February 21, 2003, 21:49
Local Time: 20:08
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Military Strengths
Just wondering, how many men, tanks, helicopters, airplanes, unconventionals, chem/bio/nuke warheads do your nations have?
I can compile a list of the results for the event that Apolyton goes to war with another Region
Region of Apolyton
Population Over 1,872,000,000
81 Million IGUANA FIRE
198 Million JACKSON
214 Million ALECRAST
250 Million CEROO
260 Million EATION
290 Million NOOSLAND
303 Million WINE
305 Million CENTRALIS
322 Million ETERNAL COLD
Military Strength: Unknown
Troops.... 20,447,000
200,000 ALECRAST
1,000,000 NOOSLAND
1,400,000 CEROO
1,340,000 JACKSON
2,200,000 CENTRALIS
4,000,000 WINE
10,240,000 EATION
Marines... 2,195,200
95,000 CEROO
250,000 JACKSON
400,000 NOOSLAND
600,000 WINE
1,050,000 EATION
Coast Guard… 500
Spec/Ops... 400,150
Paratroopers… 200,000
1,500 CEROO
3,750 WINE
43,750 EATION
60,000 (20K Amphibious, 10K Airborn) ETERNAL COLD
100,000 NOOSLAND
3,750 (200,000 paratroopers) JACKSON
Tanks.... 199,010
6,500 CEROO
42,500 JACKSON
100,000 WINE
142,500 EATION
Artillery… 15,000
Other Vehicles… 783,350
2,100 CEROO
70,250 JACKSON
91,000 WINE
611,000 EATION
Airplanes... 1,675
-Fighters 16,045
-Bombers 1915
-Fighter/Bombers 6800
-Ground Attack Air 4,950
-Recon 200
-Airborne Refuling 600
-Airborne Radar 80
-Electronic Warfare 120
-Anti-Sub, Carrier 80
-Anti-Sub, Land-Based 400
-Attack Choppers 4,850
-Transport Helicopter 2,300
-Rescue Helicopter 1500
-Recon Helicopter 200
-CSAR Chopper 850
-Air Transport Planes 400
Air Fuel Tankers 400
Command and Control Planes 210
Gun Planes 320
Stealth 125
-Cargo 600
Fighters…. 20, Bombers… 10, Stealth… 5 IGUANA FIRE
500 fighters, 200 ground-attack aircraft, 100 heavy bombers, 400 attack choppers CENTRALIS
600 attack fighters, 150 long-range bombers, 30 short-range heavy bombers, 10 attack choppers CEROO
400 first line fighters, 600 second line fighters (to be replaced), 250 tactical bombers, 100 strategic bombers, plus special purpose planes (anti-sub warfare, etc.). NOOSLAND
250,000 men ALECRAST
Fighters: 900 Fighter/bombers: 550 Ground-Attack Aircraft: 320 Heavy Bombers(B-52): 130 Attack Helicopters: 750 Transport Helicopter 300 Rescue Helicopters 100 Air Fuel Tankers, 100 Air Transport Planes 500 Slealth Bombers: 20 Gun Planes 30 Command and Control Plnaes 50JACKSON
Fighters: 800 Fighter/bombers: 750Ground-Attack Aircraft: 430 Heavy Bombers(B-52): 215 Attack Helicopters: 600 Slealth Bombers: 45 WINE
Fighters: 9,000 Fighter/bombers: 5,500Ground-Attack Aircraft: 3,200 Heavy Bombers(B-52): 430
Attack Helicopters: 1,750 Trasport Helicopters: 500Rescue Helicopters: 1,000Slealth Bombers: 40
Air Transport Planes: 300Air Fuel Tankers:300 (able to refuel planes in flight)
Command and Controll planes(with Radar, ect.): 160Gun Planes(artillery and other guns): 90 EATION
Army Aviation:Helicopters (Troop Transport) - 1500Helicopters (Attack) - 1000Helicopters (Recon) – 200 Helicopters (CSAR) – 100 ETERNAL COLD
Fighters, Air superiority - 1200Fighters, Multirole - 1500Ground Attack - 800Bombers - 400
