[15:43] <mrbaggins> ok.. i got some new appearances
[15:43] <Pedrunn> screen shot
[15:43] <Gilgamesh> maps??????
[15:43] <mrbaggins> tell me what you see, Pedrunn
[15:44] <Turambar> Austrians to the north!
[15:44] <Pedrunn> Austrians units in our sight
[15:44] <mrbaggins> i have to change it if it different
[15:44] <Gilgamesh> How many?
[15:44] <Tamerlin> North of what?
[15:44] <Pedrunn> from north and from Graz
[15:44] <mapfi> yes - can we just have pedrun tell us what happens please! the game's aren't the same!!!
[15:44] <mrbaggins> what units do you see?
[15:44] <Turambar> Hop + Archer near ped
[15:44] <Pedrunn> north of Pedrunnia
[15:44] <Tamerlin> What are the troops in Pedrunnia
[15:44] <mrbaggins> what about graz?
[15:45] <Pedrunn> archer coming from Graz
[15:45] <mrbaggins> and where did the barbarian in the south move?
[15:45] <Pedrunn> not toward Pedrunn
[15:45] <Pedrunn> We cant see them
[15:45] <mapfi> what's the status of our reputation with the scots?
[15:45] <mrbaggins> ok.. so you do NOT have a barbarian to the south of Pedrunn, then?
[15:45] <Pedrunn> But the warrior south of Pedrunnia went to Pedrunnia
[15:46] <mrbaggins> ok... the forest tile?
[15:46] <Tamerlin> One Archer and One Hoplite, I guess they are only here to pillage the TI.
[15:46] <Turambar> should we attack the archer from graz?
[15:46] <Pedrunn> mrbaggins we should have a screenshot

[15:46] <Pedrunn> dont you think?
[15:46] <mrbaggins> i just have to confirm the barbarian, and i will
[15:46] <Gilgamesh> Yes please ........
[15:46] <mrbaggins> is it in the forest?
[15:47] <Tamerlin> If there is no Austrian units behind him yes...
[15:48] <Gilgamesh> any news?
[15:49] <mrbaggins> take a look at the screenshot, and confirm it, Pedrunn
[15:49] * Locutus has joined #lemuria
[15:49] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Locutus
[15:49] <mrbaggins> hi Locutus!!
[15:49] <mrbaggins> welcome
[15:49] <Turambar> hi
[15:49] <Tamerlin> Hi Locutus
[15:49] <mapfi> hey!
[15:49] <Locutus> sorry, I thought I'd be back from work in time - I guess I wasn't...
[15:49] <Locutus> hi
[15:49] <Gilgamesh> Hi locutus
[15:49] <Turambar> we've managed 1 turn....

[15:50] <mrbaggins> scots are happier in my game now
[15:50] * haven.apolyton.net changes topic to 'CtP2 Democracy Game -- Turn Chat NOW!!!'
[15:50] <Gilgamesh> How many units do we have in H Town and Pedrunnia?
[15:50] <Locutus> wow, 1 whole turn! I'm guessing Pedrunn is prez again?

[15:50] <Turambar> lol
[15:50] <Tamerlin> Turambar, if I am not wrong the warrior should be in position to attack the archer, move one tile in direction of the Archer if there is no units behind the Archer, attack him with the warrior... If there are units behind the Archer step back as we need a forward observer.

[15:50] <mrbaggins> 2 in Pedrunn, 3 in H Town
[15:51] <mrbaggins> I agree, Tamerlin
[15:51] <Gilgamesh> not good.......
[15:51] <Gilgamesh> I mean the units
[15:51] <mrbaggins> 1 archer can quickly get back in Pedrunn
[15:52] <Turambar> and will do
[15:52] <mrbaggins> and should, at this point, more correctly
[15:52] <Gilgamesh> Does the AI attack when not having full strength (less than 1 MP?)
[15:52] <Tamerlin> There seems to be no immediate threat for Pedrunn and H Town but this is indeed worrying
[15:52] <mrbaggins> only if it can legally move, Gilgamesh
[15:52] <Gilgamesh> ???????
[15:52] <mrbaggins> same as the human
[15:52] <Gilgamesh> OK
[15:52] <Locutus> off topic: what mod exactly changes color.txt? at first I thought I had it screwed up myself, but I noticed John and MrBaggins have it messed up as well...
[15:53] <Locutus> it's quite annoying
[15:53] <mrbaggins> i have so many mods I lost track

