Originally posted by bobcat
is there a mod out there to let you have armies from the start of the game. Also is there one that will let you play with out resources (like civ2). If there is drop me a line. Also is it possible to combine mods?
It's very simple, even you can do it. Just turn your Palace into a Small Wonder with the abilty to make Armies without a Leader. All you have to do, after you've changed it in the editor, is to open up your PediaIcons.txt file, scroll down towards the bottom of the file until you find the Wonder splash entries.
The next step will depend on whether you have PTW or not. If you don't, you will want to add these lines at the very beginning of the all the entries:
art\wonder splash\forbidden city.pcx
That's a zero BTW. The Forbidden City graphic is optional, you can use any one you want.
If you do have PTW you can just include this entry anywhere you like:
art\wonder splash\forbidden city.pcx
The one drawback of this approach is that you will never be able to build your Palace in another city, unless your original one is destroyed in some way.