Chat Report
[22:03] <MartinGuehmann> So TURN CHAT STARTS NOW
[22:04] <MartinGuehmann> The first thing I have to do is filling the build queues
[22:04] <mrbaggins> are the orders clear to you, Martin
[22:04] <MartinGuehmann> unfortunatly MrBaggins posted his orders just before the chat
[22:04] <mrbaggins> or do you need me to clarify them?
[22:06] <MartinGuehmann> OK I did the change in CL
[22:06] <mrbaggins> cool..
[22:06] * maq has joined #lemuria
[22:06] <mrbaggins> did anyone notice the missing tech btw?
[22:06] <mrbaggins> ahh.. we have an MoD *smiles*
[22:06] <maq> evening
[22:06] <Locutus>

[22:07] <MartinGuehmann> It is better to do the build queues later
[22:07] <Locutus> hi, maq
[22:07] <MartinGuehmann> Hi Maq
[22:07] <maq> hey
[22:07] <Locutus> ehm, mrb, didn't follow the savegame discussion?
[22:07] <mrbaggins> no, Locutus
[22:07] <mrbaggins> I guess I should
[22:08] <MartinGuehmann> In the meantime I replaced the savegame by a healthy one
[22:08] <mrbaggins> I agree, Martin... they can really wait until after the Graz attack. Our building strat changes then
[22:08] <Locutus> well, to summarize: Martin replaced about a gazillion times to get the tech back but leave everything else more or less unchanged. a new savegame has been uploaded, with some (very) minor changes
[22:08] <MartinGuehmann> Same research options but H Town needs one more turn to finish the hopelite
[22:08] <mrbaggins> ok... i'm gonna load the altenate one
[22:09] <Locutus> replaced = replayed BTW
[22:09] <MartinGuehmann> Oh and by the no one should forget to reloadslic
[22:10] <Locutus> so, what's next? moving units?
[22:10] <MartinGuehmann> Yes moving units
[22:11] <MartinGuehmann> So I would go first for the easiest one
[22:11] <MartinGuehmann> That would be the lonely warrior that should be called Bait
[22:11] * Flash9286 has joined #lemuria
[22:11] <Locutus> yes, that one should go into pressburg
[22:11] * Flash9286 has left #lemuria
[22:12] <MartinGuehmann> Yes I do it now
[22:12] <Miggio> pedrunn has posted this:TURN 1: Move Hoplite near CL to CL.
[22:13] <Miggio> in the 10th turn chat thread
[22:13] <MartinGuehmann> Yes Miggio but that is only one of the two alternatives
[22:13] <Miggio> true
[22:13] <Miggio> which are we going with
[22:14] <MartinGuehmann> That depends on if we all accept the risks that will take the first plan with it
[22:14] <Locutus> that unit should go to CL regardless of what we're doing in the rest of the game

[22:14] <Miggio> i accept them
[22:14] <Locutus> me too, obviously
[22:14] <MartinGuehmann> Yes and has an automated move order
[22:15] <MartinGuehmann> and it is already executed
[22:15] <mrbaggins> option A)
[22:15] <mrbaggins> plan 1
[22:15] <Locutus> indeed, on my game too
[22:15] <MartinGuehmann> Wel I accept also the first plan
[22:15] <Locutus> mrb already accepted it in the forum, so unless he changed his mind that makes 4/7
[22:16] <mrbaggins> I think the people who voiced an opinion mainly spoke in favor of going for Graz ASAP
[22:16] <mrbaggins> so plan 1 is it
[22:16] <Locutus> indeed
[22:16] <MartinGuehmann> Yeah but I like also to haer the opion of the others
[22:16] <mrbaggins> sure
[22:16] <Locutus> only pedrunn was critical about it, initially...
[22:16] <MartinGuehmann> If noone object now it is plan 1
[22:17] <mrbaggins> silence denotes consent

[22:17] <Miggio> no objection here
[22:17] <Locutus> what mrbaggins said

[22:17] <MartinGuehmann> Yes so it is plan 1
[22:17] <mapfi> sound good but I have no clue anyway - haven't caught up with all the threads yet
[22:17] <Miggio> :b
[22:17] <mrbaggins> so thats another yes

