[22:30] <J_Bytheway> New positions:
[22:31] <Gilgamesh> New screenshot???????
[22:31] <J_Bytheway> Barb hoplite e-ne of Mapfipolis
[22:31] <J_Bytheway> Indian Catapult w of Mapfipolis
[22:31] <mrbaggins> MoDA: Pressburg builds a hoplite, H-Town & Mapfipolis builds an archer
[22:31] <Zaphod> damn, forgot to change pw back in my game
[22:32] <J_Bytheway> Austrian 2-stack e of Warrior, 3-stack n-ne of him
[22:32] <J_Bytheway> And an austrian settler sw-sw of the warrior
[22:32] <Gilgamesh> John, screenshot possible?
[22:32] <Locutus> the austrians are gonna merge

[22:33] <Locutus> that makes the almost strong enough to take on one of the cities...
[22:33] <Zaphod> well in my game that settler is scotch
[22:33] <Gilgamesh> I think I have to install CTP2 on this computer.........
[22:33] <Locutus> it's scottish for me 2
[22:33] <mrbaggins> maybe... maybe not
[22:33] <mrbaggins> and the settler is scottish
[22:33] <J_Bytheway> Yes, Scottish
[22:33] <J_Bytheway> Sorry

[22:33] <Locutus> btw, J, do you see barbs near graz?
[22:33] <J_Bytheway> They're all basically pinkish
[22:34] <J_Bytheway> No barbs near Graz, no
[22:34] <Locutus> austrians are orange

[22:34] <Locutus> hmm, just me then...
[22:34] <Zaphod> since the archer is ready in mapfipolis, the warrior stationed there can begin exploring south, or be sent towards graz
[22:35] <J_Bytheway> I'll post screens for Gilg, then...
[22:35] <J_Bytheway> You talk
[22:35] <Gilgamesh> thank you :-)
[22:35] <Locutus> w00t! i'm gonna score a lot of points in the champions league pool today... man-juv 2:1, 1 goal by Van Nistelrooij

[22:36] <mrbaggins> MoDA ORDER: Archer in Pressburg, Hoplite in H-Town and Mapfipolis
[22:36] <Gilgamesh> any changes in relationship?
[22:36] <Turambar> thoughts on the warrior?
[22:37] <Locutus> for gilg: 9 turns to jurisprudence
[22:37] <Gilgamesh> retreat !!!!!!
[22:37] <Locutus> no orders for me
[22:37] <Locutus> no, no changes in relationships
[22:37] <Locutus> everybody but the austrians and indians content, india dislike, autria despise
[22:37] <Gilgamesh> what a surprise for Austria

[22:38] <mrbaggins> warrior due south
[22:38] <J_Bytheway> screens up
[22:38] <Turambar> my thoughts too mrb
[22:38] <Gilgamesh> thanks
[22:38] <J_Bytheway> Sorry, I made them a bit small

[22:38] <mrbaggins> move damaged 2 stack back to Pedrunnia
[22:38] <Turambar> ORDERS: damaged stack back to ped
[22:38] <Gilgamesh> still OK.....
[22:39] <Gilgamesh> the warrior not west, going to challenge the settler?
[22:39] <mrbaggins> my thinking is south... maybe see if something is moving between graz and Wien
[22:40] <mrbaggins> and away from danger, obviously
[22:40] <Turambar> he wants to stay roughly where he is to keep an eye on things with those stacks etc
[22:40] <Turambar> and maybe a suicide attack one day...
[22:40] <Gilgamesh> The only thing if we move south, we get close to the river and maybe attacked......
[22:40] <Locutus> if we go south, can't the 2-stack attack us (over the river)?
[22:41] <Zaphod> funny, just noticed the austrians have a different colour in my game
[22:41] <mrbaggins> no.. the southern square is 1mp
[22:41] <Locutus> yeah, one of the mods screws up the colors. if only we knew which one....
[22:41] <J_Bytheway> They can't attack unless we go onto the river
[22:41] <Gilgamesh> Zaphod, what is your user.txt saying? number of civ's???????
[22:41] <Zaphod> 12
[22:41] <Zaphod> and maximum 20
[22:42] <Zaphod> no, 13 forgot myself
[22:42] <Gilgamesh> just wanted to say...... so isn't this one......
[22:42] <Zaphod> send it west in the wood, still can see a bit from there, but can't be attacked by the stack
[22:42] <Gilgamesh> and better defence
[22:42] <Turambar> ORDERS: healthy H+A N-W
[22:42] <Zaphod> well, than it must be cradle, the only other mod on my machine at this time
[22:43] <J_Bytheway> moved, and I see a barb 2-stack
[22:44] <Turambar> me too
[22:44] <mrbaggins> me three
[22:44] <J_Bytheway> It's sw-sw of current 2-stack position
[22:44] <Turambar> hopefully off to graz...
[22:44] <J_Bytheway> I advise warrior W
[22:44] <mrbaggins> mine is sw-w
[22:45] <J_Bytheway> My cradle zip has no colours00.txt in it, so I don't think it can be that...
[22:45] <mrbaggins> my vote still S
[22:45] <mrbaggins> tells us more
[22:45] <Gilgamesh> West
[22:46] <Locutus> could be goodmod itself, I can see Martin including a color.txt...
[22:46] <Zaphod> go west young man
[22:46] <J_Bytheway> It's LOTR! The LOTR zip has a colours00.txt in
[22:46] <Gilgamesh> But don't kill the red indians...... (too far west)......
[22:46] <Locutus> I abstain on the warrior - both are good
[22:46] <Locutus> hmm, that could well be...
[22:46] <Turambar> ORDERS: Warrior south
[22:47] <mrbaggins> do you see what i see?