Recon - 200Airborn Radar - 40Electronic Warfare - 80Airborn Refueling - 600
Gunships - 200Helicopters (CSAR, Special Ops) - 150Cargo - 600 ETERNAL COLD
Fighters, Air Superiority - 120Fighter, Multi-Role - 300Attack - 120Anti-Sub, Carrier - 80
Anti-Sub, Land-based - 400 Airborn Radar - 40Electronic Warfare - 40Airborn Refueling - 40
Helicopters (Anti-Sub, CSAR) – 400 ETERNAL COLD
Navy- 505
Battleships… 52
Heavy Cruiser… 1
Carriers... 65
Cruisers... 196
Destroyers... 399
Gunboats… 694
Coast Guard Patrol Boats… 6,500
Transports… 12,401
Supply/Replenishment…. 12
Missile Frigates... 828
Missile Subs... 194
Attack Subs... 153
Nuclear Subs… 29
Subs (Diesel)… 60
Amphibious Assault….8
Electronic Warfare…. 4
250,000 men ALECRAST
Carriers... 3 Cruisers... 18 Destroyers... 60 Missile Frigates... 98 Missile Subs... 7 Attack Subs... 13 CENTRALIS
1 Heavy Cruiser (the flagship 'Endeavour'), 20 Battleships, 15 Cruisers, 3 Aircraft Carriers, 30 Destroyers, 90 Lightly-armoured Gunboats, 5 Nuclear-Attack Submarines CEROO
Navy… 5, Gunboats… 4, Transports… 1 IGUANA FIRE
Air Craft Carriers: 7Cruisers: 18Destroyers: 57Missile Frigates: 75Missile Subs: 15
(Nuclear Missle) Subs: 10Attack Subs: 30Transport ships: 4200Gun boats(mainly used close to coast and rivers): 300Coast Guard Patroll boats: 3,000 JACKSON
Air Craft Carriers: 15Battleships: 30Cruisers: 27Destroyers: 75Missile Frigates: 80
Missile Subs: 32(Nuclear Missle) Subs: 10Attack Subs: 35 WINE
Air Craft Carriers: 21Cruisers: 60Destroyers: 100Missile Frigates: 500Missile Subs: 130
(Nuclear Missle) Subs: 40Attack Subs: 120Transport ships: 8,200Gun boats(mainly used close to coast and rivers): 300Coast Guard Patroll boats: 3,500(Note all subs and carriers are powered by nuclear power)
Aircraft Carriers - 8Battleships - 2AEGIS Cruisers - 20Destroyers - 40Frigates (ASW) - 60
Patrol Boats - 80Submarines (Diesel) - 60Submarines (Nuclear, Attack) - 16Submarines (Nuclear, Ballistic) - 4Supply/Replenishment - 12Amphibious Assault - 8Electronic Warfare – 4 ETERNAL COLD
Chemical Warheads... 107
Nuclear Warheads... 2241
550 WINE
Biological Warheads... 51
Anti-Ballistic Missiles… 1000
EMP Weapons….30
Reserve Forces….12 million
12,000,000…. ETERNAL COLD
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-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
Last edited by DarkCloud; March 9, 2003 at 20:23.
February 21, 2003, 22:00
Local Time: 20:08
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Iguana Fire
Population: 24 Million
Troops.... 20,000
Marines... 2,000
Coast Guard… 500
Police Force… 2,000
Civilian Police… 1,750
Military Police… 250
Spec/Ops... 100
Navy Elites… 40
Army Elites (Iguaz)… 60
Spies… 10
Tanks.... 10
Airplanes... 35
Fighters…. 20
Bombers… 10
Stealth… 5
Navy… 5
Gunboats… 4
Transports… 1
Chemical Warheads... 1
Iguana Fire's military is vastly underfunded, receiving 5% of the year's budget of 240 billion í... or an average of 12 billion a year; vastly increased from last year’s incomes of 600 million a year. This is sufficient to support the existing structures and expand slightly.
