Aren't the Simpson's great. There are many a good episode. Here's my favorite's.
- I'll have to agree with the already mentioned Scorpio, Pinchy and Frank Grimes episodes.
- Also, I enjoyed "Homer is a Missionary". HEHEHE

"I'm not, not licking frogs!" hehehe.
- Another great is the Max Power episode.
- The episode where the camera follows each individual Simpson on their day is funny too. Remember, the one with Linguo and Fat Tony's henchmen. ALL THE INCORRECT GRAMMAR, OH GOD!
- Heh, the one where Bart takes that ridilin knockoff (Dammit, what is it called) and he accuses the baseball league of reading his mind. That one was good. Homer - "Hey, there's just air in mine."
- I enjoyed the N-SYNC episode myself, but that's probably cause I know all the words to each song sung by the Party Posse. Here's a taste...
"Party Posse we rule the Earth,"
"The greatest band since music's, birth."
"We love to sweat and we love to sing..."
"We're real funky but not threatenin, yay-ye-ah"
"We're the best band in the world,"
"But we'd give it all up for that special girl."
"You're my special girl...My Spe...cial Girl"
here's another
"I saw you last night at the spelling bee."
"I knew right then that it was L-U-V"
"I've gotta spell out, what you mean to me..."
"Cause I can no longer be, your silent 'G'"
and one more
"There's trouble in a far off nation."
"Time to get in love formation."
"Your love is more deadly than Saddam,"
"That's why I gotta drop da bomb."
"Yvan eht Nioj...Yvan eht Nioj, yvan eht nioj"
"This party is happenin, it's no mirage"
"So sing it again, Yvan eht Nioj!"
- Anyways, I also enjoy the many episodes where Milhouse says or does something funny. Here's some hilarious Milhouse quotes.
"This is just like Speed 2 only with a bus instead of a boat."
"This game is so cool, and I've only entered my name, Thrillhouse!" (I'm not sure if this is quoted correctly, but the emphasis is on the Thrillhouse)
"She's with the 'House now"
Anyways, there are a lot of great Simpson's episodes and only a few not-so-good one's. It would be a hassle to mention everyone I liked. So I'll stop now.