[22:47] <J_Bytheway> That's all the units.
[22:47] <Zaphod> oh, another barbstack on the walls of graz
[22:47] <Turambar> barbs
[22:47] <J_Bytheway> Anything else?
[22:47] <mrbaggins> yeah...
[22:47] <Gilgamesh> what???????????/
[22:48] <Zaphod> what about the warrior in mapfipolos?
[22:48] <J_Bytheway> Yep, I see it too
[22:48] <Locutus> me 2, zaph, but if John doesn't see it, it doesn't exist. forget you ever saw it
[22:48] <Locutus> ah, now he does

[22:48] <Turambar> i only see the 2 barbs...
[22:48] <mrbaggins> good for us basically
[22:48] <Zaphod> damn, it though this was a democracy game, majority rules ;-)
[22:48] <Locutus> yup, very good

[22:48] <J_Bytheway> I fortified that warrior, I think...
[22:48] <mrbaggins> they are close enough to attack... and then we can attack the remainder... maybe...
[22:48] <mrbaggins> or maybe not
[22:49] <Gilgamesh> come on, what is up there?????????
[22:49] <Locutus> lol, 2 barbs won't do too much damage. but they'll keep them occupied
[22:49] <Zaphod> 2x2 barbs
[22:49] <mrbaggins> john.. did you do the MoDA orders?
[22:49] <J_Bytheway> MrB: Yes
[22:49] <Turambar> back in a sec
[22:49] <mrbaggins> cheers
[22:50] <J_Bytheway> OK, I presume that's all?
[22:50] <Locutus> think so...
[22:50] <mrbaggins> from me, yes
[22:50] <mrbaggins> End turn
[22:50] <Gilgamesh> yup
[22:51] <Gilgamesh> Zaphod?
[22:51] <Turambar> yep
[22:51] <Zaphod> i would move that warrior
[22:51] <J_Bytheway> END TURN 68
[22:51] <Zaphod> its not needed in mapfi
[22:51] <J_Bytheway> Lots happened, I think I'd best post another screen
[22:52] <Zaphod> yep, the game crashed
[22:52] <Turambar> whoah
[22:52] <Gilgamesh> good..........
[22:52] <Gilgamesh> Zaphod, not good.........
[22:52] <Turambar> more austrians....
[22:52] <mrbaggins> yeah.. swarms
[22:52] <Gilgamesh> Is the there a nest somewhere????
[22:52] <mrbaggins> Graz
[22:52] <mrbaggins>

