I've found that it differs from civ to civ and how many are left (and usually I'm so far ahead at that time that it just doesn't matter) but in my recent monarch game Russia was the only civ left and did it's modern research as so:
Rocketry (free tech), Computers, Ecology (I might have traded it to him), Space Flight, Satellites, Synthetic Fibers, Stealth, Amphibious Warfare, Advanced Flight, ??
I was surprised he went back to industrial techs while I was building the spaceship. I also traded Recycling, Miniturization and Fission to Russia, but that was after the lead and spaceship were assured.
Once when I played, India or Egypt, can't remember who, researched Fission very quickly and started right away on the UN. Maybe since it was just Russia and I that Russia decided to ignore Fission.