Okay, let's get this baby cranked up. Just one question. How do you eliminate huts? If you can do that easily, then I'll start this up tonight. If you have to edit some file somewhere, it might be safer if someone else generates the map.
So far:
1. kcbob (kcbob49@hotmail.com & robert.a.sorter@dfas.mil)
2. John-SJ (jdulleck@pacbell.net)
3. Roman (lajciak@hotmail.com)
4. thoth (dv685@ncf.ca)
5. Julius (julius.brenzaida@infomaniak.ch)
6. Scouse Gits (git1@scousers.net; git2@scousers.net)
7. Ribannah (broeder@bart.nl)
8. DaveV (dave_v9@yahoo.com)
Diety level
Large map
Random terrain settings
Raging hordes
Restart Civs
No huts
Max of 7 game turns per succession turn (less is optional

) until 1000 AD, max of 5 after that
24 hour rules as stated above
If I missed anything, let me know.
Now, if anybody wants to volunteer to generate the map, please post to that effect and generate away. If you're on the roster of players, we'll just start with you at that spot. Simply start another thread (after posting in this one) and rotate the roster lineup to put yourself at 1. Or, if it's somebody outside the roster, please send me the beginning position and I'll kick it off.
Now, once more... into the breach! (I hope that's how you spell 'breach')
Frodo lives!