[22:53] <Gilgamesh> burn Graz, should help.......
[22:53] <mrbaggins> and Wien
[22:53] <Gilgamesh> Another one, seems to be a plague
[22:53] <Turambar> they aren't fropm graz
[22:53] <Locutus> we knew this would happen...
[22:53] <mrbaggins> MoDA: Hoplite ready in Colonia Locuta
[22:54] <Locutus> but they're damaged. if we could savely send out a 8-stack (which I don't think we can) we could go hunting...
[22:54] <Turambar> we could do with a stack of our own out hunting them down before they all join
[22:55] <Gilgamesh> From where?
[22:55] <Locutus> yes, 4-6 units would be could, but we don't want to loose too many units in the process: it would only delay the attack on graz
[22:55] <J_Bytheway> screen up
[22:55] <J_Bytheway> Note the barb catapult near Mapfipolis
[22:55] <Turambar> that's why i said we should abandon press.... to free up units from defense....
[22:55] <Turambar>

[22:55] <J_Bytheway> And, as you said - swarms of Austrians
[22:56] <Zaphod> yep, it shall play with the indian catapult
[22:56] <Locutus> how about 2 units from press and 4 from h town (and rush-buy the archer in h town)?
[22:56] <J_Bytheway> So, where to send the warrior?
[22:56] <mrbaggins> if we move 4 from htown
[22:57] <mrbaggins> 3 from press
[22:57] <mrbaggins> htown stack due west
[22:57] <Gilgamesh> jesus.............
[22:57] <mrbaggins> press due south
[22:57] <Turambar> thats what i'm thinking too
[22:57] <Locutus> sorry, I meants 3 from press
[22:57] <Gilgamesh> Warrior NW?
[22:58] <mrbaggins> 10% riot chance in Pressburg, but acceptable
[22:58] <Zaphod> yep, hide behind some scotch
[22:58] <Locutus> yeah, I say NW for the warrior too
[22:58] <J_Bytheway> I think we can spare 7, since 2 new will arrive soon.
[22:58] <mrbaggins> i agree with NW
[22:58] <Zaphod> and send the warrior first, than there might be new discussion about the other units
[22:58] <mrbaggins> agreed, J_Bytheway
[22:58] <Locutus> 3rd
[22:58] <Turambar> ORDER: warrior NW
[22:59] <mrbaggins> where did the SW-SW barb stack go, J_Bytheway?
[22:59] <Zaphod> and start thinking about the scout capabilities of those warriors left in pedrunnia and mapfipolis
[22:59] <J_Bytheway> No new units revealed
[22:59] <mrbaggins> leave it there, Zaphod... its needed
[22:59] <Gilgamesh> How many units are available in H Town?
[22:59] <mrbaggins> think about mapfi
[22:59] <J_Bytheway> 3H/3A
[22:59] <mrbaggins> 6
[22:59] <Turambar> 6
[23:00] <Gilgamesh> with or without defence?
[23:00] <Turambar> where to move the 4 from H-Town?
[23:00] <mrbaggins> due west
[23:00] <Turambar> west maybe?
[23:00] <J_Bytheway> MrB: moved to west of the 2-stack
[23:00] <mrbaggins> they can merge
[23:00] <Turambar> 3 from Press?
[23:01] <mrbaggins> should move the healthy 1H/1A into the woods, NW
[23:02] <mrbaggins> 2H/1A from Press
[23:02] <J_Bytheway> They're already on woods, and cannot go NW
[23:02] <J_Bytheway> due to barb ZOC
[23:02] <Turambar> how about the 4 from H - NW, and the 3 from press SW so they can merge the turn after without risking the 3 from press
[23:02] <mrbaggins> due south
[23:02] <mrbaggins> could work too, Turambar
[23:02] <mrbaggins> I'm open
[23:03] <Gilgamesh> don't know.........
[23:03] <mrbaggins> i just don't think the AI will take the equal shot
[23:03] <Turambar> depends on that i think
[23:03] <Locutus> 2nd tur
[23:03] <J_Bytheway> That sounds OK
[23:04] <Locutus> (too bad we don't have slave labour now...)
[23:04] <mrbaggins> well you all wanted literacy, when I was saying we needed slave labor

[23:04] <Gilgamesh> I told all the time...... let's convince our neighbours to work for us

[23:04] <Zaphod> and most of you wanted war, though we had no slavers yet
[23:05] <Locutus> I was always in favour too...
[23:05] <Gilgamesh> Who has choosen???????
[23:05] <Turambar> ORDERS: 4 from H town (2H / 2A) - NW. 3 from Press (2H / 1A) SE
[23:07] <J_Bytheway> What should we be building in CL now?
[23:07] <J_Bytheway> And where should I move the 2-stack from Pedrunnia?
[23:07] <Locutus> archer. towards htwon
[23:07] <mrbaggins> ORDER: build archer in CL
[23:07] <Locutus> don't mind the spelling

