance formed in 3455 BC at the Meeting of Sparta, between Ireland, Rome, and Greece. In 3343 BC the Eithiopians also joined the alliance. In 3260 BC the alliance collapse after Ireland was defeated and annexed in a brief war against England. This alliance fought wars at occasional intervals from the period from 3400 BC-3300 BC.
The tensions from the leftovers of the Viking wars eventually resulted in the northern front of World War 1 or then known as the Great War.
-Chapter 3 (the start of World War 1/ the great war)-
In 3081 BC, the nation of Rome declared war on the then superpower of Greece and allied with Babylon and the young nation of Spain (formed in 3176 BC by Iberian tribes) to bring down the superpower. In 30 short years after the world's first large naval battle at the Battle of Crete the Greek navy was no more and thier empire annexed by Babylon and Rome.
With their success in the Greek War, the nation of Babylon decided they ought to punish the nation of Eithiopia for settling in "their" territory of Arabia. The Babylonians invaded the Eithiopian colony of Oman in 3043 BC and advanced very slowly against the Iron-armed forces of Eithiopia.
The war escalated in 2954 BC with a Indian surprise attack on Babylon. Indian forces invaded almost all the way to the grreat city of Babylon itself before being stopped to beseige the city. At the same time, the Indian supported forces of Eithiopia forming the Emporer's Alliance drove north against the poorly armed Army of Babylon. In 2821 BC the city of Babylon itself fell in one of the longest seiges in history. In 2756 BC, the Egyptians entered the war and supplied the Bronze-armed army of babylon with iron weapons and invaded the Eithiopian heartland.
Despite Egypt's aid, The Emporer's Alliance continued to gain ground. By 2698 BC, the once powerful empire of Babylon was reduced to a thin strip of cities along the Mediteranian. In 2654 BC however the tide of war began to turn against the Emporer's Alliance. At this time the New Central Powers Alliance (formed in 2901 BC between Rome and Germany) began suppling weapontry to the Allied nations of Egypt and babylon.
In 2521 BC, the Viking Empire joined the Emporer's Alliance and attack the Allied nation of Russia, starting the northern front of the Great War. The war in the north began with a rapid Viking invasion of Russia's northern provinces. The fighting in the north is now believed by most historians to have been one of the most cutthroat fighting in history with the exception of the Russian crusades. Farms and people were fair game to both armies. People were sold off as slaves by both nations. Both Vikingland and Russia were damaged by the fighting in the north.
This was the start of the first world war.
Chapter 4 (The Tides Turn/End of the War)-
In 2498 BC things looked bad to the Allied commanding generals in Moscow, Thebes, and Jurusalem. The Vikings had surprise attacked the Russians in the north and were gaining ground rapidly. The Babylonians had been pushed so far back that the only province still under babylonian rule was the province of Isreal. The Egyptians had been beaten in yet another battle along the Eithiopian border.
By the century things looked different. Babylonian forces were within sight of their formerly great captitol. Eithiopia was being completely conquered by Egyptian forces and the Viking Empire was being beaten back by the Russians. What caused this change? Simply logistics. Support from Rome, Spain, and Germany had given the Allies the supplies they needed to drive the Emporer's Alliance back. Also in 2465 BC the Eithiopian Arab colonies revolted forming the Arab Confederation and opening another front on India and Eithiopia. This revolt was too much for the Eithiopians to stand and their nation quickly fell afterwards. in the north the Russians simply had too many forces for the Vikings to handle and they quickly and easily pushed the Vikings back.
The Viking Empire was the first in the Emporer's Alliance to leave the war in 2376 BC. The Viking province of Finland had been conquered by the Russians and the Viking Empire collapsed and became a virtual puppet state of the Russian Empire. The Eithiopians were beaten in 2305 BC and their army scattered. Eithiopia was fully annexed at the treaty of Alexandria in 2299 BC. India also dropped out of the war in 2287 BC when it saw that its allies had been defeated and there was nothing left to fight for.
Thus ended one of the most destructive wars in human history.
OOC: That last line is a bit of a lie. So far we have had, I believe 6 World Wars which could all be nominated for most destructive in human history. That's all i post for today. Hope you people can stand the almost history book sound to it.
I am a prisoner on a ship of fools.
February 10, 2003, 23:07
Local Time: 10:09
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 5,725
Nice AAR, if you can call a NES account that.
February 11, 2003, 11:03
Local Time: 17:09
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Location: Staffordshire England
Posts: 8,321
Interesting but would be better if you chose a particular occurance and elaborated a little.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
February 12, 2003, 22:34
Local Time: 10:09
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Posts: 5,725
Any more goods coming our way, EQ? Never mind that only me and Chrisius here responded, as you get into this, there will be more feedback.
February 12, 2003, 22:52
Local Time: 16:09
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 75
it's coming most is already posted on civfanatics, just a matter of copy and pasting
I am a prisoner on a ship of fools.
February 12, 2003, 23:15
Local Time: 16:09
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 75
OOC: some mentioned earlier how i should have focused on one event, I have before and so have others who have just recently posted on civfanatics in the NES forum. This is to provide a reference for those type of stories.
