Chat Report
(under the motto 'Better late than never'

[22:50] <Pedrunn> Should we start?
[22:50] <MartinGuehmann> Yes
[22:50] <mrbaggins> sure
[22:50] <Pedrunn> BTW, mrbaggins i have seen the thread
[22:50] * mrbaggins nods
[22:50] <mrbaggins> cool, Pedrunn
[22:51] <MartinGuehmann> So what are our plans for India, Locutus?
[22:51] <Pedrunn> lets play
[22:52] <Locutus> cool name, catapult

[22:52] <Locutus> idea seems sound, I've had a similar idea in mind
[22:53] <MartinGuehmann> OK first move in the E kill the Barbarian catapult as we are speaking of Catapults
[22:53] <Locutus> make it OO, you can have a basic working game and plug in/replace modules as required, even at run-time
[22:54] <Locutus> re: india: wait. give them time to forget our past transgressions
[22:54] <mrbaggins> i'll speak to you after the game, Locutus
[22:54] <Locutus> not that we made many
[22:54] * mrbaggins will never forget India's refusal
[22:54] <Locutus> maybe, I'm tired and have to get up early tomorrow again

but certainly something worth discussing further
[22:55] <mrbaggins> what are the bloodbath and slavery penalties in the mod, Martin, BTW?
[22:55] <mrbaggins> this mod... specifically
[22:55] <MartinGuehmann> Barbarian Catapult killed with the army given by Pedrunn in the turn chat thread
[22:55] <MartinGuehmann> Everyone alive, one damaged unit
[22:55] <mrbaggins> ok, Locutus... another time... don't want to cut into that all important sleep
[22:56] <mrbaggins> ditto
[22:56] <MartinGuehmann> Only a diplomacy penalty for bloodbath and slavery
[22:56] <mrbaggins> okies...
[22:56] <iskallin> send the damaged unit home
[22:56] <mrbaggins> general reputation hit, right?
[22:56] <MartinGuehmann> Yes
[22:56] <mrbaggins> we can't move him, iskallin
[22:56] <mrbaggins> not yet anyway
[22:57] <Locutus> did we start already?

[22:57] <MartinGuehmann> Yes
[22:57] <iskallin> oh i forgot
[22:57] <mrbaggins> yes, Locutus... attacked the Catapult
[22:57] <Locutus> you should have posted a 'game started' message. this will make the chat log messy...
[22:57] <iskallin> taking a 10 minutes offline(i have to get food)
[22:57] <MartinGuehmann> OK next time
[22:57] <mrbaggins> you can always edit it, Locutus... like your election poll

[22:58] <Locutus> k
[22:58] <Locutus>

[22:58] * iskallin has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[22:58] <MartinGuehmann> So to make it clear now: The Game has started!!!
[22:58] <Locutus> we could use more people...
[22:58] <mrbaggins> we *are* the people
[22:58] <mrbaggins> we are their democratically elected voices
[22:59] <MartinGuehmann> Yes, but the question is how long we should wait
[22:59] <mrbaggins> but we could always check the civgroup
[22:59] <mrbaggins> for activity
[22:59] <Locutus> it's alway nice to have some citizens around...
[22:59] <MartinGuehmann> Yes
[22:59] <Locutus> topping and renaming thread and PMing people after that

[22:59] <mrbaggins> Peter Triggs and Oerdin
[22:59] <Locutus> he, someone actually left our CivGroup...
[23:00] <Locutus> hmm, that's no good...
[23:00] <MartinGuehmann> Yes Markos left all the Civ groups
[23:00] <Locutus> ah, okay. that's good

[23:00] <Locutus> oh well, just the 4 of us then, at least until iski returns...
[23:01] <MartinGuehmann> Another question is there a way so that I can PM every member of the civ group by just one click
[23:01] <Locutus> nope. that would be WAY to spam-prone.
[23:01] <Locutus> especially in the Civ3 groups
[23:01] <MartinGuehmann> I see
[23:01] <mrbaggins> Martin did you see that proposal about a MoDA fund?
[23:02] <MartinGuehmann> Yes
[23:02] <mrbaggins> and 'no' I assume

[23:02] <MartinGuehmann> I am not shure yet
[23:02] <MartinGuehmann> Right now we don't have the gold to rush build a lot
[23:02] <mrbaggins> true
[23:03] <mrbaggins> i'll continue begging for now then