[23:08] <J_Bytheway> So, move it N?
[23:08] <Gilgamesh> Locutus, there are the barbs so we could only move NE......
[23:08] <J_Bytheway> We can go N
[23:08] <Locutus> n-nw
[23:08] <Gilgamesh> What happend to the barbs?
[23:08] <Locutus> ah, okay. not in my game

[23:08] <Turambar> ORDERS: 2-stack N
[23:09] <J_Bytheway> end turn?
[23:09] <Gilgamesh> Why do you think I always ask for the screenie

[23:09] <Gilgamesh> Any try with the indians?
[23:09] * Miggio has joined #lemuria
[23:10] <Miggio> hi
[23:10] <Gilgamesh> Hi Miggio
[23:10] <Turambar> yep unless there's anything else
[23:10] <Turambar> hi
[23:10] <J_Bytheway> Hi
[23:10] <Zaphod> greetings miggio
[23:10] <Gilgamesh> Locutus?
[23:10] <Locutus> nah
[23:10] <mrbaggins> hi Miggio
[23:10] <Locutus> hi, mig
[23:11] <Gilgamesh> I think this means, next turn..........
[23:11] <Locutus> guess so...
[23:11] <Gilgamesh> John?
[23:11] <J_Bytheway> END TURN 69
[23:12] <J_Bytheway> German settler killed by barb catapult
[23:12] <J_Bytheway> Near Mapfipolis
[23:12] <Locutus> w00t!
[23:12] <J_Bytheway> And more Austrians appeared
[23:12] <Gilgamesh> *applause* Sorry I meant my sympathy

[23:12] <Zaphod> send them our deepest condolescences

[23:12] <Locutus> (didn't we expel that settler? or it is another one?)
[23:12] <J_Bytheway> I guess its the one we expeled which has retuerned
[23:13] <Turambar> the two stack barb can attack H-Town next turn....
[23:13] <Locutus> we'll, it won't be coming back anymore

