November 28, 2000, 17:27
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Actually, it might have been a wash. True, we obtained Monarchy ahead of schedule, but we just missed the revolution and had to wait a few moves for that. Eh bien, c'est la vie.
Frodo lives!
November 28, 2000, 17:28
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Ok, I’ve received the game. I’m gonna play it tomorrow morning. First of all I got to find a move for my game against Smash. Glad to see it all proceed. I’ve got to build at least 15 cities in 15 turns, that’s right ?
And could you remind me to whom I shall send the game once I am finished ?
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
November 28, 2000, 17:31
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Originally posted by kcbob on 11-27-2000 07:48 AMAs for "pushing the envelope", the explanation was not meant to be a literal translation. I asked a guy who sits beside me at work if he'd heard of it and the origin and here is his explanation.
Years ago, aerospace engineers would sometimes do their calculations anywhere they could find writing space, e.g., on the backs of envelopes. When the limits of the capabilities of the hardware they were designing had been reached and consequently exceeded, they called it "pushing the envelope".
And yes, Maud'Dib is from Dune.
Well, it’s almost frightening all that I am learning on this site !
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
November 29, 2000, 08:58
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November 29, 2000, 10:29
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Don’t worry about the cities, I was just kidding. I only founded one as you may read in my little history.
I’ve send the game to Scouse Gits, is that correct ?
And Scouse, please confirm you've received it.
The landscape is beautiful but there’s not that much of plains. Explosive (yes, I see far away) will be great.
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
November 29, 2000, 10:31
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* 1250 BC 170’000 loyal subjects from 6 cities are here for the coronation of Julius I. He promises to bring peace and order to the kingdom and proclaims he wants to be called Julius the wise. He also acknowledge a little “penchant” for little works of marbles or bronze. More on that later on.
* 1200 BC To justify his nickname King Julius wisely listened to the words of Emperor Augustus, born about 1200 years after him. Yes King Julius the Wise sometimes foresees the future and sometimes he doesn’t see the present. A praiseful king indeed. Augustus had written just before he died, so that you could trust him to be serious, that one should not expend the empire too much or it would fall. Julius agreed and decided to brought back the archer to West Point. We’re not here to fight, but to enlighten the word with our culture and our science, he told his at first bemused subject. And then he chose to research Bronze Working, for he wished to build the Colossus as a testimony to his immortal words.
* 1150 On the southern edge of the main continent, 50 pieces of gold were found in a hut by some bold horsemen. Few were those who overjoyed on the news, but King Julius undestood it was a message from the Gods. He was right to pursue the road to money and trade. Otherwise, the gods would have sent an useless archer ! That was when the first little statues were erected by the most faithful subjects in honor of King Julius.
* 1050 Discovery of Bronze Working. The last horsemen head back to a populated area. The frontiers (limes) of the kingdom are now clearly drawn. West Point starts building a library, the first in a vast plain of scientifical progress.
*1000 BC Distant Shore has been assigned as the only “uncultural” city of the kingdom. One mighty warrior from the relocated trireme steps up on the almost unknown southern island. There is a hut and scrolls of wisdom. It’s the Currency. The king had a vision and his vision was right. Numerous manifestations of worship blossom all through the kingdom.. The people double their efforts to build the oversized statue of their King in Perfect City. Confirmed in his vision by the Gods themselves, King Julius the Wise chooses Trade as the next wisdom to be studied. And boldly, he decides to transform some silk around Perfect City into wheat to allow the city to grow. It was against the book, but blessed by the Gods, Julius the Wise cannot be and is not wrong.
* The next years passed peacefully, humbly and clearly as the path chosen was wise and understood by all the subjects. No wars were fought and cities growed slowly. A new island was discovered in the south. No more unwise expansion had deciced the King, but we shall search for our neighbors to share with them the knowledge that we only are the true children of the Gods. Not that it would please them !
* 825 BC King Julius was getting old and growing impatient to let his mark in the History with a huge “H”. His people decided to found the city of Julianopolis in a perfect 4 square emplacement to honor him, but it was not enough. He felt his end was near and decided to rushbuild his great work, the Colossus. Ruining the kingdom’s treasury, but fullfilling his dream of immortality.
* In 800 BC, the Colossus was build in Perfect City and, his heart at least at peace, King Julius the Wise died in 775 BC... of an heart attack, of course. His last decision, after the discovery of Trade, had been to research Literacy. What a fitting testimony of his lasting vision of a world of peace, litterature and trade. Everywhere all through the kingdom, 230’000 people of 7 cities wept in front of little marble statues of the beloved king. And every year, on november 29th, the day of his death, there is a pilgrimage and gifts are place at the feet of his big statue in Perfect City. May our noble leader have been right and may the Gods forever bless our kingdom he so wisely ruled.
November 29, 2000, 12:48
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All hail King Julius the Wise. The King is dead! Long live the King!!!
