In the hands of humans, alien factions would truly be a force to be reckon with. The boring part is this; your game is over, you are the winner. Any remotely experienced player is able to win if they took over your game. Why I am so certain? If you don't screw it up (here is where the part about experienced kicks in), you probably will get the victory either by conquest, AtT or "ET phone home", simply because the AI is stupid!
But if you wanto make it REALLY interesting then you should do this:
First, SAVE the game. Then hit ctrl + k to get on the scen edt. then shift + F3 to switch side. play both side! 10-15 turns per side until you reach a certain tech level (E12, B12, D12) and then choose one side and play the game of the centuary!
[This message has been edited by knowhow2 (edited March 18, 2001).]