Chapter 5 (Rise of the Zulu)
While World War 1 was being fought around 2376 BC a group of south African tribes banded together and formed the Zulu Confederation. Being still in the Bronze Age while most of the world's other nations were in the Iron or Classical Ages, the Zulu were a very primitive people.
Sometime around 2234 BC a Zulu named General Chris took control of the Zulu Confederation and began a rapid expansion northward. Two years later a group of people to the north called the Kenyans banded together to try and halt Zulu expansion. In 2087 BC the Zulu Empire went to war with Kenya and began the Zulu-Kenyan War.
For many hundreds of years the Zulu peacefully expanded northward eventually meeting the English southern colonies, and the Egyptians. Trade with these nations led to a rebirth of technology in the Zulu Empire leading to the Zulu entry into the Classical Age.
In 1345 BC, England had begun selling its colonies to other nations and sold its southern African colony to the Zulu. Here ended the Zulu peaceful expansion and its isolation from the matters of the rest of the world.
Chapter 6 (Fall of Babylon)
After Babylon's victory in World War 1 great hatred set in between the babylonians and the Indians. In 2103 BC the Indian armies invaded Babylon once more. The New Central Powers Alliance between Germany and Rome began supplying the Babylonians. The Asian Alliance of India, China, Japan, and Mongolia took a more direct approach and openly declared war against Babylon and their Egyptian allies.
The Indians were successfully able to get within range of the great city of Babylon itself and laid seige to it. The Egyptians however had a plan to end the war quickly.
Under King Jason's command Egyptian armies landed in India and drove rapidly to India's captiol of Delhi. By 1898 BC The Egyptians had managed to take Delhi and had been surronded inside the city. At the same time the newly formed Catholic Alliance had been supply Babylon with troops and weapons and the Babylonian-Indian front began to stalemate. In 1796 BC, the battered and weary Egyptian forces 1/100 of their original size began the long land march back to Thebes.
The war had ended that year and the Babylonians were forced to give up some of their land for peace. The hatred caused by this war eventually led to the 3rd babylonian-Indian war.
In 1354 BC the Indians invaded once more attacked the Iron Age troops of Babylon with recently upgraded knights of the Age of Chilvary. Pushing rapidly into Babylonian territory the Indians met at Babylon with the Arabs who had advanced from the south. in 1305 BC, Egyptians and Russians attacked babylon as well and took what remained of the shattered nation. Babylon had fallen.
-Chapter 7 (The Catholic Church)-
In 2546 BC a spirital leader named jesus walked the earth in the lands of Spain. He spread the idea of monothesism throughout Europe. For a long time there was one Church. Near the end of World War 1 c. 2300 BC elections for the first Catholic pope began. A Roman bishop arose to become the pope giving the Romans significant power over the Church.
Near the end of the war Russia spilt off and formed the Eastern Orthodox Church with the defeated Vikings. Despite that the Catholic Church remained the dominant religion in Europe and the Middle East for a few hundred years.
In 1876 BC, the New Central Powers Alliance between Rome and Germany became the Catholic Powers Alliance with the entry of the nation of Spain into the Alliance.
For many years the popes of Rome were irked by the separation of the Russians from the Catholic Church. This led to the eventual Russian Crusade.
-Chapter 8 (Start of the Russian Crusade)-
In 1787 BC, Pope Warman XII gave a hateful speech towards the Russians of the east calling them demons and Satan's tools. In response to the Pope's speech the nations of Rome and Germany declared war on Russia. Within days after the declartion of war many thousands of Roman and German troops advanced into Russia advancing almost 200 miles into Russian territory in the first 2 weeks of the war.
In 1656 BC a man named eyvlewarleader took control of the Orthodox nation of Vikingland. Soon after his rise to power eyvle made peace with the Catholic nations and began the "reconstruction" of Vikingland which needed to recover from the rigors of World War 1 and the Russian occupation.
Two years after the Vikings left the war a Greek Orthodox extremist killed the Roman Catholic pope. A Spainish bishop took control of the Catholic Church ended the Roman dominance over the Church.
The already hot war just heated up some more.
-Chapter 9 (rise of American empires)-
Way back c. 4000 BC the Aztecs formed a small nation in Central America. Since then they had defeated the minor tribes south of them, colonized some of the Caribean Islands, and begun construction of a major canal to connect the two great oceans.
c. 2100 BC a group of people known as the Incans banded together and formed the Incan Confederation south of the Aztec Empire. The Incans and Aztecs both grew slowly and had peaceful trade between their two nations.
The peace was broken in 1899 BC when a fleet of Europeon refugees from England, Germany, Spain, and Rome fleeing to escape the Catholic Church landed in eastern North America. The fleet had been separated by heavy storms in the Atlantic and when each ship landed they began building their own settlements. In 1810 the cities were united and they formed the New England Confederacy.
For many years all three nations lived in peace. Then out of nowhere raids began on both Aztecland and the NEC threatening to cause war between America's two superpowers. War was on the horizon.