Frodo lives!
November 29, 2000, 14:43
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Hail Hail!
November 30, 2000, 05:19
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I must've miss interpreted the posts. I thought you guys HAD skipped my turn. I didn't realize you were still waiting for me. 
When I'm working, I also don't have the time to post. As you can see the time between posts.
Sorry for any inconvienence.
"And his word shall carry
death eternal to those who
stand against righteousness."
November 30, 2000, 08:56
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Don't worry, MD. I think we were worried that something had happened to you.
At this point, I would suggest that if Scouse Gits haven't played the next turn, they or Julius could forward the game to you. If they have played (or started), how about if you jump in after them?
Is this agreeable with everyone?
Frodo lives!
December 1, 2000, 05:54
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No problemo.
Just send the file when it's my turn.
"And his word shall carry
death eternal to those who
stand against righteousness."
December 1, 2000, 07:38
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I have not yet opened the file I got from Julius - assuming that I have not our games confused (like many of you I/we are playing in, is it 5?, several succession games and confusion can occur) I shall forward to MD tonight - or SG2 - if you read this today can you forward the file to Muad'dib
Scouse Git[1]
"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
"The Great Library must be built!"
"A short cut has to be challenging,
were it not so it would be 'the way'." - Paul Craven
December 1, 2000, 08:15
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Originally posted by Muad'Dib on 12-01-2000 04:54 AM
No problemo.
Just send the file when it's my turn.
Muad'Dib, glad to see you're finally back
When I get home (about 6pm), I'll send you my saved game. It is called kcbob_750bc or something like that for those who are afraid to mix it up.
You don't want no zip, is that right ?
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
December 1, 2000, 09:15
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Originally posted by Scouse Gits on 12-01-2000 06:38 AM
I have not yet opened the file I got from Julius - assuming that I have not our games confused (like many of you I/we are playing in, is it 5?, several succession games and confusion can occur)
I have not our games confused???
I/we are playing???
SG, I think you (and you) were born confused.
Frodo lives!
December 1, 2000, 12:00
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johnmcd restated the sequence of players in another game's thread and I thought this might be a good time to do that here. As best as I can tell, we now look like this:
Scouse Gits
Does this look right?
Frodo lives!
December 1, 2000, 20:41
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I've sent the game to Muab'Dib.
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
December 4, 2000, 01:04
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Turn complete. Who's next???
"And his word shall carry
death eternal to those who
stand against righteousness."
December 4, 2000, 01:46
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Originally posted by Muad'Dib on 12-03-2000 12:04 PM
Turn complete. Who's next???
I think it's Scouse Gits.
How is the kingdom going ?
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
December 4, 2000, 08:59
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I would also say Scouse Gits is next. We didn't get a full complement of 10 players in this game.
Oh, well.
BTW. How did you feel the first segment of Dune went? I taped it and am going to tape the next two before watching it in its entirety.
Frodo lives!
December 7, 2000, 17:23
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Save sent (both zipped and unzipped) to kcbob and to Smash - saga/log herewith ...
0525BC - revamped a few workers to turn 10 turns to 9, switched Phalanx production to Settler and scrapped two proposed Libraries in favour of Caravans.
0475BC - West Point builds marginally effective Library - now moves to needed Temple; Only Three builds Temple - now starts Caravan; Techs now at 8
0450BC - Perfection City builds Library - switch to Caravan; Tech rate now 7
0425BC - 2 Barb Horse + King by Distant Shore - recruiting office now open
0400BC - The accursed Americans have nearly completed the Gardens - scratch Plan A  ; West Point builds Temple - switch to Caravan; Recruiting Office buys 1 Horse, Horse kills Barb Horse - now vet, Trireme kills King 150g
0375BC - Americans build Gardens  ; Pottery discovered - The Republic being researched @ 8
0300BC - The Russians have nearly completed the Lighthouse - but 3 Caravans, 2 Settlers and a Horse = 200 shields - We have won! (Let us hope they don't now get Marco ...); Buffalo Girls founded 
0275BC - Our Light Shines over the Oceans!  The benighted Russians switch to the Oracle - Marco's shall be ours!
0200BC - The Germans have nearly completed the Library - Hoorah!
0175BC - Germans have Library - Babs switch to Pyramids; Perfection City builds Temple; The Republic discovered, now seeking Seafaring; hut supported Horse
0150BC - Babylon builds Pyramids and starts Great Wall; Port au Prince builds Temple and starts Trireme; Perfection City builds Marco Polo's Embassy!  - Carthaginians, Peace & MAPS
- Germans, Peace
- Babylonians, Alliance & MAPS
- Russians, Peace & MAPS
- Americans, Peace & MAPS
- Indians, Peace & MAPS
Let global trading commence - REVOLUTION
0125BC - REPUBLIC established  Lord Bless oedo!