[15:53] <Tamerlin> Isn't it GoodMod
[15:53] <Locutus> that's why I asked, mrB

[15:53] <Turambar> want some orders ped?
[15:53] <mapfi> it's not goodmod - i've got the original colors
[15:53] <Pedrunn> yes indeed!
[15:54] <mrbaggins> btw... Tamerlin... you can change the farmer back to a worker in Pressburg... it will grow next turn
[15:54] <Pedrunn> gimme those orders
[15:54] <Turambar> ORDERS: Archer near ped, move into the city
[15:54] <Tamerlin> Thanks MrBaggins
[15:54] <Gilgamesh> Shall we attack the archer with our warrior?
[15:54] <Turambar> ORDERS: Pressburg hoplite - West
[15:54] <Tamerlin> ORDER: remove the farmer from Pressburg
[15:55] <mrbaggins> Pedrunn.. do you have rioting in mapfipolis?
[15:55] <Pedrunn>
Moving units
[15:55] <Locutus> did we do anything in the diplomacy area yet?
[15:55] <Turambar> gave 100 to scotland
[15:55] <mapfi> yes - if you go on icq - i could tell you
[15:55] <Turambar> must ask for map now...
[15:55] <Locutus> k, good. this turn or last turn?
[15:55] <Pedrunn>
No riot!
[15:55] <Turambar> last turn
[15:56] <mrbaggins> ack... will be out of sync...
[15:56] <Turambar> everyone want to attack the archer?
[15:56] <mrbaggins> I agree with attacking the archer
[15:56] <Locutus> k, will need to ask for a map then, indeed. when Pedrunn has time

[15:56] <Gilgamesh> sounds good, let's remove the archer from the table..
[15:56] <Turambar> ORDERS: Attack the archer!
[15:57] <Pedrunn>
Press hoplite sees moutain and grassland
[15:57] <Pedrunn>
Attacking Archer!
[15:57] <mrbaggins> dead archer
[15:57] <Tamerlin>

[15:57] <mrbaggins>

[15:57] <Locutus> a 1vs1 warrior vs archer? risky...
[15:57] <mrbaggins> no problem
[15:57] <Gilgamesh> shure, just stomp on him again :-)
[15:58] <mrbaggins> much better attack vs the archers d
[15:58] <mrbaggins> if there was another unit however....
[15:58] <Locutus> uhm, archer and warrior have identical stats (aside from the ranged value)
[15:58] <Pedrunn>
Archer dead. Warrior HP is yellow. Another Victory of our armies 
[15:58] <Turambar>

[15:58] <Pedrunn>

[15:59] <Gilgamesh> Never lost a warrior against archer (1v1)
[15:59] <Turambar> can we see Graz?
[15:59] <mrbaggins> me either
[15:59] <mrbaggins> yes
[15:59] <Turambar> no walls?
[15:59] <Gilgamesh> which size?
[15:59] <mrbaggins> not in mine
[15:59] <mrbaggins> size 7
[15:59] <Turambar> mine neither
[15:59] <Turambar>

[15:59] <Locutus> gilg, what mod do you usually play? odds are 50-50 the archer wins (all else equal)
[15:59] <mrbaggins> but i'm unsure if we see them, if we see the city... rather than a map exchange
[16:00] <mrbaggins> i'm confused now

[16:00] <Gilgamesh> for the moment just SAP
[16:00] <Turambar> there's no walls
[16:00] <mrbaggins> Linz has walls...
[16:00] <Turambar> seeing the city would show them
[16:00] <mrbaggins> i don't understand the AI not walling Graz
[16:00] <Turambar> good for linz

[16:01] <Turambar> obviosly not worried about defence too much....
[16:01] <Tamerlin> Are our cities walled?

