Here's my most often played faction:
FACTION: Seekers of Utopia
LEADER: Cybergod Nick Rankovic

(aka. Annoying Parasite

BACKGROUND: working on a scenario to include this faction, and 7 others but in short: Former Alpha Teach High Trustee, hacked Teacher networks and betrayed them
BORN/CREATED: why should I tell you my DOB?!?
GOAL: to seek for Utopian Paradise
HIDDEN GOAL: seizing an oportunity to conquer the world, in the name of the so-called 'Utopia'. Loves to probe
AGGRESSION: Erratic (but probes even pacts)
PRIORITIES: Discover, Build, Explore
PROS: - significant probe bonuses
- gains slightly less drones
- discovers any tech previously known to 2 other INFILTRATED factions (hard on huge map, Empath Guild is killer though)
CONS: - VERY low police rating
- untrustworthy
MAIN BASE: Utopian Paradise
OTHER BASES: Agency of Pain (moi's favourite name!)
Monitor of Agony
Disaster Help
Base of Utopia
Sea Habitations
do ya like it mate?