0050BC - We are Puny on the Powerful scale - Moscow builds Oracle
0025BC - We pass the conch - good civin'
Scouse Git[1]
"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
"The Great Library must be built!"
"A short cut has to be challenging,
were it not so it would be 'the way'." - Paul Craven
December 7, 2000, 21:39
Local Time: 14:53
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Finished my 10 turns and forwarded to kcbob.Sure goes by quick.
Smashazuma’s first act upon his return was to call all Governers to the capitol.He demanded explanations.Since his departure on the Great Crusade only 4 new cities had been founded.He was dismayed by this and wanted answers.
And what was this new governent?Had not the Gods appointed HE as the leader?
“Have you forgotten the Gods???They must be appeased.YOU have brought their anger upon us!!!Allready we are threatened by foreign infidels.Soon they will arrive.And what shall we defend ourselves with?Without the Gods,we must surely perish at the hands of barbarians.
You are hereby ordered to return to your lands of control and immediately undertake appeasement of the Gods.You will do this in the Aztec way.It is the only way.
NOW GO!!!”
This seemed to work at first as it appeared appeasement had been won and much celebrating took place.However this was shortlived as population grew to the point the the mother earth could no longer sustain it.This was caused by the citzens celebrating instead of working their feilds of maze.We had become, once again, the largest nation.
It was decided that new settlement would be the top priority.Malinalco,Tula,Tamuin and East Lake were established.The latter actually being in the west following some bizarre ancient ritual.A distant tribe was assimilated into the growing empire and named Teayo
It was also decided that only by a return to 1 leader could the God’s praise be re-established.And so,in 60 AD,Smashazuma was reinstalled as sole power.The governers were sacrificed unto the Sun God.
Soon after, all the foreign infidel peoples declared war on the Aztec nation.The so called allied Babylonians immediately abandoned their commitment fulfilling Smashazuma’s fear of non God appeasement.He was able to contain the aggression with some skillful diplomacy however the Germans remained steadfast in their desire to rid the earth of our worthless civilization.
The Russians had begun a great observatory which threatened Smashazuma’s dream of great center of high thought.
In a somewhat incoherent speech,given on the steps of the palace itself,Smashazuma muttered something about size 5,size 5 and once again departed for lands unknown.This left the empire in a rather unstable situation.He had failed to appoint someone to sit in power during his absence.
December 8, 2000, 09:11
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Originally posted by Smash on 12-07-2000 08:39 PM
It was decided that new settlement would be the top priority.Malinalco,Tula,Tamuin and East Lake were established.The latter actually being in the west following some bizarre ancient ritual.

In a somewhat incoherent speech,given on the steps of the palace itself,Smashazuma muttered something about size 5,size 5 and once again departed for lands unknown.This left the empire in a rather unstable situation.He had failed to appoint someone to sit in power during his absence.
Frodo lives!
December 8, 2000, 10:32
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Originally posted by kcbob on 12-01-2000 11:00 AM
Scouse Gits
... as is now traditional on a new page ...
Great expansion Smash - I fear I was forced to be too Wondrocentric - how big are the cities?
Scouse Git[1]
"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
"The Great Library must be built!"
"A short cut has to be challenging,
were it not so it would be 'the way'." - Paul Craven
December 8, 2000, 11:23
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... as is now traditional on a new page ...
Did I do that?
December 8, 2000, 17:45
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Not too big.I think there are 4 or 5 at size 5 and 6.Everything else is 4 or less.
December 9, 2000, 12:51
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I've finished my turn and will now forward on to Julius. The annals will be forthcoming on Monday. For now, let this era be known as Pax Azteca!!
BTW. Perfection City just built Copernicus' Observatory.
Frodo lives!
December 9, 2000, 17:05
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I don't know how you managed that but I'm sure glad you did.Very good!
December 9, 2000, 22:35
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Well, one way was by taking 15 turns.  Was I supposed to only take 10?
Frodo lives!
December 11, 2000, 06:32
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Thanks Kcbob, I have received the game.
But some conflict with my computer is resulting in a big "FORMAT (ALMOST) EVERYTHING" and as for now, my beloved Civ2 isn't re-installed. I got some sideshow problems with Bill's products. Does this surprise anybody ?
Anyway,I will update you on the situation before the end of the week and if things keep on looking bleak for my W95 and NT, I'll pass my turn.
If I can play, how many turns for king Julius, 10 or 15 ?
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
December 11, 2000, 09:06
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Man, bummer about your PC. Hope it gets resolved quickly and completely.
As for the number of moves, I thought the drop to 10 moves wasn't until around 1500 AD. As it was, my first 10 were so uneventful that another 5 didn't seem too unreasonable. I'd say, plan on 15 unless you really start to rock and roll, i.e., build a couple of wonders, wipe out an AI civ, and start building the spaceship.
Frodo lives!
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