[23:03] <Locutus> btw, off-topic: does anyone know if MS sent out the RON mails yet?
[23:04] <Pedrunn> dont even know what you are talking about

[23:04] <MartinGuehmann> but on the other hand I don't see any other use for the gold except for diplomacy
[23:04] <Locutus> good, pedrunn, that means less competition

[23:05] <mrbaggins> AFK for a little while... 10 minutes or maybe less
[23:05] <Locutus> wtf? what's up with Markos's 'civgroups'? he put an add in their place

[23:05] <Locutus> I have the feeling capitalism is having a bad influence on Greece

[23:06] <MartinGuehmann> Well I think we should continue, I still have Pedrunns orders
[23:06] <Locutus> yeah, let's continue...
[23:06] <MartinGuehmann> So any change or modification
[23:06] <Pedrunn> Lets move
[23:06] <MartinGuehmann> Ok the wounded warrior in the West one North
[23:06] <Pedrunn> no move them leave the Lonely warriors for the last
[23:07] <Pedrunn>

[23:07] <MartinGuehmann> OK
[23:07] <Pedrunn> no problem if you did moved it
[23:07] <MartinGuehmann> It's not moved
[23:08] <Pedrunn> I am playing along. Can i move the units too?
[23:08] * iskallin has joined #Lemuria
[23:08] <Pedrunn> tell me when i can
[23:08] <MartinGuehmann> Yes afterwards I moved them
[23:08] <iskallin> hi again
[23:08] <iskallin> how's the status
[23:08] <MartinGuehmann> So I move the armies now to H Town
[23:08] <Pedrunn> hi we are moving the units
[23:09] <MartinGuehmann> And leave the Lonely warrior as last unit
[23:09] <iskallin> good
[23:09] <MartinGuehmann> The size 5 stack is now in H Town
[23:11] <Pedrunn>

[23:12] <MartinGuehmann> LemurForce north South East
[23:13] <Pedrunn> you mean east right?
[23:14] <Pedrunn> Iskallin will you do the screenshots?
[23:15] <MartinGuehmann> Well it is now one East of the Wheat in NE of H Town
[23:16] <MartinGuehmann> Yes would be a good idea if ískallin do the screenshots
[23:16] <Locutus> wow, 10 mins have passed and we have moved 2 stacks and hardly discussed anything. I hope it's just Martin settling in...

[23:16] <iskallin> oh alright after i ge the newest savegame
[23:16] <Pedrunn> Going in the west you would reach H Town faster
[23:17] <Pedrunn> with the Lemuforce north
[23:17] <Locutus> are you talking about the units NE of H Town?
[23:18] <Pedrunn> yes
[23:18] <iskallin> how many screenshots do you want little, medium or much
[23:19] <Pedrunn> i can do it if you dont want to Is

[23:19] <Locutus> they should go west now, then west-south of the river the enxt turn. that's the fastest route to H Town
[23:19] <Locutus> of = over
[23:19] <Pedrunn> That was what i hac in mind Loc
[23:19] <MartinGuehmann> Moved them already
[23:20] <Pedrunn> Iskallin, As many as you can
[23:20] <Locutus> ah, yes, I see now. Martin f*cked up