[22:18] <Locutus> so, next step: move 1a1h from CL to Ped
[22:18] <MartinGuehmann> So next step is to move the two units from CL to Pedrunnia
[22:18] <Miggio> yup
[22:18] <Miggio> Move all the Four units from Pedrunnia (2H and a 2A) to Graz by the path: NW, NW, W, W, W, N (this last one far from Graz)
[22:19] <Locutus> one turn at a time - we might encounter barbs/austrians...
[22:20] <Miggio> thats the same turn
[22:20] <Miggio> different set of units
[22:20] <Locutus> nw, nw is, the wwwn part isn't

[22:20] <mrbaggins> agreed
[22:20] <MartinGuehmann> Units from Pedrunnia moved
[22:20] <MartinGuehmann> and unit from CL moved
[22:20] <Miggio> Move all 2A/1H from Pressburg to south
[22:20] <Locutus> wait, is that right?
[22:21] <Miggio> thats from the thread
[22:21] <mrbaggins> thats the thread
[22:21] <Locutus> my original plan said 2 units, not 3. of course, 3 is also possible but that will leave Pressburg even more vulnerable...
[22:21] <MartinGuehmann> Yeah it is risky
[22:21] <mrbaggins> 3 is ok
[22:21] <Miggio> how many units will be left in press
[22:21] <Locutus> just a warrior
[22:21] <mrbaggins> move 1 from HTown
[22:21] <MartinGuehmann> One wounded warrior
[22:21] <Miggio> bait right
[22:22] <MartinGuehmann> Yes
[22:22] <Miggio> i would say only move 2 then
[22:22] <Locutus> (and a hoplite next turn if we rush-buy it)
[22:22] <mrbaggins> The movement in front of HTown protects it a bit...
[22:22] <mrbaggins> i think we go with 3
[22:22] <mrbaggins> seriously... we shouldn't nit pick here
[22:22] <mrbaggins> better too many than too few
[22:22] <mrbaggins> move 1 troop from HTown north
[22:23] <mrbaggins> or better
[22:23] <Locutus> well, if we change the production to archer and rush-buy it (if needed), I can live with 3. even safer in the attack
[22:23] <mrbaggins> move 2 from Pressburg
[22:23] <mrbaggins> one from HTown
[22:23] <Locutus> we already plan on using ALL troops in H Town, mrbaggins...
[22:23] * mrbaggins smiles
[22:24] <mrbaggins> ok then
[22:24] <MartinGuehmann> so we do the risky plan three then
[22:24] <mrbaggins> its ok with me
[22:24] <Miggio> yes
[22:24] <Locutus> so, leave just the warrior in P-burg?
[22:24] <MartinGuehmann> Yes
[22:24] <mrbaggins> i think warrior/Hoplite should be ok
[22:24] <Locutus> I say yes too
[22:24] <MartinGuehmann> So any objections?
[22:24] <Locutus> warrior+archer would be better, MrB.
[22:24] <Locutus> if we change produciton...
[22:25] <mrbaggins> true...
[22:25] <mrbaggins> ok.. change production
[22:25] <mrbaggins> to archer
[22:25] <MartinGuehmann> So 3 units and production to archer
[22:25] <mrbaggins> yes
[22:25] <mrbaggins> and rush it
[22:25] <mrbaggins> 215 gold
[22:25] <mrbaggins> agreed?
[22:25] <MartinGuehmann> and adding up to 4 units to the build queue
[22:25] <Locutus> yup
[22:26] <mrbaggins> thats fine, Martin, except I plan on changing it post Graz, anyway
[22:26] <MartinGuehmann> 215 gold agreed
[22:27] <HTower> gtg, group meeting for school calls me
[22:27] * HTower has left #lemuria
[22:27] <Miggio> bye H
[22:27] <MartinGuehmann> added archer and hoplite to the build queue and deleted the first item and rush bought the archer
[22:27] <MartinGuehmann> Bye H
[22:27] <Locutus> he's already gone