Recently, a new resolution to increase the military might of Iguana Fire was passed- raising the military’s funding from 0.5% a year to 5% a year. Nevertheless, the military is still underfunded.
Each person in Iguana Fire makes an average of 100,000í a year... and at 10% tax rate, each pays 10,000í in taxes; therefore the government earns 240,000,000,000í a year.
í= the Igua (Iguana Fire's National Monentary Unit)
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-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
Last edited by DarkCloud; February 23, 2003 at 21:59.
February 21, 2003, 22:14
Local Time: 16:08
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The Minister of Military Affairs and the Minister of Telling Me Stuff are preparing a report to be released at a later date...
You cheeky sod :p - Provost Harrison, Puegot Porsche Interface Specialist.
Don't take that attitude with me, bucksnort. :p - Slowwhand, Texas Style List Keeper.
This obviously proves that Coldwizard = sivistynyt - kassiopeia, Wise Finn.
CW: Sometimes you're even bigger weirdo than kass... - Jeki, Wiser Finn.
Last edited by ColdWizard; February 23, 2003 at 16:58.
February 21, 2003, 22:20
Local Time: 07:08
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: of Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 6,851
Population: 305 Million
Troops.... 2.2 million
Marines... 50 000
Spec/Ops... 5 000
Tanks.... 50 000
Airplanes... 500 fighters, 200 ground-attack aircraft, 100 heavy bombers, 400 attack choppers
Nuclear Weapons... ~100
Carriers... 3
Cruisers... 18
Destroyers... 60
Missile Frigates... 98
Missile Subs... 7
Attack Subs... 13
Active ABM forces: Sufficient to stop up to 100 nuclear warheads in a zone covering Centralis, Alecrast, Karakas, and the surounding area.
Note: Stats liable to change at any time due to current internal conflict.
EDIT: Naval and ABM forces added.
Last edited by GeneralTacticus; February 24, 2003 at 01:53.
February 21, 2003, 22:35
Local Time: 20:08
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Stats updated! 
If anyone has a better idea on tabulation presentation, please posit it forth here
ColdWizard- just assume that one troop costs about 100,000 dollars a year to maintain, then consdier that a tank costs about 500K. The just follow my model to calculate the economic spending.
If you need any specific help, just ask
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-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
February 21, 2003, 23:49
Local Time: 06:08
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Washed up SMAC/X University Specialist
Posts: 3,022
Pop: 214 Million
Army/Navy/Air Force: 200 Thousand / 250 Thousand / 250 Thousand
Approx Split within the forces between Non-Comissioned/Comissioned is 80/20. "Special Forces" comprise over 60% of all official forces, however significant covert overseas deployments are known to exist above and beyond these numbers, as demonstrated in the SS and Sheepsta Conflicts.
Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos
February 22, 2003, 08:24
Local Time: 20:08
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Casnewydd, Cymru
Posts: 372
Population: 581 Million
Troops.... 2.33 million
Marines... *classified*
Spec/Ops... *classified*
Tanks.... 20 500
Other Ground Attack Vehicles...
3500 armoured jeeps,
0 Mobile V2 Rocket Lanuchers (decommisioned),
2500 APCs
2500 attack fighters,
300 long-range bombers,
100 short-range heavy bombers,
0 attack choppers (decommissioned)
1 Advanced Heavy Cruiser (the flagship 'Endeavour'),
15 Heavy Cruisers
60 Battleships,
115 Cruisers,
5 Aircraft Carriers,
25 Frigates,
113 Destroyers,
50 Lightly-armoured Gunboats,
15 Nuclear-Attack Submarines,
0 Attack Submarines (Decommissioned),
3 Armoured Hovercraft,
360 Transports,
Nuclear Weapons...
