Here's another rough draft of the trade report for freight
Current Commodity freights:
Breakdown by City, Type
CAPITOL (Oil, Wine, Gold)
Saragossa (Oil)
Pamplona (Oil)
Cordoba (Oil)
Valencia (Cloth)
WhereItsAt town (Cloth)
Leon (Salt, Gems)
shady trees (Salt)
Cadiz (Silk)
Panama Canal (Gems)
Cities currently proposed for freight or freight next and proposed builds
Amazon Island (Oil, Gold) -> Gold
Avila (Hides) -> Hides
Cadiz (Gold, Spice) -> suggest Spice - Xinjian and Osaka demand it
CAPITOL () -> food
Cavebear City (Silk, Oil, Salt) ->Silk
Leon: () -> Silk
St Praski: (Gold, Oil) -> tossup
Turin: (Silk, Oil, Cloth) - Oil
Valencia: (Silk, Hides) - suggest Silk
Vigo: (Silk, Wool) - suggest Silk
Avila: city has our biggest max in base trade, and has SH
Cadiz: Xinjian and Osaka demand spice, both at least size 12 foreign rep cities
CAPITOL: if we deliver one of the supplied freights, we should be able to unblock something, in the mean time ->food
Leon: if we deliver the Gems, i'm almost certain we can create a Silk supply there
St praski: Gold would block delivery in naples, but a smaller city might work
Turin: Oil if it hasn't been blocked - Turin is too small to replace most foreigh trade routes
Still having problems getting predictor formulas to work for deliveries