[22:27] <mrbaggins> Don't we have to move the Lemuforce this turn?
[22:28] <MartinGuehmann> I think we don't have to move it
[22:28] <Locutus> the 12 stack? well, if we want to keep the plan secret, then no. if we want to keep an eye on Graz, then yes. what do we want?
[22:28] <mrbaggins> i say move now
[22:28] <MartinGuehmann> But we could expell the settler
[22:29] <mrbaggins> if they leave the city, I want to know about it
[22:29] <mrbaggins> (the Graz stack)
[22:29] <Miggio> well if they see a 12 stack comming they will send more our way
[22:29] <Miggio> units that is
[22:29] <mrbaggins> mini vote?
[22:29] <MartinGuehmann> I don't think they will leave the city
[22:30] <mrbaggins> i've seen it happen plenty of times in SAP2 games
[22:30] <Locutus> yeah, frenzy can do things like that sometimes
[22:30] <mapfi> 2nd baggins
[22:30] <mrbaggins> i vote move
[22:30] <MartinGuehmann> Well so let's move it to see
[22:30] <Locutus> reluctantly 2nd mrbaggins...
[22:30] <Miggio> yes lets move
[22:30] <mrbaggins> SW
[22:31] <MartinGuehmann> As I said I vote move it too
[22:31] <mapfi> what settler is that you were talking about?
[22:31] <MartinGuehmann> It is a Scottish settler
[22:31] <Miggio> near H town
[22:31] <mrbaggins> SW-SW rather
[22:31] <Locutus> agreed, sw-sw
[22:32] <MartinGuehmann> I can only move it one tile SW
[22:32] <mrbaggins> huh?
[22:32] <mrbaggins> odd
[22:32] <Locutus> why?
[22:32] <MartinGuehmann> It is not on the river
[22:32] <Locutus> uhm, it is...
[22:33] <mrbaggins> river and then more river
[22:33] <Locutus> sw is river
[22:34] <MartinGuehmann> Could you post a screenshot
[22:34] <Miggio> there is one
[22:34] <MartinGuehmann> to see that we are talking about the same situation
[22:35] * mapfi_ has joined #lemuria
[22:35] <Miggio> mapfi_
[22:35] <mapfi_> bad connection - as I said
[22:35] <Miggio> ?!?!
[22:35] <Miggio> oh
[22:35] <Locutus> the stack is sw of HT, the river sw of the stack
[22:36] <MartinGuehmann> OK I got it
[22:36] <Miggio> ??river with farm or not??
[22:36] <MartinGuehmann> So SW SW
[22:36] <Locutus> no, that's south. sw-sw has no form (but it is river+grassland)
[22:37] <Locutus> farm, rather
[22:37] * mapfi__ has joined #lemuria
[22:37] <Locutus> ouch...
[22:37] <Miggio> lol map
[22:37] <mapfi__> sorry
[22:37] <Locutus> shall I kick the old ones?
[22:37] <mapfi__> please do
[22:37] * mapfi was kicked by Locutus (Locutus)
[22:37] * mapfi_ was kicked by Locutus (Locutus)
[22:38] <maq> made it look like there was more people
[22:38] <MartinGuehmann> So before I move the size 12 stack I think we have to talk about the slider settings
[22:39] <MartinGuehmann> without the martial law Pressburg and H Town will riot next turn
[22:40] <Locutus> yeayeah, HTown and Pressburg are unhappy, and that's not gonna get better anytime soon. turn the food slider up a notch, I say...
[22:40] <Miggio> pedrunn suggested to minimise the food slider
[22:40] <Locutus> rations, that is
[22:40] * mapfi__ is now known as mapfi
[22:40] <mrbaggins> i think so
[22:40] <mapfi> yep, move the food slider
[22:41] <maq> whats the wages slider on?
[22:41] <MartinGuehmann> Yeah one or two notches
[22:41] <Locutus> everything is maxed out right now
[22:41] <MartinGuehmann> the other sliders are maxed out
[22:41] <mrbaggins> 2 notches
[22:41] <Locutus> no, 1 should do
[22:41] <mrbaggins> 2 notches works
[22:41] <mrbaggins> no one starves
[22:41] <maq> id sacrifice more wages...
[22:41] <MartinGuehmann> 2 notches for shure
[22:41] <Locutus> oh wait, wrong mod

[22:41] <MartinGuehmann> 1 notch for possible
[22:42] <MartinGuehmann> actual only wrong government

