My tech map is lost (I know where it is, it's about 500 miles from where I live now.). I pretty much know how to get to the techs I want, but.. kind of want a tech map again. I do seem to be having a hard time getting fusion power for one thing before everybody else. Anybody know of an online smax (alien crossfire) tech map is?
Originally posted by bandit on 03-18-2001 09:13 PM
My tech map is lost (I know where it is, it's about 500 miles from where I live now.). I pretty much know how to........
sorry couldn't resist, "knowhow2"
[This message has been edited by knowhow2 (edited March 18, 2001).]
Check this thread out in the archives. You will find a link to one you can download from the net. I have one, but it's only in hardcopy. I think there is one in the SMAC section of Apolyton. In the files section.