[23:13] <Gilgamesh> John, May I ask you for the favour of posting again a screenshot???????
[23:13] <Turambar> equal fight...
[23:14] <Gilgamesh> I am just fetching something to drink.........
[23:14] <Gilgamesh> OK I am back
[23:15] <Gilgamesh> Anyone still there????????
[23:15] <Zaphod> yes
[23:15] <Turambar> yeah
[23:15] <J_Bytheway> Screen up
[23:15] <J_Bytheway> (I think it's just about necessary every turn now...
[23:15] <J_Bytheway> )
[23:15] <Turambar> what to do about the 2 stack barbs....
[23:16] <J_Bytheway> H Town rioting
[23:16] <J_Bytheway> Another farm near Graz
[23:16] <mrbaggins> i see that too J_Bytheway
[23:16] <J_Bytheway> A barb catapult appeared
[23:16] <Turambar> h isn't on mine...
[23:16] <Zaphod> jabberwocky!
[23:17] <J_Bytheway> So: The 2-stack N again?
[23:17] <Gilgamesh> Warrior west?
[23:17] <Turambar> do we think H-town will get attacked?
[23:17] <mrbaggins> is there an austrian stack s of the settler?
[23:17] <Gilgamesh> Yes
[23:18] <J_Bytheway> 2 archers
[23:18] <Zaphod> i would send the warrior nw, so it can't be taken by surprise from the west
[23:18] <mrbaggins> different for me
[23:18] <J_Bytheway> Or we could attack the 2 barb hoplites with our 2-stack.
[23:18] <Miggio> i think the austrians are gunning for H town
[23:19] <J_Bytheway> I agree with Zaphod - warrior NW
[23:19] <mrbaggins> we need to form the 7 stack in front of htown
[23:19] <Locutus> attacking 1v1 is a bad idea
[23:19] <mrbaggins> i agree, we move the 2stack n
[23:19] <Turambar> we've only 2 defenders in h-town. do we need more if the barbs attack?
[23:20] <Miggio> yes
[23:20] <J_Bytheway> The 7-stack can form in H Town or NW of it.
[23:20] <Locutus> warrior nw, stack n
[23:20] <Zaphod> we could form a 5 or 6 stack instead of the 7one and move the rest of the units to htwon
[23:20] <Locutus> damn, we should have rush-bought that archer...
[23:20] <Miggio> that aus-3stack might hit pressburg
[23:21] <Locutus> not this turn
[23:21] <Zaphod> not if we keep units at the place of the current 4stck, due to zoc
[23:21] <Turambar> ORDERS: warrior nw, 2 stack n
[23:21] <mrbaggins> move the 4 stack due west
[23:21] <Locutus> let's move 1 hoplite back to htown
[23:21] <mrbaggins> the 3 stack due south
[23:21] <Locutus> we can't afford to loose htown to the barbs
[23:21] <mrbaggins> sorry
[23:22] <Miggio> or the austrians
[23:22] <mrbaggins> ack.. which barbs?
[23:22] <Turambar> ORDERS: 1H from 4 stack back to H-Town
[23:22] <Gilgamesh> just a sec
[23:22] <Gilgamesh> We have the three stack near press. If we move it west and combine with part of H town
[23:22] <Locutus> check the screenie, e-se of htown, due to the river within striking range
[23:22] <mrbaggins> i meant 4 stack sw.. but too late
[23:22] <Gilgamesh> and move part of H t back?
[23:22] <Miggio> mrbaggins check the screen shot on the boards
[23:23] <mrbaggins> agreed
[23:23] <Turambar> 3 from h could move north and group there incase the austrians go north too
[23:23] <mrbaggins> 4 stack to HTown
[23:23] <Zaphod> well, it can't attack this turn, due to the zoc of our 2 stack
[23:23] <Turambar> and then attack
[23:23] <Zaphod> forget that post, was rubbish
[23:24] <mrbaggins> shite
[23:24] <Zaphod> the screens a little small
[23:24] <Gilgamesh> what?????//
[23:24] <mrbaggins> should move 1 unit nw
[23:24] <Gilgamesh> why?
[23:24] <mrbaggins> from the 4 stack
[23:24] <mrbaggins> and merge with the 3 stack
[23:24] <mrbaggins> the rest of the 4 stack can go to Htown
[23:24] <Turambar> here's what i want to do:
[23:24] <Turambar> 1H from the h stack to h-town
[23:25] <Turambar> the other 3 north to merge
[23:25] <Locutus> 2nd that
[23:25] <mrbaggins> north west
[23:25] <Turambar> incase the austrians go north too
[23:25] <Turambar> and attack press next turn
[23:25] <Turambar> doing this we can attack first
[23:25] <Turambar> and protect h with an extra hop
[23:25] <mrbaggins> turambar... moving nw can still merge
[23:25] <mrbaggins> and protects more
[23:25] <mrbaggins> the ZOC is better
[23:26] <Locutus> nw is good too
[23:26] <Gilgamesh> what I said :d
[23:26] <Turambar> press stack SW, h stack nw?
[23:26] <Turambar> to merge there?
[23:26] <J_Bytheway> That's what I expected...
[23:27] <Zaphod> 2nd turmbar
[23:27] <Locutus> yup
[23:27] <mrbaggins> yes, Turambar
[23:27] <Gilgamesh> Yes
[23:27] <mrbaggins> with the 1h to htown
[23:27] <Turambar> ORDERS: 1H from h stack to h town
[23:27] <Gilgamesh> Yes
[23:27] <Turambar> ORDERS: other 3 from h stack nw
[23:27] <J_Bytheway> Hold on, will the ZOC prevent us moving NW?
[23:27] <Turambar> ORDERS: Press stack sw. merge
[23:28] <J_Bytheway> It does at present, will itstill do so when the others are moved SW?
[23:28] <Turambar> dam
[23:28] <Gilgamesh> If we have units there not anymore
[23:28] <Zaphod> right
[23:28] <Gilgamesh> The Press can move, and then the H
[23:28] <Locutus> no, the press stack can go first
[23:28] <Turambar> yep move the press stack first
[23:28] <J_Bytheway> Very well...
[23:29] <mrbaggins> i gotta go
[23:29] <mrbaggins> sorry people
[23:29] <Locutus>

[23:29] <Gilgamesh> How long do we want to continue anyway?
[23:29] <Gilgamesh> By mrbaggins
[23:29] <Zaphod> cu
[23:29] * mrbaggins has quit IRC (Quit: [quote removed to fit in post, Loc])