[23:20] <Locutus> guess he should reload, huh? we don't want to loose a turn over this...
[23:21] <Pedrunn> No problem it is going to reach H Town before the Lemuforce east anyway
[23:21] <iskallin> one question how did the election go?
[23:21] <MartinGuehmann> Well, LemurForce east needs tree turns anyway
[23:21] <iskallin> my computer messed up
[23:21] <Pedrunn> Martin how did you moved the Lemuforce East?
[23:22] <MartinGuehmann> Not yet, but I will use the autopath to reach H Twon
[23:22] <Locutus> if we want to stick to my plan to group a 12 stack south of H Town, it will take a full turn longer this way (but I don't know if we want to stick to that plan)
[23:23] <MartinGuehmann> It will take anyway longer to reach that size 12 stack
[23:23] <MartinGuehmann> We have have a size two Barbarian stack on the river blocking us the river to H Town
[23:24] <Pedrunn> Locutus, havent yu seen my plan
[23:24] <Locutus> nope, if we rush-buy a unit in H Town, we can get a 12 stack in 3 turns
[23:24] <Pedrunn> My order are clear
[23:24] <Locutus> Martin: if that's still the case, we should form a 10 stack and kill the barbs
[23:25] <Locutus> pedrunn: no, been busy. checking now...
[23:25] <Pedrunn> ORDER : Move the stack back and lets see what we have in H Town
[23:25] <MartinGuehmann> Well do this
[23:25] <MartinGuehmann> LemurForce east on the same tile as we started
[23:26] <Pedrunn> dont worry Loc the plan is to get 12 units in H Town like yours
[23:26] <MartinGuehmann> Well nine units in H Town
[23:27] <iskallin> pedrunn you do the graphichs... no disc (loaned it)
[23:27] <Pedrunn> ORDER: Send healthy 2 hops and 2 archers to attack the enemy
[23:27] <Locutus> I'll do screens if needed. my job shouldn't involve much work anyway
[23:28] <Locutus> very well, stick to your plan... as long as we have a 12 stack in 3-4 turns...
[23:28] <iskallin> have to go the cinema is waiting
[23:28] * iskallin has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[23:29] <Pedrunn> damn we cant do that now
[23:29] <Pedrunn> ok little poll
[23:29] <Locutus> do what?
[23:29] <MartinGuehmann> Yes what?
[23:29] <Pedrunn> Send 1 archer to the enemy
[23:29] <Pedrunn> Should we send three or two hops?
[23:29] <Locutus> what enemy, where? and why 1 unit? that's suicide...
[23:30] <MartinGuehmann> Two Barbarians on the river to H Town
[23:31] <Pedrunn> I am posting the screenshot
[23:31] <Pedrunn> Just did
[23:31] <Locutus> there are 6 healthy units in ht, 3a 3h. I say send 2a3h
[23:32] <Pedrunn> we can only move on archer this turn
[23:32] <MartinGuehmann> Well if the Barbarian attacks our four unit stack then it will lose
[23:32] <Pedrunn> but we can move 3 hops
[23:32] <Locutus> damn, you're right. well, 1a3h then
[23:32] <MartinGuehmann> So more probably they will move the to Pedrunnia
[23:33] <Pedrunn> We can send units from Pedrunnia in this case
[23:33] <Pedrunn> Lets trap them
[23:33] <MartinGuehmann> So maximum number of units just near the Barbarian stack?
[23:33] <Locutus> and use the eastern unit's ZOC to stop the barbs from moving east
[23:33] <Locutus> of course, why not?
[23:33] <Locutus> we dont' want to risk loosing units...
[23:34] <MartinGuehmann> So Pedrunn four unit along the river?
[23:34] <Pedrunn> ORDER: yes
[23:34] <MartinGuehmann> OK
[23:35] <MartinGuehmann> Army moved
[23:35] <Locutus> my suggestion: units outside pedrunn NW, to the grassland tile (to block the barb's path with ZOC) and 4 units from H Town SE-SE along the river to attack (next turn)
[23:35] <MartinGuehmann> So next unit the lonly warrior in the East
[23:36] <Locutus> did we move the units outside pedrunn yet?
[23:37] <MartinGuehmann> Yes Pedrunn's order was to move them back
[23:37] <Pedrunn> we did already that how we have found the barbs
[23:37] <Locutus> dman, that's stupid...
[23:37] <Locutus> they will escape now and harass us elsewhere...
[23:37] <MartinGuehmann> So next unit
[23:38] <MartinGuehmann> The lonly warrior in the east
[23:38] <MartinGuehmann> If no objections I will move it to the North
[23:38] <MartinGuehmann> Pedrunn?
[23:38] <Pedrunn> ORDER: Send a hoplite from Pedrunn to meet Lemuforce
[23:38] <Pedrunn> east
[23:39] <Locutus> that's not a good idea now...
[23:39] <Pedrunn> why?
[23:40] <Pedrunn> I dont see much change in doing this unless blocking the barbs in case of a attack