5 ICBMs,
29 short range missiles,
10 'anti-satellite' missiles
Chemical Weapons... none
Biological Weapons... *classified*
1 C-Star Satellite (no weapons, used solely to track incoming missiles)
Numbers are aproximate and in most cases rounded down. Some areas have become classified even from friendly nations in order to protect Cerooan interestes around the globe.
Edit: Updated stats as nation has grown substantially
-Sir T
Last edited by ceroomaster; April 26, 2003 at 10:00.
February 22, 2003, 08:34
Local Time: 04:08
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: May 1999
Location: The City State of Noosphere, CPA special envoy
Posts: 14,606
Pop: 290 million
Army: 1 million, equipment includes tanks, APVs, attack helicopters, self-propelled, regular and missile artillery
Marine: 400 thousand
Special Forces: 100 thousand, including alpine troops
Navy: Consists mainly of destroyers, frigates, missile boats and other lighter ships with several heavy missile cruisers. No carriers have been planned. The sub fleet consists of mainly diesel attack boats with a number of nuclear attack boats. A small number of boomers are in service.
Air Force: 400 first line fighters, 600 second line fighters (to be replaced), 250 tactical bombers, 100 strategic bombers, plus special purpose planes (anti-sub warfare, etc.). Stealth craft numbers not disclosed.
Strategic Rocket Force: 85 ICBM with MIRV nuclear warheads.
Uncoventionals: anti-sat missiles, killer sats, thermoplama bombs, neutron bombs, EMP bombs, concussion bombs, sonic weapons, long range anti-radiation missiles, tactical missile defenses, laser weapons (in development), particle beam weapons (in development), non-lethal weapons.
Chemical weapons: none
Biological weapons: none
(\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
(='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
(")_(") "Starting the fire from within."
Last edited by Urban Ranger; February 22, 2003 at 08:41.
February 23, 2003, 01:13
Local Time: 12:08
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United States of Jackson
Population: 272 Million
Troops: 600,000
National Guard(reserves, not on full pay): 400,000
Paratroopers: 200,000
Spec/Ops: 3,750
Tanks(Abram M1A2 tank):65,500
Moblie Anti Aircraft missle jeeps: 6000
APC: 70,000
Self propelled Artillery: 5,000
Rocket Artillery: 4,500
Jeeps and other support trucks: 70,750
Troops: 300,000
Marine carriers(holds troops, helicopters airplanes and landing craft): 20
Destoryers: 60(for grauding aircraft carriers, but the carriers are not that big)
Attack Helicopters: 200
Transport Helocpters : 100
Pilots: 400,000
Fighters: 1500
Fighter/bombers: 800
Ground-Attack Aircraft: 520
Heavy Bombers(B-52): 160
Attack Helicopters: 1250
Trasport Helicopters: 600
Rescue Helicopters: 1000
Slealth Bombers: 30
Air Transport Planes: 200
Air Fuel Tankers:150 (able to refuel planes in flight)
Command and Controll planes(with Radar, ect.): 50
Gun Planes(artillery and other guns): 30
Sailors: 250,000
Air Craft Carriers: 8
Cruisers: 18
Destroyers: 120
Missile Frigates: 100
Missile Subs: 20
(Nuclear Missle) Subs: 10
Attack Subs: 40
Transport ships: 8000
Gun boats(mainly used close to coast and rivers): 1500
Coast Guard Patroll boats: 5,000
(Note all subs and carriers are powered by nuclear power)
Nuclear Forces:
Nuclear Weapons: 200 ICBMs
Tatical Nuclear Weapons(Used by Army): 50
Nuclear Missles on Missle Subs: 70
ABM system: Handles 100 ICMBs.
Special Notes:
The total Buget for United States of Jackson is 2.856 trillion Dollars. The Defense buget is 35% of this and is One trillion Dollars, 200 billion of which goes toward R and D in millitary technology. The government currently is giving a bost to millitary funding due to increasing tensions around the world. OUr ABM system is being currently improved. The Draft is only used when nation is at war and dire need of troops. Other wise the millitary is voluntary and is always looking for new recuits.