[16:01] <Turambar> no
[16:01] <mapfi> we don't have stone working...
[16:01] <mrbaggins> attackers have the advantage, Locutus... given no terrain bonus or fortitification
[16:01] <Gilgamesh> And no work force to do it......
[16:01] <Turambar> suicide attack with warrior next turn? he's already damaged.....
[16:01] <Gilgamesh> Also, did units in river get a mali???????
[16:02] <mrbaggins> ok.. i'm going to screenshot
[16:02] <mrbaggins> no
[16:02] <Gilgamesh> We can't retreat out warrior?
[16:02] <Tamerlin> Turambar:The AI has priorized another thing like us...
[16:02] <Locutus> what advantage would that be? they get to strike first, but on a few dozen tries that doesn't make much of an advantage (the battle screen doesn't show every turn of the battle, just a summary)
[16:02] <Gilgamesh> mrbaggins, I thought I read it somewhere......
[16:02] <Tamerlin> A suicide attack is foolish IMO, we need the warrior as a scout
[16:02] <Turambar> which would be what he was doing....
[16:03] <Turambar> at the cost of his life....

[16:03] <Locutus> no, no suicide. we can heal him in 1 turn (stupid mod

[16:03] <Gilgamesh> how?
[16:03] <Locutus> in a city
[16:03] <Tamerlin> I meant no suicide attack with him
[16:03] <Pedrunn> I need orders!
[16:03] <Locutus> diplo orders or other ones?
[16:03] <Gilgamesh> screen shot?
[16:04] <Tamerlin> ORDER: remove farmer from Pressburg
[16:04] <Locutus> btw, is Pedrunn gonna post a savegame anytime soon? I wouldn't mind a copy myself...
[16:05] <Turambar> be back in a moment...
[16:05] <Locutus> ORDER: request the map of the Scots, offer our own map in return (in that order). Be Meek
[16:05] <Gilgamesh> warrior back to H Town????????
[16:05] <mrbaggins> screenshot in thread
[16:05] <Gilgamesh> thanks, already seen :-)
[16:06] <Tamerlin> Thanks MrB
[16:06] <mrbaggins> accepted in mine
[16:06] <Turambar> *back*
[16:07] <Gilgamesh> Could we also get a 'big' one, with the whole map?
[16:07] <mrbaggins> yes
[16:07] <mrbaggins> surely
[16:07] <Pedrunn>
The farmer removed
[16:07] <mrbaggins> but lets see if Pedrunn's offer gets accepted
[16:07] <mapfi> yep - always wait for pedrunn the slow

[16:07] <Locutus> how happy are the Scots now, MrB?
[16:08] <Pedrunn> First the offer than the request, right?
[16:08] <mapfi> no!
[16:08] <Turambar> other way
[16:08] <mrbaggins> happy.. they view our diplomatic requests favorably
[16:08] <Gilgamesh> Why this way round?
[16:08] <Locutus> ORDER: no, the other way around (like I just told you!)
[16:08] <mapfi> so the 100 gold were money well spent
[16:08] <mrbaggins> indeed
[16:08] <Turambar> very
[16:09] <Pedrunn>
yep offer accepted
[16:09] <Locutus> goody, the map is ours then... provided PEd doesn't screw up..
[16:09] <mrbaggins> ok..big map screenie coming up
[16:09] <Pedrunn> Sorry i had to answer the door
[16:09] <Locutus> :Pary:
[16:09] <Locutus>

[16:09] <Tamerlin> Good!
[16:09] <Gilgamesh> locutus, tooo much part already :-)
[16:09] <Locutus> gigl, because the AI is a bad-news-first kinda guy

[16:10] <Locutus> k, do we want a non-tresspass treaty, people?
[16:10] <mapfi> yes and do we also ask for peace now? and let's see that map
[16:10] <Gilgamesh> Locutus, what is the difference?
[16:11] <Turambar> yep
[16:11] <Locutus> to us humans nothing, to the buggy(!) AI, a lot

