March 14, 2003, 19:27
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Presumably this would be defined on a group-by-group basis (different systems apply to different groups already). Some groups don't even really have 1 forum assigned to them, and a member-only vote doesn't make sense there either (in fact, it would wreak havoc in sections that don't have seperate MP forums).
March 15, 2003, 15:31
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i'm going on a CTP vacation for some time but i'll come around sometimes
Hail to Lemuria
When it all comes to it, life is nothing more than saltfish - Salka Valka
March 15, 2003, 15:43
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See you soon Ískallin, shame to see you go
Locutus, I mainly agree with you, especially people like DarkCloud, who in particular is in every DG, even the CtPDG where he hasn't even posted  . He's even part of the spanish civgroup
The thing is, Markos is too busy adding all this anti-load crap, so he doesn't care about it too much (note it's downplacement on the "to-do" list).
Already in the CtPDG we've had 2 amendments thrown out due to lack of votes
March 15, 2003, 15:48
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Speaking of civgroups, reading the front post, apparently he's allowing civgroups for DG parties
March 15, 2003, 17:32
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Speaking of parties (  ) join United Future! the only Lemurian party dedicated to protecting democracy and not dedicated to a single cause!
March 17, 2003, 00:55
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I was bored, so I decided to see who had spammed posted the most in the forums
Here are the results of 8 random members...
Total Posts: 6837....................100%
1. Pedrunn: 818...........................11.96%
2. Locutus: 646............................9.45%
3. Gilgamensch: 513....................7.5%
4. H Tower: 469...........................6.86%
5. Martin Gühmann: 392...............5.73%
6. mapfi: 385...............................5.63%
7. Frozzy: 353..............................5.16%
8. Tamerlin: 278..........................4.07%
All hail spammaster King Pedrunn!
March 17, 2003, 04:12
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Which forums is that then?
March 17, 2003, 04:18
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Whoops, I meant this forum :/
March 17, 2003, 04:31
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Wow Pedrunn you big spammer  Gilgamensch mustve done some serious stealth posting too, or probably all those court threads i dont read.
March 17, 2003, 04:36
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Maybe you should get results from all ctp2dg members and make a table... if your really really bored
March 17, 2003, 04:47
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Even I can't be that bored!
March 17, 2003, 05:31
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Originally posted by Frozzy
Looks like the maid has dosed you with food poisoning too 
Say, DoT, what team are you rooting for this year?
Shame, you guys still hide behind that excuse  ? We opened a can of whupass on you lot – fair and square. Live with it!
I’ve been a Cats supporter since inception. Don’t feel like switching allegiance now. Thank goodness they actually got one this past weekend  ! Now it’s off to Ozz and NZ.
Originally posted by ískallin
i'm going on a CTP vacation for some time but i'll come around sometimes
Hail to Lemuria
Cheers ískallin. Sad to see another go. Don’t be a stranger.
If something doesn't feel right, you're not feeling the right thing.
March 17, 2003, 05:54
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* Frozzy opens a can of salmonella on DoT *
I'm surprised the Bulls have done so well thus far... and I'm glad I won't see a Chiefs loss this week (bye  )
Good to see we have some loyal Super 12 supporters though
March 17, 2003, 11:50
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"Kill a man and you are a murder.
Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
Kill all and you are a God!"
-Jean Rostand
March 17, 2003, 12:33
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I've always thought Pedrunn's posts were merely spam, now he's even admitting it himself
I will be on vacation until the middle of next week - Prague!
March 17, 2003, 22:30
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*sigh* I'm on self imposed exile from the OTF coffeeshop, I refuse to enter a shop with a finnish name, it's turned into a place of evil, so I'll have to reside here only for a while instead of splitting time. who's the bar keep here? and why aren't we getting ready to watch college hoops? Go Illini! I'm hoping Duke losses first round
March 18, 2003, 00:20
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* Frozzy slaps H Tower around a bit with a large book of Evil, Finnish Edition *
No gibberish...
March 18, 2003, 04:55
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Originally posted by Frozzy
No gibberish...
Then what do you call this?
Originally posted by Frozzy
and I'm glad I won't see a Chiefs loss this week
* DoT smacks Frozzy with some s-w-e-e-e-e-t retribution! *
If something doesn't feel right, you're not feeling the right thing.