Last edited by Jack_www; March 7, 2003 at 23:02.
February 23, 2003, 12:34
Local Time: 22:08
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Free Land of Greater Mongolia
Population: 156 million
Troops: 156,000
Availability of supplementary military equipment is limited and outdated. Greater Mongolia does not have a navy, since it is land-locked.
All forces, and in fact the vast majority of the able-bodied Mongolian population, are well-trained and disciplined, having gone through a short compulsary period of military training, and living in a traditional nomadic society.
In the event of an attack on our nation, we should be able to field as much as 60 million soldiers. Whether we can actually equip them with anything other than a composite bow, sword, lance and horse is another question.
Greater Mongolia does not possess nuclear or chemical weapons. We may have a limited, experimental biological weapons program.
February 23, 2003, 18:11
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Updated through Urban Ranger!
Thanks for the submissions!
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-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
February 23, 2003, 18:47
Local Time: 21:08
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The Kingdom of Wine (using Jack_www list  )
Population: 303 Million
Troops: 4'000'000
Marines: 600'000
Spec/Ops: 3'750
Tanks(Alfa-Ferrari WT3 tank):100'000
Moblie Anti Aircraft missle jeeps: 1'000
APC: 15'000
Self propelled Artillery: 2'500
Rocket Artillery: 3'500
Jeeps and other support trucks: 70'000
Fighters: 800
Fighter/bombers: 750
Ground-Attack Aircraft: 430
Heavy Bombers(B-52): 215
Attack Helicopters: 600
Slealth Bombers: 45
Air Craft Carriers: 15
Battleships: 30
Cruisers: 27
Destroyers: 75
Missile Frigates: 80
Missile Subs: 32
(Nuclear Missle) Subs: 10
Attack Subs: 35
Nuclear Forces:
Nuclear Weapons: 400 ICBMs
Tatical Nuclear Weapons(Used by Army): 50
Nuclear Missles on Missle Subs: 100
Other Unconventional Forces:
Wine Bomb: 25'000 (spacial bomb which explode 1 Km above it's target nebulizing wine in the air, peaple breathing the air would get drunk and would be easily captured  )
((Used high stats because according to the last military ranking I'm the 11th Military Power in the region.))
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
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February 23, 2003, 21:09
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where do you get this stuff?
is this again one of those roleplaying threads?
if this is, I can tell you that my nation is one big spartan military camp, so you can add 62 million to your calculations. 
and even better they are placed outside Apo-Region, so the enemy have no clue about them.
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February 23, 2003, 21:54
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Updated through Greater Mongolia-
Andemagne- just use my formula to determine how much money yous pend on military expenditures and you'll be all right- that's how you do the claclauations... and I'd rather not add your information unleess you give exact stats like the others did
Note: Updated list and Iguana Fire (now includes MP's, coast guard and police)
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-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
February 23, 2003, 22:31
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I just updated my stats just so you know.
February 23, 2003, 22:38
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Originally posted by DarkCloud
Andemagne- just use my formula to determine how much money yous pend on military expenditures and you'll be all right
what formula?
My Words Are Backed With Bad Attitude And VETERAN KNIGHTS!
February 24, 2003, 00:42
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Originally posted by DarkCloud
Each person in Iguana Fire makes an average of 100,000í a year... and at 10% tax rate, each pays 10,000í in taxes; therefore the government earns 240,000,000,000í a year.
This formula.
Ah ha. I didn't see it before
(\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
(='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
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February 24, 2003, 00:43
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Location: The City State of Noosphere, CPA special envoy
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Some of you people are warmongers  Even the PRC, with 1.2 billion people, has an army of 4 million strong.
(\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
(='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
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February 24, 2003, 01:52
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What does the PRC need a huge army for anyway? They'd just be a drain on the economy.