[16:11] <Tamerlin> Yes, non-trespass treaty
[16:11] <Gilgamesh> Which once?
[16:11] <Locutus> gilg: ???
[16:11] <Gilgamesh> Yex
[16:11] <Gilgamesh> sorry Yes
[16:12] <Locutus> ORDER: okay then, request they withdraw, offer to withdraw in return (in that order). Be Meek.
[16:12] <mrbaggins> sorry... need to reduce the size of the image
[16:13] <Locutus> the Warrior came out of that battle surprisingly well...
[16:13] <Locutus> from the looks of it only 3.5 hp damage
[16:13] <Turambar> good 'ol Dave

[16:14] <Locutus> what are we not taking the hut!!!
[16:14] <Locutus> what = why?
[16:14] <Turambar> after writing if we do
[16:14] <Gilgamesh> What is the green civ in the middle of the scots?
[16:14] <Tamerlin> With the SAP2 I always have this kind of result when a warrior or Hoplite fight with a single archer.
[16:14] <Locutus> ah, okay. makes sense...
[16:14] <Turambar> israel
[16:14] <Pedrunn>
Proposal requested!
[16:14] <Pedrunn>

[16:14] <Gilgamesh> How the heck did they got there??????
[16:15] <Locutus> a hoplite should get that sort of score, not an warrior (well, it's possible but not too likely). unless I got the stats messed up after all - will check now
[16:15] <Locutus> ouch, that's a very dark screenie, mr B...
[16:16] <mapfi> Israel's in the west, since nazareth is their own city
[16:16] <mrbaggins> screenies done
[16:16] <mapfi> probably...
[16:16] <mrbaggins> its fog of war
[16:16] <Tamerlin> Hoplite have the same Attack strength as Warrior and the Archer is a support unit
[16:16] <Locutus> I can't even read it, do others have that problem?
[16:16] <mrbaggins> i'll see what i can do
[16:16] <mapfi> i can read it
[16:16] <Gilgamesh> good for me.......
[16:16] <Locutus> tamerlin: defence value matters as well, even when you attack
[16:17] <Locutus> dammit, why does everyone use those darn small screen resolutions!
[16:17] <Gilgamesh> What do you mean? looks like 1024*768?
[16:17] <Locutus> now everyone can read it but me. what the use of a 1600x1200 screen now?

[16:17] <Tamerlin> I know but the Archer attack is weak when he is facing a warrior
[16:17] <mrbaggins> its zoomed out
[16:18] <Gilgamesh> Too have less on the screnn *laugh*
[16:18] <mrbaggins> and it has a maximum width i can post... 800 pixels
[16:18] <Tamerlin> About the screenshot: dark but can be deciphered
[16:18] <Locutus> details are always very hard to see on a 1600x1200 screen if the shot was taken on 1024x768, especially when the shot is dark
[16:19] <Locutus> I guess I'll get to see it when the next safe gets posted...
[16:19] <Pedrunn> Now what!!!
[16:19] <mapfi> who uses a 1600x1200 resolution anyway...

[16:19] <Gilgamesh> Who can read the normal windows under this resolution ??
[16:19] <Locutus> I do! it rocks! you can see an entire small map in a single screen in ctp2

[16:19] <Pedrunn> Should i end turn?
[16:20] <Tamerlin> Move ended?
[16:20] <mapfi> no
[16:20] <Locutus> what did the scots say about our proposal, pedrunn?
[16:20] <Turambar> so...
[16:20] <mrbaggins> Eastern screenie too
[16:20] <Tamerlin> AFK for a few seconds
[16:20] <Pedrunn> Rejected! (first rquest then offer)
[16:20] <Locutus> ah, okay. did you try to threaten?
[16:21] <Turambar> is everyone silent or has the chat slowed down for me again?
[16:21] <Locutus> I would have liked to have had a say in that