[23:40] <MartinGuehmann> Then only one archer would be left
[23:40] <Pedrunn> The time they attack our units will be fortified
[23:40] <Locutus> that will make it even more attractive for the barbs to go east. and we can't make the stacks meet while the barbs are in the way, so see need to either kill them or hunt them away first
[23:40] <Pedrunn> So not send hop?
[23:41] <Locutus> let's see the map... one moment...
[23:41] <Locutus> there's 4 units in pedrunnia now, right?
[23:41] <MartinGuehmann> No, only two
[23:41] <Pedrunn> we wish
[23:42] <Pedrunn> A hop and warrior only
[23:42] <Locutus> :hmm: you said we move the units outside the city back?
[23:42] <Locutus> what am I misisng?
[23:42] <Locutus> missing
[23:42] <MartinGuehmann> I moved it one North
[23:42] <MartinGuehmann> and then after we discoverd the Barbs
[23:43] <MartinGuehmann> I followed Pedrunn's order to move it back
[23:43] <Locutus> ah, okay. doh!
[23:43] <Pedrunn> I thought we could bare a attack from the two barb hops with an archer, a hop and a warrior
[23:43] <Pedrunn> But i still have my doubts and i want to see what you guys have to say
[23:44] <MartinGuehmann> Actual we can still move the archer next turn
[23:44] <MartinGuehmann> as the Barbs need the next turn to come in fron of LemurForce east
[23:44] <Locutus> okay, in that case, don't do anything: next turn, the barbs will follow the river to attack us. we will then move west to join with the bigger army
[23:44] <Pedrunn> Note: It will take 2 turns to attack our size 3 army. The army will be fortified
[23:45] <Locutus> but rush-buy an archer in Pedrunnia, or the barbs can do serious damage there...
[23:45] <MartinGuehmann> Yes the fortification is the advantage
[23:45] <Pedrunn> 620 gold
[23:45] <Locutus> but that will leave Pedrunnia with only 1 warrior for defense. too risky for our capital
[23:45] <Pedrunn> There is no unit to reach in the next turn. We have all direction cleared
[23:46] <Pedrunn> Pedrunnia wont suffer an attack next turn for sure
[23:46] <Locutus> leave the units where they are, move them west next turn (if the barbs allow it). let the barbs escape for now, they can't hurt us anyway...
[23:46] <MartinGuehmann> Two turns and the Archer is finished anyway
[23:46] <Pedrunn> But i still plan to have a size 12 army the sooner
[23:46] <Pedrunn> in H Town
[23:46] <Locutus> you sure? you never know what's lurking just outside the fog of war... especially with a river running through the city, that's a big problem...
[23:47] <MartinGuehmann> Yes this a problem
[23:47] <Pedrunn> We have all fog of wars cleared up
[23:47] <Locutus> the city is very vulnerable right now. it could loose from an 1a1h attack if we're unlucky...
[23:48] <Locutus> you're right: we can be attacking in 2 turns at the earliest. so don't rush-buy. but don't move any units out of the city either...
[23:48] <MartinGuehmann> Unfortunatly there is one tile about we can't be shure
[23:48] <Pedrunn> where?
[23:50] <Locutus> nowhere
[23:50] <MartinGuehmann> For instance SW SW SW the Olive is not in our vision range
[23:50] <Locutus> that's 2 turns away
[23:50] <MartinGuehmann> Yes
[23:50] <Pedrunn> what unit can make 2 moves in one turn?
[23:50] <Locutus> we need an archer soon, but not next turn. so don't rush buy, but keep the 2 units currently there where they are
[23:51] <Locutus> we'll be fine
[23:51] <Pedrunn> Send hop? It is up to you
[23:51] <Pedrunn> just say yes or no!
[23:51] <Locutus> no. he's needed in our capital far more than anywhere else
[23:51] <MartinGuehmann> Well the hop will stay then in our Capital
[23:52] <Locutus> the 2-stack can simply dodge the barbs, we don't have to let them attack us
[23:52] <Pedrunn> So it is your call
[23:52] <Pedrunn> do it
[23:52] <MartinGuehmann> OK the lonly Warrior
[23:52] <Locutus> yes, north I say
[23:53] <MartinGuehmann> Done all units moved
[23:53] <Locutus> that should have been pedrunns call

[23:53] <Locutus> but good, let's end turn
[23:53] <MartinGuehmann> City queues already fillled according MrB's orders in the turn chat thread
[23:53] <Pedrunn> end turn then
[23:53] <Pedrunn> k
[23:54] <MartinGuehmann> So no new diplomacy actions then
[23:54] <MartinGuehmann> Locutus?
[23:54] <Locutus> no
[23:54] <MartinGuehmann> OK END TURN 72