Anyway, the Centralis population figure should be updated, as it's now 305 million.
February 24, 2003, 22:07
Local Time: 15:08
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Federation of Eation
Population: 260 Million
Troops: 10.24 million
Marines: 1,050,000
Paratroopers: 700,000
Spec/Ops: 43,750
Tanks(Abram M1A2 tank): 142,500
Moblie Anti Aircraft missle jeeps: 11,000
APC: 300,000
Self propelled Artillery: 20,000
Rocket Artillery: 10,500
Jeeps and other support trucks: 350,750
Fighters: 9,000
Fighter/bombers: 5,500
Ground-Attack Aircraft: 3,200
Heavy Bombers(B-52): 430
Attack Helicopters: 1,750
Trasport Helicopters: 500
Rescue Helicopters: 1,000
Slealth Bombers: 40
Air Transport Planes: 300
Air Fuel Tankers:300 (able to refuel planes in flight)
Command and Controll planes(with Radar, ect.): 160
Gun Planes(artillery and other guns): 90
Air Craft Carriers: 21
Cruisers: 60
Destroyers: 100
Missile Frigates: 500
Missile Subs: 130
(Nuclear Missle) Subs: 40
Attack Subs: 120
Transport ships: 8,200
Gun boats(mainly used close to coast and rivers): 300
Coast Guard Patroll boats: 3,500
(Note all subs and carriers are powered by nuclear power)
Nuclear Forces:
Nuclear Weapons: 500 ICBMs
Tatical Nuclear Weapons(Used by Army): 120
Nuclear Missles on Missle Subs: 160
Special Notes:
The total Buget for The Federation of Eation is 6.4 trillion Credits. The Defense buget is 25% of this and is 1.615 trillion Dollars, 149 billion of which goes toward R and D in millitary technology. The Draft is only used when nation is at war and dire need of troops. Other wise the millitary is voluntary and is always looking for new recuits.
Join the Civ4 SPDG and save the world one library at a time.
Term 1 Minister of Finances in the Civ4 Democracy Game and current Justice in the Civ4 Democracy Game
President of the Moderate Progressives of Apolyton in the Civ4 Democracy Game Aedificium edificium est Vires
Last edited by Nimitz; February 25, 2003 at 14:25.
February 24, 2003, 23:14
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The Empire of Drunken Macaque:
A large mob of drunken uni students.
(due to repeatedly slashing the military budget)
I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).
February 24, 2003, 23:25
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Nimitz you forgot to take out the name of my nation and put in your in the Special Note section. I see that many are copying my format of posting miltary stats.
February 24, 2003, 23:57
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Why do so many countries have hundreds of ICBMs? The US has something like 1200, but none of us has the economic strength nor the need for that.
(\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
(='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
(")_(") "Starting the fire from within."
February 25, 2003, 00:02
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February 25, 2003, 00:15
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Breakdown of naval forces
Command ships: 3
Heavy missile cruisers: 7
Light missile cruisers: 17
AEGIS anti-missile cruisers: 13
Missile destroyers: 25
ASW destroyers: 59
AEGIS anti-missile destroyers: 17
Missile frigates: 55
Frigates: 75
AEGIS anti-missile frigates: 29
Escorts: 97
Missile Boats: 173
Coastal patrol crafts: 335
Hydrofoils and hovercrafts: 753
Amphibious assault transports: 237
Diesel attack boats: 339
Nuclear attack boats: 33
Nuclear missile boats: 9
Experimental Heavy Cruiser Paris Commune
Non-combat vessels (including tugs, transports, tankers): not counted
(\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
(='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
(")_(") "Starting the fire from within."
Last edited by Urban Ranger; February 25, 2003 at 00:22.
February 25, 2003, 15:29
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Nimitz you forgot to take out the name of my nation and put in your in the Special Note section. I see that many are copying my format of posting miltary stats.