March 18, 2003, 08:39
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Originally posted by Frozzy
I was bored, so I decided to see who had spammed posted the most in the forums 
4. H Tower: 469...........................6.86%
nt bad for not even owning the game
March 20, 2003, 08:51
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Frozzy - how do you find out the amount of posts? I have a guilty spammers conscience and want to discover the truth
Oh and i'll replace the dukebox when my next paycheck comes through - it's been kinda silent around here
[coT pulls out two spoons and performs a rousing performance of 'knees up motherbrown']
'The very basis of the liberal idea – the belief of individual freedom is what causes the chaos' - William Kristol, son of the founder of neo-conservitivism, talking about neo-con ideology and its agenda for you. info here. prove me wrong.
Bush's Republican=Neo-con for all intent and purpose. be afraid.
March 20, 2003, 08:55
Local Time: 18:11
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Use the search function to search for all posts by a certain username in a certain forum (so leave the text field empty).
The search function is pretty useless these days but that's one thing it *can* still do...
Oh, you've posted here 95 times (which is 13,93% of your total number of posts on Apolyton and 1,35% of all posts in this forum)
March 20, 2003, 09:27
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'The very basis of the liberal idea – the belief of individual freedom is what causes the chaos' - William Kristol, son of the founder of neo-conservitivism, talking about neo-con ideology and its agenda for you. info here. prove me wrong.
Bush's Republican=Neo-con for all intent and purpose. be afraid.
March 20, 2003, 10:09
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Until I decide to give you a PCR, you have nothing to worry about
March 20, 2003, 12:08
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Originally posted by child of Thor
I was getting worried, still the percentages don't tell the whole story; as i'm sure my smaller amount of posts, say in comparison to H towers 469, are more spammy than his
some one thinks my posts aren't spammy???
The easiest way to determine who's been spamming is looking at who posts the most in the cafe.
Frozzy 24
Gilgamensch 17
Tamerlin 16
H Tower 12
Locutus 12
child of Thor 10
Maquiladora 8
Turambar 8
Devil of Truth 7
Pedrunn 7
mapfi 7
MrBaggins 6
ískallin 3
Zaphod Beeblebrox 2
J Bytheway 2
Oerdin 1
HuangShang 1
March 20, 2003, 12:26
Local Time: 18:11
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Well, in all fairness, in that case you should consider the first Cafe thread as well, in which case the ranking looks like this:
Frozzy 119
H Tower 84
Pedrunn 52
Maquiladora 49
Tamerlin 44
Gilgamensch 43
Locutus 38
mapfi 29
Devil of Truth 29
child of Thor 28
ískallin 28
Zaphod Beeblebrox 26
Turambar 21
Immortal Wombat 10
MrBaggins 10
HuangShang 7
J Bytheway 6
Oerdin 6
centrifuge 5
Lemmy 3
Daftpanzer 2
Dale 1
Solver 1
Nimrod 1
RunsWithDwarf 1
The Big Mc 1
Looks like we have two major spammers
March 20, 2003, 12:38
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Looks quite funny,
It is the two, who don't have the game, but are spamming posting most here..........
Should it tell us something?
March 20, 2003, 13:00
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that to feel part of the community we feel the need to post in this thread since we can't contribute in the other threads?
March 21, 2003, 01:05
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H Tower is right. In order to gain the best proportion of posts in the forum we need to establish our opinions in MY our Café
March 21, 2003, 04:10
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Originally posted by H Tower
that to feel part of the community we feel the need to post in this thread since we can't contribute in the other threads?
Make the officials post the information, that's what I am trying to do all the time, so that you can participate as well. Some people started of nice, but they were dropping the idea......
From my point of view, the person's who have done best (out of memory, so appologies if I missed somebody)
1.) Tamerlin
2.) Pedrunn (mainly because of: while he was Pres. he didn't post information)
3.) Locutus
March 21, 2003, 12:53
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Originally posted by H Tower
that to feel part of the community we feel the need to post in this thread since we can't contribute in the other threads?
I usually suf around other DGs and you have got to admit that this DG s the one with most number of pics. The turn chats threads from Martin and the Ministery of Defense by me is full of pics to those that cant or dont want to load the game.
There is enough material to play the game for sure.
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Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
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