[22:42] <MartinGuehmann> so I go for two
[22:42] <Miggio> i 2nd that
[22:42] <Locutus> 1 notch gives 74 happiness. we need those units in HTown, or the city will be undefended. so let's play safe and go for 2 for the moment (change back ASAP)
[22:43] <mrbaggins> no wage notches needed
[22:43] <mrbaggins> go with 2 notches on food
[22:43] <MartinGuehmann> ok I moved the units out of Pressburg
[22:43] <Locutus> sorry, 72, not 74
[22:43] <Locutus> btw, shall we change production in pedrunnia from archer to hoplite? It has 1a now with 1a1h underway...
[22:44] <MartinGuehmann> Yup that would be better
[22:44] <mrbaggins> no, Locutus...
[22:44] <MartinGuehmann> No, why
[22:44] <mrbaggins> its partially going to provide Pedrunnia with defense
[22:44] <mrbaggins> those were my thoughts
[22:44] <mrbaggins> oh.. my bad
[22:44] <Locutus> why not, mrbaggins? that leaves a more balanced army? it needs those hoplites anyway...
[22:44] <mrbaggins> yes
[22:45] <mrbaggins> lets go with hoplite
[22:45] <mrbaggins> it'll be done prior to Graz attack
[22:45] <mrbaggins> so go ahead
[22:45] * mapfi_ has joined #lemuria
[22:46] <MartinGuehmann> So inserted hoplite at the front of the queue and inserted an hpelite between the archers
[22:46] <mapfi_> yehaa - i'm sorry, not my day today - i'm going now anyway, just wanted to say good bye
[22:46] <MartinGuehmann> So good bye
[22:46] <Miggio> bye mapfi
[22:46] <maq> g'night
[22:46] <mapfi_> maq, actually the night's just about to start...

[22:47] <MartinGuehmann>

[22:47] <mrbaggins> so can we move the 12 stack now?
[22:47] <mrbaggins>

[22:47] <Locutus> bye, mapfi
[22:47] <MartinGuehmann> Of course if you confirm the changes to the build queue I made
[22:47] * mapfi_ has quit IRC (Quit: Trillian (
[22:47] <Locutus> yeah, move the stack already

[22:47] <mrbaggins> MoDA: confirmed, Martin... hoplite, archer, hoplite archer in Pedrunnia
[22:48] * mapfi was kicked by Locutus (Locutus)
[22:48] <Miggio> lol
[22:48] <MartinGuehmann> Moved stack SW SW
[22:48] <MartinGuehmann> We can see Graz now
[22:48] <maq> i take it no ones doing screenshots tonight? that wouldve been helpful

[22:48] <Locutus> good
[22:48] <MartinGuehmann> SO END TURN
[22:48] <mrbaggins> save... and we can do screenshots later
[22:48] <Locutus> no
[22:48] <mrbaggins> END TURN
[22:48] <MartinGuehmann> Yeah save first
[22:48] <Locutus> should we rush-buy then unit in town?
[22:48] <Locutus> htown
[22:49] <mrbaggins> htown?
[22:49] <Locutus> it's gonna be with 0 defenses in 2 turns. we need to get those back up to level ASAP
[22:49] <Locutus> already lost a turn due to martin's replaying
[22:50] <Locutus> it'll cost 753
[22:50] <mrbaggins> i don't have an absolute opinion
[22:50] <mrbaggins> its a lot of cash
[22:50] <mrbaggins> do you have an opinion, Locutus?
[22:50] <Locutus> I do

I think it's needed
[22:50] <MartinGuehmann> So I saw one Austrian unit entering Graz, I think it was a hoplite
[22:50] <mrbaggins> Martin?
[22:50] <mrbaggins> too late