He just doubled all your stats
Some of your nations have far too much army
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-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
February 25, 2003, 16:15
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Originally posted by DarkCloud
He just doubled all your stats 
Some of your nations have far too much army
Acuatlly it is 10 times the amount of troops I have. Not dubled.
Does anyone think my stats are unrealistic?
February 25, 2003, 17:20
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I've changed the stats some are doubled, some are other, and one 10X and I've been building my military from the start and once prepared for war with an unknown threat.
Join the Civ4 SPDG and save the world one library at a time.
Term 1 Minister of Finances in the Civ4 Democracy Game and current Justice in the Civ4 Democracy Game
President of the Moderate Progressives of Apolyton in the Civ4 Democracy Game Aedificium edificium est Vires
February 25, 2003, 19:19
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Location: Deity of Lists
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Acuatlly it is 10 times the amount of troops I have. Not dubled.
Does anyone think my stats are unrealistic?
Somehow I think that both your and Nimitz are a bit overpriced... for example- the cost of just maintaining 1 soldier in the US is at least 40K a year for current salaries- plus at least another 20-40K for supplies (yearly) and weapons servicing.
Plus a donation of 100 dollars per soldier to the veterans fund...
and then equipment costs A LOT OF MONEY
plus the sheer expense of R&D... although I noticed you took that into consideration
Frankly, I think that it would probably be best if you both scaled back a bit
You don't have to, but that's just my suggestion, even if you are warmongers- because people need food producers, and if too many people are in the military there is no economy, etc.
...Just my views
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-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
February 25, 2003, 19:21
Local Time: 20:08
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2000
Location: Deity of Lists
Posts: 11,873
Iguana Fire
Population: 24 Million
Troops.... 15,000
Army Troops… 9,000
Naval Enlistees…150 (302)
Airmen… 4,000 (2,400)
Marines... 2,000
Coast Guard… 800
Police Force… 4,100
Civilian Police… 3,750
Military Police… 350
Spec/Ops... 310
Navy Elites… 40
Army Elites (Iguaz)… 160
Spies… 60
Tanks.... 3
Transport Cars… 15
Airplanes... 35
Fighters…. 20
(Iguana A-17
Iguana Experimental Class C- 3)
Bombers… 10
Stealth… 5
Navy… 5
Gunboats… 4
(Gecko Class)
Transports… 1
(Class A)
Chemical Warheads... 7
Iguana Fire's military is vastly underfunded, receiving 5% of the year's budget of 240 billion í... or an average of 12 billion a year; vastly increased from last year’s incomes of 600 million a year. This is sufficient to support the existing structures and expand slightly.
Recently, a new resolution to increase the military might of Iguana Fire was passed- raising the military’s funding from 0.5% a year to 5% a year. Nevertheless, the military is still underfunded.
Also recently, Iguana Fire’s Emperor, His Excellency Komnenus IV has declared that Iguana Fire increase production of Chemical Warheads. Currently Iguana Fire ramps out 3 Chemical Warheads a year; but is considering increasing its capacity; government personnel seeking out bids from all the top corporations.
There are on a gunboat- roughly 5-35 positions on a Gecko-Class Gunboat; and on a transport there are about 10-100 positions on a Class A Transport. Therefore; the Navy, needing twice the number of members to man the ships to serve them and store them; requires double the amount needed for any one gunboat.
Thereby making the calculation for Naval Enlistees. The number of support personnel is in brackets.
The I-Corps are Iguana Fire’s elite troops; trained to blend in with the surrounding populations and carry secret chemical and Biological weapons on their person; ready to unleash them in times of war. They are also well trained in the arts of making their own chemical and biological weapons as well as being trained in four forms of personal combat.
Monentary Summation
Each person in Iguana Fire makes an average of 100,000í a year... and at 10% tax rate, each pays 10,000í in taxes; therefore the government earns 240,000,000,000í a year.
í= the Igua (Iguana Fire's National Monentary Unit)
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-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
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