
Originally posted by ikesdead on 03-24-2001 12:46 PM
... I first have to get a new modem ...
If you do go this route, may I recommend a good, solid, reliable modem: 3Com/USRobotics #5687
hardware FaxModem. I have one in my system. The brand was recommended by my ISP (they spoke very strongly
against PCI modems). It's not expensive as modems go. Where I live, the telephone company's lines and equipment are nearly 40 years old

, but my connection with this modem is always strong and stable. I can stay online for as long as I want without ever having to reconnect

. The PCI modem I took out would drop offline if a gnat sat on the wire

.Disclaimer: I do not work for 3Com or any of their distributors or retailers. I just like their stuff.
[This message has been edited by gwillybj (edited March 26, 2001).]