[22:51] <Locutus> damn you martin, I said no!
[22:51] <Locutus> oh well...
[22:51] <MartinGuehmann> Damn ...
[22:51] <mrbaggins> I saw it too
[22:51] <Miggio> that would probally put graz at 12defenders
[22:51] <MartinGuehmann> ok ..
[22:51] <mrbaggins> we'll still be ok...
[22:51] <mrbaggins> they are frontline heavy
[22:51] <Miggio> true
[22:52] <MartinGuehmann> So let's continue
[22:52] <mrbaggins> move CL stack to Pedrunnia
[22:52] <maq> park the stack outside their city and see if they attack us
[22:52] <Locutus> yeah, a hoplite moved in
[22:52] <MartinGuehmann> H Town has a happiness of 72
[22:52] <Locutus> with 2 stacks we can manage probably...
[22:53] <Locutus> 72? how can that be?
[22:53] <mrbaggins> are you sure Martin? its 73 in my game
[22:53] <mrbaggins> what do you have your food slider set to?
[22:53] <mrbaggins> and how many defenders?
[22:53] <Locutus> it's 72 in mine too
[22:54] <MartinGuehmann> food slider gives +1 happiness
[22:54] <mrbaggins> right
[22:54] <mrbaggins> f*** i left a wage slider set to 1 notch
[22:54] <MartinGuehmann> food slider is set as discribed 2 nothches
[22:54] <Locutus> ouch, war discontent - that might be the culprit...
[22:55] <mrbaggins> yes... war discontent... but what are we gonna do?
[22:55] <MartinGuehmann> yes -1
[22:55] <MartinGuehmann> Well we could leave it and hope the hopelite is finished next turn
[22:55] <MartinGuehmann> or we can rush buy it
[22:55] <Miggio> move the 12 stack back into our territory
[22:55] <Locutus> hmm, increase wages for 1 turn? to at least make sure the city will have 1 defender?
[22:55] <Miggio> that will get rid of war dis
[22:56] <Locutus> no, that stack is needed where it is
[22:56] <mrbaggins> no, miggio... we have to move on now
[22:56] <mrbaggins> i'm ok with a notch on the wages slider
[22:56] <Locutus> the slider loss will be more than made up for if we take graz...
[22:56] <Miggio> i really need a screen shot
[22:57] <mrbaggins> the Graz area, Miggio?
[22:57] <Locutus> k, booting up PSP
[22:57] <MartinGuehmann> Yeah one notch will do it
[22:57] <Miggio> yes pls
[22:57] <maq> 2 stacks will be close...
[22:57] <MartinGuehmann> So I will add one notch
[22:58] <mrbaggins> so...stack from Pressburg SE-SE?
[22:59] <MartinGuehmann> So then they are in H Town
[22:59] <mrbaggins> that puts it into HTown and cures happiness for next turn
[22:59] <Locutus> to H Town indeed
[22:59] <MartinGuehmann> That means I don't need to move the slider
[22:59] <mrbaggins> and no need for a slider move
[22:59] <mrbaggins> right
[22:59] <Locutus> good point
[23:00] <MartinGuehmann> so it goes to H Town
[23:00] <mrbaggins> everyone agrees?
[23:00] <Locutus> I had actually calculated that in in my plan - already forgot about that

[23:00] <Miggio> i agree
[23:00] <mrbaggins> ok.. reset the slider and move the units then
[23:00] <MartinGuehmann> So it is done and the slider is reset
[23:01] <mrbaggins> move the 12 stack to the forest
[23:01] <mrbaggins> and move the pedrunnia stack w
[23:01] <Locutus> screenshot posted for miggio (not that there's much to see)
[23:01] <mrbaggins> but that should be simon says *G*
[23:01] <Miggio> Meet all H Tower units with units from Pressburg (W). Call 'back up'
[23:02] <Locutus>

[23:02] <Miggio> thanks
[23:02] <MartinGuehmann> Yes I give it a pathed move order so it will move three times West
[23:02] <Locutus> don't give it a path order - we may encounter unexpected company and we don't want the army to move on its own before that...
[23:02] <mrbaggins> can't move this turn, but will next, right?
[23:03] <Locutus> damn, sorry, screenshot screwed up. will do it again
[23:03] <mrbaggins> agreed, Locutus... please cancel pathed order
[23:03] <Miggio> ok
[23:03] <MartinGuehmann> pathed move order cancled
[23:04] <mrbaggins> 12 stack in forest?
[23:04] <mrbaggins> (fortify?)
[23:04] <mrbaggins> end turn
[23:04] <mrbaggins> (if you all agree)
[23:05] <MartinGuehmann> End Turn not yet
[23:06] <Locutus> agree
[23:06] <Locutus> what's left, martin?