-Chapter 10 (The Russian Crusade)-
The Russian Cossacks' defense against the catholic invaders in this war was some of the dirtiest tactics and fighting ever. Fighting against two gigantic armies at once the Cossacks of Russia resorted to hit and run tactics and the burning of bridges, roads, and farms. Many miles of Russian territory were destroyed not by the crusaders but by the Russians themselves. On occasion the Russian raids even managed to force the Germans and Romans to retreat.
Around this time Europe had begun to splinter into smaller nations. The nation of France succeeded from Spain and England and joined the crusade against the Orthodox as well. Spain also entered the war in 1498 BC against the Orthodox and landed at the city of St. Petersburg and set up a beachhead.
By 1453 BC, however, support for the crusade began to wane as the Roman and German forces simply stopped fighting. In 1451 BC the final peace was made between the Catholic crusaders and Russia.
Tensions rose once more threatening another crusade when the Greeks in Athens revolted from Rome in 1398 BC and began a bloody civil war that lasted until 1276 BC. In the end the revolt was put down and all the people of Athens were put to death at the swords of the Roman legions.
-Chapter 11 (The Iriquois Threat)-
In 1754 BC, the New England Confederacy was being pounded by raids by warriors appearing to be Aztecs. At the same time the Aztecs were being raided by people using New English technology. For a while war was almost declared between the two powerful nations and it wasn't until 1704 BC that the truth was discovered.
A powerful and mysterious empire consisting of almost all of Western America call the iriquois launched a two-pronged invasion against the NEC and Aztec Empire.
The backwards Incans also joined the fight against the Iriquois. For a long part of the war the Iriquois enjoyed technological and military superiority as they advanced rapidly sometimes almost taking a city a day.
Many beautiful and old Aztec and NEC cities were burned to the ground by the invaders. It seemed nothing could stop the Iriquois juggernaught.
-Chapter 12 (Iriquois Defeat)-
In 1532 BC the Iriquois had captured Tenochitian, the Aztec captiol, and were laying seige to Boston, the captitol of the NEC. The American Pact, as the defenders against the Iriquois called themselves, seemed close to collapse.
The NEC had one last hope to survive. A small armada of 20 modern caravels set sail from Boston in an attempt to reach and gain support from Europe. Using new designs and equipment for their caravels the NEC was able to successfully cross the ocean and came across a Spainish patrol and contacted the Spainish government. After dilberatin for a small period of time the Spainish offered to send their army in exchange for ocean-crossing ships. Within 3 months the first Spainish arrived in Boston.
Also around this time the NEC gifted the knowledge of Age of Chilvary warfare to the Bronze Age Aztecs and Incans. With this the natives fought more effectively and began striking harder and faster against the Iriquois Empire.
For a hundred years the American pact and Spain slowly drove the iriquois back. In 1402 BC the Incans landed at the Iriquois city of New Orleanicia opening a third front on the iriquois. By 1365 BC the Iriquois had been driven back out of the occupied Aztec and NEC provinces. Finally, after hundreds of years of war, the Iriquois made peace in 1192 BC, giving up large tracts of land to the NEC and the Aztec Empire.
The last war in the Americas in this time period was a breif war in between the NEC and Incans for control of the New orleanicia area which had been given to the NEC by the Iriquois. The war was quickly won in the NEC's favor.
Chapter 13 (Rise of Asia)
In 1180 a dispute arose in the Aisan Alliance of Mongolia, Japan, China, and India. During the Chineese civil war in which the nations of Mongolia, Korea, and Shanghai spilt away from China, India had conquered a large portion of the nation of Shanghai. At this point the Chineese had requested the return of their former territories and the Indian refusal forced the Chineese to declare war.
After 40 years of hard fighting in the Gobi Destert the Indians and Chineese had reached a stalemate. The nations of Mongolia and Japan entered the war on China's side to assist the Chineese in their war against India. Still, the stalemate continued with neither side gaining much ground.
In 1054 BC, both sides had just dug in creating a very early form of trench warfare. By 991 BC all parites grew tired of the war and made peace ending the war and creating an age of prosperity for India as trade grew between the newly founded Aborigine Empire in Austrialia and the newly reformed Asian Alliance.
Asia had become a significant power in the world's affairs as colonies began springing up in the Americas and the Pacific. But the greatest challenge was only about to arrive as murmers of war rose from Africa threatening to engulf the world in global conflict. Anarchy was indeed ruling in Africa.
OOC: That final line is a bad pun, because the name of the person in command of the ZUlu at that point was AnarchyRulz. Just thought i'd mention that. THis is all from about 3 months ago or more (RTOR has lasted a LONG time) so it is not exactly recent history. This is about how far i am on civfanatics too, so i will stop here.
I am a prisoner on a ship of fools.
February 13, 2003, 03:46
Local Time: 17:09
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Staffordshire England
Posts: 8,321
Tis interesting,
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
February 13, 2003, 14:49
Local Time: 16:09
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Location: Don't you feel silly now?
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Go Russia, whip those invaders! become a superpower!
(I played Russia)
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