[16:21] <Pedrunn> No!
[16:21] <Locutus> hmm, oh well. better luck next time...
[16:21] <mrbaggins> ahhh
[16:21] <Tamerlin> Back
[16:21] <mrbaggins> we maybe wasted some gold...
[16:21] <Pedrunn> why?
[16:21] <mrbaggins> btw... second screenshot up
[16:21] <Locutus> ORDER: offer a peace treaty to the Scots. nothing in return, threaten if rejected
[16:22] <mapfi> good idea!
[16:22] <Pedrunn> j
[16:22] <Locutus> let's see what they do...
[16:22] <Pedrunn> k
[16:22] <mrbaggins> no for me... and they are still ok relationwise
[16:23] <Pedrunn> Nope
[16:23] <Gilgamesh> Did the archer already move?
[16:23] <Pedrunn> Dont think they want friends
[16:23] <Pedrunn> what archer?
[16:23] <mrbaggins> Pedrunn... maybe you should give Locutus a save game so he can record diplomacy
[16:23] <Turambar> where shall the warrior explore now?
[16:23] <mrbaggins> south
[16:23] <Gilgamesh> S of Pedrunnia
[16:24] <mrbaggins> turambar... due south
[16:24] <Gilgamesh> thanks
[16:24] <Pedrunn> what warrior?
[16:24] <Pedrunn> The one in Pedrunnia
[16:24] <mrbaggins> W of Pressburg
[16:24] <Pedrunn> ???
[16:24] <mrbaggins> ohh...
[16:24] <mapfi> okay people, I need to go - hope you get some more turns done
[16:25] <Pedrunn> seeya
[16:25] <mrbaggins> I think we should sacrifice the warrior to see what Graz looks like
[16:25] <Pedrunn> end turn?
[16:25] <Turambar> bye mapfi
[16:25] <Turambar> no!
[16:25] <Locutus> bye, mapfi
[16:25] <Turambar> we've units to move
[16:25] <Tamerlin> Bye mapfi
[16:25] * mapfi has quit IRC (Quit: Trillian (
[16:25] <Pedrunn> which ones?
[16:25] <Turambar> hop near press iirc
[16:26] <Pedrunn> he moved west
[16:26] <Locutus> I disagree, this is not the time to sacrifice anything. not until we're ready to follow it up with an actual assault.
[16:26] <Tamerlin> Pedrunn, I must leave for a few minutes (3 or 4 max), as far as I am concerned I would ORDER to continue building military units in every city and look at the farmer setting in Mapfipolis. Do you agree?
[16:26] <Turambar> but it would help us decide if there is to be an assualt
[16:26] <mrbaggins> agree
[16:26] <Tamerlin> Open to discussion of course
[16:26] <Gilgamesh> Get the warrior back, we need him
[16:26] <Pedrunn> k
[16:26] <Tamerlin> Thanks
[16:26] <mrbaggins> and how soon there could be an assault, Locutus
[16:27] <mrbaggins> we are ok as of yet
[16:27] <mrbaggins> we'll build another defender in H Town soon
[16:27] <Gilgamesh> No, don't waste him
[16:27] <Locutus> well, obviously not now: Graz is the 2nd city of Austria it's bound to have at least 6 defenders. we'll need at least as many attackers, preferably more
[16:27] <Turambar> leaving press undefended we could send 9 units to graz soon
[16:27] <mrbaggins> he can't move now anyway... right?
[16:27] <mrbaggins> he might be dead at end of turn...
[16:28] <Pedrunn> I will end turn!
[16:28] <Pedrunn> k
[16:28] <Locutus> But I think we need to strike with 12. less won't do.
[16:28] <Gilgamesh> off topic: anyone problem's accessing apolyton web site?
[16:28] <Turambar> does the hop have to move???
[16:28] <mrbaggins> agreed, Locutus
[16:28] <mrbaggins> no, Turambar... he's all moved out
[16:28] <Pedrunn> no
[16:29] <Turambar> that's why we should look
[16:29] <Turambar> with the warrior
[16:29] <Locutus> the warrior has no move left anyway and next turn we can move him to safety.
[16:29] <Turambar> to see what would be needed
[16:29] <mrbaggins> we should end turn
[16:29] <Turambar> end turn
[16:30] <Locutus> if we have not moves left, I would say end turn
[16:30] <Gilgamesh> OK
[16:30] <Pedrunn> END TURN 63